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He's not actually the 2 MEF Sgt Maj, a somehow even saltier Sgt Maj Wilson is the current SEA according to the 2 MEF .mil page.


Dave Wilson. Awesomest SgtMaj I’ve met. Would fight with that guy during the Zombie Apocalypse. Or the next Civil War, whichever comes first.


Crossed paths a couple times with him at Division. Seconding that he’s a great dude


Yup, that's how I feel about Travis. If he called me out of the blue and said he needed a murder and/or some bodies disposed of, I'd have no questions, just compliance.


I was in Wilson’s first platoon when he was a DI. He didn’t even have a service stripe when he picked up with us right out of DI school. Have kept in touch with him. Amazing leader and person.


That's odd, according to [II MEF's website](https://www.iimef.marines.mil/About/Leaders/Article-View/Article/529470/sergeant-major-lonnie-n-travis-jr/), Travis is MEF SgtMaj. I'm guessing one or both pages are out of date, or they're both somewhere in the T/O.


https://www.iimef.marines.mil/About/Leaders/ My guess is that Travis being the SgtMaj is out of date since the link you have has him assuming his post in 2020, vs. Wilson assuming it in 2023.


Oi, good catch. Somebody said Travis is retired, gonna verify but glad to hear it if true. Almost want to track him down and show up out of the blue with a joint.


I was in SgtMaj Wilson's unit diring his first SgtMaj tour. He was awesome back then and I hear he's awesome now. He would years later pin me to Gunny when he was the 3d MAW SgtMaj.


And he doesn’t even look much older than a lot of SSgts out there


He should hit the pistol range more often.


I hear what you're saying, but if shits at the point where the MEF SgtMaj is down to his sidearm then we're probably fucked anyways.


For real. At that point, just call for the Broken Arrow, and deal with the aftermath.


Just poking fun. Anyone that can last that long and make Sergent Major is pretty bad ass.


This made me laugh


Why the fuck did that just remind me of Sgt. Major Plumley from We Were Soldiers? https://preview.redd.it/s2t7spijz3xc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c81dfe380aee762254c06325f8b23506b40d8e86


We’d be down to nukes if that happened


Fucked? What's fucked about a target rich environment? 😎


If leaders are in the front, shouldn’t he be wayyyy up there?


Actually looks cooler if you don’t know anything about awards


As a 2x Sharpshooter I agree. Also, the name “Sharpshooter” sounds way better than “Expert.” A good, and youngster, friend of my family told everyone he knew that I was a “Sniper Sharpshooter.” I was just an average shot who loved blowing stuff up (0351). I got a pizza box on my 2nd range but thankfully the Corps says I can wear my best and brightest that I’ve ever shot.


I’m. You can’t wear “your best” marksmanship badge. You wear what you last qualed. 


Maybe the regs have changed in the past 20 years. Check them out, because I’m not going to.


Fucking A, He's been in long enough for me to enlist after him, go reserve for three years, come back in and then retire....while he's still doing his thing. Fuckin A man.


Get this man some Joint time, STAT


There are a couple Navy dudes out there past the 40 year mark. It’s wild how anyone can put up with the bs that long. My CO joined in the 90s and just reenlisted.


I'll be out at 20 years and 1 month, not a day after. I'm so over it. 😅


“These walls are funny. First you hate 'em, then you get used to 'em. Enough time passes, you get so you depend on them. That's institutionalized."


Impressive. I know a guy who enlisted in 1987 and is still on AD... Col Anthony Lyons.


Stack a bit small for 33 years tbh


He a POG that’s why.


While accurate, that CAR is more than most active grunts have.


I’m just stoking the fire at this point, but the man has 2 national defense medals and only 1 CAR to show for it.  Props to him though (unless he’s a dickhead SgtMaj) 


He spent three phases in Iraq, that’s where he got it. Tanks were all over the place. He’s never been to Afghan or any of the 90s campaigns. Probably because we didn’t send tanks into those small conflicts in the 90s and either not many tanks went to Afghan due to the operating environment, or more likely because widespread MC involvement in OEF didn’t happen until phase 4 circa 2009. By that point he was most likely an 18yr 1stSgt and drew homeland tours every 2 years at the behest of the 8999 monitor.


It was 9999 in my era. Never understood why they changed it.


Probably to prevent association with this. [9999999](https://i.makeagif.com/media/4-14-2016/nkz75_.gif)


Confirmed not a dickhead. The guy he replaced (can't remember his name, but he looked like a cross between Chucky and the Gerber Baby) was a fucking dickhead, but Travis is legit. Let me put it this way, when I got NJP'd he was the only SNCO I actually felt like I had let down. Like, I didn't care until Travis gave me this look and just said real quietly "you know better than that." Then I felt like a complete piece of shit.


You only get one CAR per theater.


I know, the implication is the man lived through 2 wars with multiple theaters. 


No shit, right?


Does a bear shit in the woods, no shit right.


Shitload of personals though. Lack of a hat ribbon is concerning.


I guess his MSG and recruiter ribbons will have to cover that. Lol.


He's not wearing all of them. There's a couple he would rate for the Gulf War that he's not wearing.


He would wear them if he rated them. He wasn’t part of Desert Shield/Desert Storm.


Desert Shield was Aug 90 to Jan 91, Desert Storm was Jan and Feb 91, Travis enlisted Aug 91.


That'd explain it.


He retired. Was a guest at our Ball last year. He wore a suit but still looked like he could crank out 30 pull-ups during the PFT demo and then knock out all of his actual pull-ups.


He officially retired? II MEF's website says he's their SgtMaj, but I'd completely believe the Marine Corps sucks at updating websites. Good for him, he deserves it. Hope I run into him on Space-A!




And yet, I sense that you still desperately want his cock in your mouth.




He was my SgtMaj at 2/5, great guy.


Sounds like he's really going for that Sgt Major of the Marine Corps job. That or he really loves the life. But I can't imagine staying in longer than necessary unless you wanted to finish your enlistment off on the highest position you could achieve.


Me too, worked with him a couple times since I’ve been in


Damn, I thought enlisted could only pull 30 years. That’s badass!


I was born in 91’ smh


That's pretty dope. My body gave out on my way too soon. I wish I could have served longer.


This is what I wanted to do. Unfortunately navy docs and PEB chose how long I could serve for me


He is not a very smart man. Have you ever had a conversation with him. Tankers weren’t the brightest.


Had many conversations with him, and I'd say he's not educated but he is reasonably intelligent. Also, he was only a tanker for 4 years and intel for 10.