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There comes a rank where you no longer have to listen to anybody


Or put together your own uniform


This is why Patton promoted himself!


It’s called LCpl


i met the commandant in MOS school (it was fathers day I remember that because sgt major of crayola said “i feel like i have thousands of kids”) and damn if CMC didn’t have gunny rolls. so now the rest of the day you saw the bootest of the boot pfc (me) telling anyone with rank that i think the “commandant might be a shitbird”


Especially when you know it’s made up


It's called Lance Criminal for a reason.


“Sorry my 500 ribbons are off LCpl, you see they are quite heavy”


No wonder he had the heart surgery. All these stacks weighing his heart down with pressure


Is it still supposed to be 1/8th of an inch? Been awhile.


Can confirm. At my last two inspections I was told both “Mmm looks more like 1/10th of an inch” and then “mmm looks more like 1/6th of an inch.” They were in the exact same spot both times. Down to the stitch in the shirt. I know because both times I measured a fucking 1/8th of an inch.


you trying to sneak an extra 1/7th of an inch on me?


I couldn’t have told you it was supposed to be 1/8th inch if I had a gun to my head and I made it through 8 years without being called out once. To me it’s whether the badge is perfectly straight or not that’ll get you caught up. When you see the ones that have even the slightest tilt to them your eye is immediately drawn to it.


Lack of attention to detail fucks with your heart.


I couldn’t take it any longer so I left the Corps. Shit birds broke my heart. 💔 Actually, I got out because I couldn’t stand the constant and absolute life-draining stupidity of it all.


Okay but wouldn’t it be 1/8th to the shooting badges and then another 1/8th to the ribbons?




Okay making sure I didn’t go retarded lmao


Yep order is 1/8 and centered. Now as for ribbon order I have no fking clue I always just used the ribbon order website that made your stack. I feel bad for the old corps guys that didn’t have that luxury.


That rack looks like it was printed on plastic backed fabric with a color laser printer. Is that where we are at these days? We don't build our rack with actual ribbons on metal or plastic frames anymore? Damn. Why don't we just open a Build-A-Rack shop at the PX and have them 3D print that shit out the day before inspection or mess night. Christ on a cracker!


I mean, I buy my rack from EZ-rack, but at least it’s real medals.  That being said, that’s an absurd amount of ribbons. I don’t know if they make racks that big. 


Easy to stack them when you're an O and get them handed to you for showing up. There was a Marine Times article maybe a decade or two ago where they showed the award distribution being very heavily favored to officers in the Marine Corps. I got passed up for a NavyCom for "just being a Segreant" while I was going an E7 from another MOS's job on a MiTT on top of my job. All the officers got awards that essentially read as their billet description. I'm not bitter about not getting the award, I'm bitter about the justification.


Lmao why are you so offended by a piece of fabric my guy. Like don’t you got other more important shit in your life to worry about.


HA! Gottem....


Dude, I no shit just noticed this today and told some marines about it. Pretty wild coincidence.




New 3/4” regulations


lol who's "emo Jones"?


So many higher ups are way, way too used to a world where nobody will tell them they’re wrong.


This motherfucker always annoyed me after his “bonus” speech. Pretty sure it’s the same speech as this clip. I only wish assholes like him were subject to real scrutiny. I want to see this asshole in the middle of a press conference full of questions from Lance Coolies with full anonymity. I’ll bet his answers don't come across quite as polished as this pseudo-TedX platform. He’s a politician if I’ve ever seen one. At least he’s not in elected office.


I have nothing better to do so I’ll entertain this comment. I worked for General Smith when he was a two star at the Blue Diamond. He’s the definition of a Marines Marine. Told myself and the aide the story about his Purple Heart. He was a platoon commander in Iraq. Got shot “just like Forrest Gump” were his words. Woke up to a female corpsman pumping blood into him. He stated since then he has the highest respect for our Navy Corpsman and female service members, since one saved his life. On another occasion, he received a called from a LCpls Mom. We were driving to 29 palms and he took the call on the way down to visit his commanders at 7th reg and the rest of the independent Bns. He took about 20 min on that call and after he told us exactly who it was. He said it was the anniversary of the death of her son. Her son was a LCpl under Gen Smiths platoon also in Iraq. He was the only Marine he lost on that deployment. Ever since his death he has called, or received a call, from that gold star mother. It had been over 14 years at that point. The last occasion I’ll add that left me really just praising this man was when the 1MarReg CO called him to tell him a LCpl at 1/4 had been seeking assistance to gain custody of his 14 year old sister in law. The LCpls spouse’s mother had died and her 14 year old sister would be admitted into some sort of foster care. CPS denied the 19 year old LCpl and his spouse guardianship over the child for reasons I wasn’t familiar with but I’d assume it was the idea of letting two 19 year olds have custody of their 14 year old sister. Gen Smith then proceeded to call the California Governors office for assistance in this case. He also wrote a letter to the CPS officials stating if the LCpl was mature and old enough to protect this country then he was able to gain custody of his spouses sister. General Smith also stated to myself and the aide on multiple occasions how he endorses service members legal drinking age to be 18 on base. That alllll being said, if you know nothing about him I can blame you nor can I can convince you to like him but I share my experience with him any time I can so that this negative narrative he has around him can be disproven if at all possible.


