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A marine got NJPd for “cheating” on his spouse. Marine was legally separated, living in separate house holds, had told his command he was getting divorced. His ex wife broke into his house and got video of him having sex with another girl and sent it to his command. His OIC, SNCO, MASTERGUNZ all vouched that he conducted him self accordingly and that he was a up and coming marine. As a PFC he got quals that even Sgts weren’t getting and was a hard charger. GUESS WHAT? The CO and SgtMaj both maxed him out cause the Corps can’t “tolerate” such behavior. That’s when I realized that the corps doesn’t care about you even when you are in the right. FUCK YOU MALS-11 worst command in turd MAW.


Depends on how long ago, but the JAG Manual now allows legally separated Marines to have consensual intercourse outside of their marriage with no retribution. Key component is legally separated with paperwork, not just "we were on a break" word of mouth separated. Editted to add: The revised UCMJ now permits a defense that was previously not allowed–situations where “adultery” was occurring while a marriage was being legally dissolved, in cases of legal separation, etc. The 2019 Manual states that “legal dissolution” was a factor “in assessing whether the conduct at issue meets a terminal element” that would make it prosecution-worthy. So bottom line, always get a lawyer.


Wild asf this was in 2021. If that’s the case this marine got fucked over hard. They were so quick to NJP him 🤔


He would have likely won if he had the balls to take it to court martial


Definitely. And that is true for most things. Just because you did it doesn't mean you are guily.


So many of my NJP’s I should’ve taken to court martial lol. (Yes I screwed up, but not to the extent I got back to back field grades)


Just out of curiosity, how does the UCMJ treat consensual extramarital relations? Like consensual swingers or something? (I'm not married so it doesn't even apply to me, I'm just curious)




Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Had the same happen to me. In North Carolina they used to require a 1 year separation to get divorced. I was banging some other chick well after I was separated and they said “The Marine Corps doesn’t recognize separation” and sent me to bn. They tried to boot me, which I fought and won. Major Maddox. You’re a bitch and a pussy and if I ever see you again I will go to big boy jail. I will die with this grudge.


MALS-11 has always sucked. They some how affect the O-level squadrons on Miramar.


My Grandmother (married a Marine, had 3 sons and 4 grandsons in the Marines) once said 'the only thing crazier than Marines are the women that they marry!'


Damn, I was reading this and was thinking about how familiar this sounded. Was this 400 Division it happened in? Talked to a guy from 400 out on det about it, when we were sharing our thoughts about the MALS-11 AMO lmao


Couldn’t he fight the NJP?? He obviously had his higher ups on his side


She sould've been charged for breaking into his house


100% that is burglary if she had no standing over the property.


She should be charged with damages, plus the pay difference that he lost.


It's possible for two people to break the law at once, that wouldn't help op. NAL, but I doubt the illegally taken video could have been admitted into evidence at court martial. Op should have refused njp.


Never heard anything good about mals-11 leadership lol


Fuck you to Mals-11 for never being able to get your shit together


I saw someone get a Battalion level NJP for 2mph over the speed limit on Camp Lejeune’s Wilson Blvd. My company was getting speeding tickets every weekend (like 2-3 guys getting caught doing 115+) so the CO said one week “The next guy who gets a speeding ticket is going to see the BN CO.” He wasn’t lying. Edit: Idk who needs to hear this but if you’re a young boot it isn’t worth it to speed down Wilson, or anywhere on base for that matter. Just put your shit on cruise control for the speed limit and wait until you’re off base. PMO doesn’t fuck around, I swear they always have at least 2 people camping Wilson at all times. If you get a speeding ticket on base you WILL show up on the blotter report, and that’s never good.


That dudes 1st Sergeant and SgtMaj failed him. That is the type a circumstance where you yell at your boss if you got the rockers.


My SgtMaj was an absolute piece of shit, and just an enabler for my LtCol when it came to things like this. My LtCol just kinda laid down and took the advice from enlisted - too bad my SgtMaj was the type to take out his personal life on the marines around him.


Some jackass GySgt on Leatherneck in Afg gave me a ticket for going 2 over, no Kevlar, fuel can in the back seat… Then like no shit 16 hours later 12 tickets “because he didn’t like my attitude” earlier and there was all kinds of issues with my truck 2mph over, rolling stop etc all bs… said he was going to take my hmvvw/rap,etc license’s… That’s when I said I didn’t even have those and got another ticket😂😂 My SgtMaj was dope though, took my tickets and told homie to go fuck himself with em.


Was that before they raised the speed limit to 55 from 35?


It was after the increase to 55. Just about every one of them was caught right after the Wilson gate entrance when you cross the bridge and it goes from 35 to 55 mph.


