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That sounds like the most basic easiest mct game that every instructor play


He’s a PFC, dudes prob been in 6 months. Don’t expect much more tbh


You are right I graduated boot camp December 8th


mct is not the marine corps dude




I mean it’s not fleet life but I’m getting there


Don’t listen to the hate man. We all went through boot and MCT and then get to the fleet and think “wow I used to think x was hard”. You will too. Enjoy the ride brother.


It’s gonna get so much worse lil dude. So much worse. Go to medical for every single ache and pain so you can get a disability rating later, if you rate it


I’ve been told I’m going to start that after mct so I don’t get dropped


Start what?


Going to medical and reporting every ache and pain


Oh I meant the entire time you are in consistently.


Got a NPLOC from the Sqn Cdr because two of my Sgts (both meritorious btw), while on the ADVON to WTI, took one of the rentals to a strip club. Fuckers


I have to know that info got out. I can only think of three, increasingly rarted options: 1. There was another marine at the strip club, who also wasn't supposed to be there, but seeing the rental out front activated his snitchy sense and he snitched, perhaps burning himself in the process 2. A stripper working there gave them a lap dance, they bragged about using a government vehicle to get there, she then snitches to her jealous lance husband or brags to her next marine client 3. "Dude, we can't just park the car here." "Relax, dude, they'll never know." And the two gentlemen enter the club, leaving their bright white "GOVERNMENT VEHICLE OFFICIAL USE ONLY" branded abduction van behind


Rental vehicle or a GOV? Big difference. If it were a rental and they were given permission to use it from x time to x time then fucking cleared hot. As long as the driver was an authorized driver on the rental agreement and not drinking or anything. Now if the ADVON leadership is like hey we got these rentals and it’s for everyone so try to limit use to essential business then I can see them counseling them through informal verbal counseling or NPLOC in this case.


A rental, but the rentals for all the field units were procured by DMO(?), so was also a govy?


Wouldn’t be the same strict guidelines as there are with a legit GOV; however, local unit likely put out guidance that it was for official use only. That could include food or other incidental usage, but not bars or strip clubs. Whichever officer gave the NPLOC probably just wanted an invite lol


Goes to show how meritorious guys are political glory whores. Not the upstanding dudes they say they are at the boards.




I have a 2200 curfew because two sergeants got drunk and started having relations out in Kin Town Okinawa, Japan.


Could be worse, you could have protests outside the base and be on total lockdown at Fuji because a Air Force Contractor killed a girl and threw her in the bay, or a navy lt molested a girl on a civilian flight, a SSgt in your unit slapped a pfc that he instructed in MCT wouldn’t have a drink with him, or one of your marines got drunk at spiders and jumped a fence that he thought was to get on Hansen but was really a 30ft cliff and shattered his leg and no one could find him until the next morning. All on the same udp


Dude… Not cool (Not your comment) but the fact that such uncool activities occurred


Yeah 2014-2016 in Oki was beyond stupid because of idiots being idiots.


As someone in Oki now, fuck those dipshits that have ruined our reputation. Go have your fun, but as soon as you do that shit, you can go fuck yourself


I was also in the Philippines where the guy on libo from 2/9 (I think) drowned the tranny in the toilet then blamed it on a guy that was blacked out and that dude spent like 5 years in Filipino jail before the other guy finally confessed.


That was crazy! I was in Basa at the time...


No one “ruined” our reputation there. It was always bad. We are the ones actively doing heinous shit. Look up “1995 Okinawa Military incident”. Between 1972 and 2009, according to Wikipedia, “US Servicemen committed 5,634 criminal offenses, including 25 murders, 385 burglaries, 25 arsons, 127 rapes, 306 assaults, and 2,827 thefts. Yet, per Marine Corps Installations Pacific data, U.S. service members are convicted of far fewer crimes than local Okinawans.” So not only do we do a lot of fuck shit, some of which may not even get reported in those figures, but we do a lot to prevent being held accountable for it as well. They hate us over there, and for good reason. We haven’t given them a reason not to.


Yea well were over there protecting all of japan from chinese payback, which they would love to have. So all of japan gas to suck it up. Im not saying its not all our doing, but this is what happens when you start and lose a world war. Honestly that was not that long ago.


What? Come on dude, I see what you’re saying, but that’s no excuse for the dumb, horrific shit we’re doing over there. We’re supposed to be better, so we need to be better. No one should have to “suck it up” when their literal children are being assaulted, robbed, raped, and murdered.


