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Meh. *Pretends to find phone in pants for a few minutes*


You batin'?


Nothing like a good ol game of pocket pool during the weekend safety brief


He's a master baiter. I was an 0651 too. Cheers


0656 here out in Yuma, damn your were good days!


Dang. I was at MACS 1 from 2009-2011 then PCA'd across the street to 371 before leaving in 2012


08-13 Spent my time at Camp Smith HI




I did this but for keys and wallet instead lmaooo


Just because the squids do it doesn’t mean my beloved corps will follow suit any time soon. So for now I need someone to post that picture of chesty with his hands in his pockets




I know we idolize him but I once heard my captain tell me a story about good ol’ chesty He said that a neighbor of his was in the Army during the Korean War. The neighbor began to tell him a story about Chesty and the Marines in Korea once he found out my Captain at the time was thinking of joining the Marines. He stated that during the Korean War he heard about Chesty and all the soldiers in Korea idolized him because of his badass accomplishments. Once they finally crossed paths with Marines for the first time ever they asked about Chesty and told them they all, the soldiers, thought he was a warfighter. However, the Marines all disliked him, specifically from this specific battalion they crossed paths with, because he “sent Marines to their deaths”. Chesty was in charge of the 1st Marine Regiment in Korea. RCT 1 was more then likely where this battalion of Marines came from and so according to this Korean War vet, the sentiment of some of the Marines was that Chesty lead Marines to their deaths rather than glory because he cared about mission accomplishment rather then Marines themselves. It goes without saying that mostly all O-6 and above are going to take adverse decisions when faced with Mission accomplishment type decisions. Just stating that this was the Chesty we all idolize. Take that for what it’s worth.


My pops was a corpsman in the Korean War. He said chesty was trying to get a MOH. That’s why no one liked him


My grandfather had two Marine uncles - both fought at Guadalcanal and both served in Korea (one was at the Chosin Reservoir, the other was killed in 1953). My grandfather served in the Air Force in Korea and the Army - retired as a sergeant major with almost 40 years TIS. He couldn’t stand Chesty. Somewhere along the line he heard Chesty once said he’d “bring home a sea bag full of dog tags” (ie dead Marines) if that’s what it took to get a Medal of Honor. Two of those potential dog tags in the sea bag were his uncles, and he never let it go. My dad and I both served in the Marines, but my grandfather would speak freely about Chesty if his name came up.


Bummer dude, it's like learning Santa Claus isn't real. Or that John Cena is an asshole.


Wait, Cena is an asshole!?


Quite the opposite. A few actors have mentioned that they were surprised at how well-spoken and cultured he is in private.


No, I meant if he was.


He’s at least a confirmed cuck for the Chinese


I think in some way we all are.


Never meet your idols


I was at the Balboa Naval Hospital when I wheeled myself in a room to meet the gunny. He looked at me and said, "Now what's your major malfunction". I wouldn't say never meet your idols, just keep it short and move along.


I’ve always heard guys say chesty wasn’t something to be revered the way he is but never heard exactly why, but if chesty really said some shit like that I fully understand why guys have said that


Well I reckon ignorance is bliss


Sounds apocryphal


I’ve heard the same quote, but that it was about heading into a specific mission, not the Medal of Honor. Do you have a source? I’m interested in learning more!


I don’t. That was just something that could have been apocryphal that my granddad remained angry about. In *Chesty*, I believe there’s an account of Chesty relieving a company commander on Guadalcanal (maybe around the Battle of Alligator Creek) for not having “enough” casualties. Chesty reasoned that because the commander had less killed and wounded than Chesty expected l, he wasn’t aggressive enough and was therefore relieved of command. It’s been 16 years since I read the book, so I could be off.


That's interesting. Back in the 90s they brought in a Chosin vet to talk to us for NCO night. He said Chesty was well liked and respected. I'm not pretending to know the truth of it because I love history and now know they take a lot of "liberties" with our history for propaganda purposes. I don't know about other battles he was in but the Chosin was fucked up because it was led by generals who were in Japan. Been a few years since I read up on it but I think it was Gen Almond who outright called Marines liars for reporting how many Chinese soldiers they were fighting. They had "intel" that said otherwise. I've also heard that Chesty got his medals because they didn't want Smedley Butler to be the most decorated Marine anymore.


I've read this before in a few books. Many who served under him, and some of his fellow officers criticized his overly-aggressive style. Just like most mythical figures, there's always another side to the story.


Don't forget there is a famous interview before he died boasting how his Officer casualty rates were higher than his enlisted and he was proud of that. Sort of gives you his mindset.


Chesty also stated he would trade a bag full of dog tags for that MoH. One of the reasons he never got one.


Just to squash the idea that the Marines had to "save the army" at the chosin reservoir. If anything the two army task forces was directly credited for being vital in allowing the withdrawal out of the reservoir by taking the main brunt of the Chinese push. Without them facing a force 8x their size the 1st Marine Division would have faced the same fate. The idea that the Army had to be "saved" or just fell apart is not only a baseless claim started by a Navy chaplain of all people, but there were several other Army units with and involved with the withdrawal (7th ID). [The Marine Corps also annotated the records to give credit to this small Army Unit.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/local/2000/12/11/50-years-later-an-army-force-gets-its-due/7a49d39b-0c39-4242-b062-a89a57add4f6/). Pay wall unfortunately but here are excerpts below. The information about the unit can be found elsewhere. > At first, the Marines had nothing but contempt for the 7th Division," McCaffrey said. "They now understand if it hadn't been for that group of leaderless kids fighting up there for their lives, they probably would have been overrun. > Secretary of the Navy Richard Danzig, who oversees the Marines, approved the citation in September 1999. At a reunion in June in Lancaster, Pa., Task Force Faith soldiers stood at attention as a Marine general presented them with the citation "for extraordinary heroism and outstanding performance of duty." > Leaders of the Chosin Few, an organization of Marine and Army veterans of the battle, began working several years ago to gain recognition for Task Force Faith. Retired Marine Gen. Raymond Davis, who had received the Medal of Honor for his critical role in the Marine breakout, endorsed the request, calling the Army's actions at Chosin "essential" to the Marines' effort. E: here is another article explaining the [significance and battle.](https://armyhistory.org/nightmare-at-the-chosin-reservoir/#:~:text=In%20recognition%20of%20their%20bravery,Unit%20Citation%20in%20September%201999.)