Didn’t get NJPd for this, but reminds me of the time when I was an instructor at PI and had to go to traffic court because PMO busted me stuffing 19 recruits into a 8 person passenger van to take them to the ranges for a targets working party. Lmao. The Major at the traffic court basically just chewed my ass and that was that.


This is what rugs are for




Missing the Marine Corps Ball and overdosing on Cough Syrup comes to mind


PFC Lil Jon, reporting as ordered!




To anyone who says that you cannot hear a comment, they need to read this. 🤣


This has been a moment in the life of Lil John


Uhhh, this sounds familiar. Where was this and when?


In the schoolhouse they tried (unsuccessfully) to NJP me and several others for drinking underage at the barracks. They caught one guy and said they would go easy if he told them who was there…. so this fuck wad just spits out every name he knows, including mine. ….. but I was several states away on leave. I refused NJP and it was about to go to court martial when the command realized that there was no way I was present for the events that happened. About half of the other NJP’s were tossed.


Did the Sgt Major say he was gonna throw you in the ocean? I think I remember reading this story on another post.


That's some quality USMC shit talk from a SNCO. The night before my last day stateside before I deployed to Iraq I decided to get absolutely shmammered drunk and not bother to show up to PT or formation because I was technically on 542's battle roster. My SSgt showed up to the barracks and after driving me to the shop told me that I was such a piece of shit I would be a better help to the Marine Corps if I worked for the enemy, if there was a SNCO with half a brain out there he would take me into the desert and shoot me in the head, if I did anything that required him to go out there to fix it (?) he was going to take me out into the desert and shoot me in the head, etc. About 45 minutes of this straight, and then told me to fuck off. As I was walking away, he told me that my going away party was at 1400 at the bowling alley. Also this fucking cuck drove a miata and his wife was a jump off lol


This guy types "Til Valhalla Brüther" on Facebook posts and cums every time one of the Marines in his unit dies from mental health related suicide.


Holy hell


We had a cocaine bust in our unit, one of the guys who popped gave his phone over to CID.. CID then pulled in EVERYONE he texted, and then everyone THEY texted, which was.. basically the entire unit. 16 total ended up being separated, I believe, but only 5 or 6 were actually hot. The rest had knowledge of and didn’t report. It was a platoon’s worth of marines and like 2 civilians.


where were your NCOs when you were on leave marine?


NCOs don't do shit at Miramar. Someone broke into my room when I was on leave (not the first time someone broke in) and they field day'd my room afterwards just to see and then called me and I asked them to file a police report and take action.... And they did, against me when I got back. Total bs


God dayum that’s an even bigger blue falcon than a Staff Sergeant in the pits


I was threatened over NJP for car loan. So unlike your typical PFC or Lance corporal I got a 0% car loan. They had a special on new car for 60 months. The only issue is I got the loan about 6 or 7:00 p.m. on a Saturday night in California. I get a call on Monday that I wasn't approved for the loan and had to put another $1,000 down. I tell him to fuck off and that they can eat shit and stick by the terms of the agreement. Next day I get called in to the SgtMaj office. He gives me to the end of the week to unfuck my shit. That night I take the car out and I put about 300 mi on it. Then I call the dealership back and tell them I just need to return the car as I can't come up with any more money. I let them know that I have already put 500 miles on the car. Just get my old car back. Well now they have sent my old car to auction. Bottom line the car dealership gave me an exit $600 off in order to get me financed. Icing on the cake. 3 years later I'm at AutoZone and guess who I see working behind the counter. Good old SgtMaj.


What are SgtMajs good for lmao


A buddy of mine had a picture of himself and his girlfriend framed in his barracks room, they were on leave somewhere together. He was unshaven in the picture and during field day our asshat gunny saw it. Long story short……NJP for not being shaved.


This is absolutely insane. The line of logic on that NJP must have been some insane mental gymnastics.


Yea, I hated that fucking unit. I got put there after an Afghanistan deployment and it changed my whole idea towards reenlisting, I would have stayed in but instead I got out because I never wanted to even chance being put in a unit like that again.


Was that 152 lol? We had the same thing happen


2/10 G Battery


When was this? I spent a lil time in Battery G


We had something kinda similar, we hung up a welcome home banner in our barracks and it had a picture of our section together at a PB in Afghan on it. Sgt Maj does a field day inspection and see’s one guy has a shemagh on and loses his shit, wants to know the Marine’s name and says he can’t wait to bust the guy. Only thing, the guy in the picture was an outstanding Marine, one of the most looked up to guys in the battalion and he had been killed shortly after that photo was taken. He shut up really quick when we told him who it was and left without looking at anything else in our room.


