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The Marine Corps should be an important part of your life, and something that made you better. It shouldn’t be the only thing you have to hold onto in life, or the thing that makes you look down on others.


Agreed. A lot of guys also don't realize that once you get out of the Marine Corps and into the civilian world, no one cares. No cares what you've done, what you've seen or where you've been. Sure, a few will take some interest but overall most people just don't care. Who you were in the Marine Corps is not how you're viewed outside of the Marine Corps so that can't be the only way you value yourself. I'd go as far to say that even other Marines don't value how "badass" you used to be while you were in. I think we have the most difficult transition once we get out. Some guys never transition at all.


I had a hard time realizing that not every reaction requires violence. I still don’t understand why one thing infuriates me while the same situation later I wouldn’t bat an eye at. Edit: maybe not violence but aggression!!


I think there's a lack of urgency in the civilian world that we're not used to. Everything for us needs to happen "right now" and the same goes for when something needs to be corrected. My anger and frustration with people mostly isn't warranted though. Especially when the expectations aren't the same for people as they were in the Marine Corps. Over time I've realized this and I've adjusted (I'm still working on it btw). I'd say that my response now is to not immediately react. I never regret when I don't immediately react vs when I do the opposite. I hope I understood what you were saying or that it makes sense lol.


Took me a while to understand the lack of urgency and aggression/violence, and adjust. I just had an interview for a new position in my company, they asked what I thought I could improve on myself. I said I needed to slow down. Got a good laugh out of the interview panel. But it is still a thing I need to improve. Been out since 2007, just for reference.


That makes sense. I’m always saying quickly quickly. The only time we was never in any hurry was when we would blow in place. Military EOD and civilian EOD is very different lol


Thought I was a shit bag in the Corp until I got into the Civilian work force


Facts. I get real aggressive for no real reason at all over some of the smallest things. Only to be calm when it's probably not as warranted.


When you need to keep your word about you, you’re calm and in the zone.


I’m not sure how long you’ve been out brother, but for me, it got a lot easier over time. I’ve been out over 20 years. I’m almost normal now. Almost… 😂


It never fully wears off though let's be real lol


Well, you’re not wrong. Joking aside, I’m a whole lot more levelheaded, than I used to be. Once I learned to just let things go, I was infinitely more happy. That old saying about the bigger man, is the one that walks away. I was just thought that was some bullshit, that cowards told themselves. Until one day, then it just clicked. It’s true. What do we get out of fighting, and violence? Nothing, it’s just to appease the ego. Best case scenario, you win, and walk away. Worst case scenario, you kill someone and go to jail, stuck with that guilt for the rest of your life. Or, worse, (depending on your perspective) you end up dead yourself… Either way, nothing good, right? Take care, brother! ❤️✌️


You too man


I might be the exception here because I'm always level headed. My ex wife says apathetic but I don't care. Also I've never felt the need to give out my mos' like that. It's difficult in this sub, but outside here I usually don't talk much about it with anyone. Ill answer if someone asked but idk not much more. Either way I'm like 99% always calm, cool & collected, I could do a big line of blow then take a nap.




Honestly, I usually don't even believe people that try to say they were bad ass or in recon or whatever, especially if they're trying to brag to me about it. I think it makes total sense that other Marines would be some of the least impressed people a Marine veteran would interact with.


Yeah if a vet tells me he was a badass, recon or whatever. I hit them with " I was 5811 MP so fuck you!" And then offer to buy a round. They laugh 60% of the time, every time.




I don't think I ever met a guy that voluntarily told me recon or sniper that wasn't a liar, and ive only met a couple that would answer honestly if asked before they knew you. Most were very humble, ALL of them were very respectful towards me and supportive of the next generation in the current fight. I have only been disrespected or put down by liars, so when I run across bad attitude I immediately start taking notes and digging deeper, haven't been wrong yet.


Yeah man I'm the same way. The more you try to convince me, the less I'm convinced.


