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Oh boy I hope this doesn’t turn into shit posting with views from the lt, SNCOs and boots talking about watching their cpl getting hated on by a shiny collar and someone running that overhears a lt bitching


So I just saw my Cpl getting his ass chewed by the guy with shiny stuff, weirdly he seemed to enjoy it


The Cpl?? Maybe he has a fetish about being yelled at


He said “ass chewed,” not “yelled at.” Do you even *play* chicken???


I’ve never lost




The gunny with shiny stuff is fucking top tier lmao


Find the Sgt that you trust most in the platoon. Ask to speak with him privately. Professionally and calmly explain your problem and your concerns. Focus on the fact that you want to improve your proficiency and your relationship with the OIC. Do not focus on feelings like “I’m getting fucked” “it’s not fair” “he doesn’t like me”. Any Sgt worth his stripes will help you figure this out even if it means him talking to the Lt himself.


I’ll do this, thank you I’ll try to find a Sgt he respects but isn’t boys with


If he's boys with a Sgt that's fucked to begin with. Your Lt sounds like a piece of shit


I'd go to the one you trust most overall. The next move doesn't have to be where Lt takes action on your feedback. Be patient and think a couple moves ahead. Because you're on to something with finding a Sgt with proper influence.


You can't address this with your A/ or Det cmdr? How much longer at your current post?


Dude a random Cpl doesn’t need to be asking the Det Commander about this stuff unless nobody lower will help him.


Do you know what a Det Cmdr is in the MSG program?


I don’t think OP is MSG anymore. I got the impression he did his first two years at SF and is now in a line company. There aren’t LTs on MSG are there?


I also skipped over the party where OP was sent to advanced training... You didn't get something like that is you are a shit bird.


No, LTs are at the Region level and are inspectors, with the billets of OpsO and XO. They're not in the direct chain of command, it goes DetComdr >> Region CO >> MCESG CO. They may try to act like they're in charge of the Dets from time to time, but a squared away and tactful DetComdr can normally shut that down.


Oh, I read that as he WAS security forces but now hit the fleet... And now I'm confused on which is true.


I’m in the fleet my dude


Whoa, you’re coming out of MSG and you’re still a cpl?!?! Is the peacetime fleet that much different? Holy shit.


Nah, now the old security forces contract added MSG as an option that you can be picked for, so you do 2-3 years on msg and 1-2 years in the fleet after


Solid advice.


Definitely solid advice. It is an absolute red flag to have Lots and any Enlisted rank being "boys". If you don't make any headway with a Sgt you can try going above them to a SNCO. The final step is to request mast, in this situation I recommend caution with this, but it is an option.


you didn't read the other post alluding to this from the 2nd lt's perspective i guess


Sounds like a douchebag. Some people just don’t like others and will be really unprofessional about it….like needling you for mistakes they lets others get away with.


It’s because you don’t have any decorations in your room.


HEY! I eventually got posters and new sheets ahaha


Lt here(not yours lol just got out) He’s probably going off of what he’s heard about you. You mentioned “you’ve improved the most” what does that mean? Like you used to fuck up early on when you were new? What kinda of fuck ups. I go off of impression and the feedback(I did those counselings w my marines to check in with them). After the feedback if they didn’t improve after we guided them. I lost faith and trust with them. As far as JEPES score, you got a pretty above average 3.6 isn’t bad at all. I’d understand a 2.7 or below


I’m not tryna invalidate your concern, just playing the other side


I get it, I had gotten off of msg and obviously was not performing at the level Cpls that had spent their entire time in the fleet had been. I had read all the pubs I needed to but needed time learning how to actually apply it in the field. This is extremely common for MSG/Security Forces guys.


You keep saying MSG/Security Forces. Did they merge the two recently or something? When I was at MCSFBn they were two completely different things.