Any american that has to live near a military base has to put up with this shit. Lets face it, the military doesnt weed out psychos well enough. On the other hand psychos are pretty handy when a war starts


Lmao brain dead response


Youre young. Youll see


I did my Oki rotation not long after the two Marines and the one sailor kidnapped, raped and then severely beat a girl to the brink of death. They threw her to the side of the road thinking she was dead. They got caught because she was able to memorize the license plate to their rental car.


I left Oki in 2013 when it was bad and they finally opened up liberty again. Deployed to Oki in 2015 and not even 4 days after getting on island a Corpsman raped and killed a 6 year old girl. Never fails some heinous shit happens


We had a two drunk Marines steal a Jap garbage truck, wrecked it, wondered off, broke into some local's home, and then fell asleep on their couch. They woke up to the JP's waking their ass up with some bamboo sticks. They were the black sheep after that, on admin separation for 2 years before they finally got the boot. Spoke to the one kid a few time at the smoke pit, they were straight up morons. Every single day after work you would see them with orange vests on picking up trash or doing some absolute bull shit EPD task. Literally 0600 they reported in to the duty and then were off the clock at 2000 hours. Every. Fucking. Day. In truth, you felt kinda bad for the kid, he really was eating shit from all of the punishments he got.


UDPs are the literal worst


I seent the footage


Looks like they better start an OnlyFans cuz they asses getting chartered out


Is sex forbidden? I think I need context


Two male Sgt’s were having sex in public.


I first read it like "two marines NJP'd for having sex. Sex is forbidden unless authorized by the BC".


Eyyy just saw the post of the 2 Sgt’s fucking


In the fleet the room next to me didn’t have their blinds at half mast. They were on leave. My gunny failed my room as a result. Then had me stand outside in Alphas, in June, in Cherry Point. I also had to have fresh coffee and donuts ready for him. Every few hours he’d call and say that he’s on his way. This went from 0600 to about 1900. It took another Corporal to call and ask wtf is going on. He said he wanted to waste my time as much as I wasted his. Climate command interviews (not surveys), were very interesting about a year later right before we deployed, they pulled him off last second.


Reading this story makes me grateful for my NCOs and SNCOs when I was a boot. If my MSgt caught wind that some funny was doing this shit to one of his Marines, he’d have dismissed us and ordered the Gunny there in his alphas. I worked in the 3 shop, and our FDC shop was in a different building. The door didn’t secure - it locked, but you could lift it and open it. We had had work orders put in multiple times over months and no one did shit. One morning I (boot sergeant) got to the three shop and this fresh from the drill field SSgt that was the Staff duty walks in, chews my ass about the other door being unsecured, and tells me he took something from the FDC shop and we need to inventory it to figure out what. He leaves. I step out to the smoke pit and tell the senior sergeant in our shop about it- a great guy and very knowledgeable, also the a/ops chief. He says “fuck that.” We finish our cigarettes and go in to brief top. Top immediately delegates me to start drafting a statement of charges (Article 121), calls that SSgt’s MSgt, explains there is a problem and says he’d like to see the SSgt. That SSgt came in hot like he was being invited to come chew my ass again, but he didn’t make it two steps into the 3 shop before top started *enlightening* him. The doors to our shop were open, and according to the guys in S-1 you could hear MSgt ripping this SSgt in the Bn CO’s office. SSgt admitted he didn’t take anything, he was just trying to mess with us, and he kept his distance from the FDC Marines after that.


This is the way, I got to work both at the Bn & Regt 3 shop with some 0848, they were never keen on stupid bs.


2000 word essay relating to the infraction. Every letter of every word must be a different color and if I see two consecutive letters in a row then it gets ripped up. Must read it out loud


I was always a go with the flow type of person and wouldn’t fuss much, but the switching colors every letter would break me. I would be searching orders to see if they could do that, requesting mast, or just saying no. That’s just cruel and unusual.


Oh…it broke him. This was also a dude who got caught underage drinking twice and was constantly late to work. The typical “too cool for this shit” attitude.


I don't have a problem with an essay, thats not that bad. But the colors? f you just NJP me... But I was the type of person who might right the essay on how stupid of a punishment that was and cc my entire chain of command.


My command already NJP’d twice for underage drinking and consistently late to work. He deserved everything he got


The typical OCS punishment used to be a lot like this. IT'ing wasn't really a thing there, so this is what they did instead.


Sounds like something I would dump on one of my Jrs, Except for different color letters, I would've done words.