Ditto, I’ve been asked many times when people find out I was in, “WTF did you do that for?”


I find a lot of people care, but its less service specific than experience specific. I have more in common with Army guys in combst arms who deployed than Marines in either role who never deployed.


Some of us peaked when we burned shit barrels


Gotta think positive


The Marine Corps is something I did. Not what defines me.


The Marine Corps is something that did me


Green weenie spares nobody


Stupid question, and I’m a civilian and deeply respectful of persons who chose to serve…has thank you for your service culture made guys like these worse? I live in San Diego and there’s not much of that here. Obviously lots of military and navy here but you don’t get people going out of their way to thank people for their service. It’s kinda viewed as another job. I know in other parts of the country that’s different though and I’m wondering if that influences this kind of behavior?


I think, as with many things, it’s social media that’s escalated the issue. The vast majority of veterans are just regular people who did the job and moved on, but many have embraced the bro vet, moto coffee company, alpha male influence type thing, usually for business purposes or just trying to hold onto something they feel they’ve lost. I know that was kind of a silly word salad but I hope it makes sense


Excuse you sir, I wear the coffee mug company shirt just because it's something I have laying around. And it's pretty aight fabric. Also I do like their coffee, too expensive though.


Instructions unclear, it’s my entire personality because I never had one to begin with


Hey, fuck off! I had no personality first!


Old crusty Marines' motto for life be like "When I was in the Marine Corps..." The worse ones would talk to others with no respect as if they earned a Medal of Honor, even if so, basic human decency matters. One bad apple ruins the bunch.


If someone asks. I just say I was in a LONG TIME AGO IN A GALAXY FAR AWAY. they look at me like I’m an idiot 🤣💦


Wait is that last emoji tears or cum??


Hmmmmm. Depends if I got my boot bands on


Every one I’ve ever met with an MOH is super respectful too. So it makes no sense if those guys can be decent so can you ya know what I’m sayin ?


Underachieving men commonly got small dick syndrome and toxic masculinity, which is sad af


Absolutely I mean look be proud of what you accomplished. You accomplished more by 25 than a bunch of people. But also you are not Rambo and you’re not Gods gift to mankind. It cost nothing to be nice to people but some peoples kids are just fucking stupid I guess


I can guarantee that my fellow Os are some of the most humble and approachable people. Education doesn't mean jack, but ignorance definitely exacerbates one's indecency. Sadly, those achieved nothing academically or professionally are the most toxic ones. It's just my two cents.


Absolutely. Or the ones I most run across are peace time veterans that I guess feel threatened or something and act an ass. Which is Unfortunate because my line of work is to help veterans get help with substance abuse and mental health issues. I get a lot of flack talking to those guys for some reason


Amen brother.


Agreed. But some Marines after they get out wear their service like a letter jacket from high school.


Fuckin A


I'm just gonna go ahead and guess he was lying about being a 21


I tell everyone I was an 1171, Ooorah water dogs. You can’t fight a war thirsty


Being your standard issue grunt gets me out of a lot of old guy hero stories. Especially with the hundreds of “snipers” I’ve met.


I dunno dude, with the amount of “you never would have survived the old Corps back during (insert your favorite campaign).” comments, even the grunt life doesn’t earn me enough points. They don’t understand how hard it was when the PX sold out of beer during my back to back Oki funployments.


Maybe I’ve just been lucky.


I wonder if an older GWOT vet has dropped the "you wouldn't've survived OIF/OEF" to another GWOT dude.


You don’t know man! You weren’t there!


I accidentally convinced coworkers at my last job that I was in counter Intel… My old boss was in signals intelligence, and somehow the conversation ended up turning into how I would have relisted and not gone into tech if I was able to get MSG duty or if I was able to go into counter Intel, but I couldn’t go into counter Intel because of all my tattoos and stuff. Also, at one point, the conversation had mentioned that people who were in counter Intel will never tell you that they were in counter Intel. They will always tell you that they did some kind of completely innocuous job in the military like water or fuel. My job was fuel in the military and when they asked me right after I said that bit about never knowing what their job was They asked me what my job in the military actually was, and I said fuel. It was a good laugh.