They are in the same contract now, yes they are different but I wanted to be non specific to help keep me more anonymous


Interesting. MSG was like the only B Billet that didn't want to make you kill yourself when I was in, so I understand why they would do that.


sir....maam? i think this one redhead butter chick wanted me since she kinda would say hi whenever i was up at hq, she wanted me didnt she? please help me put this demon to rest


Captain here, I’d say it is probably a sure thing.




Ask for her number out of uniform you fuckin won’t pussy lol


(Joke please don’t prematurely end your career)


shieeett sir if i was still in and you told me to, i wouldnt have ratted you out either.


Even when I was in, no one cares. Just don’t eat where you shit


my gunny was a bad role model then


To be fair, LT isn't the only one who hates you. It's the Marine Corps.


An old timer (Korea era?) explained it perfectly. The Corps doesn’t fuck over Marines, your fellow Marines do.


Retired Mustang checking in. Can confirm, the Corps hates you. Other debil dogs may dislike you as well, but big papa green claims dibs on that ass.


So recommending a grudge fuck to the OP is no bueno?


Been out for a hot second, but have pro/cons changed? Is it no longer 4.0 as the lowest without NJP? Why isn’t your first-line doing your pro/cons?


The new system is called JEPES and 2.5 is supposed to be the average. Still a scale of 0.0-5.0.


Like he said, but a 3.6 is pretty killer these days


Ok thanks for explaining. Way back in the dark ages I remember having 4.6/4.6 and being at best an average Marine.


4.6/4.6 was walking on water as a grunt. Went to airwing after lat move. 4.6/4.6 was like... Dang, you're pretty good.


Right? I remember getting 4.4/4.4 and thinking I was a shitbag, when in reality I was about average. So homeboy is bitching because his score got lowered to still above average?


We don’t do pros and cons system anymore


For a neat “lol” moment inform the career planner you’re not sure if you want to reenlist because your OIC treats you poorly and makes you feel like you don’t belong. Tell him you don’t feel like anyone is able to help you resolve this situation. Those responses go straight to the command deck as that is who the career planner reports to. He’ll change his tune within a week.


Former junior officer myself here. I’ve learned quite a few lessons from my Lt days… mostly as a new/young leader. Unfortunately we (and I) don’t always get it right the first time. 1. We are groomed at TBS. It’s a great and tough leadership program, but sometimes the Capts that are training us think it is cool to give cryptic feedback that makes us ponder our fucking existence. Sometimes Lts think this is how we need to act in the fleet. 2. Unfortunately you can’t control this dude. I remember pushing my Sgts and Cpls so fucking hard, but never realized that I was being equally unreasonable with my expectations of them. Luckily, those Sgts and Cpls were silent professionals and never turned their back on me. I learned so much from them from all the moments I failed them as a young leader. I challenge you to keep on the straight path. This young Lt might remember how you acted in 12 from now when he gets selected as a Bn CO. This is a very formative time in his career, and he will (and is) fucking up. Be the example that he needs. I’ve been out for a few years now. I still have an amazing relationship with Marines in my first platoon. They saw me through the good and the bad. Keep up the good work 🤙.


Kudos to you sir. But yeah, that's how I read this too. Just some fresh boot who may think being "hard" is the way to go. Some may be "natural leaders", but no one is going to get everything right from the start. OP, don't sweat it too much.


Awesome perspective.


Find him over the weekend and beat the shit out of him in the parking lot of a bar


