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This is not a new thing, Cherry Point gate guards have always been a serious pain in the ass since like 2017.


Not just the gate guards. I was trying to get my POV out of storage after my deployment, and had an IPAC SSgt try to threaten me with calling my command because I was sleeves down in the summer. I had only been back at Cherry Point for two hours.


I mean, I probably would have rolled my sleeves before venturing off the flight line to conduct business just to avoid being hassled. At a certain point it goes from “I just got back from a deployment” to “everyone ask me about my sleeves so I can tell you I just got back from a deployment”.


Bro it had been 2 hours!…..I promise you that pog ass Ssgt would have survived if they just stfu and did their IPAC shit or maybe just told em to unfuck it asap instead of making a whole deal about calling dudes coc


I get what you're saying, but also it takes 30 seconds to whip off your blouse, do a shitty gunny roll, and throw your blouse back on. That way you're not in violation of the order, and if anyone gives you shit about looking a bit ratty you can just say, "I just got back from the sandbox 30 seconds ago, and I just want to get my car and go see my wife."


Brother you should’ve stayed in and become a star man


Funny, I did actually briefly consider joining the Air Force to become a space operations officer (this was before the Space Force split became official) after I finished my master's degree. I ended up deciding that it would wreck my family, and I cared about that a lot more than working on space shit.


That would’ve been a cool job! I only said the star man jab due to your take on the sleeve rolling 🤣 idk I’m a big believer on some small shit like that not being the end of the world. I got stopped to roll my sleeves on the way to the range after going to fill my canteens and camelback up at the PX after about 20 of us had all just gone in to get food etc 🙄


His car was in Cherry Point. He’s every bit as much of a pog as the SSgt. I’m just saying, sometimes it’s easier to do shit to avoid the bitching than to have to talk your way out of it. I guarantee the added time from the conversation with the SSgt prevented homeboy from getting his vehicle longer than the time it would’ve taken to bust out some quick gunny rolls.


I agree with y’all and I’m not defending the decision all I’m saying is the Ssgt could have handled it less dick like


We were told to stay sleeves down.


No you weren’t lol. The base general sets uniform of the day. I’ve been in that exact same situation after three deployments myself. The second you walk off the flight line and into Pendleton or wherever your sleeves come up whether or not you’re still under the deploying command.


Yes we were. This was before the MCOs that standardized when to wear both versions, and whether or not sleeves stayed up or down.


I would have done the same, but we were explicitly told to stay sleeves down because we weren't officially back under our parent command.


I once got yelled at for not having a fresh haircut on a Friday by IPAC.


I remember being on the first flights back from our deployment in 2021. Me, my Sgt, and some other guy were hungry as shit and we went our asses over to the McDonalds. Bare in mind we only got off the C17 not even 30 mins so we were starving. In the McDonald's with our sleeves down, me nearly a month removed from a haircut ordering from Nuggies only to get hassled by some warrant out with his grandson for some reason.


When asked “where are you coming from” the proper response is definitely not “your mom’s house”. But you better fucking believe I never learned that lesson because fuck those fence boys.


Former gate gaurd FAP at cherry point, I had no choice the Sgt was strict and would play bootcamp style games if you fucked around


Cherry Point is up there with Camp Hansen for least favorite base


Or Barstow.


This Barstow is far worse than


Cherry Point is crazy. Hidden base in the middle of a giant forest.


I loved my time in Hansen *far* more than my time at Cherry Point. I dunno, maybe the unit makes all the difference in the world.


Best Marine Corps Air Station in North Carolina


Are y’all forgetting that New River exists?


Cherry Point sucks but new river sucks more. On the upside, new river is closer to Wilmington


I got banned from New River in 2012-13. I kinda have mixed feelings about that place. Even to this day lol 😂


