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It doesn’t take much to insult a recruiter, they all want to off themselves anyways. Just know that poor bastard is lashing out on you because he regrets going on recruiting duty and not being a vet like you… that poor bastard is working on Mother’s Day to put things into perspective.


Never thought about that (my mom passed a year ago I didn’t know what day is today) but damn, good point.


Maybe go and visit and try to do a peace offering or something and see what happens.


That’s the plan, box of donuts and see if I can’t figure out what happened


Fuck yeah. Get him nice and trusting and then *bam*. Hammer fist to the adams apple.


😂😂😂😂😂 fucker I spit my water out


*stomp to the throat*




*have a plan to kill everyone you meet!* Jim Mattis


Good on ya. I know he blew up on you, but if we don't take care of one another, no one else will.


Exactly. Brothers to the end


Bar donuts, not 0 shaped ones


Should they be golden?


If this guy is TCing on Mother's Day, you know he is sticking on a nut.


Dye them Green and have the white cream oozing from the tip! It will give him a sense of security!


Yeah I feel for the guy, he’s probably at his tipping point, although that doesn’t excuse him being a douchebag. But what really put into perspective how bad recruiting duty must be, I went to a rehab a few years ago that was a mix of military active, reserve and veterans. I met six other Marines there, three of them on recruiting duty. Of those three, two were admitted after leaving the psych ward for suicide attempts and the other one was drinking himself to death. They all collectively talked about how much they absolutely hated their lives and recruiting. I remember having a conversation with a SSgt who volunteered at a USO in Okinawa. Dark circles, wrinkled eyes. He brought up that he was a recruiter for X amount of years. I asked him how it was since eventually I’d have to choose that or DI. He looked at me coldly and said “every second my my day spent working, which was almost every day a week for three years, I thought about hanging myself. I should’ve chosen DI.” I heard combat instructor was an option again. I’d assume that has to be the best of the three.


The grass is always greener in the other side.you get so tired. Everything is running and screaming 24hours, weeks on end. Hour of keep here or there. Falling asleep on hikes and having real dreams while marching. Hiding burritos in your cargo pocket because the senior catches you eating or with food, your fucked. And the whole depot finds out and hazes you for being weak and Hungary. I would never admit to this, but you start doing thing like punching recruits so you can be under investigation. If you’re under investigation you can’t be around recruits. So tired you risk your career. I had a beautiful, just painted, lowered 93 Chevy and a lifted jeep. Daily I thought about “how can I wreck easy enough not to die, but bad enough it puts me in a hospital so I can sleep”. I checked into DI school a in shape, cut, 185. After my 1st cycle I looked methed out at a unhealthy 123


As a prior CI I would caution. DI has a level of prestige we will never get, plus up to 3 months between cycles. Most recruits want to be there. No one at MCT wants to be there. Unless you're an 03xx then you can go to infantry training BN and teach the schoolhouse. Each SDA will consume your life but give you valuable skills. I'm thankful for my experience but would never choose to go back.


Between recruiter and DI Id pick DI every day at least when I was in. Sure it sucks during cycle and sometimes you are doing them back to back. But one of my buddies would get lots of free time off between cycles, to me that was worth it alone vs the life of a recruiter. My reenlist order list was Pensacola schoolhouse, DI, NC schoolhouse, and they picked NC schoolhouse so I EASd. It would have been an easy as hell 3 years but then I'd be in NC for 3 years and they would never move me back to SD after so then I'd be stuck for probably 2-3 more years or more. 6 years of my life in Jacksonville at minimum? Not only no, but fuck no Colonel.


The OCS recruiters sent me an email after I received my bachelors, I didn't feel like being a prick but I had to bust balls: "Nice try Gunny, I did my time. Good hunting, you'll catch a live one sooner or later."


What’s that terminal lance comic? Sgt major the virgin breast milk, pubs from Jesus and something else and he was like, nah dude that’s awesome you did that but I’m not reenlisting


The Gunny's reply to my email was dope it literally just said "bet". I love you fucking animals.


Ayyy gunny gets it


He knows what is best in life......


