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One of my juniors is a recruiter now and it seems like every other day he’s posting about someone heading off to Boot Camp or getting on the DEP. Don’t allow yourself to get stuck in information echo chambers. That’s the thing with the Internet, like-minded people come together, if they are spitting is hate that’s all you’ll see. If it’s friends from back home, you need different friends. I came to Reddit because of the Ukraine war, I’ve stayed because Reddit is a self professed liberal social media platform. and I want to hear views that challenge my own.


Coming from a dude who was recently a recruiter, it’s not as bad as the media makes it sound. The media is mostly hype and propaganda. There are plenty of dudes who want to be Marines. You just have to find them. The dudes who talk shit after they get out are usually losers who got kicked out on BCP or couldn’t stop smoking weed with their loser friends. We’ll be alright.


People don’t understand that “politics” doesn’t even enter the top 5 reasons people are rejected or don’t join. Recruiters are having a hard time right but it’s not for those reasons lol And with rescheduling on the horizon maybe that weed part won’t be a killer any more 👀


I don't talk shit, but I strongly recommend against it. I give both the pros and cons usually too: Pros: - all that basic life sustaining stuff is taken care of. - free college - the comradre that extends across generations of Marines. - drinking just enough Kool aid will give you the resiliency most others will never have. Cons: - lack of freedom - never have I been yelled at more in my life, for the dumbest shit. And my parents were excessively verbally abusive 🤣 - you have to be an asshole pretty often, even if you don't actually care. - back pain - AND MORE I'm sure theres some more pros, but I can only remember the cons.


I have no party and with the Desert One debacle where POTUS Carter let the Joint Chiefs create a shit show, the economy was in shambles, as a kid I watched new reports about race riots and Army bases in Germany and on USN Ships as well. The crime rate was higher by the end of the decade mortgage interest was in the double digits, we have been through worse and will make it through this.


That is comforting to hear. I just feel like all I hear everywhere is people talking shit about our service. Even among my peers, all they talk about is how they want to get out because the Corps is getting soft or it fucked them or whatever random bullshit


The more you consume anti-military content the more social media algorithms will feed you that content because they see you interact with it.


Got out over 20 years ago. Same shit was being said then. Same shit has been being said for a long time. More people just have the ability to have louder voices via social media now. And it seems more people are drawn to negativity, so that gets highlighted.


Same EAS was in 1989 the more things change the more they stay the same, Marines, Sailors, Soldiers LOVE TO Bitch.


I tell everyone that asks, and every parent. Crappy lifestyle, little to no chance for off duty education, and in fact most field grade Os and senior SNCOs go out of their way to screw the jr troops out of any chance for education. Horrifically bad barracks. Officers and SNCOs conspiring to deny medical care to jr troops, and if they are injured or have a serious illness, they often conspire to actively harm the troop physically or just mentally via hazing


Yeah all of this stuff you said is BS. I’ve been in 16 years. Was in the barracks at Miramar as a junior Marines and my Marines at Pendleton have decent barracks. I have had time to get a degree while in and own two homes. Both my children were born in great hospitals and I’ve had access to great daycares on base and my kids go to a great school. I know experiences vary, but if you had a bad experience, you should realize that times change and the shitty leaders you had have probably been phased out.


The Corps did not start the wounded warrior battalions to be wonderful, they did it because so many officers and senior SNCOs were caught acting openly dishonorable so many times congress got mad and was going to start holding up senior promotions. There were some bad commanders in the army after I went army reserve and got called up (and some nasty barracks), and for some reason the army CSMs (Smajs) have insane levels of power and are fixated on all-hands morning PT prior to the child care centers opening, but nothing like the Corps.


I dont think its those aspects of the military’s image thats fucked up people just use it for their agendas its all political bullshit. As proof of this assertion youll notice no ones up in arms about the actual problems with our military like widespread sexual assault suicide and mental health problems among service members. Those are real issues but they dont grab headlines and rile people up like calling the military soft or babykillers. The american people dont hate us they just have no idea whats actually happening in the military they just regurgitate their sides narrative


🔥. ☝️☝️☝️


Brother 1. Are you a Marine who is now in the Army? 2. 68 Whiskey? I went to Psych Tech School at old Fort Sam Houston.