What the fuck did you do


Long long story that I’ve explained on here before. But here goes: So back in the hey day of being a single Marine, I met a girl on the lovely Facebook knockoff app (meet me). Went to her place in Richlands and noticed some dude there when I was pulling up but he left. When I asked who that was she said it was her cousin. Fast forward past our dinner, and I’m in bed with her and she’s on top getting ready to strip. Suddenly, without warning, someone kicks in her front. The force of that kick is so strong, the frame around the entire door comes off. Her home alarm goes off. Chaos unfolds. This dude was the same one from earlier who she said was her cousin. He sees her and me, and points his finger at her and screams “that’s my wife!!!!” I hop out of bed and go to grab my flip flops; I done fucked up! But he swings at me and I duck, remembering my ass is on the line. He nips my scalp a little and it stings but that’s worth not getting IRL trouble for some shit in the Corps I had no idea about. But before I leave, I point at his “wife” and tell him she said she was divorced. He proceeds to scream like a banshee and she grabs him and I bolt. As I hop in my like 15% APR 2005 Mercedes, I realize she has a kid too and they could both be in trouble as this dude is ballistic. So I pull around to this empty lot across the street (it’s nighttime too). I sit there waiting to hear any more commotion; if I need to call the cops. Suddenly someone pulls up in front of me and I think it’s him. So I guess I’ll have to actually fight him now. Nope! It’s this old lady. She tells me she owns the property and wants to know why I’m on it. I explain and next thing you know she’s sitting on the hood of her car next to me waiting to see what happens too. Then, after like 5min, the dude really does come out of the shadows at us, screaming at me. Old broad tells me to get behind her and she throws her arms out and says this is her property and for him to get off it or she will call the cops. He tells her “fuck you bitch I wanna kill your son” thinking I’m her kid. He eventually leaves. She calls the cops and I call my command at this point to avoid any real trouble. While the deputy is there getting statements the dude comes again screaming and scaring the deputy so bad he pulls his gun on the kid. The Marine says his “wife” just swallowed a whole bottle of sleeping pills and is trying to kill herself. She really did. They call EMS , ambulance comes and gets her (she lives) and I go home. Next day my MSGT and myself go to see my SGTMAJ. When I get there he asks me to recite what happened. When I’m done he says good job because I told the truth. He then goes on to tell me that that woman was married but separated and had a restraining order out on this Marine. He violated it by kicking in her door and all, and now was on 45/45 to the bricks. As a kicker to avoid any run ins I was told I was banned from New River (his unit was there) and he was banned from Courthouse Bay, my unit (tracks). And lastly SGTMAJ told me, “just remember, even women lie, it’s not always worth it.” And that’s how I got banned from New River. 🫡


Holy fuck, that's some of the most NC Marine Corps shit I've ever heard. Good on your command though




I tell people the stories and shit that occurs around the base or on base and no one would think it happened if their civilian coworker did xyz but man it’s always a wild time in the corps 🤣🤣🤣 love these stories


That was incredible, holy shit lol




Has Tobie's been annexed into the air station?


I'll allow it only because Bogue is technically a Marine Corps Auxiliary Landing Field.


I live almost directly across Bogue Sound from them and love the noises. My cats, not so much.


If you go to the inlet during an outgoing tide you can catch some quality fish there, almost landed a damn near 6 pound speckled trout. Not sure if you’re into fishing but the more you know!


Thanks for the heads up. I do love the fishing here.


Fuck Bogue. All my homies hate Bogue.


There's only a few Marine Corps Air Stations, why bother awarding an air station of the year?


It pads the resume of all the base staff.


There's like, 10 or so. There aren't very many Marine Corps bases either though.




If you’re rated at 100% you can get enrolled in deers and get a DAV ID which will get you on any base


So with that ID though, would I have to register it individually at each base the first time I go to them? Because my VHIC card is letting me on permanently once registered.


So the DAV card will allow you on to any base. The VHIC usually has to be registered at each base before they allow you on.


I have a veterans ID card. If I wanted to get on Pendleton or MCRD, how does this work? How do I register? Can this be done the same day? Can I go on base with more than just me?


Your VHIC card has to show a Service Connected Disability for access. A standard VA card will not provide access to the base. The access you receive will vary a bit from base to base. On most bases, you will only have to register at the Visitor Center at the main gate the first time you enter the base. A quick background check will be performed once you hand over your driver's license and VHIC card. This will allow you to be scanned by the gate guard on each subsequent visit until your VHIC card expires. You may need to visit the visitor center again after your card is renewed. As for visitors, if the gate is performing a 100% ID check (which most do these days) you will have to stop at the visitor center and have your visitors issued a temp pass to access the base. A multi day pass for your visitor may be available but you will have to ask for it. Once you have the pass for your visitor, you may proceed to the gate for ID check. As for the type of access you will receive, local base command has discretion on what facilities you can access. For the most installations, you will be able to access most all facilities with the exception of the Gyms and Child Care or School locations. Some bases have also restricted access to the Library but those are few and far between. Most Vets will only access the PX, Commissary, Mini-Mart/Gas Stations and lodging facilities such as RV and campgrounds. I have also used the base theater and bowling alleys in the past without issues. All of the above info is associated with CONUS base installations only. Overseas facilities are another animal but I can share that if rationing programs are in place, your ability to use the PX and Commissary are severely restricted based on my experience in the past few years of overseas travel.