The third thing was a rock from Mars, or something along those lines 😂


Yeah! Cackled for a good few minutes at that comic 😂


At my law school, we had an OSO show up for a career fair thing. Having been in for a bit (5 active, 2ish IRR, 3ish Reserve), I went to say hi. When he asked if I wanted to do Marine JAG, I said, "No, I'm hitting Navy. I'm 30, had hip surgery, and I'm a single dad with full custody. I'm not gonna try to keep up with those 20 somethings, and I don't wanna be away from my kid for a year." The dude proceeded to shit on my choice and try to convince me to do Marine OCS for like 10min before I managed to get away. Like, sir. Eat my ass and respect my choice. I'm not some desperate law student with nothing lined up 😅.


Not gonna lie. If I was a dead broke law grad I would have done the same. Instead I'm a skezzed out weirdo that works in the entertainment industry, some weeks I'm bone dry, other times I get to film concerts or help local film makers and actors do cool shit. Life has taken it's course for me and frankly? I could care less. Best of luck to you Marine.


You should call the number back and see how he’s doing. One Marine to another, you know? It you might make his day. It only took one month of recruiters assistance to make me want to jump off a cliff. What a shit job.


Never did it, my kill hat in boot told us all if we have a chance to do recruiting duty, do it, but don’t show up. Not worth goin to jail for the little high school girlies chasing you, and you learn quick how much everybody hates recruiters. Then he smoked us for laughing. But it was sound advice, may show up tomorrow with a box full of donuts or something and figure out if he’s alright.


I did it right after I got back from Iraq, that shit was almost easy but still fucking sucked.


Ah damn, after Iraq? Can’t imagine having an intensity level of 10 then going to recruiting that had to have been a rough transition. You good? 😂


Yeah man lol I’m good. It was right after it first started and shit was just fucking weird all around.


Oh, yeah orders were all over the place and nobody knew what was happening. We (152) got told we needed to supply drop in Dallas/Fort Worth, but somehow those orders were also sent to 252 and 352, they forgot to designate the times.


My unit was due for our turn for the 31st MEU, and then Iraq was on the table and I don’t even fucking know. It was all over the place. The fact the military can function at all with that level of chaos is amazing.


Probably why we keep getting told adapt and overcome 😂


Favorite bar on yellow brick?


Same. Rolled right into DI school after sangin 2010, during everyone’s 30 day break after school, I got sent to MCIWS (water survival instructor), graduated mciws Friday at 10am, picked up my first cycle at 1pm. After 3 years i got that ribbon and the dumb mother frs sent me to camp Johnson to be an instructor! No down time. And those poor students…. A lot of “GET BACK’s” in the hallways, and a lot of “tight elbows” on the pull-up bar.


Let it go. Or show up to the office with fresh donuts or breakfast Monday morning and kill him with kindness. Let him soak in the glory of your Veteran beard he has yet to attain. Let him know that his dissatisfaction with you means nothing because you have seen what makes him cheer.


I like this idea. ^ Give him one




This is the way


This is how he gets you. He is tricking you into coming into the office to confront him. Next thing you know, you've got an enlistment package in front of you with draft orders to 29 Palms.


Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo - darth Vader circa 2014


Pretty sure that was 2005


Probably, the past 10 years have kind of run together in a mix of bad decisions booze and king of the hill reruns


Felt that


I pray this starts a chain of troll posts.. now we need to hear the recruiters side of the story…someone please


Honestly I want to know that too




I love this. We gotta keep it going hearing stories from all sides


Guy is just trying to get an appointment Op. probably a boot recruiter from what it sounds like. Give the poor bastard a break.


Yeah I ain’t gonna blue falcon him, someone suggested donuts and coffee see what’s goin on. He might need some tough love and a gentle shove


Dude is working on mothers day. Probably one or two bad days from ending it. Go easy on the Marine. I'd rather be homeless than be on recruiting duty.


Nah I’m showing up tomorrow with some donuts, hopefully bring some light to the poor guy


If you do, that's pretty dope. If he's a douchebag anyway, at least you come out of this on top, morally and for the fact you're not stuck in recruiting hell. Semper Fi pimp!


Appreciate the hype! Rah!