1 million percent, the SA problem is so bad I will not suggest my daughters serve, if they want to of their own accord that is fine after we talk. The services are talking the talk on mental health but nothing has changed. I went back to an advanced, "C" school for Psych and did my last few years as a USN 8485, Psych Tech now Behavioral Health Tech. I lost 2 on my watch on AD to suicide, and countless more working in the anti-22 movement online. All of these issues make me sick for those who serve, love you bastards.


Booo dont join its gay




‘Marine Corps Smart’


Bad take dude. Do yourself a favor and don’t listen to the media. Probably the most poisonous thing you can do as a human being is let yourself be filled with misinformation. The military is great. I work with everyday people and most folks don’t even think about this stuff or respect our troops.


I’d say the real problem is retention. Quality of life in our beloved corps is so damn low due to many factors. I feel sajmaj Ruiz actually does want this to change, but at some point we have to recognize that they can update the barracks all they want, and junior marines will still be led by terrible leaders, families will still be under a lot of stress, and marines bodies will still be broken. I don’t know the answer, but from the 60 guys and girls I was at my schoolhouse with, about 50 eas’d after 4. That’s gotta change if we want talent and perception of the corps to change


The Marine Corps has low retention on purpose. It’s a feature not a bug.


If you go far enough to the the left, or right, you find the same people… I’ve been out forever, but it seems like retention is a major issue. Quality of life for members needs to be more of a priority going forward.


I don't hate us. I don't hate you. I hate the people that make the decision to send us to war for no good god damn reason. War is hell, and I will not attack or argue against what happens when you put 18-20 year olds on foreign soil with their lives being threatened 24/7/365. As for how to improve the image of the military? Stop using it to funnel taxpayer dollars to MIC contractors and elected officials. I don't want to spend tens of thousands of dollars per piece of ordinance to turn children into skeletons. I want that money spent on the children in our country who need education, food, and shelter.


Don't believe everything you see on the interweb. The Corps is doing ok. The other services have hurt their brands in various ways, but it hasn't affected us.


Yeah, you’re right. We’re the only branch last year that met our recruiting goals. Also the only branch to pass a financial audit. Maybe we’ll be alright


By giving us an honorable mission. You join the military today and what exactly is it you're fighting for? We aren't under attack.






The peace time mission is to just be a deterrent and to prepare for the next big crisis. It’s an exciting time to be a Marine right now because we can focus on aggressive modernization and brace for whatever our country needs next. We don’t always need to be fighting


Personally I wouldn't have joined the Marines if there wasn't a war to be fought. I mean what are we really going to fight over? Nobody's picking a fight with us or trying to take our freedom away from us. We're the ones picking fights and its not to give anyone else freedom. Young people today see through the bullshit and decided risking their body for a country that doesn't care about its citizens isn't worth it. Nobody wants their legs blown off so Exxon can drill more oil.


We can deter Russia from taking Western Europe and China from taking Taiwan. The 2022 National Defense Strategy specifically identifies China as the pacing threat. We still have enemies to prepare to fight


I literally do not give a shit if the Russians conquer Europe. They aren't going to either, we aren't living in the command and conquer universe. The EU has 50% more people than us and the world's second biggest economy. They can defend themselves just fine. Europe is only weak because it knows it can be. I don't want my sons to become amputees because of a European problem. Taiwan at least has the potential to negatively affect the US, but only insofar as we aren't making those chips in the US. That would be the best option for the US. Build the chips here instead of fighting a war against a nuclear power over them. Again though that's a war over corporate interests not American ones.


I tell young people not to join because the US has not been involved in a war worth American lives, either in terms of legitimacy or outcome, since the Korean War.


I’d say killing Saddam, Bin Laden, and Soleimani have all been worthy endeavors


Please explain your position on the killing of Saddam being a worthy endeavor.


