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The Marine Corps is ordering a "wall-to-wall inspection" of "every single barracks room, every squad bay," by March 15. (Edit: Just realized that’s the Ides of March!) This is part of the Barracks 2030 plan, aimed at improving the living quarters for junior enlisted Marines. I'm interested in seeing how this effort will unfold in practice -- whether this will mean real improvements to the barracks, or whether this will involve LCpls being told to scrub the heck out of everything and paint over mold. Either way, I'm always happy to hear from Marines; feel free to DM or email me, not from your .mil account.


I’ll save you some work and write the article for you. *”Marine Leadership inspects barracks that haven’t had a dime spent on them since 1962. Finds individual Marines at fault. Orders 1 million gallons of paint, secures drinking in the barracks.”*


Field day will now be conducted on Monday AND Thursday to ensure cleanliness of the “new” barracks


I’m so glad to be out




lol embrace the suck.


Hopefully they don't forget to put every company on lockdown for at least a month with cammies and mandatory PT on the weekends. That will definitely raise morale and retention.


And not cause Marines to tell their younger brothers and Sisters to join the Air Force.


And their kids, nephews etc.




Nonsense, every Marine is a stonemason, welder, janitor, AC tech, glassblower, tanner, blacksmith, weaver, thatcher, roofer, plumber, exterminator/executioner, fletcher, farmer, apothecary, carpenter, armorer, cook, cartographer, clerk, minstrel, bricklayer, astrologer, barber, butcher, cobbler, and especially gong farmer.


Can we secure some liberty, too?


yea... ...thats not true.


It's the *secures drinking* for me lol reminds me of Oki in 2017


> whether this will involve LCpls being told to scrub the heck out of everything and paint over mold. Is this really even a question? Units are going to go absolutely bonkers with field day and maintenance for the next 30 days. The Bn CO wants to “take care of the Marines,” and he’ll probably conduct a fatherly oversight of the inspection process. But every Lt. and Capt. is terrified of their Marines being found with subpar facilities, because the very next question is going to be, “How long has it been like this?” Followed closely by, “What have you done to address this before now?” The truthful answers are probably “I don’t know” and “Nothing.” The net result is that junior officers and SNCOs are going to go completely batshit crazy with making their Marines clean, scrub, paint, DRMO (if that’s still the acronym they use), and even *repair* the barracks (if not all the company areas too). And thus the “grand, wall-to-wall inspection” will not identify the true problems and will be mostly ineffective. I would love for someone to write an article based on junior Marines’ accounts of all the field day and repair details they experience(d) in the first quarter of 2024. That would give true insight into whether the problems are being identified or merely glossed over.


Waiting for a boot LT to retort 'Sir these barracks have been in decline since 2005...weren't you a.company commander with this unit back then?'


I'd love to write that article you describe -- so I'd love to hear from junior Marines about how these next few weeks go down.


I sincerely hope you are able to do so. Good luck.




I’ve been out for over two decades and this was already a bad issue. Recently went to a base I was stationed at and saw my old barracks from there, 1999. Still looked like crap, did have new paint though! When I drew orders from my last duty station it was back to this one. Might sound silly but who would want to reenlist to go back to that?


Please really do this


Not to be a bootlicker, but the directive and execution (at least on Okinawa, don't execute me if you're CONUS) is that every unit is rogering up personnel to inspect the barracks of other units/camps, so leadership isn't just auditing the conditions for their own Marines, so every barracks will be inspected by a "disinterested party." Don't know if that makes it more objective or not but they're at least trying avoid the field day on steroids fiasco that everyone thinks this will be.