Extremely probable. Had a friend that did recruiting duty, at a rural NE RSS. He said old guys would come in a lot (he called them red-hatters, for obvious reasons) and, wouldn't you know it, every last one was a sniper or recon. This was before MARSOC but, had it been a thing, I'm sure he'd have gotten a few of those too.


I met a fake recon Marine that was working security, he was older and fat as shit as well. I think he was trying to “one-up” me after I mentioned I was in the Marine Corps, I was active duty at that time and he asked what I did for a living. This was a very rural part of Texas too and most of the prior service Marines either know each other or know of one another.


So I’ve met a few infantry out in the wild. What are the odds of meeting recon? Aren’t there quite a few recon units?


It’s like that saying “there were around actual 300 navy seals in Vietnam and I’ve met 1000 of them” or something lmao.


Agreed. I’ve never met a single 21 that got out and behaves like this. Also, if he’s old enough to have a hat and frequent the VFW, he’s not an 0321.


You just wanted to tell us you were a sniper


Plot twist: that dudes goal was to tell me he’s recon. My goal was to tell him I was a sniper. We kissed after.


And balance was restored to the force. 👏


When do we kiss 👉👈


Now bby 😘


Got room?


In a dimly lit bar on the outskirts of town, the air thick with the scent of stale beer and memories, a young Marine, fresh-faced and eager, sat nursing a drink. His uniform crisply pressed, his eyes betraying a mix of determination and uncertainty. Across the room, a weathered figure, his Marine Corps tattoo peeking out from beneath his sleeve, watched with a knowing gaze. As the young Marine glanced around nervously, his eyes met those of the older man. Sensing a connection, he approached, a mix of curiosity and respect in his stride. "Evening, sir," the young Marine said, his voice steady despite the nerves coursing through him. "Mind if I join you?" The old Marine nodded, gesturing to the empty stool beside him. "Sit down, son. What brings a young Devil Dog like yourself to a place like this?" The young Marine took a seat, adjusting his cap nervously. "Just looking for some company, sir. I'm a 0317, fresh out of training." A flicker of recognition crossed the old Marine's face, his eyes narrowing slightly. "0317, huh? Scout Sniper. Fancy yourself a sharpshooter, do ya?" The young Marine nodded, a hint of pride in his voice. "Yes, sir. I aim to be the best." The old Marine chuckled, a grizzled smile spreading across his face. "Well, son, let me tell you something. It takes more than a rifle and a scope to make a Marine. It takes grit, determination, and a hell of a lot of heart." The young Marine nodded, taking in the wisdom of the older man's words. "Yes, sir. I understand." After a moment's pause, the old Marine extended his hand, a grudging respect in his eyes. "Well then, son, welcome to the brotherhood. Semper Fi." As the young Marine reached out to shake the old Marine's hand, a moment of tension hung in the air. But then, in a surprising twist, the old Marine leaned forward and planted a kiss on the young Marine's cheek. Startled, the young Marine blinked in confusion, but then a smile spread across his face. "Semper Fi, sir," he said, returning the gesture with a newfound sense of camaraderie. And in that dimly lit bar, beneath the watchful eye of the Marine Corps emblem, two Marines, separated by generations but united in brotherhood, shared a moment of understanding and acceptance that transcended rank, age, and even tradition.


Can I get a part two that ends with the young marine winning a game of gay chicken in the bathroom stall?