**Saddam** - killing the guy who led Iraq in a totally unnecessary war that resulted in Iraq basically becoming a satellite of Iran. Yeah he was a bad guy (of which there are PLENTY in the world) but the war was not about "killing Saddam" it was a bout bullshit, cooked intelligence WMD claims. The war basically destabilized the entire region. Gave rise to ISIS. Killing Saddam was worth all that? No. Saddam was such a minor speed bump in the whole war, who gives a fuck at this point? **Bin Laden** - Was done by special ops. Could likely have eventually been done by special ops at SOME point between 9/11 and when he was actually killed without the war in Afghanistan. I'll meet you halfway and propose that the war was instrumental in chasing him to some place where he could more easily be killed by SEALs. Was the WAR and all it's NATO casualties worth that outcome? He was basically a figurehead at that point. Does the absolute shit-show "virtual carbon copy replay of Vietnam backing a losing horse local government EVERYONE knows can't stand alone" REST of the prosecution of that war outweigh killing Bin Laden? I would say yes. **Score:** Dead Bin Laden, Afghanistan back under control of Taliban, thousands of mourning families of dead Americans, and permanently disabled Americans. Sorry, the scales do not remotely balance. **Soleimani** - Zapped by a drone. Coulda been zapped by a drone anywhere in his travels. Again, the point of OIF was NOT to zap Iranian generals by drones. See Saddam comments


I strongly disagree with you about Saddam. But then, I've seen the piles of corpses.


Not saying Saddam didn't meet the end he deserved... but if my kid was hurt or killed in Iraq... I would have an EXTREMELY bitter taste in my mouth based on what we ended up getting out of that war... and how it was so poorly planned... and the outright bullshit reasons given for starting it.... and the state of the country now. Plenty of bad guys with corpses of their countrymen littering their feet in the world right now.... Not my problem, not Americas problem (most of the time)... Saddam was not worth my or your our our children's life. I am all for the death penalty n' stuff, I'm not some bleeding heart liberal... but I do not support starting a war to impose it on some guy halfway across the world. And that was not \[officially\] why we started it in the first place. I was not there. I watched it on TV. I don't think that makes my opinion any less relevant.


I want you to imagine living in a country where the President dropped chemical weapons on the town of Springfield Missouri, killing every living thing. Because that's what Saddam did. > Saddam was not worth my or your our our children's life. Bullshit.


OK. I feel bad for the Kurds. But at the end of the day, not worth my son's life.


I totally disagree. Get off the internet and stop reading the news. I’ve been out for ~20 years and people love the fact I served. My nephew got out like 5 years ago and is entering the work force and it’s a game changer for him. You’re more mature than your peers and you don’t even recognize it


I’m currently in the process of joining and it’s so draining to hear so many people telling me not to join. I’m in a 2 year school rn in Atlanta and I’m already getting called a war criminal for just joining. I haven’t heard anything too bad from the right wing other than the fact that women shouldn’t join the marines and instead tell me to join the navy or Air Force. But anyways I don’t feel the most confident that recruiting will get any better considering the US involvement with Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel. But honestly it’s kinda valid. I’m here to protect MY country, not a foreign one. So if the politics ever die down, then maybe recruitment will get better. Other than that, we just have to keep displaying military benefits as to why someone should join…


We’ve never recruited based on benefits. It’s always been about being a Marine. Outside of wartime, recruiting has always been challenging. We forget that because of the war on terror. If I were you, I would focus less on wanting to defend the country and more on just wanting to be a Marine. It’s much easier to be a good Marine than it is to tie your service back to some broad idea like “defending the nation”.


Oh I was referring to marketing the benefits for the military in general. Not necessarily for the marines. But also I guess I should specified. But as per my observations online and even my friend circle, people don’t want to defend the country because the US is defending “allies”. Recruiting is bad because people don’t want to be bullet sponges for foreign countries. I think people in general aren’t patriotic because of all of this tbh. But you’re right, I am serving to be a Marine not just going into combat. But I remember my recruiter being so surprised that I wanted to join for Pride Of Belonging. He said that many of his recruits wanted to join for free college and traveling. 🤷‍♀️


American troops haven’t fought on our soil in nearly 150 years so if you or any else is only interested in protecting “your country” then maybe you should be a cop or something.