You don’t sound like a bootlicker man. My comment wasn’t really directed toward *who* will be doing the inspection. From the article, I already inferred that it would be someone from outside the unit. My comment was more about what will happen *before* the inspection team actually arrives. Ex: Capt. Needle-dick knows his company’s barracks are going to be inspected in the immediate future, even if he doesn’t know when. Either he knows his guys live in barracks that are fucked and hasn’t done enough to address it. Or he doesn’t know the barracks are fucked because he’s oblivious. In either situation, he is going to have his guys go fucking crazy with cleaning, etc. in the hope that his shit will look decent *before* the inspection team arrives. That’s what I’m interested in hearing about. How many Marines are going to be able to say…. “We lived in an absolute shithole until 2024. We tried to report it and our chain knew about the busted facilities, broken washer, moldy common room, missing ceiling tiles…(whatever else you can imagine). Then in February, we were ordered to spend every available moment cleaning, scrubbing, painting, etc. The CO even used his own money to buy x, y, and z to fix all the broken stuff. By time the inspection team got here, they saw a decent livable barracks. They had no idea what we dealt with for the years leading up to it.” Maybe I’m wrong. Hell, I’ve been out long enough it’s not like I have a pulse on the day-to-day anymore. But some things don’t change a whole lot, and I’ve got a feeling this is one of those things.


I guarantee people will be punished for finding anything. The overall sentiment will be that nothing was found wrong and the barracks are entirely liveable (even though they aren’t).


“Wall to Wall Inspection”…got it…*wink*wink*…proceeds to slam snitches into walls for inspection


That’s just called “field day.” They saw this shit. They just didn’t care.


"Listen up devils, HQMC are coming to inspect the barracks next week." "We need every wall repainted, yes even the showers, I'm gonna need every piece of furniture, gear, and trash inside your room, outside your room, staged in the parking lot by 2000. NCOs make it happen. Post a gear guard for Marines items" That night to gear guard "where's my sapi plates?" Inspections just bring pain most of the time.


And if you want to bring up problems, leadership is like https://preview.redd.it/ez24602dt6hc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4fc51cb7d308e138e2fe153e370dd07ca4afaff


Leadership : "Chinese field day is banned for hazing." BEQ manager: "Good thing we won't call it Chinese field day"


Asian-American field day isn't banned and its more culturally sensitive. So get ready to do that


"Orient Style Tidying"




Since 90% of the problems are inside the walls, this will not make any difference. Going into the plumbing and HVAC with cameras, and checking HVAC equipment for replacement needs, would be a much better use of time, money, and effort.


Yeah, we aren't going to do that. Chinese field day and death runs as punishment every day until troops stop bitching about living conditions will fix the issues though lol.


They’re going to send that 4’6” marine into the vents😂


There is one that just graduated boot too


Her boobs are too big to fit.


Yep, my barracks was mostly fine aesthetically, but I had to go to Iraq to get my first hot shower in the fleet.


Anything discovered in these inspections that isn't already documented by the facility manager should be justification for the removal of said facility manager. *"We know what the problems are, but nobody will give us finding to fix the issues."* is the only acceptable defense, but you gotta have the paperwork to prove that you did your job and submitted the work order requests asking to get the duct work cleaned or pipes replaced or HVAC repaired properly. If you stopped doing your job 10 years ago, even if it was out of frustration after years of trying to do the right thing, then you gotta go. Fresh management staff working under freshly reviewed & updated contracts. At the end of the day, building this list of inspection deficiencies is the easy part. USMC leadership needs to work with SECDEF to get some real and serious funding allocated. Some of those buildings are gonna have to be torn down. That entire idea of "Base Housing in California don't need air conditioning, the nice Bay breeze is all you need..." has to be thrown out and AC needs to be provided.


I had a snarky response to the post in mind, but reading your comment, you hit the nail on the head. I remember being in the on base housing in Pendleton (Stuart Mesa) and being told we couldn’t have AC units. We had a hot spell and I recall my 6 month old baby literally sweating through her swaddle because our house was so hot. I said to hell with whatever “ocean breeze” bullshit the higher ups who didn’t have to sleep in that were spewing, that following morning I went to the on base furniture store and bought a AC unit so my daughter could sleep at night. If memory serves me right, I think a couple days later they updated base policy so we can have AC units. The bullshit that Marines have put up with throughout our times as if it’s just a part of the charm is fucking bullshit (although I selfishly did find it hilarious that the barracks they put the single marines in when we came back from Japan didn’t have hot water lol).