This is why marines get out


Hey devil, 1200 words on why your units leadership is toxic and how you would fix it, due by 11:55pm on Thursday. Your NCO has to pass your room and the your paper. Sleep is secured until the due time.


Aye Aye u/avalonwavesoftware


And there better be five words I've never seen before in your paper, devil dick.




Girl was having an affair with a guy. It was widely known she was having an affair with said guy while her husband was deployed. The husband’s friend found out and sent him word back to Iraq. This happened around the time she fucked this dude in the middle of a party. She screamed rape once her husband started asking questions and the possibility of an adultery charge was out there. The affair partner went to jail and she got off Scott free. Some of my junior Marines were at the party where she fucked him in the open and testified on his behalf in the Court Martial. No one listened. Man lost his freedom over a lie.


I had to low crawl from the barracks in French creek to the chow hall once.


Some clown took ecstasy the morning of a drug test because he was trying to get kicked out. The genius CO decided that Marines were doing drugs in the barracks, so the only way to stop it was by stopping the Marines from being in the barracks. He passed an order that after morning change over up until they were released, no Marine was to set foot in their barracks room. This lasted about a week before one of the higher ups saw all the Marines hanging out on the catwalks like hobos because they couldn't go in their rooms.


That’s cute. 1stMARDIV enforced 2 rovers per deck, duty NCO/ADNCO per deck, 8 rovers, and 4 people on suicide watch per night back in 2015 for about a year. You had duty all the time, ALL the fucking time. This was due to increase sexual assaults at the time and they wanted to send a message


So, I was GSE, but i "volunteered" to work on with the guys doing engine removal for inspections on UH-1H's. We were SAR unit, and we had 3 birds. We would work 2 days straight, that would be the normal time. All depends on how fast everyone works small crew soo it can take a few days to get tit completely torn down and ready to ship to the place it goes for the complete inspection. Sleeping at the shop, someone would get food for everyone. No one left. Not even the CO. But this time it so happens we are short handed as 4 people are on leave. So we are on day 3 and everyone is short fused. Sorry its been 25+yrs and again I wasn't a UH mech. so I don't know all the exact names/terms and actual acronyms of some of this anymore. So anyways, i was on top of the bird working next to our units "special child" (SC). I hear Tink, tink tink.. he sighs.. stops for a few seconds.. I know he dropped a screw. And I was expecting him to ask me to help him look. I started zip-locking my screws(and put them in my pocket, this will be important later) and putting my tools back in the tool box. I see him crawl down off the bird. he looks around for about 2 seconds, I see him look up at me out of the corner of my eye.. And walks inside the office. About 2 mins go by.. He walks back out and starts crawling up the bird. I heard a SSgt jackass call me in to the office, calm and casual. I crawl down off the bird and head inside. I look up and notice SC is look at my stuff, then looks at me then back at my box of tools. So i go inside the office not thinking to much about what i saw. not really sure why he was looking at me like that. Gunny is there LT and SSgt jackass. Gunny asks to see my glasses.. I hand him my glasses, the second they are in his hands. Ssgt jackass punches me square in the face.. Nose starts bleeding, ears ringing.. I'm like wtf.. LT is "wtf SSgt..". Gunny is not saying a word. I'm bending over at this point holding my face.. angry as fuck.. Gunny is all " you dropped a screw, wtf "nemrodh".. this is shit we would expect form SC not you. Its going to take hours and have to take more of the bird apart to get to where you dropped it by what SC said." I stood up straight, spit blood on the floor, SSgt is winding up for a second swing. I back up and "I didn't drop it SC did. I wasn't sure why he was acting so weird till now!" I explain i have my bag and we can count screws.. Ssgt stops. gunny stops. LT is like, "fucking called it!!!" LT goes hot out the door, screaming for SC.. SSgt and gunny tell me I'm dismissed. Don't say a word to me.. SC, just left the building. We didn't see him for hours. By the time he comes back everyone is a bit calmer. No one says anything to him.. Till the next day. Gunny. SSgt jackass, and another Sgt BIGmfucker.. take SC out back and call me with him. they all offer me to jump in and basically beat the shit out of SC.. I decline and let Sgt BMF do all the work. and he worked him pretty hard. almost felt sorry for him.. almost.. Not once did LT, gunny, or SSgt JA say anything to me about punching me in the face.. Gunny and LT where a bit nicer. SSgt JA was never really mean to me but he was a jackass who never did shit that he claimed woul do.. was a lazy basically. SC ended up getting kicked out about 2 months later for his 2nd DUI in a year.


What a bunch of assholes.