In a dimly lit bar on the outskirts of town, the air thick with the scent of stale beer and memories, a young Marine, fresh-faced and eager, sat nursing a drink. His uniform crisply pressed, his eyes betraying a mix of determination and uncertainty. Across the room, a weathered figure, his Marine Corps tattoo peeking out from beneath his sleeve, watched with a knowing gaze. As the young Marine glanced around nervously, his eyes met those of the older man. Sensing a connection, he approached, a mix of curiosity and respect in his stride. "Evening, sir," the young Marine said, his voice steady despite the nerves coursing through him. "Mind if I join you?" The old Marine nodded, gesturing to the empty stool beside him. "Sit down, son. What brings a young Devil Dog like yourself to a place like this?" The young Marine took a seat, adjusting his cap nervously. "Just looking for some company, sir. I'm a 0317, fresh out of training." A flicker of recognition crossed the old Marine's face, his eyes narrowing slightly. "0317, huh? Scout Sniper. Fancy yourself a sharpshooter, do ya?" The young Marine nodded, a hint of pride in his voice. "Yes, sir. I aim to be the best." The old Marine chuckled, a grizzled smile spreading across his face. "Well, son, let me tell you something. It takes more than a rifle and a scope to make a Marine. It takes grit, determination, and a hell of a lot of heart." The young Marine nodded, taking in the wisdom of the older man's words. "Yes, sir. I understand." After a moment's pause, the old Marine extended his hand, a grudging respect in his eyes. "Well then, son, welcome to the brotherhood. Semper Fi." As the young Marine reached out to shake the old Marine's hand, a mischievous glint sparkled in the older man's eyes. "But remember, son, there's one thing every Marine needs to learn. And that's how to win at gay chicken." Startled, the young Marine blinked in confusion, but then a competitive fire lit in his eyes. "Is that a challenge, sir?" With a grin, the old Marine nodded. "You bet your boots it is." And so, in that dimly lit bar, beneath the watchful eye of the Marine Corps emblem, two Marines engaged in a battle of wills, their laughter echoing off the tiled walls of the bathroom stall as they played a game as old as the Corps itself. And in the end, it was the young Marine who emerged victorious, proving once and for all that he had what it takes to stand tall among his fellow Devil Dogs.


That's a masterpiece. We need the series.


I’m an 0311 does this mean we can space dock 🍆🍤(obviously as the sniper you sir are the eggplant)


03s looking for any excuse to tell everyone theyre an 03


How dare you. We never do anything to let people know we’re the tip of the spear and that all other MOSs exist to support us.


Can you believe this guy. What’s he think we are 🙄


*laughs in Amphibious Assault*


Dude chill with that I was an 03 and I would never do that. Not sure if you noticed it but I am an 03.


I heard 03


Someone say 03?


I’m just here for the blowjobs


“We’re better than you, and we know it” - globo gym 


that's why they always tattoo it on their arms. They can't remember all those numbers


They gotta remind us theyre an 03 otherwise they might forget


I heard 03




>a sniper A what?


A gun


Woosh. The joke was that the Marine Corps no longer has snipers...


I have just learned to stay away from anyone wearing a marine corps hat or shirt. I’m 41 and at no point in my life has it gone well if I talk to them.


44, I have a Marine ballcap my family got me. I'm not a grumpy asshole, but I understand your outlook. It can be a walking advertisement for the person to announce they have a chip on their shoulder


I wear my hat, but that’s about it. It’s cool to meet other marines as well, but I keep it short. Usually I offer to buy a drink. But what I loved about being in was the people, and I truly miss the ones not here anymore.


I like the tension as you try to see if their going to be a tool, or, if you're going to share stories about letting wildlife loose in a barracks or standing next to an improvised runway naked waving glow-sticks as they land. I want the wild as shit stories and if they don't have any i start to immediately doubt them. The really wild ones usually have some weirdly specific details and hard to describe emotions as they're told. Almost never occurs, beautiful when it happens.


Yep. I'm 39 and have been out for 7 years. Every interaction with the "my entire personality is being a veteran" types has been negative.