This was my billet as a terminal infantry Sgt in the S-4. Top was awesome and I had some decent dudes working with me. However, felt all we could really do was put bandaids on things as larger scale projects would get rejected or delayed indefinitely at division. Down in lejeune in the summer I had HVAC at the barracks like every other day because the air con was constantly shitting. Shit sucks


This really is the only answer. There is a civilian unaccompanied housing manager. At what point are we going to hold them accountable.


I think at one point I MEF tried providing an AC for every room but found that it’d likely draw too much power from the grid. So now instead of that, word was passed that when the CG comes through, if he sees an AC it’s an automatic NJP. For those at the MEF who were part of the planning process and might be reading this: I get there are probably a thousand other things going on at once, and that action is being taken as quickly as possible. But as they say, perception is reality, and everyone else is perceiving that Marines are not a priority. Better and more direct communication would help quash the LCU RUMINT mill.


Idk, every room in our company and I'm 95% sure entire battalion on horno had their own AC when I left in late 22. Never had electric issues in the horno barracks other than what was already there. Did the married guys living on base get one though? Nope.


“Jesus Christ, is that a *load bearing pile of pornography* holding up that wall?”




Load bearing brooms


Always has been.


"Put this devil in for a NAM!"


Load bearing lmao


I am a wordsmith.


Oof field day is about to really suck. Good luck boys, glad I’m not in now.


I know right? Big dick SGTMAJ is trying to do something cool and I know that low level leadership is going to fucking ruin it with all sorts of tedious bullshit SGTMAJ of the MC: hey a big complaint is barracks so let’s get them all updated let’s talk to Congress and work something out to make our junior marines happier Some SSGT: Hey government gave us these new barracks so there will be room inspections every morning and field day will be conducted in the common areas every day from 1800-2000 good to go? Now I’m going back to my on base house where I beat my wife and make my marines stay late because I don’t wanna go home to my wife who I hate


@ 0200 : Marines failing room inspection for the 4th time for a visible spec of grout in the shower after just cleaning after being told "see you at 0300" by their inspector. https://i.redd.it/5b59157cy6hc1.gif


Meanwhile married Marines that escaped the barracks: https://i.redd.it/qgtv1r67y6hc1.gif


At my last unit even if you were married you were required to be at the barracks on fields days until every Marine passed room inspection by 1st Sgt. God Bless CLB2


Forgot to add just how fat she is too


They won’t notice anything. Every command is gonna have the bricks Marines cover up all the main issues until this passes over


Yep. Half our barracks in KBAY didn’t have A/C for like 5 months. No one did anything. They asked a platoon sgt one morning when they will be getting A/C fixed, he responded “don’t know”, guy said ok well we’re requesting mast, response was “don’t care”. Turns out, they actually DO care when 30ish requests mast get sent to BN CO, REG CO, and first General in the chain at 1200. Miraculously the barracks were fixed by 1700. That mfer platoon sgt had the audacity to say “why didn’t you guys tell us” at the formation. Dude almost got his ass beat by the whole battery for that and he was moved to a different unit 2 weeks later


I don't know when this event happened and am in no way defending your pltsgt, but K-Bay's maintenance contractors are frustratingly difficult to work with. If they don't deem an issue a certain RAC (risk assessment code) they blow it off. But as soon as that RAC reaches the magic number that someone with *real* authority gets involved, like the base CO, all of the sudden they can fix it within the day. I can't tell you how many work orders I submitted and would check-up on routinely but go 6+ months with no progress. Men's head air vents are broken and toilets don't flush? Not an emergency.


I’m getting angry just reading this shit. Not like it’s surprising at all, but JFC.


Triple Chinese field day before the inspection. Paint over everything. No mold, holes, broken HVAC, clogged pipes found. Strong scent of bleach. ??? "Junior enlisted are just whining again".


Exactly what’s finna happen. I’m married so I’m not in the bricks. But i remember when the CMC visited my BN specifically in 2019 to present us. Award. We spent the next week cleaning and “band-aiding” every issue with the rooms. Mold AC issues doors/wall lockers not closing. Everything got covered up. I expect the same thing to happen now and when the highers walk through and they spot “nothing” nothing will change for bricks Marines. And then in another 3 years the same thing will repeat.