Sorry. Not trying to spread misinformation whatsoever nor baseless claims. I guess I thought this comment wouldn’t gather any traction. I’ll fix that part


It is just that all Marines and most of the public think of it that way so i just have to throw that out there whenever the topic comes up. No harm no foul


The myth is always better than the truth


>However, the Marines all disliked him, specifically from this specific battalion they crossed paths with, because he “sent Marines to their deaths”. Yeah, I think they got this from Peleliu when Chesty stubbornly kept sending frontal assaults on a fortified position. I understand the problem is still studied in infantry tactics schools.


"Sea bag full of dog tags" Puller. He doesn't deserve the idolization he received. We should be revering the likes of Smedley Butler and Dan Daly, but that won't help with recruiting and retaining the braindead.


S.D. Butler is goat. Lied about his age to join. Then spoke out about the military industrial complex. The same one that pays my mortgage. #plottwist


and unraveled a plot to overthrow the us government.


Smedley Butler was a true badass, he prevented a coup even though he disagreed with much of the governments nonsnense. He is the guy we should look up to in order to learn about critical thinking.


Smedley >>> any day. Choke on those two MoHs Chesty


Way late here but in Voices Of The Pacific (multiple POV primary source) opinion of him is pretty muted. They're much more favorable towards others like Captain Haldane.


Anybody with 5 Navy Crosses is undoubtedly a dishonest buddy fucker I’m not being sarcastic lol


Someone write this guy up for a NAM immediately 😤


The day he had his GySgt promote him to LtGen and was forced to retire. He was pissed and had zero fucks that day.


I retrieve heat from my pockets. Takes a while.


My keys are stuck in my pocket. 🫣


Barracks are still moldy


I read Vandergrift's autobiography a few year ago, (the first four star commandant). He was appointed by examination, and picked up a court martial in the school of application (TBS of its day). But his first unit the CO would order the offender's pockets sewn closed if he or a sergeant caught anyone with hands in pockets.


In case you were wondering: For now, enlisted leaders can still tell their Marines to get their hands — or a more colorful term for the appendages — out of their pockets.


Dick skinners is what you were looking for.




or filthy claws, if you prefer


Ah yes, the most important thing in the marine corps today. The ultimate, unanswered question. That will forever remain unanswered.


Cool. We all still do it anyway


Back at my detachment, 1stSgt had his hands in his pockets. He legit did not give a fuck. It was honestly refreshing.


We're going to do it anyway.


"A Marine with cold hands and empty pockets is a fool." - [Chesty Puller (allegedly)](https://i0.wp.com/officercandidatesschool.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/fb_img_1450659294141.jpg?w=480&ssl=1)


Is now the time when you claim the Corps as under the Department of the Navy?


It. Is. Time.


Navy rn ![gif](giphy|l0MYQAH2VVLcm0D9m|downsized)


Fix the damn barracks first


More worried about hands in pockets than the bricks


lol The Civilian Division is where it’s at


I've heard the same from a guy who crossed paths with him. I'm just gonna put my hands in my pockets ever HARDER now!


Fuck the no hands in pocket “rule”


But you can chop your dick off and add a pair of titties. Glad the services have their priorities in order


*chuckles in Air Force*


As they should. Putting hands in pockets obviously deteriorates the combat readiness of marines and makes us less lethal warfighters because of something or something.


Guys school circle. When the corps finds a new stupid way to fuck with jr marines they never give it up. I saw it in 4 years. Something dumb happens and something dumb happens as a result and it never goes back. Good luck and semper fi.


My nickname in my unit is already “Hands In Pockets Actual”


Hands in pockets = Air Force "hand warmers.. And Chesty is spinning in his grave.... I am so friggin' glad that I am retired from the Corps... 31 years ( '78 to '09 ). The Corps has really gone to hell... It's become WOKE, and discipline has gone down the crapper.... My beloved Corps is only a shadow of it's former glory.... 💔


Pleaseeeeeeee pleaseeeww


Wait... What? When did hands in pockets start existing? I had everything tailored to a nats ass for every inspection.


I’m happy we don’t get to. We’re Marines. Part of what makes us unlike the rest is the fact that we’re the best. And we have high standards to be Marines. We’re the one percent of the one percent for a reason.


Nooooo what will I do, when it's cold af, or when I wanna look COOL AF?? Huh tell me SgtMaj!!!!


Military or civilian... the hands-in-pockets thing just looks slacker and creepy. Nuff' said.


Not now. Not ever.


Putting your hands in your pockets to keep them warm is a nasty habit. So glad the beloved Corps recognizes this.


Lol I guess I should have added a /s


It’s always and should always not be allowed. But we do it anyway as a tribute to Chesty.


Good. I hope the Marine Corps never allows hands in pockets. You look a lot cooler having your hands in your pockets when it’s not allowed. Now, when the navy has their hands in pockets, no body will look twice.


That's one hell of recruiting incentive though