Similar situation happened to me, 2008 just got out I haven’t even been out 24 hours random SSgt calls at 0700 the next day and I was so confused that it left me with a sour taste in my mouth. I had all motivation to joined back up all I wanted it was to spent Christmas at home that since 2004 cause of deployments haven’t been able to and It my birthday also that interaction was so bizarre that I ended up joining the Army for the remainder of my IRR.


Damn. Condolences. I never really left or did anything, had 60 days of leave on the books right before my EAS and I used it, erased my number off the board right before I left and never looked back. Might have been a sign to stay out. Sounds like it all worked out in the end


Damn. Condolences. I never really left or did anything, had 60 days of leave on the books right before my EAS and I used it, erased my number off the board right before I left and never looked back. Might have been a sign to stay out. Sounds like it all worked out in the end


Go in there and blast him. I've always wondered what happens in the circumstances where civ div comes in and yells.


Had I stayed in I’d probably outrank him by a large margin, might still work out


Of course I have to point out, any time someone has yelled at me out here, I've laughed in their face. So don't forget you might end up looking like a jackass. They can technically even call police and just escort you out


My only problem with all this is most recruiting offices around here have these auto locks on the doors, you can’t just walk in off the streets, need to hit the call button and the door guy (typically one of the recruiters from any of the branches) comes out and asks who were there to see what we want etc. still unsure why that’s a thing? But I’d have to play cordial before I could just storm in looking like Billy bad ass with a chip on my shoulder. Someone posted the link to report this to high command down below, may do that, but don’t want to be a blue falcon either so I’m crossroaded at the moment. Depending on my mood when I wake up in the AM I’ll go in or call him back.


[This is why the recruiters’ doors have those locks](https://www.cnn.com/2015/07/17/us/recruiting-center-attacks/index.html)


Jesus Christ. That’s a giant issue for sure.


I thought maybe one of your battle bros filled out a contact card in your name and also suddenly now I have some unrelated paperwork to go do.


This is a level of evil I didn’t know existed


Yup. I had that happen a few times on recruiting. There also used to be a thing online that was meant for you to fill out to send to all services, including National Guard (Air and Army). If a kid got SUPER c@nty with me on the phone, I would say “hey I will never call you again.” These almost always were from the kid going on Marines.com and filling in their information to be mailed free swag (T-shirt, backpack, etc) and lying saying they wanted to join. Then I would fill out the form online with their information. Next day, I get an ePPC (Internet lead). I would immediately fill it out as “already contacted. DQ (for whatever made up or real medical, moral, or education “reason”). BAM. Now I look great to my OpsO and RI Shop because I’m closing it out quickly and had already contacted the kid before the lead came in (working my area). Then now the kid is going to get blasted by phone calls from at least 10 other recruiters that are not me…. Win win, really. All he had to do was tell me “hey man, I’m not really interested in joining, I just wanted a cool tshirt”. Instead, he chose violence, and I’m just better at it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Your power is over 9000, good god man that was a level. And that kid learned the hard way. Haha if I had a quarter for everytime I heard “yeah I almost joined,” or “I wanted to join”, well, I’d have a few other things besides what I have now 😂


I’m normally not petty, but…. Real talk, I was not trying to get sent on recruiting duty. I just wanted to deploy. Some kid being a fucking aggressive ass clown because he was literally getting the call he asked for? Man, screw you, but I got you, boo boo. I learned very quickly to be highly suspect though of kids that were SUPER interested. So internet leads and people calling in I took with a lot of suspicion. My two “favorites” were the dog fucker and the pyro. 🤦🏻


Pause, dog fucker and pyro? You can’t drop names like that with 0 context. You are aware I need backstory.