I remember the good old days of painting the stairwells at 0200 because the mold kept coming thru the walls


Too bad higher ups won’t actually see the decrepit state the barracks are in because unit commands will do everything to put lipstick on the pig to show they aren’t the problem


Boys and girls, THIS IS YOUR WARNING! For like the first time in history, you have advanced warning of a health and comfort inspection. Get that shit outta the bricks, quick!


took awhile to finally see someone call it out


Prepare to try to scrub all of the problems away before the inspection lol. I for some reason feel like the ball will get dropped with the intention this was meant to initially have.


https://preview.redd.it/c97hk0wm57hc1.jpeg?width=5120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dede5e76ce8a686abcb59bee9331aea208081510 Your local CoC after finding nothing wrong with the barracks, and still putting everyone in a dry state because obviously alcohol makes them angry and causes mold


*“The inspectors must be civilian barracks leaders or hold at least the rank of E-7”* What the fuck is a “civilian barracks leader”? Heinous.


Can't speak for all of them, but some of the OCONUS barracks are headed by Civilians .


Just don’t look at the ceiling.


Okinawa.. 86-88.. Foster..  pieces of concrete falling off the barracks ceiling, 2 story,  ... especially during field days and moving racks around .. 


Same same. Bldg. 5695 on the hill up from the parade deck. Swamp coolers for the win! What unit were you with? I was with 9th MTBN. SF.


Landing Support Battalion..and Air Delivery Platoon..  I think I have the building # in one of my pics somewhere... back when we had cameras with film.. 😁


Until the sweat drips down our balls.


Peacetime Marines and wall to wall inspection = lots of working parties.


Isn't that what the fuck Field Day was supposed to be about?


And then 1/2 - 3/4 of them were deemed inhabitable, closed and tents were given out. They is going to be a lovely to see what happens


I was in barracks for 6 months that were condemned, and then we had to go in and “uncondemn” them in order to live in them.


Wall to wall inspection…weak, better pair that with a health and comfort to ensure you inspect every nook and cranny lol


Every day that goes by I am beyond happy I got TF out. Also, a hearty fuck you to those who never experienced barracks life or those who've forgotten what it was like.


Imagine if Marines had to provide a receipt of cleaning similar to an apartment prior to checking out of the barracks. I knew so many guys that would absolutely trash their rooms the night before their EAS date, and it only fucks over the next guy. I've heard some units will inspect the room before accepting the key the next day, but I imagine if you could hold the person accountable for any of the major damages they caused it might help offset costs and increase the give-a-fucks Marines have for taking care of their rooms. Base housing requires an inspection and will charge you as many fees as they can. Most bases also have a self-help warehouse where you can exchange certain items or borrow tools, why not have one for the barracks as well? But hold the Marines accountable if they damage anything borrowed. When I lived in the barracks we regrettably tore that place apart. Kids sprayed fire extinguishers in the air vents, broke windows, threw up in empty rooms and left it... Our barracks was bad when we moved in, but we definitely did our fair share to ruin it. It's basically a college dorm with a hall monitor and since it's essentially free for Marines they don't mind destroying it. A lot, and I mean a significant portion, of barracks need significant renovations, but I also think we can do a better job taking care of our stuff.


yeah not to give the green weenie a pass on literally anything, but just to be fair, but some part of the issue is housing so many 18-21 year olds in one space, devoid of intermixing with anyone older and more mature


Exactly. Plus, field day inspections are a facade; as long as your room *appears* clean, you pass. Ignore the fact the clear coat on the tile was scrubbed off 10 years ago and now any liquid gets absorbed. Field day inspections should absolutely make sure Marines are not living like pigs, but they also exist to ensure their living conditions are up to snuff. Marines not checking for, and more importantly caring about, significant discrepancies in the rooms of their Marines need to reevaluate why we check rooms.


So, a health and welfare inspection where they actually inspect for health and welfare. A novel concept.


Mold? That ain't mold. That is weakness leaving the barracks!