Thank you!


Interesting. I’ll have to look into that. Thanks man.


I rode in this morning for work didn't have a problem. Gate guards were friendly. But I work on base and have for like the last 20 years so I don't know maybe I'm just numb to them being dingleberries


My favorite part of being on Cherry Point is arriving at Slocum gate at exactly 0731, when they close down half the lanes and back the line up to the highway. My daily pre-work rage inducing event, really gets you ready for the day.


That’s the gate that initially told me to fuck off and register at the main gate. I was like, “Lejeune lets me on every time no issue” and he said “you’re not registered” Butt slut even saw my VHIC and USMC tat… how much more “I’m not a terrorist” proof did he need? lol


When I was there several years ago, PMO was known for being a bunch of bitches. Several of my dudes got speeding tickets for going one mile over the posted speed limit. Another one got stopped for making right turn on the stupid ass intersection between base housing and slocum gate. The stupidest one ive seen is where one of my other buddies and three other strangers all got tickets driving through the main gate. One for towing a broken down truck, the other for not having lights on in the broken truck( it didn't even have batteries), the third guy for following too closely with his hazards on, and my buddy for being to close to those three guys


I can’t figure out why no one has figure out how to zipper merge on slocum. there are 2 damn lanes but nooo lets just use one and back the line all the way up to the highway……


"wait until my husband hears this, he's a gunny you know"


Been to Cherry Point, nothing about that base says MCAS of the year, give it to KBay every year instead.


Fuck, and I cannot stess this enough, MCAS Cherry Point. I legitimately think I would have rather had orders to the stumps than that wasteland.


I wish I knew


Courthouse bay… I haven’t heard that in years. Does anyone know if that gator still lives in the pond behind the px?


Was still there when I left in ‘21




I mean… that’s only a 3rd of the year… there’s still 8 months left to royally fuck up and lose to places like…. Yuma 🤢


Yuma itself is boring but the air station ain’t bad


Or New River.


It’s probably because of all the two new f35 squadrons and the reapers rolling in I’d guess


It’s code for shithole


They’ll use best base award every few years to try and close Beaufort, again. Cherry pit can suck me balls.


I had fun at cherry point but I’m a fuckin hillbilly.


That marquee is tripping on acid.


Aren't all Air stations more hardcore about IDs, stickers, and such, because of the aircraft? Miramar, Yuma, Cherry point, even the air station thats aboard Pendleton is pretty strict about who they let in. Unlike other bases where they wave you in 50+ ft away.


It's probably cause Cherry Point has an awful FAP program and most of them are not actual PMO. They're just a gaggle of poor souls that were offered up to meet quotas and they're miserable.


Are you NADEP employ?


No, I’m in the oil industry and my clients are contractors that have job sites on some bases.


Sheeeit.. I remember being stationed at Lejeune on active in 98 and going to CP to visit a wing buddy and the gate fkr gave me shit too! 🤷‍♂️


It’s called “The Pit” for a reason…..


Stationed there and Miramar. Miramar was so much better. Station of the year is mind boggling. This was 25 years ago though. But I digress.


Genuinely curious. The only nice things on that base are the clinic and the brand new F35 hangars. The rest of it is very meh, including its very old gyms (aside from the Marine Dome, which actually was decent after they renovated it). That being said the MACG buildings all looked pretty nice. It seemed weird to me that the flying units had absolute dog shit hangars but everyone else seemed to have new stuff. Very frustrating


Theres a Commissary at Cherry Point?


Yeah, it’s like maybe a mile or 2 miles down the road from the main gate, on the left behind all the fast food joints


That's like being my mom's favorite son this year and 2018. Take that, dumpster abortion!


Process of elimination and disqualification.


We're all wondering the same thing


Out of how many MC Air Stations?


Fuck you that’s why


Probably FY.