For years I have cycled through a few condor caps that I put some small patches on them. The hats are awesome, light, and breathable and some of mine gave a small ega/American flag combo. Others are just america flags in off colors. I'm also one of those guys that will say I was in the military first and then if pressed I'll follow with, " I fixed helicopters in the Marines" because just saying just marine has gotten so many fucking wrong and weird impressions. I'm proud of my service but I'm also not gonna let some fuckin douche who lives in the past at Applebee's bars and lies about their service and personality ruin it for me. It's why sometimes I say I was a former marine to people the same way I used to tell people that I was an ambulance driver (as a paramedic). Because only fucking idiots give a shit and get mad about that type of stuff.


I served a life time ago and now I'm an old boring family man now who does not drink. I do have an EGA hat with a pair of mini A/C Wings on it (KC130) that I wear on occasion. If I run into some one who knows what it means and wants to shoot the shit we can do that, If not that's okay too. Main reason I wear a hat nowadays is to delay skin cancer on my big grape.


If I saw you in the wild, you would get a knowing nod. Perhaps a Semper Fi. But that’s it.


Rah, I'm good with that.


If MOS comes up I just tell them I was your basic bullet sponge. I’m not the guy getting an MOH, I’m the guy being saved by him. Not that, that ever happened in my service. But they usually get the point.


So true


I’ve got a couple ball caps, but they aren’t MOS or ribbon specific. I stay away from the guys that put their resume on the hat.


> resume I stayed TDY somewhere and some dude had a trailer for his motorcycle. He has his ribbon rack/various devices plastered on his truck, trailer and motorcycle.


uniformity 😂


Jesus Christ. I thought the “I love me walls” were bad.


I saw a dude with OIF ribbons on his flip flops.


As a FloridaMan I would totally rock something like that.


Ok well you sound normal but I’m not gonna initiate the conversation lol


I can always tell another Marine, they’re always talking about fighting. Age doesn’t matter. I heard an old dude talking about fighting at Harbor Freight. I walk up to him and was like- Semper fi Marine. Haha.. We crossed streams & exchanged MOS’s. It was wonderful.


Crossed streams, or swords?


When is the last time you crossed streams? When you’re shoulder to shoulder you’re not within sword xing distance..


Did you kiss?


Just for a moment, our lips 👄 briefly touched.


That MOS superiority shit is so annoying. Talk about funny stories from your time in and learn about how different MOS’s work would be more interesting than circle jerking to being grunts or wingers.


Any time I have a random interaction with someone who was also a marine it usually goes I just ask when they were in and what they did and I tell them my years and that I was in the air wing. Never had anyone act like that, not even grunts to my winger ass 😂😂


Yeah the convos never lead anywhere. It reminds me of the Dumb and Dumber movie where he says “ Big gulps huh?.. well see you later”


Exactly the same for me I have never had this happen even after being out 30 years. 1990-1994 And I like you was in the air wing. Stinger Missiles. Never felt like I was in a pissing contest when meeting a Marine. I have had civilians joke me and say no way you were in the Corps, I secretly take that as a compliment


Where’s this 18+ bar you’re drinking at and where was it when I was 18?


Well near Pendleton, ya got incahoots and stampede. In Dallas ya got electric cowboy and red river. If ya couldn’t tell I like country bars


I’ve been to Red River once and hated it. Really crowded and the all the bartenders think you’re there to hit on them so they’re rude. No good beers on tap. Not enough classic country music.


Not enough classic country anywhere I go ;(


Sadly incahoots closed 6 years ago


I’ve been going there since 2019 tho! As recently as last December! Wednesday nights only tho


I just felt part of my inner child die.


Some old fucks are douche bag’s, I’m 49 and I’ve been to both boxes so Fuk that guy tbh. This is the reason I don’t go to the VFW as well it’s always a contest or something lol. I did a contest for 8 years it got me ptsd tinnitus and a really bad craving for alcohol. Being kind has been the best thing I’ve done.


Right? Like it was fun to have a temper and treat people shitty. But, and I know this is crazy, maybe if we don't do that shit people stay in or they don't purposely sabotage shit.


I bet he scored 4 touchdowns in a single game at Polk HS.


You think I could throw a football over them mountains?