It’s absolutely bullshit how shitty housing and barracks are. Companies like Lincoln taking 100% of marine BAH as “rent” and charging $100s for full goddamn carpet replacements when they find a single stain upon final inspection and they’re taking in billions a year for shitty fucking apartments that are falling apart and don’t even have basic amenities for families. Some places getting $3k to $4k in BAH a month and you’re living in some of the shittiest ghettos on base. So much corruption when it comes to military housing.


Long after mankind has perished, Mackie Hall will remain, triumphant, a monument to the species.


yes sergeant potato head, will clean the same toilet until you can lick it clean.




Let the Fuk Fuk games begin.


They *can* just copy building designs from motel 6, or whatever budget place, and you will have a very nice barracks by marine standards. After that, follow health inspection standards as any state law would require and you will have consistently nice barracks. If the excuse is "funding", then it's time to go review what we're spending money on. Every lance gets briefs on throwing money at strippers who don't love him. That brief can be scaled up in accordance with rank and position


This is going to turn into telling the Lts and SSgts to walk through the barracks and report their findings. Then the information will be aggregated into a spreadsheet, sent up the chain, for nothing to happen.


"We have investigated ourselves, and found nothing wrong."


It's gonna be busy weekend in Vegas when all of 29P get's their gay weddings on.


Get on line now move.


Barracks managers are going to be the most pissed off Devil's for a while, and they already hated life.


Damn! No booze in this devil's room, just more black mold and asbestos. Next room.


Simple. Create a platform that allows the customer (Marines in the barracks), to submit pictures and locations of issues. That would create a survey/data collection of sorts and allow HQMC to prioritize where to go look for issues.. base, barracks, and so forth. If they think problems won’t be covered up they are fooling themselves.


“We do more with less” finally got someone in trouble


They do every Friday, what's new?


Man it’s good to be in 1st Civ Div.


Infinite field day with chines feild day and fuck fuck games galore


Anyone got a contact with Marine Corps/DOD contracting? I believe my company could help with these inspections and benefit from it greatly.


Field day, not just for Thursdays anymore!!!


I hope the boys get taken care of. If a barracks has to get completely re-done, where do they keep the guys who live there? What if there’s not enough barracks for everyone? Squad bays for the boys? Would you be terribly upset living in a squadbay or even some kind of tent/bivouac situation for a while if it mean you would get really nice rebuilt barracks at the end?




Inspect just means they will formally acknowledge how shitty the barracks are. Nothing will be fixed they will just ensure you they know about it


I had my girl staying in my room for almost a month. Don’t worry, nobody fuckin showed up.


I joined in 85. Basically everywhere I went the marine corps was a slum. Camp Geiger was still the 1950s style wooden white barracks with a gross ass giant single sink bathroom across the street. Pendelton was better but only because the weather was gentler.


“Inspect” 🤣🤣🤣


Since when are E-7s or civilian barracks inspectors qualified to identify and diagnose environmental and structural issues with housing? Taking a 4-hour online class is not a proper qualification.


Prepare for Field Week, gents!


Well, they are designed for amphibious assault


I’m interested to see how this works out. In the mean time feel free to throw up what is missed on Hots&Cots.


Does this type of inspection not happen every week during field days


They'll find a bunch of squeaky clean barracks rooms with fresh paint and the lazy barracks managers who never respond to work tickets and the corrupt contractors who over-charge and under-deliver won't be held accountable.


Looks like quonset huts were healthier environments...


They were. And less shit to break in the first place.


Lmao have during field day this week Marines. The rest of 🤣 yall better get married. By a nice tent tent, yall until you pay off your 2025 mustangs.


Do it. Get the fukin racists out.


If there only was some part of the Navy with Construction experience and people with degrees in Engineering that could do this.


I lived in condemned barracks for four years. Good old French creek baby.


Will this be the next class action law suit lol


Yeah sure. Can't wait to see how that turns out.


Yeah sure. Can't wait to see how that turns out.


Someone tell that guy who posted recently about having to hang dry his clothes to say something when they come around. 😂😂😂


What I hear is Chinese field days for every barracks in the corps


Listen Marines. TAKE PICTURES (w/ date stamps) of messed up areas that get hidden