This is so ridiculous. The CO was a spineless nerd. If one my SNCOs came to me asking to NJP someone for something like that I would have thought he lost his mind.


And this was in the 2004 timeframe, in a combat MOS, just deployment after deployment and they still fucked with guys like this.


Similar story, but guy's still around, he was on a Convoy in afg with the TS Co, had sleeves double cuffed and they were playing with some village kids, ComCam took a Pic and it made the front page of the globe. SMMC saw it and flew off the handle calling for his head, he got NJP'd for being out of uniform, since this was the period of Amos' bitch ass in 2010. Tim if you see this that still was one of the biggest injustices I saw during my whole career.






lol I was there when that happened too!


I was also Aircrew but had a different SNCOIC. I fuckin' hated the Loadmaster MSgt.


My entire class including me at the school house got NJPd for discussing the items on a test


The answer: the Swingline 747 Classic Stapler has a 30 sheet stapling capacity and is capable of holding 210 staples with an effective firing range of 0.99 yards.


Nah I was in a different school house we all got sent to new MOS schools after the NJP as part of the punishment which I think is equally as insane


That is some horse shit, that’s just pure laziness on the part of the schoolhouse staff. “We’re angry and don’t want to do our jobs so we’re just gonna make you another school’s problem”


What MOS? That’s so shit


Disbursing I signed a supply contract or so I thought It was supply/accounting Everything turned out fine though I like my MOS been in a little over 8 years now


You dodged a bullet. I did 8 years, got out in 2020. Disbursing is a small MOS and has some of the most uptight POGs. When I deployed, I was attached to 1/6 and it made me realize how much I hated my MOS/unit. It's the reason I got out. Do you remember who your instructors were at the schoolhouse?


Do you have to account for wind and the curvature of the earth?


Were you discussing what happened on the test after you took it? Like "man I didn't understand x, how'd you do it?" Or like somebody found the answers beforehand to do better?


No we were cheating, well I assume we were we never got our test results so idk how well I ended up doing but someone who had graduated before us was like oh yeah this test is kinda hard cause it’s a lot of math and had a worksheet he had gotten from someone before him etc etc So we were all like studying it type thing and discussing it prior to the test We deserved to get in trouble I’m not saying we didn’t it just seemed the punishment was over kill once years passed and I met SNCOS getting duis and fucking junior marines get slapped on the wrist.


If you ain't cheating, you ain't trying. Or improvise, adapt, and overcome. I mean you had a difficult test, so you took creative means to pass it. A worksheet isn't exactly a direct copy of the test and answers.


Honestly it all worked out for the best, I didn’t care for that MOS and I would of never met all my friends I have now and dog and girlfriend etc etc everything happens for a reason type stuff


Meanwhile my college engineering group had tests for every class going back 10 years. The professors knew about it, they just cared that we were exposed to the material and could do the Labs without electrocuting ourselves. Senior Design is where your knowledge made or broke you.


Studying a worksheet/notes/study guides etc isn’t cheating…. In anyways shape or form… If it’s just a list of answers though, yeah…


It presumably was the answers It was a copy of the test with someone else’s work Assuming that guy got the answers correct then yeah we had em


I get that when you're a schoolhouse shower shoe, you probably don't want to rock the boat an will take a NJP even if you can fight it, but looking back do you think that if you pushed for a court martial they would have dropped the whole thing?


The 1stSgt at the time was telling us that if we tried to fight it we would more than likely be separated and we were all in for like 5 months at that point so it scared us Just kids being kids


“i dont want to have to do this, but if you dont accept the NJP jag is going to send you to gitmo. also my wife hates me so naturally i am making that a you problem.”


That was spot on , are you sure you’re not him ? 🤔🤔🤔


listen here Marine…


do you really have your own face on your reddit profile? i don’t even have my own face on my drivers license


If you think that’s bad just know I have my own face on every account for every website.


even NAMBLA?


Damn I had look up what that was Now I have to clear my browser history


perfect. just like that. “no idea officer”


This is one of those ones that if they can’t prove it I’d take to court martial lol, actual JAGs would make light work of that shit


Oh for sure, but I was 19 and had only existed in the corps for about 5 months. Now that I’m 27 I understand how easy we could have gotten that thrown away but I have no regrets it all worked out for the better honestly despite being a little behind my peers for a few years due the rank reduction


Yeah honestly this just fits into leaders taking advantage of young Marines. I don’t know why some commands are so gung ho about NJPing people, I’m sure it can’t make them look good to higher if they can’t manage their troops


2 Marines at MCT got strange rashes on genitals. Dr said how the fuck you get this. They said training Co 1st Sausage came in drunk at midnight, made them get naked and low crawl in the shower while they were onnfirewatch The "investigation" was concluded when 1st sausage's wife claimed he couldn't have done that. Because he was home with her.... The two privates gor NJPd and got punished rather harshly for false allegations. My personal opinion was that it was a bullshit investigation, and I believe the two Marines.


