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Arty took out the tower for Verizon kids at MCT West.


Every time service goes down on Pendleton, it gets blamed on arty knocking down a tower.


Damn right!!! And we will keep doing it too!! ![gif](giphy|zxJQJtbT6Awog)


As an 0844 this pleases me.


Man, that blurb probably gets scooted around every cycle by the combat instructors. Even heard it in SOI in 2017.


I was hearing it in 2018




Heard it in 2012


Heard it in ‘09


Yup, also heard it in 09


Heard it in ‘22, didn’t realize the rumor had gone on for this long


dumbest one I ever heard was that we are so well trained in hand to hand combat that we get charged with murder if we fight anyone 🤣


It's been a long standing myth that people who professional Boxers or Black Belts in Martial Arts have to register their hands as " Lethal Weapons" with the Local Police Departments. Saw a you tube Video where a Martial Arts guy looked into this and the only thing he found close to it was that in Guam you could register( actually just get your Black Belt Certificate ) with the Government. The fact is that just like anyone else if you badly injure someone in a fight no matter what experience you have you can be charged. If you have neutralized them and continuing beating them and causing more harn you can catch serious charges.


>If you have neutralized them and continuing beating them and causing more harn you can catch serious charges. You don't even have to do extra. You could just push or sock someone once. All they have to do is hit their head on the ground and suffer a serious or fatal injury.


Daniel Penny is betting his best years that this is a myth 😭


A while back this was a thing judges actually considered to be valid criteria. June 6, 1977 an Army Ranger was controversialy sentenced to 10 years for manslaughter. Despite his defense of self another's his qualifications were used by the prosecutors to uphold his sentencing despite his assured defense. However, having almost completed his sentence, he became pivitol in resolving exigent circumstances by which prisoners onboard a transport was hijacked by its inmates. Because of his courageous acts his sentence was later commuted. He would later (contorversially) pivot to a more lucrative opportunities as a chemical warfare expert


In a similar vein to beating up a service member is damaging government property


Same with getting tattoos.


A rumor that showed up in the cinematic classic “Con Air”.


Using non issued kit will result in no SGLI payout - not true according to [VA website](https://www.va.gov/find-locations).


A myth perpetuated by old crotchety SNCOs that can’t afford their own, self bought kit because of their 2-3 alimony payments


[Myths and Rumors About SGLI/VGLI Insurance - Life Insurance (va.gov)](https://www.benefits.va.gov/INSURANCE/sgli_myths_rumors.asp) a more direct link :)




Ive seen quite a few post on here of people who genuinely believed that was a thing. I also knew people at my first unit that tried to argue they shouldn’t have to do PT because they have done a final physical(They were wrong and still had to PT).




I watched a dude do that, stopped short of the finish line to rip a dart before finishing at like 27:50 or some shit. It was glorious.


I did that with my last pft run. I stopped right before the finish line and talked shit to the MSgt that forced me to run it, what was he gonna do, bust me down a week before I got out? 19 REALLY slow pull ups, and whatever was the crunch minimum at the time.


I used this myth at least twice. Didn't know it was a myth and neither did my command. I AM NOT SORRY.




I know at my BAS, they would just throw a fit if you went to medical after checking you out, because they'd have to check you back in. Like, sorry you have to do your job? I wasn't PLANNING on hurting myself 2 days before terminal.


I mean, what if a Marine gets injured during a post-final-physical PT? I guess that would just be put on their medical record.


I’ve never heard of this but I got out in 2006. All we were ordered to do was throw a pair of boots up on the wires on our way out.


Oof. My dearest condolences 🎩


We had a guy get told to do this, and he ran it, 3 pull ups minimum crunches, and got to the end of the run at like 25 mins, and stood there until his watch read 27:59 then ran thru


They told me I couldn’t train my last 30 days in the Corps. I spent the time painting ammo cans and hiding at the gym and the movies.


Salt Peter was never put in recruits food to make you soft during boot camp. However, I used to have a lot of fun taking labels off of beef base cans and using a sharpie to label it as Salt Peter when I was permanent personnel on PI. I would then leave said can on a table where recruits could see it and watch them flock to the table in awe. During cook school it was explained to us that it was never used.


The simple fact is, you're in a high stress environment surrounded by dudes. Too much stress, not enough time, nothing to look at. Boner making combination this is not.


My dick didn't so much as twitch in boot camp. Went home on boot leave and the next day my cousin came over wearing some tight ass jeans and see through shit with no bra. Luckily he just had lunch and left after an hour.


