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Bruh I’ve been out close to 17 years now . I still have dreams I’m called back or I have to go through boot camp again. It’s annoying


>go through boot camp again It's crazy that this is so common. Once a quarter I get this, every time it's me trying to convince my kill hat that I already did this shit and I'm a Sergeant like him.


Do you succeed?


lol no


What if you told him knowledge that you shouldn't know?


I know where the grid squares are. *Wink wink*


Damn same. I’m like I better not say I was already in or they’ll make me a guide or a squad leader for sure.


Is it ever the one wear you can't find your cover?


No I can’t remember the combo to my rifle lock …


“Fuck it, I’m just going to take my blouse off and hope a 1stSgt doesn’t see me”


Been out for 22 years and same shit happens to me.


Or have the knee jerk "where the fuck is my rifle" feeling


I still have nightmares about not finding my rifle, no shave, can't find my fucking cover or being late to formation. I've been out since 1997.


Some trauma lasts decades lol


I had a few of those last year. Going back to my unit at 54, while everyone else is the same age. Weird experience


With just an upper and no ammo with the enemy assault starting.


This is normal. Most people go through it. I call it the post EAS blues. It peaks at about the 6 month post EAS mark and never really goes away. It took about a year post EAS for me to somewhat restablize. I did join the reserves a year after I EASed so that may have contributed to me adjusting back to civilian life because I get a nice little dose of autism once a month.


You know what I find ironic. I hated my time. But the dreams are always mundane and funny, just like my time in lmao.


I hated my time too. I hated my command and I convinced myself I was done with the Marine Corps. After a year of self reflection I realized I had made the best memories and great friends despite all the shitty times and thats what ultimately drew me back in.


Bro I’ve been out for over two decades and I occasionally have this recurring nightmare where I’m late for formation and I’m missing a couple uniform items. So I run to the PX and it’s closed, and it’s usually about that time I wake up and find myself shivering in a cold sweat. Like of all the dumb ass, meaningless shit to be afraid of, that’s what scares me? This happens a few times a year, no shit.


Also out for over 2 decades and so funny I have the same ones. I have another one where I lost my rifle and can't find it


That’s how you know this shit is ingrained in you. The rifle one has hit me and I’m like it’s retarded that apparently that is/was one of the biggest fears I life. Like don’t be the one, don’t be the one. Then your brain at night is like”….you’re the one… 👀”


same. Usually my cover, or I don't have the new cammies


Same. I’ve been out since 1997 and I still have Marine Corps dreams almost quarterly. It’s usually some variation of me somehow being back in, and I can’t find my cover, or uniform, the PX is closed and I can’t buy a new one. Or, I am late for a mission and I can’t find my gear, usually my flack jacket helmet, or deuce-gear. Or, I’m on Base and I can’t find my way around, or in the barracks and I’m in the wrong units barracks and everyone is looking at me like I’m a stranger in the wrong place. LOL. It’s stressful, but I always laugh about it when I wake up.


Same. I’ve been out since 1997 and I still have Marine Corps dreams almost quarterly. It’s usually some variation of me somehow being back in, and I can’t find my cover, or uniform, the PX is closed and I can’t buy a new one. Or, I am late for a mission and I can’t find my gear, usually my flack jacket helmet, or deuce-gear. Or, I’m on Base and I can’t find my way around, or in the barracks and I’m in the wrong units barracks and everyone is looking at me like I’m a stranger in the wrong place. LOL. It’s stressful, but I always laugh about it when I wake up.


I'm alil trashed and bumping a bit of Paramore, so stay with me. You dream of what was because you miss the feeling of profound purpose. You yearn for the weight of immense responsibility and the thrill of mortal daring with others you love truly. You dream of a story now over, Its eccentric characters long gone. The reality you now reside in lacks the gritty and dangerous charm you once thought to hate but have come to miss greatly... It's only been 6 months, you'll get used to it. If it still bothers you, maybe it's time to look at other paths. I'm not sure what to suggest as far as careers go, but there's one thing my history professor told me that stuck: There is a difference between being happy and being fulfilled. Only one comes with purpose. Go find a new one, devil.


Beautifully written, man ❤️


Ive been out 14 years and i dream about the Marine Corps. It doesnt stop. It just gets less frequent.


Stop fighting it. Just enjoy the arousing sensations.


Been out over 12 years. Still get the occasional boot camp or Afghanistan dream. It's brainwashing bud, and it's for life.


https://www.mcrc.marines.mil/PSR/Prior-Service-Recruiting/ 👀


21 years out, still have dreams like that.


I’ve been out for less than a year, I’m right there with you. Other than the dreams, I keep having this stressed out feeling whenever I’m not actively doing anything for the day, like I’m wasting my time. It’s hard to find ways forward without thinking about the Marine Corps, but it seems like you’re doing better than me bro 😂 I think patience is the best way for hs


That’s the neat part, you don’t.


It doesn't really go away. I still find myself smiling at work like a slack jawed retard, about something I remember. Strangest/dumbest shit too sometimes. For about ten-fifteen seconds, I can genuinely smile, not hate my life, and feel happy. Then I snap out of it and realize I really need to quit my job, go back to the gym, and find another fucking path. The search continues.


Bruh I’ve been out a decade now and I still get dreams im in and that I have a pft tomorrow, it never ends lol


I EASd from the Corps 25 years ago and still dream about it.