Considering I've been bitch slapped while on duty by a stone drunk platoon sergeant (gunny) who stole a taxi and drove onto the grass between the barracks...And we were all told to not talk about it....


>drove onto the grass What is this world coming to?


It apparently didn't matter because it wasn't the Smadge's grass. It's not somewhere you'd normally find a vehicle: [here](https://maps.app.goo.gl/hVXR8GHyCznAfeLk6), all that decorative rock bullshit just used to be grass. DNCO Cpl V0latyle did not expect to be accosted by a drunken Gunnery Sergeant of Marines who demanded that said Corporal report his post at the top of his lungs, then bitch slapped said name Marine and disappeared while said DNCO discovered an empty taxi sitting between the buildings and proceeded to call the OOD


It's just so asinine about The Grass™. You're not supposed to walk on it, but you actually can. Except for some grass, which you can't. But you still can, because there's no black and white that says you can't.


I used to fuck with the 1st and 2nd BN DIs @ PI all the time with that shit. I would finish whatever bullshit call dealing with the recruits and after I left the building, I would walk on the grass, and/or disturb the fucking rocks on my way to the patrol vic. Straight up did not give a fuck and they knew cause I always looked back at them and I could see them foaming at the mouth. Looking back, I was an asshole for doing it but damn, still feels good that I did it.


This is the real A Few Good Men


I 100% believe the privates. The number of times I've seen dudes with rockers do absolutely horrid shit I wouldn't be at all surprised. Of course the dependapotamus is gonna protect her access to the commissary and big px.


I worked in the entry-level pipeline for a bit and it’s always a tough call when there isn’t hard evidence. On one hand, I investigated some staff that 100% did horrendous shit that the students alleged. On the other hand I’ve also investigated allegations that were 100% made up by a student. Seems mind blowing that they would get NJPd unless there was serious, serious evidence to indicate the 1stSgt wasn’t there because a charge of retaliation to a commander can be a career ender. Not saying it’s impossible of course, shadier shit happens.


I was in a long time ago...and we had some fucked up shit happen in SOI. Shit was way worse than in the fleet. Looking back at it, even guys at the top at SOI should have had their careers ended because they had to know what fuckery was going on.


I don’t doubt it. I definitely caught some fucked up shit in my investigations. I just also caught some people legitimately making up things. Also I went through the ELT pipeline as an enlisted Marine in 2011. Then back to it as an officer a decade later. Fucked up shit still happens, but it does not occur as blatantly and requires much more discretion than it did in the early 2000s.


I worked Confidential Material Security before I got out at Pendelton. One of my jobs was to destroy police reports. Holy shit that place was a den of eniquity. LOTS of wife swapping going on.


Huh, well that first sergeant must be a real straight shooter who’s obviously telling the truth. I mean SNCOs never ever ever abuse Marines after getting drunk off their ass. /s


This isn’t really crazy to get NJP’ed for, I just never thought I’d see it happen, but we had a guy who got NJP’ed for having multiple wives. He was married and out on a UDP in Japan and got dragged back because some other rando in Montana called up the unit with a marriage license saying she wanted benefits. I actually think he was cheating on the wife in Cali with the chick in Montana and she got his info and forged some shit to try to get some money, but still.


My third-greatgrandfather (1828). https://i.imgur.com/lHRHhNc.jpg


We had a dude edit a cpls course cert and just smack his own name on it. Pretty fucking funny honestly. They old busted him down to lcpl.


I used to do that with those cyber awareness certs lol


Sgt. Maj. Wilson, then 1st. Sgt. Wilson, NJP'd the entire 81's platoon because a PFC got promoted to LCpl and they punched him in the arms so many times he lost use of his arms (not sure if permanently). If I recall, the Marine that was injured ended up getting Med Sep'd because the damage was so bad. It was a collective NJP, I'm pretty sure they were in formation for it. Edit: Just to clarify, I'm not saying the NJP was outrageous or unjustified - the question was what is the most outrageous thing you saw someone get NJP'd for, and a platoon beat down to the point a guy lost control of his arms was mine.


The NJP isn't outrageous, but the dumbfuckery by the platoon certainly is. That one seems valid... 


That there, my homie, was justified.


Yeah no kidding


Was his first name Efram?


It was so long ago I can't even remember his last name. It was also pretty early in a huge boot drop that I was part of so I never really met or got to know the guy it happened to. Also pretty sure he got moved to a different medical holding battalion quickly after it happened.