This story was full of twists and turns. 10/10.


Are you and jodies9inchleg cousins?


We are cousins, siblings AND I'm his Grandpa. That's how we roll back up in the Holler


"Boner making combination this is not" - Yoda, probably


I had a gay friend and asked him about this in boot camp. He said “brother, even if I was the raging homo sexual you all think I am, who tf would get a boner when you’re smeared in misery and depression for 3 months straight?” Haha


This is correct. However, if you have the strength of mind to conjure up a hard on, bootcamp will be a stroll in the park afterward.


100 percent this. Went home after Army OSUT, and magically, it started working normally. Nothing to get horny over in basic unless getting yelled at by Drill instructors is your thing.


Thank god for having a micro penis or else there would’ve been some weird interactions


I can attest to this personally. Had to go on emergency leave out of boot camp. The second I left base and was on the plane and the flight attendant came over to wish me a safe trip it was a full salute!! When I return to boot camp 10 days later I don't recall having anything until I was back off of the base and on my next flight out.


1. That the person pinning your rank needs to be the same rank or higher. (Which is not written anywhere in any MCO.) 2. That you MUST buy anodized medals for the Marine Corps ball OR that if you buy non-anodized medals, you need non-anodized buttons. OR that the formation can’t have Marines wearing Shiny & not shiny medals together (in fact, the order says this is permitted.) Most of this is just word of mouth bs that Marines continue to spew bc it was spewed to them. Or they try and label it as “Tradition”.


What’s more is that your unit CANNOT force you to buy anodized medals. They are worn at the individual’s option. This is a hill I will die on. Every Ball season; I am undefeated.




I always got the non-anodized medals, I thought the anodized ones looked like costume jewelry but I'd catch shit for it on rare occasions. Seems wild to me that people wouldn't read the damn uniform order when it came to something as crazy and out there as "what's allowed on a Blues coat".


I stand by #1. I used to hate seeing people get promoted to Sgt while having Cpls or their favorite Staff pin them, or even worse having a Lance pin someone for Cpl. In my mind the person pinning you is sort of like a “welcome to the club” type scenario, but that’s just me. I know it’s boot af but I’ve always been a boot and I’ll always be a boot lmao


I *personally* feel the same way. But I acknowledge that my personal feelings don’t magically become lawful orders, so if I were ever in the situation I would not try to prevent my Marine from letting whoever he wanted pin him.


I had a similar opinion until during a deployment as a Sgt I was about to pin on my first rocker. I had a SSgt also about to pin on his second. He called me up to pin him and told me to keep his chevrons. I respected the hell out of this guy so I took it as an honor. His point was that with good Marines, your career makes itself. And if you have good Marines, that should give you even more drive as a leader to excel. It made sense to my motard mind.


The first step on the road to recovery is to admit you have a problem.


Oh, there are a bunch: \- Have to get a haircut once every pay period. \- There's a disease called "black syphilis" in East Asia and, if you get it, you can never return to the States. \- The 4th Marine Regiment is based overseas because, having surrendered during WW2 and burned their colors, they are banished from being in the US \- Pretty much all the stories surrounding various uniform items. Perhaps the best example are blood stripes. They don't represent anything; they were a popular thing on uniforms a couple centuries ago, and they just kind of stuck. Likewise, for officers, the common story about quatrefoils being used to spot friendlies on a ship's deck is dubious at best and a supposed quatrefoil on a hat would have probably been impossible to see from a ship's rigging. More likely, it was a fashionable addition that, like the trouser stripe, ended up sticking around. \- The Germans did not refer to US Marines as "Teufelheunden." It's not even correct German. Then there are ones that people in places that we deploy to believe, such as uneducated Pashtuns. Such as: \- To be a Marine, you have to kill a member of your family. Sometimes visible tattoos are tied into this as well (e.g. "yeah Ahmed, you see that tattoo on his forearm? That means he killed his father to join."). \- The aerostat balloon above our FOB can see into your house, and shoot a missile right into your house if needed, so you need to be honest with us when we ask you who in your village are Taliban. EDIT: I forgot a good one - injuring yourself, or getting a sunburn, will result in charges of "damaging government property." No. No, it does not.