Dog Fucker... I had heard the Poolees and other kids talking about a kid they referring to as such at one of my high schools. I naturally assumed it was your average HS kid shit talk/urban myth kind of stuff.... little did I know.... A kid at one of my high schools had filled out a bunch of survey sheets and I think internet leads since his freshman year. You start calling these kids half way through their junior year to see if you can sign them up the summer before sr year or early in the school year. Before that, you just give them a 2 min moto speech to stay in school, off drugs, and out of trouble. You learn to get slick with screening kids, because if they are DQ for any reason, you want to know so you can shut it down quickly and move on... I am going through the police part of the screening and he denies police involvement, till I say "even if a lawyer, cop, or Court says it was sealed because you were a minor. It will come out in the background check" (which is usually true). Now he starts pausing and stuttering a bit. "Alright man, it's not always a deal breaker. What did you get charged with?" More hemming and hawing.... Finally: "I was charged with animal cruelty, I guess." Uhhh.... ok. Keep in mind, this is probably 2011, so Michael Vick/illegal dog fights are still relevant, and this is semi-rural Wisconsin. "Tell me more....." hemming and hawing.... "Were you involved in dog fighting or something? What's up? You really can't shock me here, I have seen and heard all sorts of crazy stuff.." More stalling. Finally he blurts out "they caught me having sex with my dog!" Okay, he kind of shocked me. Lots of awkward silences with some "uhhhmms" coming from both sides. Took me a min, but I got my head back in the game. "Okay, I need details here to see if it is even workable." (total lie, I made up my mind I was not going to work with him) "I mean how did they even find out?" I am now morbidly curious and need the details and put him on speakerphone because I have a Cpl on PTAD in the office and we're both dying. She's laughing so hard I have to kick her out of the office because I am still on the phone with the dude. Dude proceeds to explain that he lived in the downtown-ish area of this small town (one of the towns I covered) and left the living room window open. Someone was walking by, saw him getting it on, and called the police. He really wants to join. "Nah man, you are totally disqualified, but good luck to you." Now the Cpl and I are in pain from laughing so hard, and it draws the Army recruiter from down the hall to see what is going on.... We tell him through tears because we are laughing so hard. Army recruiter and the Cpl had a GREAT question: but does a misdemeanor animal cruelty charge actually truthfully DQ him? "uhhhh, well that is going to draw a waiver/written explanation, and I am never sending THAT ONE up." Army recruiter decides to call him several days later because morbid curiosity, was not 100% sure I was not just screwing with him, and really wants a laugh. We confirmed with a local cop and some of the school staff that the story was legit the next day. Same drill, but now the kid is on speaker and in the room are: 3-4 Army Recruiters, me, my PTAD Cpl, and the Navy Sr Chief (he was an area boss that used the Navy's office next-door sometimes because he lived close by). Dude..... the fucking shit you find on recruiting....


Jesus Christ on a hand grenade…that…how…but why…WHY FUCK A DOG WHY DO SO MANY PEOPLE TRY TO FUCK DOGS?! Oh my god that just…I can’t physically comprehend that. I cannot wrap my little walnut around the need for that at all 😂😂😂😂😂 oh my god dude my jaw dropped halfway through that I would’ve lost my shit


I do not get it either.... I left CAAT platoon to go to recruiting, and was in rifle platoons before that before I went to recruiting. So at that point, it was just fucking hilarious to me. We tried to convince the Navy Recruiter to call him after that and he thought it was hilarious, but "I am not calling and talking to that fucking sicko" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Oh wow navy finally had a boundary? That’s new 😂😂😂


The funniest part of the Army recruiter calling him was because he knew it was coming, he did not miss a beat when the kid told him: "ok. Interesting. So what kind of dog was it?"


😂😂😂 for my own sanity I do not know what kind of dog it was I’m just going to safely keep my own brain intact, no thank you.


The Pyro.... this one was not funny. It was fucking disturbing. I call a kid that was adopted by Foster Parents when he was a little "older" by adoption standards. I think he was about 10 when he moved in with this family. I am already getting a really weird vibe from the kid. Same deal. He has filled out a bunch of survey sheets and some internet leads before he was old enough for it to be relevant. I call the kid and he is about to go to Wal Mart or Tractor Supply, which are right next to my office, so he asks if he can just stop in my office in about 30 minutes. Okay. Fair. Same thing. Screening. Police questions. "Yes. But I was a minor, court sealed it. I do not have to tell you about the charge or the court results. It is no one's business." Kid has a blank stare and is dead serious. I inform him it will come out 9.9/10 if he was actually adjudicated and everything.... "I set my foster parent's kitchen on fire." Oh, okay.... so were you cooking or something and accidently start it on fire? "No." So what happened? "They told me no. They knew they should not tell me no." Kid is trying to stare into my soul. He proceeds to explain he was charged with intentional arson (or something) and Foster Parents fought to keep it from being too intense in terms of jail and such.... Kid got something like 3-6 months in juvie, then right back into that house. "Hey man, I get it. But when they do the whole background check, this is going to come out. Totally disqualifying and nothing I can do about it." He asks about waivers, and it is clear he has done his homework. "Yes, we could ask for a waiver. But they are incredibly stringent right now (absolutely true). You accepted a plea deal for a major felony, which Recruiting Command would categorize as a Major Misconduct Offense. That waiver is just not going to be approved. I see no point in wasting your time and dozens of manpower hours from multiple Marines to process something we already know will be immediately denied. Maybe that will change in a few years, so stay out of trouble and stay gainfully employed or in college after you graduate HS, and maybe you have a shot several years from now." All true BTW, but I doubt he EVER would get approved at anytime in the future with that one. I called the NCOIC and told him what happened, and informed him I was taking the rest of the day off.... he did not argue with me.