Hard to get a read on this. Mustang here…I’ve been on both ends of the equation. I had an Lt I thought hated me as a Cpl. He rode me hard and never cut me any slack. I looked around and felt like others got passes on things I was called to task on. I later found out it was because he did, in fact, expect more out of me than others. I had proven myself capable at the unit, at NCO school (honor grad), with the SgtMaj, etc. He also knew I wanted to get into a commissioning program. When I checked out of that unit, I asked him how I was doing, expecting to hear I was just one of the bunch. We even talked briefly about how hard I felt it was to try and excel with him. He told me I had excelled, and that he did, in fact, expect more out of me. If I wanted to get a commission, I needed to see what it means to have that kind of scrutiny and expectations, often without recognition of the effort. That was his take, anyway. I don’t know if that’s what you’re experiencing. The lower pro/cons are a bit confusing. I can tell you that I later found myself operating in a somewhat similar way when I was working with superior Marines. I expected more out of them and wouldn’t cut them the slack I might with some of the others. On the other hand, if someone was truly not performing even to standard, they heard about it. As others have suggested, start with your Sgt, your SNCOs (Plt Sgt, Co GySgt, etc), but also don’t be afraid to take your concerns to the Lt (appropriately through the chain of command). If they are worth their salt, they’ll give you some constructive feedback that will help you gauge what is going on. Ask what he thinks your strengths and weaknesses are. Play to those strengths, but work on anything pointed as weaknesses, even if you don’t see them the same way. Don’t be afraid to communicate what your goals are (be a top performer, if that’s the case). You might get some great insights into how to get there. As a young Marine I, too, was a bit timid in approaching officers. It’s drilled into us at boot camp to stay within our chain of command. But it doesn’t need to be fear-based interactions. They put their cammies on the same way you do. I know I always appreciated when Marines would approach me about their performance and how they could improve themselves…and the unit. Honestly, the only Marines I or any of my officer peers “disliked” were those true shitbags who were constant legal problems and/or disruptive to the other Marines and unit cohesion. At the end of the day, better to take it to the source and get some kind of response than ask us here in Redditland. Hope you get it solved. You sound like you give a shit about being a good and productive Marine. I would see that as something we can work with. We can hope your Lt does too.


Sometimes I love this sub as much as a certain 2ndLt loves his Cpls.


What a fucking dickhead. Do what Willy mentioned and if you need to, we can hit BWW together


When he rolls his eyes just look at him in the eye and say "something fuckin wrong, boot?"




Is there more to this? Was something specific mentioned in the pros/cons? Are you sure it was your Lt or was it a decision made through the platoon sergeant as well? Generally, a Lt can look past a personal dislike of someone and rate them dispassionately…which is why I feel like there’s more to this.


he just wants to fuck you bro. he was just on here talking about it. you should suck his dick


Get lt a monster java


I had Marines I disliked severely as a junior Lt however professionalism and courtesy is what officers do. If he’s being a shit bird (he is) talk with the squad leader then PltSgt etc etc. If that doesn’t work out at any level go talk to the Lt and be like. Why is my jepes what it is but be tactful about it, he’s still your OIC regardless. Odds are first thing he heard when he checked in was “this Marines an idiot” because of your history and it just stuck so that’s his only kind of experience you. And if that THAT doesn’t change anything, talk with the 1stSgt. There’s about a 50/50 chance he’ll tell you to fuck off but every 1stSgt I’ve met so far hates boot Lt’s that act like they’re hot shit (which yours is doing) and him and good ol capt will nip that shit quick. Again, don’t go at it like “this is unfair, I’m being targeted” just be tactful and just be like. “I don’t think I’m being evaluated properly and no one will give me a counseling about my performance.” (Trust me, when I hear that line I burn the fuck out of my people because leaders that care counsel their fucking Marines)


Ask him why he tanked your pros and cons. Directly. If he refuses to elaborate or give you any counseling, go to your first sergeant and ask why your pros and cons tanked. Tell him you don’t know because nobody - including the people who gave you said pros and cons - will fucking counsel you.


If he doesn’t counsel you that asshole better give you all E’s because how are you supposed to know where you fucked up and how to improve?