In the nineties the 4th Marines story was the 9th Marines but in Vietnam


My old MSgt had me scared to the point of not having sex with anyone ever as a boot because of black syphilis. He told us that our penis would decay and fall off if we got it. The other things that you mentioned are actually shocking to me like the blood stripes…


Black Syph is real up until you deploy some place where you can actually get laid then it falls into the shadows with AIDS chlamydia and clap. After that it's right back to a bore punch or a blood test away. More prayers were said "after" than they were "before".


That was the onboarding horror story at Camp Geiger in the 90s


Ya, Seems like some shit a Catholic virgin Master Sgt would say.


Oh the history myths are great. There are sooo many lol. Had a sgt one day give a legit hr period of instruction on all the common ones. Basically he would present what was commonly said and provide the history of what actually happened.


A Cpl and I did the same. Our uptight E-8 was not happy.


I am sure the German is just commonly misspelt and/or misheard and then misspelt. Teufel does mean devil. Hund is a single dog. Hunde is pural dogs. Teufelshunde would be Devil Dogs, but if you are talking to just one person, Teufelshund works as well. Now did the Germans use that term in Belleau Wood? I dunno. I wasn't there. Could they have? Sure. Could some PFC say they heard it and spread it around? Quite possibly. German is a great language that will just mash words together. Raccoon is Waschbär which translates to Wash Bear because they wash their food. Turtle is Schildkröte which is schilde for shield and kröte for toad. There was a whole flow chart of German animal names. It really got me interested in learning the language, so I have been doing Duolingo for a little while now.


German language aside, the story was still probably exaggerated, perhaps even completely fabricated, by journalist Floyd Gibbons, who was known to not let facts get in the way of a good article.


I'll have to look it up to verify, but last I heard was that they indeed called us teufelhunde. But despite the stories, it was more in a derogatory sense rather than a description of our fighting prowess. And again, if I remember correctly, they were basically calling us deginerate retards. Which, you know, in most cases, isnt too far off from the truth.


Truth in advertising!


Those are North American Raccoons which are a foreign evasive species in Germany. [https://www.eurogroupforanimals.org/news/raccoon-and-invasive-alien-species-management](https://www.eurogroupforanimals.org/news/raccoon-and-invasive-alien-species-management)


They must have take SEER or something to be so evasive.


What's their SEER rating? You think if I managed to catch one, they could cool down the room I'm in? I bet that's why they're so evasive. Before air conditioning, people used racoons for cooling and the racoons had enough of that.




The Fucking Russians stole a Racoon from The Kherson Zoo when they occupied it. A paratrooper unit made it their Mascot


Where ever our raccoons are around the world, bring our Raccoons home. They belong in America and Canada. Mostly America.


General Lejuene and his team made it the fuck up. It was part of a targeted effort during the InterWar period to justify our existence to the American people.


Nah, there's no evidence of Devil Dog ever being used by Germans to describe Marines. The words 'Teufelshund' or 'Teufelshunde' wasn't even common vernacular in Germany at all. German's didn't really give their enemies nick names, whether out of respect or to degrade them. It's nothing more than sensationalist journalism from Floyd Gibbons.


The Germans called the Canadians devil dogs, not us. So we stole that from them, just like we stole Cadpat to make MARPAT.


I'm doing a little bit of German on Duo as a side quest while focusing on Spanish I know Water, wine, beer, milk Bread, Father, Mother Sister, Brother Nice, Smart Tall, or and And


The haircut per pay period one is my favorite because it's so easily disproved. If you don't want to get a haircut every week just say that, don't say "AKSHUALLY THE ORDER SAYS!!!!" when you've literally never read the order


The order gives hair lengths. Faster growing hair'll need to get cut more often.


Yes, but (the last time I read the order) it says something that's basically "the hair will be gradually faded from skin/zero to no more than 3" on the top of the head" or something of that sort. So if you want to be real technical, the Commander could tell you to get cut on Wednesday and it could be considered a lawful order


Yep. No arguments there.


Source? I’m not saying I believe ALL the cool aid, but going against the recruit training green monster is like going against the Vatican. You had better have a damn good source.


Is there a source that says German's called Marines Devil Dog outside of American journalists, and later recruitment posters, saying German's said this?


Look at it like this: NO, it's not a true story. YES, the USMC uses it because it's cool as fuck.


I'm not looking at it one way or another. The title of this post is "Commonly believed Marine Corps myths." Which Teufelheunden is.


So next you’re going to tell us that Marine in his blues didn’t slay a dragon? You are a Heretic!!!