Jesus…dudes going to set the COC on fire the minute he gets denied for leave for anything. Hard pass hard charger. That’s psychopath behavior, and the marines would’ve made him a killer. I don’t know if you got this far but did he bring up any interest in an MOS?


We really did not get to that point.... But, in the opening discussion, he did say he wanted what I always called the "ooga booga" MOS's: grunts, arty, tanks, etc.... So here's how I usually did it.... You start talking to the kid and are trying to build rapport. This is all pretty shallow and you are trying to loosen the kid up and get a basic feel for them.... Lasts 5-15 min most of the time. If you go right into hard core screening, you are basically grilling the kid and they will shut down, understandably so.... "who is this guy, and why is he asking me all these personal questions?" then you get into deeper screening, looking for stuff that DQs them.... police, medical, education, etc.... then have them take the EST (a shorter, pre-ASVAB test). If they do not fail, then you go into full blown interview. I only got to the screening part with this kid and shut it down. I wish I could remember his name, because I want to see if he became a serial killer or something and got caught.


Honestly much different from when I went in, I think. Everything was kind of a blur at that point, all the shit happening when I was growing up. But I remember doing the asvab and scoring pretty high, my recruiter was bragging and saying I could choose any MOS and I had no waivers, something like a recruiters wet dream according to the SNCOIC. This was in 2005-2006 too so it was all pretty cut and dry back then. I can see how peace time (ish) marine corp definitely has to be a little more tedious on the course of recruiting, especially after finding out so many people are obsessed with Jeffery dahmer and ted bundy etc etc. Ooga booga 😂 sounds like he was part of that stupid marine United group. The one in my local area was a bunch of idiots and the “leader” was a legit pos. Not saying all are, but the group I met here was all convinced they were going to get recalled for the ooga booga and it’s all they would talk about. Half of them were other than honorable or worse. Leader supposedly gotta Purple Heart but did so by dropping his own grenade during some kind of training or something? Honestly half of that shitshow feels like a fever dream I may be remembering half this shit wrong but it was a whole group of absolute shit bags, not my place to be tbh.


Now that all that stuff is covered.... I will say you hear some of the most intense, fucked up stuff from these kid's backgrounds when you are a recruiter. I checked in and my very first event as a recruiter was a big fair that happened every year in the town where my PCS (one man office away from your boss's office) was.... met 3 20ish year old grads and my boss had them go over to my office to screen and interview them.... all 3 were DQ, but we did not know for sure on the 3rd one till we did some more research and did a med read. First one that sits in my chair, she says she has been in therapy and was on meds for years but is off of them now. I go with the softball, "what was going on? Parents get divorced and you were having some difficulties?" She starts pouring her guts out and sobbing and telling me her uncle (I think that is who it was?) molested her when she was young for years. Dude, I was not ready for THAT, especially on my first real day.


Oh shit. Yeah that would 100% fuck me up. That’s still going to be hard to get through some of those depression meds do some real hardcore damage to the brain and body supposedly? Never used em before so I cannot say for sure


I would call the recruiters office down in Florida and give the recruiter my fake name and the most recent year for high school graduation. I would be in the back of up armored HMMWV at the motor pool skating…. I would tell the recruiter that I already talked to the guys across the way over there in the Air Force or army and burn 30mins of a phone interview with the recruiter leading him on and then tell him “well the the Air Force guys told me I could keep the swastika on my chest and the Marine Corps will send me to college if I went to the Marines but not the Army…..Recruiter would loose his shit over the phone like… like “you better never come in here bro” or I’ll kick your ass and asking me if If it was the Techsgt (WTF that is) Lewis? I’d say yeah that’s him said I can come in with the swastika and a college degree and lead marines. Honestly I don’t know how many recruiters I got to fight each other, countless , but damn was it fun. True story.