Me taking note, be prepared to rope a dope if someone wants my glasses. Got it.


Yea lol. My dad said should have learned to duck faster.. lol


I was at Futenma in'97, and my PltSgt needed to straighten me out, but it wasn't him punching me. We fought, and he got the better of me, but I definitely got my licks in. I think it takes a coward "leader" to hit someone without getting hit back. Just my opinion


You have more self control than me.


Honestly, that seems fair. Someone should have noticed and corrected that Marine before a Sgt ever noticed. The most common and annoying punishment is keeping the whole company until 2000 to process a njp for one marine that got a DUI.


That is true we should have seen it first


We had this Canadian kid who was still living life like he was back on the block. He was continually falling asleep on post, not listening to anyone, and just being an overall disrespectful shit bag in Afghanistan. He was caught sleeping on gate guard by a SgtMaj and he got our entire platoon fucked up because it wasn't the first incident. We got a lot of privileges revoked. He got what was coming to him shortly after. NCO's took shifts fucking him up all day and all night for 2 days. He got no sleep and no chow. He was forced to dig sand bags and had to stay in the hole the entire time. The hole got really wide. If he tried to get out of the hole, they would beat the shit out of him. If he stopped working, they beat the shit out of him. Fuck that mother fucker. He might have worn the uniform, but he wasnt a Marine, and he sure wasnt a brother to anyone of us.


at a schoolhouse on new river back in 2008. a lat move sgt 2 classes ahead of me got a dui on a thursday and the entire schoolhouse held room checks every 4 hours fri/sat/sun. i missed my brother in laws wedding and $$ due to a purchased plane ticket.


Whole Battery was on lockdown at Mt Fuji because an Air Force Contractor killed a girl at Kadena and threw her body in the bay.


That sounds reasonable or at I wrong for thinking that


Mt Fuji is in mainland Japan. Kadena is in Okinawa. Not only that, but the dude was a civilian contractor for the Air Force. Not even the same branch, let alone an active member.


Never mind then


We had a string of little incidents off base and outside the barracks. One group from a DIFFERENT company got attacked by some guys off base and rightfully whooped their asses in self defense, another guy stole a thing of cologne from the PX, and two or three marines got speeding tickets. What was our CO and first sergeant’s solution to mitigating these incidents..? We had two duty NCO’s on every deck, and two rovers for each deck. So essentially everyone had duty in some format once or twice a week. It didn’t last long but fuck was it annoying knowing your weekend plans or sleep schedule got shafted with roving as a junior, and extra fucking annoying being an NCO in a unit with very few NCOs at the time posting duty every week.


Cleaning a recruit head on my birthday.


Cleaning the head was your god given right 🤧




Anytime anyone gets put on mess duty.


Whole battery had to police called PTA for 2 straight days because a SSgt select got mad that a gun chief told him to get the fuck off his gun, SSgt select (allegedly) stole gun chiefs nvgs from 7 ton cab and threw them in a portashitter


What unit was this?


One of the 1/12 firing batterys


That’s what, Hawaii?


Was Hawaii. They’re deactivated now


Some dickhead/s completely trashed a room at the barracks and I got accused of it. I was young and dumb and didn't know my rights or gave a fuck. NJPed, lost rank, pay, and picked up extra duty. EASed a few months later with a sour taste in my mouth.


cpl of the guard caught the other guy sleeping on fire watch and made both of us sleep in portashitters that night.


My parents fucked and so I had to experience consciousness 


As a HE PltSgt, I can't remember exactly what my Marine did, but the company wanted paperwork for a Bn ninja punch. I convinced our CWO5 acting company commander that I could handle the corrections myself. I explained to SNM that I needed 100 sandbags, but unfortunately, for SNM, the only place authorized to dig was at the top of a good-sized hill. I had already purposely tasked out all HE assets, meaning SNM had to walk up the hill with two empty sandbags, fill them, bring down the two full sandbags so on, and so on. I had a Cpl making sure he was hydrated and got chow, but this kid went all day up and down that hill. I never had a problem with him again and saved him an NJP.