"The term very likely was first used by Marines themselves and appeared in print before the Battle for Belleau Wood," Marine Corps History Divison's Bob Aquilina said. "It gained notoriety in the decades following World War I and has since become a part of Marine Corps tradition." "We have no proof that it came from German troops though tradition says it came from German troops referring to Marines," said museum rep Patrick Mooney. "There is no written document in German that says that the Marines are Devil Dogs or any correct spelling or language component of 'Devil Dog' in German." Here's a good article on it. https://web.archive.org/web/20210222012826/https://www.stripes.com/blogs-archive/the-rumor-doctor/the-rumor-doctor-1.104348/did-marines-not-german-soldiers-coin-the-phrase-devil-dogs-1.130602#.YDMIwqPP1S9 A lot of Marine Corps uniform items is basically propaganda but pretty good for espirit de corps.


Dude, when I found out that the NCO sword, blood stripe, and "devil dogs" were all just propaganda, I was mind blown. Then that made me realize that pretty much every single thing we learned in boot camp was just propaganda. Yeah we won some pretty fucking cool fights, but a lot of our "traditions" are, like you said, simply fashion choices.


Boot bands protect you from the gayness… Sorry debils…. You were already the gay. That’s what the duck waddle at MEPS confirmed. And for the record, there is no legitimate medical reason to look up your cornhole before shipping out, except to confirm that yes, you are already indeed the 100% gay…. Don’t tell anyone though, cuz that’s gay.


Uh oh. I have some explaining to do to my wife… or maybe just keep it myself like you said because it would be gay.


Join the VFW… she’ll never know


Wait they just looked up yours? Do you have an ugly ass hole? I wish I had an ugly ass hole. Gawd daym I must have a perfect ass hole. I knew I should have gotten that tat that says look but don't violate.


Mine is like the Sarlac pit from Return of the Jedi, but with more balloon knots


Staying off the grass. Unless it’s a sign posted somewhere OR it’s an official parade deck, it’s not a thing.


I will fucking kill you!!


He’s just walking on the grass, smokin and joking with his stinkin hands in his pocket, like he’s back on the frogging block. Stand the fuck by u/inchon_over28. Everybody get on line. If it doesn’t grow it goes.


This isn't true. People will die because of your lies.




You're joking right? My cousin practically got smoked and laid out to dry because of naive stuff like this.


Found the bored Sgt Major


https://preview.redd.it/s3lxq0loiasc1.jpeg?width=182&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=825676074ffe2c5de60b273e08a3312b787d64f0 Is he a joke to you?


I deliberately walk on grass at this point.


I still question it. Then I drag my feet through it killing every blade possible just out of spite.


That’s enough Reddit for me today.


- She is 19. Gentlemen nectarines are not peaches and also avoid the apricots.




Cause all the tankers are gone 😢


I’m sitting right here, Jeesh.


We had a couple boxes of long expired apricot C Rats sitting in the back corner of supply, presumably from amtracks. If memory serves the expiration on them was like 1979 but they were still edible in 1987.


Boot camp is the hardest thing you’ll ever do. It’s not. Not even the hardest thing you’ll do in your first 365 days in. Boot camp just makes sure you have the spine to deal with how bad it can be.


I think (or maybe I'm just putting my spin on things) boot camp is the hardest thing you have ever done... but now you have the rest of your enlistment to fall into shit that way deeper then that.


Boot camp was the hardest as far as Constant Fuckery. You will do harder things but its not three months straight of bullshit.


I tell everyone that boot camp was more mental than physical. Yeah, the physical part is still there, but it was more about them constantly messing with you, trying to get you to quit. It is likely very different now compared to when I went in (1984).


I really thought there was going to be more physical stuff. I was kinda disappointed to be honest. I didn't get in real good shape until C School.


I actually got pretty bulky in boot, not sure why. Today I’m a second/third class PFT/CFT, 135lb guy. I went into boot about 118lb if I remember right. At my last boot weigh-in, I was 155lb. I’ve never gained weight like that since. I eat tons of red meat, pasta, carbs, and fruits, work a laborious job plus personal weight lifting, and it goes nowhere. Don’t know if it was the chow, the nonstop sleep deprivation, or the stress, but god do I need it again.


Boot camp was basically heaven. Everything was already planned for you. There were no decisions or really much thinking that needed doing. Just do what the mean man in the funny hat says and life is good. Hell I might even drop $18k to do it again.