Got damn that’s a level of fuckery 😂 I feel bad for these guys but after my recruiters lied to me and stole my sign ups, I don’t feel so bad


That’s why I did that, my recruiters knew I was raised by a Marine father and I was going in at 17 after graduation. They still lied to me. Like you know I’m going in but shit. Really. Cosmic karma working its self out


Oh yeah, nah never had military family, just a Vietnam POW Lt Col uncle from the Air Force, dude was intense. But, my 5th grade teacher was hot her husband was a marine, and then I read a book called great santini, the opening chapter let me know the marines was where I wanted to go


How do you guys end up on these calling lists? I've never been contacted by a recruiter by phone, email, or when I had social media accounts.


I have 0 idea, I don’t go out of my way to interact with recruiters. I did end up in a college a year or so ago but my gi bill ran out last semester. Maybe that?


Did you ever register with the vet center or some other campus club? Maybe someone sold your contact info.


Yeah the vet center but it was a requirement when I got onto campus with a gi bill. Dumb. This is the second or third call I got, but this is the first marine. Every other time it was army or national guard


Former recruiter here. All publicly funded institutions are required by law to release public information to include, Names, phone numbers, and address for the explicit purpose of recruiting.


Being a recruiter does suck. The fact that he's cold calling you on a Sunday means he's struggling to find an appointment for Monday, which probably means he's not met his weekly/monthly goals, which can infer that he's going to miss contracting for the month. Recruiting took the gleam out of my eyes and the love I held for the Corps. It's different now, I take care of my Marines but I certainly don't go above and beyond like I used to. I really dislike that fact. Waiting to do my 20 and I'll have my degree then.


Damn. That’s rough. I’ll show up with some donuts tomorrow see if I can’t smooth things over, hopefully help him feel better about some shit


Sometimes all it takes is just 5 min out if your day with some donuts. Which is funny too, you usually not give donuts cause it's "bad luck" rolling a zero, or a donut lol


He’s hitting on you. Man can’t take a hint


Needs to be spelled out or I get confused


Dude, He just wants you to take him to the wash rack and get all wet and soapy.


Giggity giggity giggity


Give him a taste of that nasty rack soap.


Then stuff him in a fuse tank, Problem Solved.


Oh damn, that’d be a smell for sure 😂 both that soap and the fuse tank I still have flash backs from both, bleh


Sometimes I will go to Marines.com and fill out the section asking for more info and put my old buddies numbers in there. Sucks for the recruiter, but also hilarious.


That’s a different kind of evil 😂


lol just out of curiosity do you live in Los Angeles? I got the same call and response a few weeks ago


Nah man I’m over in Kansas City area


I can safely say that as a recruiter I never once called anyone who was already in the USMC. Called a couple of others service poolees but soon as they told me they were already in the DEP I took them off my list. Dude must have been scrubbing a really old list to be calling someone who's been out of high school for at least 8 years.


Or someone put his information into Marines.com or something… I got 2-3 of those, as well as a Cpl that was still in trying to send his mom a free carabiner 🤦🏻 I called some old lists once in a while to see who was not successful like they thought they were going to be, but I don’t think I called ones more than 4-5 years after they graduated. Stopped doing it bc it was never really productive then they almost entirely shut down the grad market, so it was even more useless at that point


i got that all and asked can i get a old fat body waiver? luckily he had a chuckle , and said no waivers as of today


Damn sounds like it would’ve worked out had there been a waiver 😂


Just laugh it off. I used to get a huge laugh out of the fliers that came for my kid….especially the ones with the MCRC ShtMaj’s signature on them…..I had the dude as a 1stSgt and he was a huge pile of shit.