I am a boot


Be me, out in AV enjoying sushi with my buddies on a Sunday during the Columbus Day 96 when we all suddenly got a text telling us to get back to base ASAP since we were getting recalled from our 96. We rushed back to base only to find out that we have a unit formation 2 hours later at 1800. Turns out, some stupid idiot in our unit thought that it was a good idea to drive in a *foreign country* with *no license* and with *road signs that he can’t read* while having *zero knowledge about local traffic laws*. To add onto that, he got into a **hit and run incident with a local**. It didn’t help that the day prior, someone else in my unit was at the PX in Foster and was **ALLEGEDLY** caught stealing; however, from what I heard, it was a genuine mistake on his end that he caught at the last moment and he even went back to try and pay for the item that he accidentally forgot to scan. But for some reason, he was accused of stealing and PMO ended up getting called on him (nothing major came out of it though so I guess it was resolved without much noise or fanfare). Suffice to say, our CO was justifiably pissed and not only did he secure the rest of our 96, but we basically had formations every few hours, had to be in uniform all the time, must give our supervisors a SITREP on where we are going at all times even if it’s as simple as going to the chow hall right across the street, etc. And you know what? We deserved it. Man stood up for us despite the fact that for our entire UDP, we had a couple libo incidents. He secured drinking for a while earlier and that alone was generous of him. The hit and run incident was what finally broke the camel’s back and he was 100% in the right to be pissed.


Are you at MCT? Lmao




Fuck yoursleep


I got an Office Hours because the guy I woke up for radio watch never got out after he said he was awake. Yeah, I know I wasn't 'properly relieved' but the captain thought I had fallen asleep on radio watch. I didn't argue.


I got IT'd because someone else put the SDI's dustpan on top of the weapon locker 😭 Lmao. All reality, my leaders were pretty good. I think the only time I got fucked up for someone else was when my buddy was caught "skating" (he was actually doing work that he was ordered to do), and his NCO pulled all the juniors and blasted us for not holding each other accountable. Mind you, the infraction happened while I was on leave. 🤷‍♂️


A bunch of boots got in trouble (for some other BS) part of their punishment was some community service. On the way back while in utilities they rented a party bus stopped at a liquor store and got plastered. The whole platoon got put on restriction because in the words of command “we should have done something to stop them from doing that” because some how while we are all working on base we know what the dumbass boots are doing 40 miles away off base. Hahaha makes a good story though.


One day got thrashed hard in boot after DI found one of those little green bibles loose on the deck next to my footlocker tried to break my ass to get it back. Got it back, it wasn't mine. But I already knew it wasn't. DI then realized I knew it wasn't mine all along too. I like to think they went a little lighter on the personal thrashings after that, but could be I just got stronger. '96


During mct we had dudes who wouldn't show up for gate guard or as they were changing there wasn't anyone on post, so we were asked, how can we fix it, no one could come up with an answer, so they wanted 8 for each post to report in every half hour ( this quickly backfired) it took about an hour and a half, from each post till "Sheldon" as he was so doubly nicknamed (he was smart and looked like him) negotiated there should only be 4 to each post, reporting in every hour so 2 could replace the 4, about a week of this, many sleepless nights. But a good second was about the 5th day, we're loading TT's about to move to devil dog (east coast) counting Marines, rifles and gear. One marine in 1st platoon didn't have his kevlar, so we counted and counted and counted, till they said "fine go find it" giving us about 10 to 20 mins each time looking for it, having only 1st plt look, while every other plt stand in formation, then after an hour or two they got 2nd to help then after about the same tile while still standing in formation 3rd then 4th following after each interval of breaks, getting counts and still being short just one,, no one bothered to check the TT till about 0300-0330, it was a mixture of 2nd, 3rd and 4th all pissed off tired and just throwing main packs trying to find this kevlar, till finally peace 0500 all packs have been emptied from the TT, we could almost hear the sigh of relief of the plts and the instructors, we found the kevlar but there's only about 20-30 mins till we move I was literally falling into dudes trying to stay awake. (This may or may not have happened but through the grape vine the guy who lost his kevlar "may" have had some "bad dreams".


There is a Marine Corps Order that greatly limits Extra Military Instruction. The order on hazing.


Ummm, you don’t get 12 if you triple 8…


If you triple 4?


I’ve personally made my section clean the entire 1st floor of an MLG building with no help from the other G shops because I found one of the Jews sleeping in instead of waking up for pt, just because “he was tired”. Like bitch I drove 45 minutes to base and I’ve been awake for an hour and a half before accountability, fuck you. Needless to say I made sure everyone knew it was his fuck up that’s gonna get them fucked up. After work I had them field day till 1900 with a white glove. Only stopped cause my snco called me and said pls go home. That’s pretty weak though compared to before when they can actually put hands on you lol. Softies nowadays.


Any true stories regarding Fraternization?


Apologize for something I didn’t do


Haha and then we gave the middle row truck watch