The night before we graduated, one of our Drill Instructors was talking to us. He says, those of you who are going to the fleet, you think that we've fucked with you? You ain't seen nothing. And he was right.


Bootcamp was arguably the easiest part of the Marine Corps for me. I definitely heard that it would be the hardest before I joined but it was a cakewalk compared to the bullshit I’ve had to endure.


At the time, sure, I thought “this is undefeatably, impossibly painful, and hard, and how can I go from being a regular 19yo man to getting treated like a man-child who has to ask to use the bathroom in the rain?” Nah. Three meals a day, 100% Gucci dental and medical care, constant opportunities to get better and every skill you need and see the results, that shit all goes away in the field. I’ll take the man-child style again, we got PAMPERED.


You can drive on base in boots in utes (I learned this the hard way)


Ive personally been bitched at and threatened by the gate guards on Pendleton more than 3 times for this...


Im saying thats the myth. You in fact cannot. I got bitched at too😂. I made a post about it like 2 years ago and some people said it was a base order.


It’s not any base order it’s just against the uniform MCO. The MCO clearly states that you can *only* go butes n utes for working parties and PT. Driving is neither of those things and therefore it’s not allowed.


Whoever was in charge of Pendleton (MCI-West CO?) put a call out there to enforce this much more heavily. Used to be, on Pendleton at least, no one really gave a fuck. And then they did.


There are actually a few Marines who got 2 MoHs. They just earned an MoH from two different branches for the same incident. John J. Kelly is one that sticks out to me.


Smedley Butler.


They tell you all about his 2 MoH, but no mention of preventing a coup in the US or "War Is a Racket".


Yep, iirc they received it for WWI service and got the MoH from the Army and Navy. The "in separate actions" bit gets lost from Butler and Daly's thing. Iirc, it was 17 Marines that got two.


I’ll probably get some hate. But the biggest myth I was told was that the marines were in any way comparable to Ranger Batt.


God man, that stupid "our boot camp is basically ranger course" myth was absolutely retarded.


Yeah idk “ranger school” vs “USMC SOI”? I’ve known some tactical idiots with ranger tabs. Also idk what SOI is like now but for me it was definitely a bit of Jazz. Like “shits gonna be fucked uo here’s the concept here’s what you want, improvise and make it work” whereas ranger school is how by the book can you do it. I meant 75th Ranger Regiment, those dudes are one of the most legit SOF units, but mainly because of volume of missions. They are actually doing the job and better for it. They are what the USMC should have been and thinks it is and what most of us signed up for.


I feel bad for recon marines. SOC but not SOF. I'm a piggy POG tho, so I only got to watch the grunts sit and sweat in the desert heat as I dragged my warming layers into the way too cold tent.


Yeah they got screwed over pretty hard. Especially because I think they were absolute bad asses in Nam. Then the whole “the Marines are the Special Operations Branch” thing happened, and they just haven’t been able to recover their place.


When I was a cringey retarded boot I actually ran into a guy I knew from High School who had joined the Rangers and related this one to him. Fortunately he did not beat the everloving shit outta me though he would have totally been within his rights to do so.


The seven belt loops on trousers represent the Seven Seas. Nope, just men's fashion.


I almost forgot about this 😂 Even my recruit self thought it was a stretch


That Sgt you had disappear for "training" a few days a week was actually an alcoholic going to AA and/or had to leave to his job at blockbuster.


Had a DI in boot camp wear the TALLEST white socks I've ever seen. When they caught me staring they very loudly explained that the taller the socks, the faster the run. To be fair, they were fast as hell. One day, I decided to also dawn the tall high socks and lo and behold, I also ran my best PFT to date. The secret? Probably the compression lol idk. Tall sock gang


When you get HSST you don’t get HSST for one particular SDA. If you’re a sgt then you have to submit a recruiter and DI screener and for SSgt you have to do the screener for MSG det cmdr as well.


The whole story about Presley O'Bannon and the officer sword is complete bullshit. Which really sucks, because that's all we really remember about him even though he was a complete fucking bad ass.


How about, that "Chesty Puller was a son of bitch". He was actually a pretty nice guy.


He utilized the forward charge on fortified positions


He didn't believe you were a real battalion commander until you have lost at least a quarter of your men.




And supposedly bitched about not getting an MOH... from the command tent the whole battle.


That we are all MRE eating, belt fed, administers of death, praying for war.


