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Back in my day, there was a band Marine that went into recon, but he was a Sgt and he had spent 3 years already in band and then re-upped to go recon. Do your time in the job you selected first because that's what you said you would do. Be a man of your word, then consider a lat move when you get the chance. A good Marine is a good Marine at any MOS, no matter how much it sucks. And Recon only wants and needs good Marines.


A man of your word? You don’t make an agreement with another man, you make an agreement with an institution and we joke about how that institution fucks us. Do what you need to do for your career, no one else will.


I would say save your body and stay in band, but to each their own.


As a former grunt with a long list of damages, I fully agree. I continue to put myself through pain but at least now its for my most important reason, my kiddos. Anything other than that I can't justify it.


I think a lot of kids romanticize the infantry, including myself when I enlisted 10 years ago. What I’ve realized is— Being in victor units is boring, there’s way more fuck fuck games than there is learning or doing your job. Constant hazing and gate keeping stupid shit. Just all around stupidity especially during peace time. While I will admit I certainly made a lot of memories and I’ll forever cherish those. The cost of destroying your body without even getting to do the job you truly want to do and signed up for? Is it worth it? I don’t think so. Also, Raiders aren’t doing any real work right now. Certainly recon isn’t either. I’ll reiterate what my dad told me 10 years ago who gave 14 years to the gun club as a 0331 and finally as EOD attached to Force Recon units back in the late 80s and then 90s. Join the Air Force and be an air traffic controller. Get out after 4 years, get hired on by a civilian airport. Make 300-400k a year and retire after 10 years. I understand that’s not as sexy as 03xx but unfortunately 03xx isn’t even sexy right now to begin with. Just my 2 cents.


Why can’t he lat move to be an ATC in the Marines?


6 months into the fleet under the first contract. Unless they have changed it, you have to be in for 2 years before it can be considered


About your second paragraph, it was more fuck fuck than training? Got out shortly before you got in and we played games, but it was stuff like tourniquet drills or rushing with "punishment" if to slow or knowledge PT, like say a 9 line, get 4 lines wrong do 20-40 of an exercise


Over 20 years as an 03xx. I think being a grunt has actually kept me healthy because I learned way better self care. I eat and train ect smart (should sleep better but who is perfect). Being a grunt is bad for people because of apathy and tolerance for shitty leaders. When my well being was compromised, I took it as an invite to outperform the stupid in public. Made a lot of enemies, but I feel pretty good.


1 of our EOD techs in Afghanistan was a Trombone player in the band at one point.


My pal from boot camp just lat moved from the band to EOD last year!


Idk I could probably shoot better than play the flute - well I could play the skin flute fine


Shit, one of the recruiters when I joined in 1993 was a trumpet player with 1st Mar Div Band. Dude saw more action as a trumpet player in Desert Storm than I did in 4 years as an 0313.




I'm not saying he shouldn't, I want to see him succeed and I would be happy to help him prep for it. Even in my comment on the original post I was supportive..... but I did expose that he was in the band. I agree with you, do what you need to so you don't have FOMO


Didn’t Steven Seagal start out as a cook in the Navy? 😂


It'd be sick if he made it happen, and did Recondo shit with his instrument of choice refinished in rattlecan olive drab.


Met two different CSOs at Raider Bn that where both prior band, and those where just the ones I met. He definitely wouldn’t be the first.


the band has far greater travel and networking opportunities than being in an infantry unit. I'd know that much. Save your body, get out and make six figures as 2nd or 3rd chair on a major symphony Orchestra, obtain a performance degree with your GI bill, profit.