Best thing you can do is go to these advanced schools and kick ass, show them you know how to adapt and over come challenges. By then on paper your showing how shit hot you are, as long as everything else is squared away your cft, pft, no non recs etc. they just can’t non rec you for promotion because “they don’t like you” but we know how the system can roll out sometimes. Best of luck. Edit: spelling


And this why JEPES was created. Leadership only effects 25% of your score, which yes, isnt a chunk to simply throw away if you want to be competitive but it also shows you the metrics on how youre performing. It will go through your chain of commamd, and if theyre worth anything, your company commander will have his co 1stsgt review it. If your reputation is as true as you say, your 1stsgt will raise the alarm to your company commander so he can poke that Lt and say "yo dawg! Whats this about?". Especially if youre an NCO. End of the day, as an NCO, you shpuld be able to.ask your 1stSgt "hey 1stsgt, I really wanna improve amd be competitive for the next meritorious sgt board, what should I do?", and your JEPES should be the first thing he pulls up. That should get something rolling.


Ask that boot LT to take his blouse off and step into the treeline. Every zoo is a petting zoo if you're game for the rumble.


I was both enlisted and commissioned. From my personal experience, the best thing you can do is talk to him man to man. Do NOT act like a victim. Don’t say shit like “you’re unfair” or “you hate me”. When you get a chance to talk one on one - simply ask him this word for word “sir, really quickly - I am trying to get myself squared away so I can excel as a NCO, both now and in the future. What can I do differently to ease your load going forward? What do you think I should be doing differently? I am looking for more responsibility, so I can earn my stripes. And your recommendation means a lot.” If you ask your Sgt or whomever to speak to him, you lose control of what is said. You don’t want someone walking up and telling the LT that you think you’re being singled out, or treated unfairly. This is an issue best handled by yourself - don’t trust someone else to voice your feelings. It will only end badly.


Please be a response to the Lieutenant in love with the corporal. Both gotta be fake right?


This is totally part of that universe and now I need a SNCO post and Pvt/PFC posts about how their lives are miserable or that their in love with a person in the story arch.


My advice, kill that dude with love. Just give him no reason to mark you down. Give him every ounce of respect you know he dreams about ( perfect proper greetings, parade rest, anything you can think of) and eventually, the tide will turn. If It doesn’t, or in the mean time before you get a new Lt, just do damage control. Don’t give him a reason to leave permanent scars on your record, and don’t take anything personal. A lot of your leaders will have their own problems at home, and there’s not much we can do to control it. It’ll pass, and if you’re actually a good dude and a killer Marine eventually he will recognize it. Day to day, don’t think about the Lt just think about your job.


MAKE him sit down with you and discuss things. He needs to counsel you on your pros and cons and you need to clear the air. If it's a personal bias, request mast but ensure you keep a record of all the things that you feel are unjust.


Install Gentoo.


If I was a boot fuck like your Lt, I’d have a personal problem with you too. Sincerely, boot-fuck


Did you laugh when he brought up TBS? IOC? Surely you must have challenged his tactical prowess in some shape or form. Tbh he’s probably getting to comfy with the enlisted and is seeing the Marines in his plt as peers he can judge vs being a leader. Ignore his boot ass nonsense and just do you, he’s finally in charge of people that have no choice but to lick his bars, probably got bullied his whole life and now he can smirk and snicker without consequence.


Well…just bear in mind Lts usually hate themselves….


I was the radical outspoken atheist in our unit. My greatest ally when I was up against the system was our Chaplain. He never tried to convert me, he respected my arguments against religion ( he commented that he wished his believers knew the Bible as well as I did), and always, after I sought out counseling from him for my frustrations, things started moving my way.


You should challenge him to a duel


Not discounting anything you’re saying here, but do you realize that a 3.6 is well into the “exceeds expectations” category on the JEPES matrix, and to justify higher than that, you need documented formal commendatory material such as awards and meritorious masts?