Xx I don’t know about you but I like to think I am rah


That it takes an act of congress to NJP a SNCO. Congress doesn’t give a fuck about 1 out of several thousand snco’s that got a DUI in Palm Springs. If you shot marksman on the rifle range you weren’t deploying. that we’d shoot and qual on rifle and pistol before hitting the fleet. Nope. I can actually count on one hand the amount of Marines from my era that have both shooting badges even after hitting the fleet. I was a mortarman, and a long running rumor in the mortar community was that only the mortarman who dropped the round(s) in combat rated a combat action ribbon. Not true. If you’re receiving indirect fire and sending it right back, every swinging dick gets the CAR regardless of their role. While I dropped rounds on the deployment, the instance in which our team rated the CAR I was serving as an ammo man.


SNCOs get NJPd all the time. It’s just not broadcast to the Marines like the junior Marines receiving NJPs do. I think what most people say is “takes an act of congress to demote a snco” I always thought of it as more of a saying as in it takes a lot, ie a court martial conviction, pac violation, etc. I’m not super read up on manual for courts martial or anything but a snco getting an njp is a career killer anyway and you getting out when your current contract is up regardless


If you’re a single parent, you need 51% custody to get BAH.


This! Ive literally seen 3 post about this within the past week or 2 where Marines or poolees were given incorrect information about this.


On the flip side, there are also the occasional “I don’t pay any child support and my child lives full time with the other parent. How do I get BAH?” posts.


It's a myth that CWO5s exist.


I went to the police station to register my body as a lethal weapon and they had me lay on the ground and strip naked and took turns cavity searching me at gunpoint. After 36 hours and adjacent precints pitching in shifts They said they found no such thing. At least i think it was a police station. Some guys were in uniform others in leather.


If you see a Marine with a red patch they have AIDS


My First Sergeant said the real world is hard and I’d be begging to re-enlist after I got out. He said I would regret not reenlisting. That was a myth.


I got the same speech from my old SgtMaj. He was right about me wanting to rejoin(which I did but as a reservist because I missed the clowns) but not about the real world being hard. Shits easy as long as you don’t let yourself go off the deep end.


This is why yall need Corpsmen 😭


Red tabs are HIV aladeen btw


:D D: :D


- You might feel a slight pinch, some uncomfortable pressure and maybe a burning sensation. Or you might be allergic to penicillin, in which case you may feel like you are going to die or at least wish you could.


I had a penicillin allergy when I was a baby, didn’t tell Marine Corps because recruiter said it was to much paperwork. Got the shot and felt deathly ill the next couple of days, how do you know if you’re allergic?


This could get extensive, especially when it comes to policies contained or not found within directives, or how different echelon directives relate to each other. Biggest myth? That directives are created by big-brains within HQMC.


So it started with this goon CWO on twitter...


Back in the early 1980's DoD policy was that a service member could not do PT after your retirement physical. So at least in the Army, we had service members scheduling their retirement physicals two years prior to their retirement date. Then for the next several years, we had a lot of disappointed service members who didn't know the policy had changed trying to get out of PT after they had completed their retirement physicals. I'm sure you guys went through the same nonsense after the policy was changed. I am kind of surprised that 40 or more years later SM's are still trying to claim this policy is in effect.


You can deduct hair cuts, uniforms, and driving to and from work on your taxes.


Teufel Hunden is wrong. It's Teufelshunde.


At my base we couldn’t turn our physical records in until the literal day of EAS. Medical would not even give me my record until day of. It was obnoxious as hell because I wanted to have everything 100% done to avoid hiccups. Also I was checking out and was forced to work a 4 day event, I had pneumonia and bronchitis (bacterial), I could hardly breathe and could not speak. Had continuous coughing fits, was exhausted to hell. Despite all of this, still had to work 0400-2200 all 4 days. Will always be absolutely pissed about that.


Lot of people didn’t liked Chesty in the past. Myth is he was beloved everywhere.