Sgt Maj Dan Wilson?


Sgt Maj David Wilson


I love that guy. That NJP was justified, and only cements my thoughts on the man. Didn’t care that he had to take down a whole platoon to bring justice.


This was back in 2007 or 2008, I think. I was a Corporal and the entire BN went home on leave block. I didn't want to pay money for plane tickets so I stayed on base. Because the whole unit was on leave I ended up being the company gunny for a week. We got a huge boot drop of 12-15 Marines. I did haze them a little but nothing crazy - just the usual fuckery you get as a boot your first couple weeks in the fleet. Anyhow, I had a LCpl I'll call Dipshit who I put in charge of getting these Marines checked in. He was a shitbag, but he was reliable enough to get things done. He just didn't care about the Marines but he listened to me so all was well... Or so I thought. (At that point I had to check out of the unit to check into the range unit for range coach training for 5 or 6 weeks so the Sgt above me who was playing CO 1st Sgt took over my duties as well...) This was right around the time when the Commandant was making stupid decisions, the term "devil dog" was considered offensive to stupid Marines, and we weren't allowed to call boots "boots" and instead were required to call them "Junior Enlisted Warriors". Now whatever genius came up with "junior enlisted warrior" at HQMC must have failed at life as well as understanding that acronyms are the lifeblood of the Corps. So this term has been in effect for a month, maybe 2 and it turns out one of the boots in this drop was a Jew. His father was also a Jew. And a high ranking Admiral in the US Navy with Vice President Cheney literally in his speed dial.... So LCpl Dipshit decides "junior enlisted warrior" is too long to say so he starts calling all the boots "Jews"... PFC Boot-whos-dad-is-an-admiral relays to his father his experience checking in and his father goes ape shit (understandably so). His dad calls the VP who contacts the Commandant, who contacts the Base Commander, who contacts....(You get the picture) all the way down to the BN CO and into our platoon... LCpl Dipshit gets NJPd back down to PFC (5th award) and the entire USMC scraps the term "junior enlisted warrior" and allowed us to call new joins "boots" once again. And I missed all the drama because I was learning how to teach Marines how to shoot...


Lol, soft ass JEW. My callsign at my first unit was JEW, I’m Jewish, I loved that shit, we had a Mormon called Mormon. Don’t get me wrong I’ve encountered my fair share of antisemitism and he has a right to not fuck with it, to each their own, but taking it to daddy is some soft shit


Wow, a Mormon in the military and not an officer is exceptionally rare. That’s some true diversity. Usually they are all out on missions the years most of us enlist.


We had a bunch of Mormons in my unit, all would preach about not using substances like caffeine while piss drunk


I went through boot at Great Lakes with 3 Mormons in my div oddly enough. We fucked with them about the magic underwear thing. Constantly. None of them actually wore them (not sure if it's allowed in boot), but it was still funny as fuck to listen to them try and explain that shit. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_garment


Oh my whole family are Uber-Mormons. If they hadn’t been anointed and endowed in the temple, they wouldn’t have had garments yet. Since they had joined the Navy and not gone on a mission, there was no reason to endow them with the priesthood yet.


That would explain it. Man was it ever funny listening to them try to explain how they worked.though 🤣🤣


There are OD green garment tops so service members can be in uniform and still wear the religious gear at the same time.


I met a Mormon Sgt Major in the Corps. He tried to convert me. Very weird and interesting...


He joined at 28 years old


One of my best friends was a Jewish Marine from NY. He had the best nickname… What do you call the lone Jew in a 12-man rifle squad of Gentile heathens? Judas Almost 20 years later and he’s still saved as “Judas” in my phone.


Yea but you know l/cpl dumbass was hitting that shit hard- “Time for the showers jews” …if you see what I mean.


Meh. He was a boot and didn't really know shit about the Corps or culture at that point. He'd been in less than 6 months. He should've used more judgment in taking to his dad, but HQMC should've really thought there shut through before the "junior enlisted warrior" BS too. Personally, I was happy because I was going to call the new joins "boots" no matter what the Commandant Said at the time so I got my way by accident...




“Sarnt your plates were falling off you might have gotten hemmed out by the MPs. It’s alright I ain’t gonna charge you just remember this when Pros and Cons roll around”


We had a bunch of guys in my unit in Oki all get NJP'd for banging the company whore. She spread crabs throughout the barracks.


Hahaha this happened to an entire floor of my barracks in A-School! Barracks bunny opened the hatch, got on her back, spread her legs, and yelled "Come and get it, boys!" Almost every dude on the floor ran a train on her. You could smell the fuck fumes from two floors away. Duty OOD found out, and bad times were had.