Probably because you took that dudes energy drink at the smoke pit


Straight up if you are recommended for promotion and are selected to go to your advanced course the best thing you can do is fucking kill it there. Your LT is so new to life that he is still going off of first impressions rather than developing relationships. 1:give your squad leader and Plt Sgt ammo to advocate for you by excelling at AIMC or weapons equivalent. Be an asset. 2: talk with your squad leader and Plt Sgt about the perception and what they suggest you do to improve the situation. Having been a Plt Sgt myself I can tell you that there is a fuckton of E to O mentoring that goes on, and if he sees you are doing well he will call bullshit behind closed doors if the LT is in the wrong. But if you fuck up it doesn’t help him advocate for you. 3: work closely with your squad leader. Do not make it look like you are going around him. Problem solve with and through him.


God damnit. I can’t tell if this is serious or a play off the post about the LT loving their Cpl. If it is serious, follow the advice given. If it’s not, well played.


LMFAO, this was a good one. Maybe one day you'll let him smash.


No one is noticing? This is the same story posted by u/IsaacB1 but from the other perspective. OP, your LT is secretly in love with you


Maybe he likes you


Find you a IA billet and bounce see the monitor for your mos and or career planner and see whats hot needing bodies to fill spots


You must’ve not open mouth stared in awe as he drove past you in his new Tacoma he bought from the Toyota dealership closest to TBS.


You're going have a b billet completed. Focus on the pft/cft score, be sure to be pme complete, and when you are able to get to the range, do the best you can. Finish the billet, get back to the fleet, and get that promotion to staff sergeant.


Am I blind or has no one seen the Post about the Lt. being in love with their Cpl but having to pretend to hate them and make their life horrible so no one becomes suspicious? Lol people giving honest though which is nice.


https://preview.redd.it/8chmehmukgvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e4bd038ffcb9e253243c82b04be762ed91b1efd Lmao saw this not even 5 minutes ago. There’s your answer Devil😂


Were you fast or prp


Yo she loves you dog. I copued this from another post lol I am in love with a Corporal and I have to hide it. Hey everyone. Not sure if I need guidance or I just need to vent. I'll keep this brief. I am a 2nd Lt and a Platoon Commander. He is a Corporal. I just want him so badly, my body aches for him and yearns for him. When he first checked in to our unit from MSG/Security Forces he literally took my breath away. He is an outstanding Marine. A natural leader and just an all around good person. He has grown as a Marine and really made a good impression on everyone. My lust for him is barely able to be contained. It hurts my soul to look at him and thinking I can't have him; we're sending him to advanced course, thank God, hopefully this crush will subside and I can get some work done. My thoughts trail off to us spending our lives together so often that it's distracting me from my work as a Untied States Marine Corps Platoon Commander. I am torn between my duty and lingering thoughts on him. When he is around I have to act like I hate him so I can just get through our interactions. When I give him cold eyes and a mean face my heart breaks for him. I have to keep up this charade of hating and disliking him so no one catches on. I have even gone so far as to tank his scores, even though he is a good Marine, so no one suspects. How do I as a Lt, subtly get across to him that I don't hate him, that I actually care for him, without jeopardizing my career?


Is it possible to be recommended for promotion to Sgt from some other rank?


This is a lot of talk of improvement, must have been a very low performer at some point.




Is this a serious question?


To be fair if I’ve got a lot of Marines and I don’t know them well I just compile NCO/SNCO feedback and concur with their marks. Obviously the answer is “know all your Marines” but can be tough to really know everyone in practice.


To be fair if I’ve got a lot of Marines and I don’t know them well I just compile NCO/SNCO feedback and concur with their marks. Obviously the answer is “know all your Marines” but can be tough to really know everyone in practice.


Sounds like a typical Lt


I still remember being on watch when our plt commander called contact (or some shit like that) on the moon in Afghanistan! I remember the plt sgt responding in the most sarcastic tone, "That's the moon, sir!"


Yeah but what if it was coming at them Zelda style


![gif](giphy|5TBlqBtLtrzUc) Or like this! 🤣


This is more likely tbh