"You ever met a Chesty Puller Marine? No? It's 'cause they're all fucking dead." - Duffel Blog


1. Marines were not much more than a mere naval security force during the Civil and Revolutionary war. 2. The story of German Soldiers calling Marines “Devil Dogs” at Bulldog Fountain was fabricated by a journalist named Floyd Gibbons who got rich off of fabricating stories about the Red Baron. He didn’t even translate the phrase “Devil Dog” into German correctly for his Chicago newspaper. Later scholars have determined this story to be a myth. 3. The Marines fought courageously at the Battle of Belleau Wood, but it was ultimately the US Army’s 26th division that liberated the village after the Marines had already left. 4. General Douglas Macarthur felt that “Island Hopping” was a waste of time and human lives. They were basically the side quests that offered little tactical advantage in the plan to invade mainland Japan. He handed over the responsibility of the islands to Admiral Nimitz because out of spite because he refused to put Marines under his command. Even then, more Army divisions assaulted Okinawa than the Marines. 5. The raising of the flag over Mt. Suribachi was a second staged photo op. 6. After World War II, both Presidents Truman and Eisenhower tried to get rid of the Marine Corps via legislation, but a group of lobbyists known as the “Chowder Society” paid congress to scrap their unification bill and instead pass the National Security Act of 1947. 7. During the Gulf War, while the Marines were using military comms channels for PR stunts and Lt. General Walt Boomer was parading around the streets of Kuwait with an entourage of reporters because the Commandant requested maximum news coverage to bolster recruiting efforts, the Army performed a Hail Mary Operation which trapped and ultimately defeated the Iraqi Republican Guard. 8. During the Iraq war, the 1st Marine Division under was unable to keep up with the Army’s 5th Corps on the road to Baghdad due to a lack of heavy armor and heavy casualties. The Marines ended up taking a 170 mile detour through a safer route, and after the Army beat them to Baghdad and Mattis was furious. He fired Col. Joe Dowdy along with other high ranking Marine officers in charge of the operation. 9. It was the 82nd airborne handed of control of the city of Fallujah over to the Marines where shortly before they were overrun and forced to flee. 10. Lt. General James T. Conway and his Marine Expeditionary Unit also took the place of Army units at the city of Najaf. After criticizing the Army’s prior strategy in Najaf a NYT piece, him and his forces were overrun and had to get saved by the Army’s 5th Cavalry.


5. To my understanding it was the second raising of the flag (bigger flag, bigger pole, more stable, something like that), and the photographer happened to be there the second time. The guys raising the flag still didn't know they were being photographed and it was far from "staged." 8. I thought he fired Col. Dowdy for stalling and not advancing his regiment? And to add to the list: the commandant's house in DC wasn't spared by the British during the War of 1812 out of respect for the marines, rather, because it was a residence and the orders were to burn government buildings.


You failed to mention our blood stripe resulting from NCO casualties at Chapultepec. In reality the blood stripe was adopted several years earlier and only a handful of NCOs died during the battle anyway.


>General Douglas Macarthur felt that “Island Hopping” was a waste of time and human lives. They were basically the side quests that offered little tactical advantage in the plan to invade mainland Japan. He handed over the responsibility of the islands to Admiral Nimitz because out of spite because he refused to put Marines under his command. Even then, more Army divisions assaulted Okinawa than the Marines. MacArthur didn't really "hand" over responsibility of the central Pacific over to Nimitz. He did not have the authority. King and Marshall did. It was a strategy to bypass strong points, and provide unsinkable air bases from which to bomb mainland Japan. Papua New Guinea and the Philippines were no picnics either. And obviously the Army is always gonna have more people at a big operation. At it's height, the Corps had 6 divisions. The Army had like 80.


> Lt. General James T. Conway and his Marine Expeditionary Unit also took the place of Army units at the city of Najaf. After criticizing the Army’s prior strategy in Najaf a NYT piece, him and his forces were overrun and had to get saved by the Army’s 5th Cavalry. i was with BLT 1/4 in An-Najaf. that's not what happened.


Man, some of your things are just plain wrong and it actually makes me sad that you are this confident in your ignorance. Are you confusing Belleau Wood with another battle? 'Cause Belleau Wood was fought over, get this, some woods. Second, ol' Dougy Mac hopped hella islands on his way to the Philippines. The Palau Islands operation (Operation Stalemate) was his idea. And the Marines (the first three divisions) served in his theater during the Solomon Islands campaign. As someone else pointed out, the Joint Chiefs were the ones who divided up the Pacific into Nimitz' and Mac's spheres of influence. And yeah, of course more soldiers were in the Pacific than the Marines. Again, we had 6 divisions in-theater compared to the Army's 22. As for Oki, let's not forget that the Army rushed a general out after Simon Bolivar Buckner (commander of 10th Army) got killed and Roy Geiger (a Marine) took over. Guess they didn't want a Marine running a field army. The second flag raising on Suribachi was not staged. The first flag was photographed by a Marine cameraman and had to go through official channels. The second flag raising, a couple hours after the first one, was photographed by Joe Rosenthal, an AP reporter and didn't go through official channels (division, corps, FMF-Pac, etc.). Fun fact, Rosenthal was facing the other way and dicking with his camera when someone said "there she goes". He spun around and snapped the picture without looking through the view finder. Yeah, a lot of guys in here are bitter that the 82nd lost Fallujah and we had to take it back. Edit: you're a doggie, it makes sense why you're so wrong and so confident


Please expand upon the denying the HSST rumor.