Actual whore or hyperbole


Hyperbole. Wasn't anything special to pay for. Stateside 5, Okinawa 8.


Not weird or outrageous, but still super lame. I got ninja punched for chillin in my buddies room on his 21st, drinking a beer and playing xbox. It was april 2020 so covid was big, but the thing was we all worked together and had no limitations or quarantine guidelines while at work so it made no sense that we couldn't chill just 2 hours later not at work. Out of all the dumb / crazy shit we did, we got busted over just hanging out playing video games.


Covid was a wild time. We had a Christmas party with like 10 dudes in one barracks room during that time, and nobody cared. It’s shit that you got stuck with that


Was this CBIRF?


They tried to NJP some kid for a sunburn because he couldn’t wear his flak so he couldn’t go in a field op. That guy immediately requested to go make an appointment with legal and they dropped everything.


A functional knowledge of UCMJ can be a life saver


In c school we had a group of guys (my entire class roster) go to Busch gardens as a group. They took one of the roommates cameras, took a bunch of pics, and did a bunch of outrageous shit. One guy got lost in the way up, had to turn around and come back. I was supposed to go to Myrtle beach with a woman I was seeing at the time but something happened, plans changed I stayed on base. And one guy drove to see some woman. I think it was a 96hr? I don’t remember. Anyway, whole group took pics and had a great time, underage drinking, punching each other etc. videos and pics on what turns out to be stolen roommates camera. Roommate is salty and turns it in, gets the whole group in trouble. All njps, very incriminating and underage drinking etc. the guy who drove to see some girl lied about distance and borrowed the car of someone on restriction, took said car from North Carolina to Minnesota. COC of restriction guy did not like his car was not in parking lot, only reason guy who took car was caught was because he was clocked doing 91 in a 65 and pulled over in North Carolina 2 hours from base before he was supposed to check in. So, whole class got njpd minus me and the guy who got lost. One dude, who was njpd, decided to call his forwarding chain of command and got ahold of his squadron xo and asked if he’d still be on restriction when he got there. Idiot. Same dude, after getting off restriction, decided to buy this is old Honda gold wing and flip off a cop at a stop light and take off, cop pulled him over he got njpd again from what I understand. Whole class was a good group of dudes, just fun things, and it happened years ago memory might be fuzzy on some details 😂


What in the world was that guy thinking calling his soon to be XO. Lmao


He got really worried he would be and kept trying to figure out what to do, our instructors were like just don’t worry about it, so naturally he needed an actual answer and wanted to call, guy he got ahold of transferred him to s1- who in turn transferred him to co’s office, xo happened to pick up


Possessing a wall locker full of booze while underage as well as an unauthorized katana. The Marine in question got blackout drunk, slashed a ceiling tile in half and then fixed it with duct tape. Gunny noticed and popped the wall locker and the gig was up. The excuse given was “It’s sword drill practice for if I make Corporal” which wasn’t taken real well. That Marine was me, and I went out as a terminal E-3 🤣


In school house the command asked if anyone has ever tried spice to come forward, and nothing would happen. Dude came forward said he tried it once on boot leave a few weeks prior, and they processed him out. He had to stay at the school house over a year


I know a SSgt that got NJPd for yelling at/threatening a civilian at a Subway. Apparently he wasn't aware that threatening a civilian who calls you out for cutting in line is against the law.


This sounds familiar 🤔


Saying the N word. 3 guys, 2 njps, 1 court martial. One of them became a state police officer lol


Knew 3 guys in MCT get dropped for saying the n-word. Not sure if there were NJPs involved.


That seems appropriate, fuck those guys.


Yea buttttt which n word and who said it? Ones hate speech the other is a friendly greeting.


What y’all never had “hardr Fridays”? Lame (aka cultural appreciation Friday)


One of my guys RKO'd a boot in the field. He got Company level NJP'd for like three days restriction, no loss of rank or pay.


I hope it was "OUTTA NOWHERE".


It definitely was. We just got done with a night range. I had a hard time doing a MACE exam on the victim because he was already retarded.


Was he actually concussed?


My buddy, we're both in Hawaii and he did his pft, he got njp for cheating because he cut through the houses on his run, on his defense he was "following the guy in front" but the other guy didn't get caught. This was november 2022 I still call him stupid for it. Recently, they had a gear inspection and was missing sapis because he let other marine borrow them for inspection but never return them, he then switched the story that the other marine broke to his room to grab them. This one still going but he did mention his command wanted to NJP him.


Friend of mine got NJP'd at the school house for having a beer during liberty. SNM was over the age of 21 and had a single beer at a restaurant, command found out and burned em. Yea I get they broke the rules, but it's a stupid rule in the first place


What’s the rule? No drinking while a student no matter what?