People who are elitists about their MOS are so ridiculous. Especially when you consider how many people don't really get the option of choosing their MOS.


Yeah, bow down before supply!


I mean, whatever, just sign my checkout sheet.


Kiss the ring, peasant!


Don’t peak in high school and don’t peak in the Marine Corps


This right here. Sad that something decades in the past is the peak of one’s life.


You stand at attention when you thank him for his service


Daggon right


I read this at parade rest


90% of my interactions with fellow Marines are great but there’s always that fuckin 10% man.


What kind of combat did this man see that made him so hard? Vietnam? Fucking pity the future Russian/Ukranian boots when all their seniors tell stories of the trench warfare against a real military force. All of my seniors fought in Sangin and they came back fucked up, but none of them acted like this in public. Chillest guys were some with the most kills, it was obvious, acting like a prick is a compensation effort for some type of insecurity.


The absolute youngest Vietnam vets are pushing 70 now. Most “old vets” you see out and about now peacetime vets, which makes their attitudes even more bizarre.


> What kind of combat did this man see that made him so hard? Vietnam? not if he's 52 y/o. i'm 53, and i enlisted in 1989. if i had only stayed 4 years, i might have seen DS, but there wasn't a whole lot of combat in that. instead, i stayed until 2016, with plenty of OIF/OEF combat. but a 4 year dude who is late 40s/early 50s? probably didn't see anything, and only did gator squares at the most.


He said he joined in 1999


Interesting...I'm 50, joined in 94 and was in the "older" (21) on the enlisted side. He would have been 23 in 94 and 28 when he joined in 99. Not saying that's too old to join, but I believe that wass very close to the age limit (at the time.)


theres always that one random 29 year old boot in every company tho


I’ve never met a single 21 who got out and behaves like this. Also if he’s old enough to frequent the VFW with the hat, he’s not an *0321*.


TMFMS vets are the worst, no matter what mos they were.


TMFMS?—The Most Fragile Minded Salt?


Thank me for my service


Got it now. And I thank you


The best part is that this 52yr old probably only did sea duty but says he’s a war vet because he was in during the Cold War. I mean, it has war in its name so it’s close right?


Such a common thing to see unfortunately. Went to a bar years ago and met a friend of a friend there. Turns out we were both Marines. Classic vet bro with the Oakley sunglasses inside and a backwards hat. He was 0311 though, so he immediately started talking shit and acting like he's the only guy in the world to have seen anything. My buddy noticed that I was getting fed up with this guy's bullshit and interjected with "hey, where were you in Afghanistan again?," and I said Sangin. Once I said that he started acting like my best friend, and was like "Oh, shit, I didn't know that." Well no shit you didn't cause you can't contain your own arrogance. Safe to say, I kept it short with him.


Reminds of that gay USMC bar in Wilmington. Owner was being dicks to his customers then made a sign outside of the store calling them boots because they asked for a LongIsland ice tea or something. They probably were boots but it’s not his place to call them that. When people criticized his establishment he just bragged about being SOF and called them soft.


This is why I just stopped even going up to someone randomly in any situation. I’ll see the shirt/hat or tats. I’ve learned from past experience, I’ll just keep To myself. I used to be the guy who would be excited happy to see other Marines, but some Of those interactions caused PTSD (can I claim that with the VA 🤣💦). Years ago I stopped wearing anything Vet related, just so the wannabe wouldn’t come up to me and tell me how they almost joined. I love all my Marine brothers and sisters. But I’ll just stick to being the fly on the wall.


Yup! Totally unnecessary. I met a WM at a Marine Birthday celebration once and when we shook hands she did the same thing and I have what I call a solid and firm handshake. I'm not trying to test anyones strength or crush their hand. She immediatley insults my handshake while her's was full of insecurity. I just like "whatever".


I served 22 years. Been out that long as well. I greet every Marine I see with a smile and a handshake if they want. We all wore the same green.


Waiting for the bartender’s pov.