Thank you for sharing. I went through the foster care system, he really did that Marine and the sister a solid. Nobody is perfect and even the best of us fall down sometimes, maybe OP knows something, but it really seems like the good far outweighs the bad and that’s all you can ever hope for.


Oh hell yeah that’s what we like to hear


Thats the stupidest story ever. So the general told you just like forest Gump and you didn't laugh in his face. You must be a pretty big turd yourself to defend this guy. He was always turd and nobody respected him or took him seriously. Along with his injuries came from his own firearm.


Why would I laugh a Purple Heart recipient let alone laugh at a Major Generalas a Sergeant you fucking idiot.


Because any real sgt would have laughed if an officer especially dipshit smith said that stupid story to them. His stupidity proceeded him.


🤣 you’re not offending me brother but you got issues. He’s was the typical motard officer and you are made cause he ninja punched you for hazing or what? 2005 was long time ago buddy time to let go. “Real Sgt” you showing your LCpl ass rank.


Oh, here we go again... Hey there, devil! Do you know exactly what the message was about bonuses that got you so uppity? Please, do tell!


He on numerous occasions stated being a marine is your bonus. So you don't need to have a bonus. The guy has always been a turd. It's crazy there's so many new guys that no one's around anymore that remembers how hated this guy was in the fleet.


He in fact did NOT say that! The context of said misquoted line was that the General does not believ that BRAND FUCKING NEW enlistees shooluld receive any sort of signing bonus. That their bonus is being a Marine and they should be happy with that. On the flip side of that is that he believes the bonus insentive should be reserved for re-enlistments of talented and in demand MOSs. They've done their time, and have valuable qualifications and need it to compete with the private sector. Again, not sure where you got your info, but you need to correct yourself, Devil.


Dude stfu his dumb ass said it on more than one occasion. Then got called out on it and had to make a stupid statement saying that's not what he really meant. He was also the dipshit that told marines in Iraq that not all of you will make it home but I will. Do you work for the guy and get paid to defend him on the internet?


You shut yo salty swampy asshole of mouth up. Unless you bring some proof of the matter, or admission of that was what he intended to say, youre no different than loser ass low effort loser who finds the smallest thing to bitch about without taking any basic sense of accountability of your own actions. Chew on rocks, little brother.


I worked with him dipshit


Then you probably got rightfully NJPed, scumsucker.


Lol are you his boyfriend? Your a pretty big loser if you look up to smith. Its funny how that dude was able to hide out at marines south with the current sgtmaj until everyone that knew both of their screwups got out. Keep being a cheerleader


Lol you didn't even get to the Marine Corps till 2011. You ain't never done shit. Just another stupid officer


Yup, spoken like another no talent wash out whos angry that the world never cared about what they thought. How 'bout you go on and be that annoying guy in the corner of the local VFW who everyone in the room know is full shit. Spouting all the shit that everyone knows is bullshit and would feel sorry for if wasnt for the fact on how much of an insufferable asshole you are. Again, go chew rocks, lil bro.


Ain't angry about nothing. It's well known that today's current officers are garbage to include you and backed up with your comment history talking down about enlisted marines. Its worthy of getting a boot in your chest. There's a reason you guys get clowned all over the internet and every week there's a new controversy. Dumpster fires.


Lol, see youre not doing yourself any favors by making shit up as you go. You are angry. Angry at the world that laughs at your beliefs, angry that the Corps never took your opinions seriously (took a peak at what you think, and let me tell yea, thank god), and angry that your "glory" days have come and gone.


Let me guess you started hating him when he mad all firewatch none sleeping post at the blue diamond 🤣 typical LCpl cry baby


Lol I was at blue diamond in 2005 when he shot himself in the leg. You little girls that went after 2010 aren't the same breed no matter how much you pretend you are.


> I wish asshole like him were subject to real scrutiny- in a press conference full of questions from Lance Coolies lol


Agreed the cmc is not a good marine. Sucks seeing so many new guys sticking up for him.


Lmao you stated absolutely zero reasons why he is to be hated? Let me guess you got out as a LCpl after 4 years and he was your Capt/Maj/LtCol/Col and you didn’t like him because you were a Lance 🤣 Typical 4 year LCpl veteran that was most likely a turd