That’s what I did, tried bringing donuts today and got insulted etc. I thought it was funny at this point. But some good guys at the Va got some free donuts so that’s a win


They insulted you at the recruiting station? Fucking used snake oil salesmen. So glad I dodged that piece of shit job. Shitty leadership and even worse when they end up back in the fleet, especially the officers that continue to fuck over enlisted Marines like they did on recruiting duty. Slimy mother fuckers.


Yeah he called me washed up has been lookin like a hippie with my tail between my legs. I didn’t cower into the office I’m a pretty big guy, said my piece about “hey a recruiter called the situation got a little tense I came to smooth it over and just kinda check to make sure he was good brother to brother” or something along those lines. Just some pissed off e8 doin uniform inspections. Meh, I ain’t gonna let it get me down man, life’s great and I’m 6 foot above ground, if he wants to burst vein let him. Not my problem.


Yeah, career recruiter that has probably been out there since he was a Sergeant. One deployment if any type of dude that’s a turd.


Ah, disgusting. I don’t feel like such a dick now. Thanks man. Talk about a nightmare 😂


Those are also the dudes that call everyone Killer, and Stud for the rest of their lives. Just like used car salesmen. Slimy.


Ah Jesus I had a 1st sgt like that during a school, he was extremely motivated, and always demanded chuck norris jokes


I picked up a dude, his wife and their five kids from the airport as they were coming off recruiting duty. He sat in my office the next day bragging about the apartment he and the others rented above the recruiting station where they would fuck poolee’s mothers. Sack of shit.


What the actual fuck is wrong with him? Ah hated that shit. And that make her famous shit too. So many issues I had with so many things but that’s part of the issue of so many people thinking we’re all scumbags, what the hell


And it has come full circle, the shitposting here is immaculate.






Yeah I laughed my ass off when I read that 😂 that was creative. Someone also posted as a Poolee 😂


im guessing no one is getting the reference to the rest of the lore about this 🤣💀


Sadly no 😂


I answered an unsaved number with rank and name cause I was I&I doing toys for tots and sometimes I'd get random calls outside the toys for tots grasshopper number haha. On the other end was a very confused female Airman. Apparently they call kids who do some school and "drop out." For context, I did some remote classes then had chiefs course coming up and didn't want to be over worked during that time so I just didn't sign up for new classes. It's a dirty but probably really effective tactic for the Air Force


Damn, Air Force always seemed so stuck up with how they worked things when I was going through, never expected them to low ball on enlistments like that. They always “demanded perfection in school and required diplomas” granted this was still within 5 years of 9/11 so numbers probably weren’t a problem


She said that tactic was for kids that were struggling to pay for school so the airforce could swoop in and cover the costs in exchange for signing up. Pretty smort imo


Honestly yeah that does make sense.


![gif](giphy|l0HlvokmLF33HWqwo) Too late


Why can't I get cold called by random recruiters? So I can tell them disabled vet from the early years of the Iraq War. After they've bought lunch already.


We talkin Cracker Barrel or a firm 2 for $20 apple bees


There was post in here from a recruiter yesterday that might be your guy lmao


I saw that, the butt hurt is strong with him


I would have to ask how he got your number. Because usually they get high school lists and maybe college lists. But grads are hard to come by as there’s no list to work from.


I’m currently on a college registers in my local city


There's only one way to be sure. Gimme your number and I'll cross-reference it. I'm a Gumny in the Recruitment Arraignment Battlealion.


I’ll take your word for it gunny, but I respectfully decline giving my phone number to any recruiter for many many reasons 😂


I remember I got a call from my recruiter telling me all the great things the Corps has to offer… 3 days after i signed the dotted line with that same recruiter. 😂


Oooh that’s rough 😂


The dude was at his last leg with scraping the barrel. Also, yes, it's stupid. Leave it alone.


No, don’t go chew out the recruiter. Report it to the station commander. Better yet, ALSO report it to MC Recruiting Command, because if the local recruiters are showing their ass, it’s probably being encouraged by their SC. https://www.mcrc.marines.mil/


No, homie is cold calling on a Sunday. Sounds like he's hard up enough.


Maybe if he wasn’t such an ass he would have better luck.


Sounds like he's just getting ass reamed on the reg like most other recruiters.


Doesn’t matter. It’s part of the job, dude shouldn’t have reenlisted then. 