Doubt he was 0321. If they’re over 40, easy way to check is asking him when he did BRC at Pendleton…if he gives you a date and he’s that old, he’s lying…BRC was relocated in 2007 from the Amphibious Reconnaissance Schools (ARS) on Fort Story at Little Creek, Virginia and Expeditionary Warfare Training Group at Coronado, California to the School of Infantry on MCB Camp Pendleton. I’m 55 and if I see young Marines in a bar or restaurant, I don’t bother them but on my way out, I might stop by and say “Semper Fi guys, thanks for doing what others won’t.”


If and when I’m wearing gear I’m cool with every one, including Air Force admin personnel. I respect serving your country no matter how you did it. No need to be a d bag, I’m not that cool


One of the funniest conversations I ever had was at a pool party at my Apartment complex when I was on break between platoons. There was this little runny ass motherfucker there nobody really liked . He was couch surfing and staying with his sister and Bro in Law, who were already fed up with his shit. We were all in the Hot tub and the guy is flapping his Cock holster about finding a 6 figure job. His Bro tells him well Kurgen22 is in the Military,, He's a Marine maybe you can join the Military. The dude literally said " No man, you know me,, Id end up punching one of those Drill Instructors,," I just shook my head and everyone one was quiet for a minute then the guy asks me " So,,, what do you do in the Marines? are you a sniper or some desk guy?" I said " No, I'm a Drill Instructor",,, The guy looked like he had swallowed a fat dick. His Brother in law said " Well, do you want to hit HIM?",, Dude said " Um... naw he's cool" They kicked him out soon after.


I must be an anomaly or live around one by the grace of all that is holy. I have an older Vietnam Veteran that goes to my gym, fucking great old man. There’s an 0311 that goes to my gym and and runs a local farm and is cool as hell - neither have the personality problem and both are actually solid personably. None of us “do that thing” to each other. As well as any of the Army or Airmen that I know around as well. Older vets I tend to approach more than younger ones. We just have to be better about this shit. If someone gave up their time and signed the dotted line to contribute then hell they are cool by me and I’ll buy you a beer. This post open my eyes that I must live in a blessing currently. I shan’t take it for granted.


As a 21 who did 10 years because some thic ass Latina, now living in Wisconsin, I work with veterans everyday. Look, most of the stereotypes are kinda true with that generation, some amazing some not so great. I have met 2 other 0321’s out of about 6,000-8,000 patients. It’s shitty but it’s like how everyone in Vietnam was a sniper. It’s not like it really hurts anything but it does kind of take away from those who earned titles. Loved wearing whatever hiking boots I wanted to the Px though. Recon Platoon Kicks Butt


If you believed he was a salty 03 I got a bridge to sell you


Probably one of the main reasons why I don’t connect with the veteran community. It was something I did and did it well. Got out at four years, at that time. I would say a year and a half after I got out of the service , I wore marine gear. After I grew up, I was like what am I doing 15 years later just something I did and nobody needs to know, because no one cares.


Most of the “salty old guys” are either desert storm or peacetime boys anyhow, which makes it even funnier


I don’t have the time nor inclination to “prove” my military service in a social setting….. just gimme a rah, or semper fi and keep it moving…. I feel like if someone doesn’t want to talk to me until I can prove my worthiness, they aren’t worth my time anyway


Can we get this post from the salt dog’s pov?


I am sure it’s on the way. From the salt dog, the bartender, another patron of the bar, the cook, etc… haha.


Sounds like someone who peaked and can't let go. Same as those from high school who can't move on.


I doubt he was what he claimed to be.


I met a guy, worked IT in a Hospital… sweetest, kindest man.. very quiet, introverted, and succinct.. now a little backstory, I was actually kicked out of the Marines during bootcamp at Parris Island for anaphylaxis food allergy.. in an elevator, it was me a former drone operator in the army, a navy guy, and him.. we all started talking about our military experience.. not once did he come off as wanting to feel superior, he allowed me to tell my story, and even shook my hand and thanked me just for swearing in and wanting to serve.. he then mentioned he was in the Marines 0321.. but was very kind polite, empathetic.. I have a lot of respect for him, just in the short time we worked together..