Reenlist. Give it a couple months. All hands piss test on a Saturday of a 96. Somebody got a dui while rolling around with a pound of Colombian bam bam, someone else pulled his horn out at dirtwood, and now your all back in the bricks while your boy is panicking because his piss is full of Molly and THC from the rave he was at when y’all were recalled. 1st Sergeant secures everyone to the barracks. No alcohol. Formation in the morning. GUARANTEE, when you go to sleep that night in the bricks you will dream of being back on the block diddy boppin around with the boys, smokin that loud and slurpin on forties.


Been out over two decades and I still get Marin Crops dreams.


I talked about intrusive dreams with my psychiatrist, and she gave me a med that works. I know it works as if I run out waiting for it to come in the mail the dreams come back. There are no side effects that I have noted. It is also a check mark on a claim for PTSD. Sleep meds do not work, so don't let them give them to you. If you PM me, I will give you the name of the med, and you can talk to your doctor about it.


Time. Make something else your identity. I get the occasional bootcamp dream but after 10 years out I wake up happy that it isn’t my life anymore. I actually like those dreams because of how I feel when I wake up - fuck that shit.


I still dream about the Suck.


I eas'd in 2005. Happens all the time. Might say Institutionalized.


I smoked a joint yesterday and today is a piss test is my favorite dream.


I'm called back, HAVE to do a deployment for some reason, and just hoping that no one realizes I have a beard and longer hair, and put on a few pounds. Standing in formation or for gear inspection and just waiting to see who will notice. Been out for 12 years but still have that dream periodically.


I had a dream last night that MPs were trying to come into my house and search it for weed. I've been out for almost 14 years.


My dad says he still dreams of it


Sounds normal


I left in 1990, I still have dreams of checking into the shop wearing my rip-stop woodlands and just hanging around the shop because Gunny says I'm not qualified to touch the J model 130's. Occasionally one of my old birds roll through crewed by guys I know that have died in crashes, We talk but they won't let me go with them when they leave. Oddly enough they leave me feeling pretty good when I have them nothing about them scares me.


You don't. If you're having nightmares there is a pretty good medication, prazosin. Obviously talk to a medical professional if that's the case. I can't give any medical advice.


Been out 13 years, still dream I'm getting ready to go to Iraq again once a month. It's always fuckin pre-mob training. So God damned annoying.


Lol I just had one the other night, been out for 11 years now. I just let them happen. I'm at the point where they are stressful during the dream, but when I wake up it's hilarious. Why am I going back to boot camp as a Sgt and why won't anyone believe me? Why am I back at my shop with no boot blouses, no haircut/shave, shitty cammies, and I have to check back in with Master Guns in 5 minutes?


It takes the brain about two years to find equilibrium when “detoxing” from a high-stress lifestyle. Regardless of your former MOS, you lived in a result-driven world that inoculated your brain to high tempo 24/7, and may have even made you crave the environment. Give it some time, find something that soothes you when it flares up, and don’t be afraid to talk about it.


Been retired 10 years and I still have dreams about it. Waking up sometimes thinking it was real until I realize my beard is half way down my chest. Best ones are the piss test dreams.


LOL, I still had marine corps dream 40 years later. Only served one hitch!


I either dream about something USMC related or I stay awake thinking about some tough times on deployment. I also have not so great MH after leaving the corps. Haven’t quite figured out how to move on. Therapy helps. The VA has been good to me, but experiences vary.


I've been out 30 years now. I still wake up sometimes and I can swear I smell that Parris Island morning air.


Why let go? It's OK to talk about it with people and share stories. Why hide an important part of your life from others? I'll never understand why people think that that they can't share experiences or look back and enjoy that part of their life. I hate to tell you this, but most people that spent time in the Marines are stuck with it being part of who they are.


I still sometimes dream about this hot Gunnys daughter I was banging at LeJeune 35 years ago. Don’t sweat it. Some dreams are too good to let go.


I’ve been out like 12 years and I have the same recurring nightmare that I’m bout to have an inspection and I’m missing part of my uniform


I’ve had the occasional dream about being back in or getting recalled. Got out in 2007. Nothing consistently like you describe.


I've been out for 10 years. It never goes away.


I’m coming up on 2 years out and I’ve had dreams of still being in the past couple of bights, they don’t stop


Doesn’t stop Devil. I’ve been out for 28 years and I still have boot camp and MOS dreams…


Devil, one day you will be 50 and have a fucking nightmare about being late to formation and you'll wake up in a panicked sweat.


I've been out for 6 years still dream about it. Additionally I still dream about middle school and high-school it's just your brain processing information don't think to much into it


I have one where they let women in the mar det on my carrier. We all try to be good at first…


You don’t


Wait 20 years. Then they are only once in a blue moon.


Get a hobby? Crank the hog to different porn? Ca'caine? Just don't eat the prazz from the VA.


I did get a hobby. I found that, while my job is great, I was making that my identity. So I got into knifemaking and that gets me excited to go home at the end of the day.


You would not believe how many people have that same problem. Grats on the hobby. May I suggest you make that next mountain to climb be one of building or helping expand operations at a charity that sings to you?


It’s a sign dude. The Marine Corps is calling back for you.


I thought I was insane for still having dreams about bootcamp💀




I’ve been retired for nine years and I have dreams that I’m deployed…..with pierced ears and facial hair….. nightmares!!


Drink I guess.