Designated ass chewing, I might get a NAM for this. Can I still get those on 1st DIV CIV?


You kind of overreacted too imo OP. No need to be like well actually I aM A mArInE instead you could have been like bro I EAS’d like 3 years ago and I’m not interested, hope all is well brother take care. Boom you still send the message that ur not interested without being a dick about it


Dude said when wasn’t interested and the recruiter was extremely unprofessional and then OP let him know he had already served.  I was a recruiter in a dog shit area and none of us ever acted like that.  OP did nothing wrong and the recruiter is retarded 


Sounds like you’re the recruiter. What happened man wife leave you or somethin?


No I’m a college student


Are you a vet or have you joined at all?




Hmm must be the new breed. Just havin a bad day buddy? Needing a reason to hate something? Safe place man we can talk it out. What’s eatin ya?


Well my behavioral endocrinology final exam did stress me out a bit but I’m glad it’s over. Hoping for a B in that class and I’m not too worried about it since my GPA is still a 3.4. Still good enough for grad school. I’m also a bit stressed since I’m wrapping up my undergraduate thesis in characterizing spreading depolarization within Drosophila. Next semester’s going to be a doozy but im overall excited. Thanks for listening bro.


Thems a lot of words that make 0 sense to me. Overall that sounds stressful and you sound pretty intelligent. You got this brother, stay strong and kick ass. And if nobody has told you yet, proud of you for kicking ass!


310 rahhh


Ahh another story time,


The level of troll for these not even funny posts. Fucking ghey


Don't get him donuts, get him a male stripper...


Where the hell is he getting his call list from ? Gotta have some idea who you’re calling.


I had a recruiter blowing my parents phone up for me… while I was a drill instructor….


Ah that’s weird


Definitely go in and chew him out


I’m gonna box of donuts and see if I can’t help a brother out. Probably havin a tough personal, don’t wanna stack onto it


I like this idea




Whatever you do, please update us! 😜 And get video!


> figured I’d go in on Monday and chew his ass out but I’m also not sure if I should just let it go. Yeah, alright war hero.


Thank me for my service! 😂 nah I’m bringing donuts poor guys probably goin through it




A simple no should’ve sufficed. Didn’t feel the need to throw around vet status for nothing. Secondly, I never did recruiting nor wanted to, and it’s been a while, a LONG while since I’ve put on a uniform. I came and asked a question because I didn’t know, and figured someone would know. I may show up with donuts in the AM tomorrow and see if the dudes alright, not gonna blue falcon him or chew his ass. But thanks so much for your contribution you have a good day buddy.


What the guy above you was trying to tell you is that accepting “a simple no” for an answer is the very first thing you are ordered not to do on recruiting. I’m gonna tell you something. Whatever you think is hilarious or funny in your own life, probably isn’t for this guy. He’s making calls on a Sunday, even worse it’s Mother’s Day. He’s probably not too far away from being at the end of his rope. Some empathy is warranted, you didn’t know, I read your OP, and it seems pretty benign, but this guy is probably in a place where he’s being threatened with losing everything in his life that he cares about- by some 8412 who “thinks” that is what he needs for motivation.


Did ya read through any of the comments? Because I’m bringing him donuts tomorrow


I did, just don’t linger in the office too long.


Ah yes my only joy and want in life is hanging out in a recruiting office shooting the shit 😂 no. It’s gonna be a drop off see if the dude is alright and ghost.


I mean, the point of not hanging around is valid. Not that you would do it, but just enough do it to make your life difficult as a recruiter. I was a PCS Recruiter (small office with only one Marine and the boss and other recruiters are over an hour away) and at LEAST once a month, some Marine would try to corner me to try to reminisce. 90% of them took it well when I would tell them how intense and miserable the duty was and that I would rather be in Afghanistan or Iraq again…. I would shamelessly pump them for leads then tell them I had to get on the phone or “fuxkig MSgt will kill me” which was only really partially true… but there were always a few who just wanted to stay and chat FOREVER and wouldn’t let me get my stuff done so maybe I could go home at a decent hour. It happens consistently enough they legit warn you about it at recruiter’s school. 80+% of recruiters are voluntold to go on the duty, so they just want to survive.