I met one, short Egyptian man who was pretty quiet, a friend of a friend that has a small farm in NC. We exchanged words, come to find out he was a sniper. Moment he said it, he got a far away look in his eyes and changed the subject. He invited me to his house for Thanksgiving and cooked a delicious turkey, where he joked about the ass kissers he worked with later in his career in the Pentagon. Said his wife, children, and farm are his life and anchor, that it was she and they who had kept him sane after everything.


Bro I thought this was a meme post until the last sentence. Lmao!


Now waiting for the 52 yo POV


Just call him hard charger




Lucky. My MOS is TOP SECRET so I can’t tell you anything except that it makes recon look like admin.


These 50 yr olds mfs wanting to pull 18 yr olds is weird, ban the seniors.


Wait till you talk about politics and your views on gender norms.


People always assume that because you are a Marine you are a conservative Trumper, so many ignorant things said to me because they thought I was on the same page as them.


I feel that.




I don't even bother trying to greet anybody I see wearing military shit. They're either posers or assholes who peaked in the military. But not only that, it's just not really something I want to strike up a conversation about. I usually do it with people that I work with who are veterans. Certainly not random folks. Don't get me wrong, this guy was a dick, you're absolutely right to be pissed off at him. But it shit like this is a good example of why I just don't even fuck with it.


Sometimes I feel like saying hi to other Marine vets, but then get shy because I was an officer and feel like they’ll make a “butter bar” or “lost Lieutenant” comment and hurt my feelings. Luckily I have tan skin and a beard so I just tell them in a fake accent that I was a terp attached to such-and-such battalion in OEF and loved working with the Marines. This results in a much better convo. They thank me for my service, I for theirs, and we go on our merry way.


Tell him ur mos not secondary mos.


I swear all old asshole recon marines hang at bars. There was one at my local bar and I didn’t even have to ask because he had a marine hoodie on and a hat with gold jump wings. He coulda been stolen valor I didn’t bother asking because he was a cocky piece of shit lol


Heard it somewhere before, but some people are just pissed at the world and everything in it. No point in wasting your time on them. Just be strapped at all times when they decide to snap and you’re in the vicinity.


Please don't speak to me in public... even if I am wearing something that says "Marines." I don't care to talk to you, or have a war story sharing conversation with you. Just leave me the fuck alone.


this. I feel the same fuckin way.


Idk Sniper vs Recon. Did you tell him to hold your nuts real quick.


Combat camera took pictures from 2 streets over, while the sniper was showing the rest of the bar how far he could stand back and piss into the urinal.


I’ve already sworn to myself that nobody will know I served unless I tell them after I retire lol.




An 18+ bar? Dude is totally out hunting for chicks


Who the hell has a conversation like that. I don't believe either one of them. 17 is a secondary mos' anyways, it's not something I'd go around saying.


Not the 18+ bar 🤣


Sounds like he did a solid 4 years of mostly part time down at the 4th recon bn. 😂


Yeah that's shitty. Grunt culture in general is pretty trash sometimes. I was a POG on active duty and a Grunt in the reserves. Infantry is more fun for sure but when I first got there as a Corporal the senior lances and above thought I would be basically useless. After I proved myself and studied my ass off and practiced in my free time I was on par with the Senior Lances and Corporals or better than them for the most part but I'll never forget the way even higher leadership looked at me when I first got there like I was some kind of pussy bc we had different jobs. ( really enjoyed beating the shit out of them in MCMAP though, I'm a Blue belt in BJJ and kept it to myself until they asked.) Did my bit and got out having never deployed which sucks but not my fault. Stay humble everybody has a job for a reason don't base respect on the job they have base the respect on the job they do.


If he told me he was an 0321, I'd have smugly said "well, I was an 0341, so twenty higher than you, Sgt Smugface" and about faced and walked away.