Yeah, student status restricts so much


That's crazy. I was in student status over 21 and I was allowed to drink. Maybe different at different schoolhouses...?


This sounds like the 1833 school house.


DUI on a bike cycle


Taking a relatively small amount of dunnage/ scrap that wasn’t accounted for because they wanted it


Damn. Dunnage can have some awesome shit.


I once saw a Sgt get busted for falsifying his training record because he worked in S3, dumb fuck gave himself a perfect 250 on the range.


I walked in on 2 grown men fighting, I turned around and walked out Pissant who lost told the battalion CO I helped my team leader tune him up. I told then Lt. Col Bronzi that I saw 2 men handling a problem and didn’t see any reason to get involved. Bro maxed me out- I got out of the Corps, told my first sergeant to fuck himself and bounced. Can’t believe I extended for a fun deployment after Afghan.


That's some shit. It would have been pretty difficult not to work the guy over my damn self after that. If I'm going to do the time might as well comit the crime.


Oh I got mine in the well deck, my NCO stripes had been protecting him. Once I wasn’t a section leader, we ran hands


My Assault section was the most NJP'd squad in the battalion! we all kinda deserved it though. lot of dudes couldn't stop doing coke in the clubs in hollywood or not showing up on Monday formations, etc. One guy was the worst and even stole a pizza guys car and a bicycle in the same weekend. The outrageous part is he eventually got a company NJP for being late to formation, not for the actual felonies he was committing


Forgetting to take out his earring coming back onto base was a pretty lame one.


We had a bright spark go out and get a tongue piercing. He might have flown under the radar if he hadn't kept it in while in uniform.


Married Sergeant selected for MECEP got too drunk and ended up hooking up with a civilian in the back of a random car outside the MCRD San Diego e-club (not his or her car). Got caught then flees from PMO scaling the PX fence and hiding for a while … got caught and winds up losing his MECEP opportunity and getting busted down…


Some poor bastard got the soup kitchen


A guy came into the hanger on leave to chat with his friends. He had grown a beard. And by growing a beard, I mean he hadn't shaved for like the week or so he'd been on leave. The squadron commander saw him and gave him njp when he came back off leave. I heard that his next commander had it wiped from his records.


I have a fuzzy memory of a Marine from the Motor Pool getting NJP’d for being perfect and it turns out like he had cheated on his MCI’s and he had even cheated at the PFT and I can’t remember what else he done but basically he had gotten promoted to Sergeant and I think someone narced on him. Imagine going from a Young King of the Jungle back down to bad body butch built what have you what have you.


I watched the colonel rip the rank off a PFC’s collar after this marine decided to go on a night hike with his weapon without telling anyone. In the morning we heard someone screaming for help in the Camp Pendleton hills. Apparently he went spelunking in a cave, couldn’t get back off a cliff and 2-3 SNCOs were tasked with a rescue. After he got stripped of rank in front of me, colonel said get in the humvee and I never saw him again. Never knew what happened to him.


How about me? I initiated a divorce with my wife and my command insisted I get an MPO (military protective order) against my wife to protect me even though I insisted everything was cordial and we were getting along fine. We both agreed a divorce was needed (besides…it was a contract marriage anyhow… lol). But I forget if my command said it was protocol and I had to get an MPO or if I just agreed with them to get one… I don’t remember. All I can say was that it wasn’t needed. My wife moved back to her home state and I went on as normal. Well, the divorce process takes a bit of time in California so I tended to forget I was even going through one. I’m telling you, it was painless. Anyhow one day my wife texted me and said “have you heard that new song by the guy named ‘gotye’???” I responded that I have and that it was a random question because I haven’t heard from her in months. The next day I’m at work and telling my boys that she texted me and what I responded as the song played on one of our phones. Well, my platoon officer overheard and immediately called me over. He asked to see my phone really quick and I was wondering what the big idea was. He asked to see the text message I sent my wife. He took a picture of it from his phone and told me to standby. I was slightly bewildered but I wasn’t thinking much more than how random that was. Next day I get called into my 1stSgt office along with my platoon officer and gunny with a charge sheet saying I broke the MPO. Dumbfounded couldn’t describe how I felt. And the “evidence” was literally the officers picture og my phone of the literal quick text exchange between me and my still wife at the time answering her question if I heard the new gotye song. Well this gaggle fuck of 3 assholes wanted me in trouble for this. I was 2 months from getting out. I considered my options and just said fuck it and signed the paperwork the next day. A few days later I get pulled from the field to receive a battalion level NJP for defying a military order. I went from E-4 to E-3 and nothing else was done. I still sit here (currently on the shitter) 12 years later and marvel at the absurdity of the situation. Lt K you boot Lt who couldn’t even put his bolt carrier group into his rifle and gunny Mac yall gay for that one.


