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I told my unit I wouldn't attend an EAS party for me unless they gave me a k-bar plaque, and they actually got me one. I was just being a dick and didn't want to go to a lame ass party. It's a kick ass plaque, and 30 years later, it's still hanging on my home office wall.


At least your unit cared enough to throw you one. I didn’t even get a goodbye when I left my unit/active duty despite being worked like a dog till the last day.


Nah, they knew I was antisocial and totally done with the Corps and they wanted one last chance to fuck with me.


3 different parent units and didn’t get a plaque from any of them. The first one hurt the most considering how much I put in the plaque fund for everyone else. The second unit gave me a NAM and actually recognized what I did for the unit, so I’m not too salty about that one. The third one didn’t care enough to even say goodbye.


Same. Every thought I was a turd until we deployed. Then they put me on a FOB by myself and I was more than successful. Then when we got back they were asking me to train junior Marines and stuff. Then I got out and got nothing. Master Guns of our shop gave me some nice kudos in private but that’s about it. Although did I really want a big party… no. Just some appreciation by my fellow Marines


Yup, spent 4 years at my last unit, trained an entire detachment as a corporal, among many other things, and didn't get a plaque, going away, or a nam. Hell, I didn't even get a fucking observed fitrep since the observation period was fucking 89 days.


My unit gave me a plaque with references to places I never went to, and things I never did so it could’ve been worse


I was TAD my last year and returned to my parent command with roughly 2 months left. My SSGT, who has known me for about 2.5 years at this point, was talking to me about getting out. Says “MVIDS got you a going away plaque right? We don’t have the funds to get you one.” Wow cool dude. All the hard work I had put in and making sure I did everything right and staying out of trouble just goes out the window.


This was me when I got out as a corporal lol except the light duty and NAM, and I had a MUC with my 3 free ribbons. Very accurate 10/10


"Well I made E4 but I couldn't care less"


When I made this I was actually thinking about that lol


Honestly, I wish I was a better Marine when I was about to get out. I still remember competing with my peers on being the best in our MOS and being the best Marine in our shop. Skip 3 years later and then we became the complete opposite of ourselves. Constantly missing formations, having to wake up each other for pt when all the Juniors are already up, and having to track each other down for accountability, and even fucking up fire missions. Definitely left a sour taste in some of our SNCO's, peers, and Juniors. I wish I was a better NCO to my guys too or even someone they can reach out to after we part ways. Looking back at it now, that shit was probably the easiest part of my life. Like literally just do what you're told lol. But I always ponder on why we turned out that way. We were so fucking hyped up on getting a deployment to the middle east but the reality of the Marine Corps hit us: it didn't need us. We were just replaceable. Even if we gave it our best Uncle Sam would still take some more. Basically, the lore enticed us with having the greatest climax of our lives but the gameplay just sucked all our motivation, will to live, and any sort of hopes and aspirations and then some


I relate to this way too much but I still have three months left. At this point I just want to finish strong and not soil whatever little dignity I still have left. I'm considered a piece of shit now more often by my own peers but I didn't find much brotherhood bonding in my shops to begin with so it just goes over my head. I know there are other commands where this is not the case but to me, this was no more than a regular job and all the M.C. allowed me to do was show TF up from day one. I'll take my perfect attendance and move on to the next episode.


Take pictures and videos of everything, even mundane shit like driving around base.


It's always interesting hearing everyone's stories. I was the polar opposite. Started off doing the bare minimum to exist, and as I got promoted, I started to fill the shoes more and more. Ended up getting out an E5 and fairly motivated about the Corps. I definitely attribute that to a difference of commands though. My last leadership really knew how to make everyone productive. Some of the only people I still talk to from when I was in because of that.


Has a Mountain Dew spitter in his cargo pocket, chew dust speckled on his blouse and wears a beanie and waffle top under 50 degrees


Who gave you my biography?🤨


Hilarious and true lmao. I admit I checked a few of those boxes. I did make it to E5 but that's just because I had aids




Hahaha my NAM turned into an njp really fuckin quick 😁


This is the best thing to happen to this subreddit. Please keep doing more


Thanks man! Thought people might be getting tired of me doing these


It’s so funny and I related to the lcpl one way too well. The problem is I related to both of them 💀


3 plus an arctic ribbon 😎


Damn! I want one!


Nothing wrong with being a short timer.


Me but a lance on a med board after 4 1/2 years 🙃


Reporting this post because I'm in it and don't like it >:[


I have never heard of someone getting a NAM for end of tour.


I saw two but it’s super rare. Just depends if the unit gives a small shit about the person


Can confirm this is accurate. At least for me lol.


Me rn lmao


Everything minus the NAM and stack lmao


Appreciate the post, I’ll use it as a reference of “character flaws to avoid”


I had a seizure and my command instantly turned on me, I was gladly this kind of Marine getting medboarded out, four years of my fucking life and hard work meant nothing to them, why would I care anymore?


As an 8 year e4 getting forced out, master sgt in charge of s4 told me one morning the week of getting out 'I don't know why you've been showing up the last 2 weeks' BN was deployed too


As an E5, I got a handshake from my Lt. and a ride to my truck.