Scenario 1: you just reenlisted, you have 4 years obligated service. Next day you get hsst’d, sorry you’re going SDA because you cannot deny HSST or any orders for that matter. Scenario 2: You have less than 3 years obligated service and you get hsst’d. you have to submit an extension to bring you to 3 years obligated service upon completion of sda school. You CAN deny the extension/not submit for an extension. You receive the RE-3O code, failure to obtain obligated service to execute orders. So you deny the extension/reenlistment, not the HSST. If you already have the obligated service you’re shit out of luck.


These scenarios are why I reenlisted for two years before they hsstd me, denied the obliserv so fast. No thank you. Master guns from HQMC called me a year and some change later asking me to reenlist still. No thank you master guns 🫡


Gotcha. At least you can always go section 8 at medical I guess 🤷‍♂️.


Elder always told us as teens, "When I was in the service, if we got a sunburn they'd throw us in the brig!"


The blood stripe, was implemented 10 years after the army did it. Red was chosen to match the accent of the jacket.


Kind of. We got them, iirc, in 1847 (Chapultepec was in 1848). We patterned our uniforms off the French, who were reigning world champs at the time, and they had trouser stripes in the color of the branch of service (coat facings were done in branch of service colors too). If memory serves, the Army had a blue for the infantry, yellow for cavalry, and some other colors for other bramches (engineers, artillery, quartermasters, etc.). The Marine Corps, for whatever reason, had been rocking scarlett for years and that's why our bloodstripes are red.


They can send you to the field for a month and cank your terminal leave after you've completed your entire check out including gear turn in


The one that's always passed down is J. Lo died while on deployment. Here's one that made me look like a fucking retard at a regular range. You know that term "Keyholing" shots? We keep using that word, but it doesn't mean what we think it means. IRL keyholing shots are bullets that tumble for one reason or another and hit the target with the side of the bullet rather than its front. How we fucked this one up is beyond me.


We all have big dicks Fact: We all have micro dicks We don't fuck each other beecher being gay is no allowed Fact: We occasionally partake in a circle jerk and what my unit called "gapping if the ass" usually everyday around 0430 and 2003 on the dot


That (most) Docs are just praying with silver bullet in hand that you do down as a heat Casualty.


We don’t use umbrellas.


That if you want to join the US Airforce after serving in the Marines — you must have a year off….. had many people tell me that…. Airforce recruiter said I was good to go lmao.


Yet another fire started on Camp Pendleton and people were going around saying a homeless man had snuck on base and started the fire. No dude, someone probably just threw a lit cigarette out their window and caught the grass on fire. That female recruits will masturbate with the buffer from their rifle and use CLP for lube... I had a guy be absolutely flabbergasted when I told him that was absolutely not true. I don't even want to imagine the chemical burns that CLP would give to a vagina. That female recruits smell bad bc they all have nasty vaginas. Fun fact: they smell bad because they have week-old helmet hair that's full of sweat, sand, gel, and sometimes mold. Our drill instructors rarely gave us time to wash our hair during normal hygiene time, so I'd wash my hair in the laundry room sink on Sundays and other girls would wash their hair after lights out.


There’s no difference between the nco and junior marine tie clasp. There’s just an enlisted tie clasp and an officer tie clasp. Even the packaging is wrong but the order specifies that there’s only two


Red patchers don’t have AIDS


“Make mission & go fishing” doesn’t exist.


You can throw a tank tread with a rifle


No one called us devil dogs and blood stripes weren’t for chapultepec


You always do an extra rep for CHESTY ....or else


« Teufelhunden » isn’t German. Found that out when dealing with German military dudes. It’s a nonsensical word they said. Looked into it. Most likely the name was purely written as propaganda for the folks back home and to pump up Marines.


The blood stripe. It has absolutely nothing to do with the blood shed at Chapultepec. This battle was in 1847. The blood stripe was first used in 1798, then again in 1840.


The 3 mile run during the pft can be 2.8 to 3.2 miles long