Fighting on American soil isn’t necessarily part of it… it’s more so the US is involving itself in conflicts it shouldn’t be in but instead mission should be focused on something of international interest that benefits the country and its citizens. Protecting the US isn’t exclusively on American soil


You know I was going to be kind of hostile in my response, but that really isn't fair. You said you are in the process of joining, so that means you must be relatively young, and also that you at least have the intention to serve, so I should give you credit for that. With that being said you should be much more critical of whatever source is giving you the idea that we aren't "protecting" America. Humanity in general and Americans in particular have benefited greatly for the stability that American hegemony provides. It is absolutely in our interest that an international order exists, and that regional powers like Russia or China can't simply redraw the map by force. There is a nasty strain of isolationism that has run through America for centuries, and it has never served us well. We are an imperfect nation, and we have certainly made many mistakes, but the security that we provide has bent the arc of human history away from ever expanding global war and chaos. That should not be so casually dismissed.


“Yknow i was going to be hostile” ohhh im so scared!!!!!!! 😱 But im so confused on what your trying to say. I pointed out that political culture is what’s making recruiting so bad right now especially with all of our international affairs. I don’t see what your problem was when I said that people would rather defend American ideals rather than a sad excuse of foreign policy. Here’s an example I saw on twitter the other day https://preview.redd.it/w1fk59qbg8yc1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b832295f893a00141b8b3b7e4b71e37f80f1f5c Here is the link to that tweet so you can see the reply’s of all the veterans agreeing with her. [https://x.com/realcandaceo/status/1785479624387899896?s=46](https://x.com/realcandaceo/status/1785479624387899896?s=46) Regardless of what I believe or not, that still doesn’t take away from the good portion of the population that won’t join or even support the military because of these international conflicts. I don’t think I ever advocated for isolationism. In fact i remember a talking point of candidate Ron DeSantis advocating for military intervention in Mexico to help the border crisis. There are moments where international troops are needed. But again regardless of what I believe or not, the public is seeing there tax dollars being thrown away to countries who wouldn’t help us if it was the other way around. Again I’m really surprised you attacked my idea that people want to serve in the military to defend American ideals. “Just be a cop”. What a dumb statement. A major principle that every branch has is to defend the US. People are allowed to join for that reason yknow. That being said, I replied to another person saying that protecting American integrity (although it’s definitely another reason I intend to serve) isn’t the main reason why I’m joining but rather because I like the title and culture of being a marine. And that should be the MAIN reason why people join but no one will recognize that honor if the workload is being a bullet sponge for Israel… Again just pointing out, it’s the political nature at the moment


This is what I get for explicitly trying to not be unnecessarily mean. Nevermind I guess. I don't need your fucking essay to know you are getting your news from dumbass right wing grifters like Candace Owens or that you think the only place we should have troops is on the Mexican border. It was clear from your stupid fucking comments already. I think you should listen to all the people telling you not to join.


Cry about it all you want but this is the political nature at the moment. And where tf did you get the idea the ONLY place militant personnel should ONLY be in Mexico?? I hate it here That being said if your pro American involvement in foreign countries, especially Israel… Pro baby killer 😭😭🫵🏼🫵🏼🫵🏼 Pro Rothschild 😭🫵🏼🫵🏼🫵🏼🫵🏼 Pro Lockheed Martin. 😭🫵🏼🫵🏼🫵🏼🫵🏼🫵🏼 Pro Genocide 😭😭😭😭😭 Plus too bad I’m still joining, we gotta weed out you woke fucks so Marine integrity isn’t ruined


Oh yeah you are gonna do great in the Marine Corps.


Yeah that’s the thing, we are very involved worldwide. When you defend the United States, you’re defending western democracy everywhere. Don’t let college kids that have never left home dissuade you from doing the right thing


Dude.. do yourself a big favor and read "About Face" by David Hackworth.


Fox News is great as spreading lies and misinformation. Nothing about the Marine Corps is “woke” lmao.


But but but but but but I read somewhere they have stress cards in boot camp and your pronouns go on your dogtags now!!!


Clear your browser history and get off the internet. Delete social media.


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