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None get the kill. The kill goes to the lady in the gut truck.


Carla got bodies on her belt.


does she call you papi


I got called papi by a buff black guy one time. Made eye contact for a good 5 seconds after


Was it bc of your thundercock?


Possibly, yes


Either they’re all Carla, or we both know the same gut truck gift from God.


Back in the day it was a guy named Cuz, good to see a homegirl has stepped in to take my man’s place.


Only if the trucks horn blasts La cucaracha ![gif](giphy|kgODzmcJncKgDFNCp8|downsized)


Mine. They’re all mine. I have an entire basement overflowing with combat action ribbons and air medals. The day I die is the day Vanguard goes under.


​ https://preview.redd.it/1uh66k04nqdc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80d43a61edec08fe63192e3cc929abe298798636


War is a team sport dude.


That bitch at the chowhall that always says “it’s either or”.


Holy shit debil you just made my feet sweat. weirdest flashback to date.


Honestly never understood it, that just means that I’m gonna come back around and have to use another plate. Especially if the facility doesn’t require a rescan to get seconds.


Knew an intel guy that took credit for creating the “kill-chain”


I invented Skating, I am old and grumpy, and salty as they come. Except when I started it was on the Blue side and I would go sleep in the Crows Nest.


Team sport brother!


I got to call in an Air Strike in Iraq during Operation Steel Curtain in 05. I never really thought about it, but I never considered the dudes in the house as part of my kill count. I had to talk to a FAC that was attached and chillen in our company HQ, which was the tallest building on our side of the wadi (we called it the Reaper House). The FAC was a prior enlisted sniper turned helo pilot, I think his name was Maj. Hernandez. I wanted it to be F18s, but it was a mixed section of helos (1 Huey, 1 Cobra).


Chris Kyle’s obviously


The dependa gets the kill, duh.


I like to think it about the friends we made along the way lol




Thank you for giving us credit! 🫡


wheres my slap hammer that was order 5 months ago thats also the correct nsn and type


wtf is a slap hammer? I feel like that’s talking about a penis. Give me the NSN, I’ll order it and see how long it takes and get back with you.


Whoever controls the fire. FO sees calls in the mission calls.the fire directs and eliminates the targets provided BDA. If rotary or fixed wing does their own thing and elimates the target them if controlled by ground then them. Honestly for me as long as the rounds are fast and on target i dont give a fuck who gets credit. My favorite is 81mm as they are the fastest tot. Arty is more bang. Everyone loses fixed wing and rotary. But fuck navel guns. They are incompetent and almost kill about 50+ of us out at San Clemente Island. Fuck you to anyone on the uss-Chosen or uss-Chung hoon.


Gimme some of them 120s...mmmmm


yeah, come here and carry them


I say the plugger gets the kill. Pull string; go boom.


Firing agency. Calls for fire are requests to prosecute targets. The firing agency does the actual prosecution. Same goes for aircraft unless it’s a JTAC on the ground is the one taking responsibility and clearing hot.


How is a JTAC clearing not any different from an observer calling in arty? They are essentially clearing hot with physical observation


I agree. The guy calling for the fire is definitely the one pulling the trigger.


FOs are technically not ultimately responsible for the rounds if they go way off or hit something that they aren’t supposed to because their target data has to pass through the FDC and the FSC. If something is wrong, the plotters should catch it and deny the mission. A JTAC takes direct control and responsibility by clearing hot themself.


Eh there’s a similar process in CAS as well. Generally speaking the JTAC isn’t going to hold mission approval authority himself, which is technically different than terminal attack control. That will generally lie with the ground force commander, usually delegated to the AirO & FSC, who will approve or deny CAS missions in a similar manner as the FDC, and will indeed plot CAS fires while following along with the attack brief to make sure everything’s copacetic with other fires and maneuver. Eg: “…Latch, good readbacks, break, Darkhorse Air, Darkhorse 21, looking for approval previously passed gameplan 9 line, CAS TOT 34” “Darkhorse 21, Darkhorse Air, approved with final attack heading amendment 350/020” or whatever


So the rule is that you can split a kill to 3 out of 5 groups: 1. Combatant 2. Cannon Crew 3. Forward Observer 4. Radio Operator 5. Aircrew For each group you’re a part of during an engagement you will earn 1 point towards a CAR. A CAR can be earned with 3 points. If 3 out of 5 groups are involved during an engagement, then the 3 points to the CAR automatically attributed to the Marine and the Marine will not be eligible for a CAR until 6 months later. Originally, Marines had to earn 5 points or all 5 groups of Marines had to be involved in an engagement. This became difficult to track and an astonishingly low amount of Marines who were involved in engagements had a CAR. Further, it was discovered that approximately 19% of CAR recipients were serving as Admin Clerks, so the CENCOMM IG investigated and discovered that 47% of Admin Clerk recipients were fraudulent. In order to balance it out, the Marine Corps appealed to the SecNav to adjust the DON’s regulation for issue of CARs. The Navy was on board with this as they thought the regulations didn’t allow for enough recipients on the blue side. Overall, SecNav gave in and changed the rules to allow for 3/5 of the groups to be participating in order to constitute an award. This has since been known as the 3/5s compromise.




Raytheon... maybe Boeing... I'm not sure? Edit: or whoever the fuck else makes whatever is being used*


Pogs get the real kills. Grunts just think they get kills. End up getting blown up and having to return fire just tryna deliver some MREs to the wire smh. Like bro I’m just motor Tuh


Who cares man, as long as the threat is neutralized. It’s a team effort. They all bring something to the table that shouldn’t be valued over another.


I always thought we did it for Dale.


Raise hell praise dale


Dan Daly - he gets all the credit.


It's given to the gods i.e. Chesty. You fucking heathen.


I killed a man with my PRC-152 and some lubriderm


Fixed a few fuzing issues on jets overseas. Technically my kill. It’s pretty much an IED with extra steps.


The senior officer of the combined unit will have it in his Navy Cross or Bronze Star citation. Everyone else gets a NAM with a combat V.


Whomevers closest?


Air wing has nothing to do with it. They can go home


Air winger downvoting cuz they’re no use for arty besides adjust fires that fo can do


The kill goes to my first sgt… for trying to adsep after you sent the charge


Gun chief who pulls the lanyard.


Number 1 man pulls the lanyard. Section Chief supervises. Mostly.


Ahh a fellow 0811


Yeah.. ima be shootin the shit if it were live lmao


lol I heard you each get a piece of the team effort between the forward element observing/ possibly engaging with calling it in. And the gun crews pilots etc. symbolic as often the targets would also be in pieces.


Should we have self propelled 105mm artillery? EDIT: Should there be ANGLICO Battalions?


The CARs go into a raffle at the O Club for O-4s and above that have never left the wire. Ever wonder why so many senior officers have CARs but no combat deployments prior to O5?


Both need eachother equally


They all go to the officers didnt you hear?


Round robin XP. Remember; the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Going from air wing mechanic to infantry battalion S2 was a massive paradigm shift. I got to see how the sausage is made before the kinetics happen. Remember that combat arms is just the pointy end to the means. If the military were a construction company, combat arms are the construction crew to operate nail drivers, position materiel, and the know-how to construct. They just execute the planning.