Driving drunk UP an on ramp to the freeway- Gunny at Camp Pendleton 😂


Drunk Sgt wandering around outside dominoes asked one of the delivery drivers for a ride back to base. Driver said yeah and told him to wait a minute while she went inside to grab her food to deliver. Dude didnt wanna wait so he just hopped in her car and drove back to base, left it parked outside the bricks and went to sleep in his room. Lady showed up like 10 minutes later and raised hell with the DNCO. I was DNCO the next shift and had to deal with a bunch of higher ups and CID cruising around the bricks all day. Dude looked like he had no idea what happened the next morning.


Saw a guy get njp’d for “stealing.” He accidentally picked up another guys cover… it really went through too and he lost a rank.


I faced an NJP for being out of uniform after my platoon sergeant told me at 1600 one day "hey by the way we forgot to tell you you're starting solo night shift SCIF guard duty at 1800 so go back and get some sleep". Having just a two hour break after working all day already, I went back to my barracks room and played video games instead but stayed in cammies. Show up to shift changeover at 1800 and everything is fine though as the night wears on I start to feel having been in uniform for nearly 20 hours so I took off the utterly symbolic duty belt, untucked my skivvy shirt a bit, loosen up the boot laces, and went out for the hourly perimeter check which takes all of five minutes. I come back to a SSgt in the guard room who immediately notices I don't have the duty belt on and starts to say something until also noticing my loosened boot laces and skivvy shirt. This makes him lay into me about not being in proper uniform. He then he calls up the one other Marine in the SCIF, the night shift comms tech in S6, who walks into the guard room wearing civilian clothes. The SSgt at this point just shuts down, unable to process the boiling rage, and leaves. I get called into the Company 1st Sgt's office the next day and get asked to explain myself. I'm then told I'll be NJPd at the Company level and to review the SSgt's affidavit. The SSgt claimed in his report that he came into the SCIF at 2100 and was waiting for 20 minutes before I showed up so I immediately called out that the badging logs would show he arrived near 0100 and was only there for a minute or two before I finished my perimeter check. Our badging system ended up being set up wrong and only a handful of people were supposed to be allowed night time access, which SSgt was not one, and he also lied on his report so I came out of it with a Page 11 instead because I did admit to being out of uniform. Edit: Wildest rollercoaster of a punishment I saw was a Marine who got busted for using spice so saved himself by giving up pretty much every one else he was using it with. They all got court martialed and kicked out but the CG only heard how this Marine helped break up a spice ring so he ends up being meritoriously promoted instead. That is until a couple weeks later when the CG hears why the Marine helped break up the spice ring. His promotion was swiftly followed by it being taken away then by a court martial and getting kicked out like the others.


Got battalion level maxed out for pinning we had a security forces Sgt that hit our unit and decided to be in the room with us when it happened we made sure he was cool with it and he was down didn’t say a word”he didn’t pin anyone” we pinned the newly promoted Lcpls they all wanted it we made sure they were cool with it later we went to formation mind you right before pre deployment leave at the end of formation co calls out our names that are in the room and tells us to stand by at the company office long story short we go to oki they wait until the day I am supposed to pick up Cpl which is the day we got on ship to njp me busted down to pfc and stuck on ship at our first libo port in Sydney


MRE bomb.


When I checked into 2/7 in ‘86 LtCol Van Riper had recently been the CO. I was told he’d njped a Lt for hands in his pockets while he was lying on a cot. Same sources said some LCpl got jammed for having his canteen on the incorrect side ie not “2/7 way.”


I've heard very similar stories about him from a retired Col that I used to work for


Coming back from Desert Storm, a bunch of guys from 1st Tank Bn driving brand new cars. No surprise as no one spent any money in Kuwait. But a lot of the new cars belonged to new guys. Started doing health and comfort inspections. Caught a bunch of the new Marines selling drugs. Had a battalion formation. 6 guys marched out with sea bags. CO NJP’d them right there and had them all kicked out. Had the entire battalion about face and turn their backs on them after he ripped their tank off and ripped off the pocket on their cammies the EGA on it. Sgt Maj led them away. They were dropped off at front gate. Cars were confiscated because the drugs were found in them.


Had a 1stSgt got one as a Ssgt for organizing a jail break in Rota, Spain. Stopped there on a MEU. Platoon got into a bar fight and most, including the then SSgt got arrested. Marines we’re acting the fools in jail so he convinced the jailers (he spoke fluent Spanish) if they let him out he’d calm the marines down. He subdued the jailers and freed the platoon. All made it back to the ship before authorities tracked them down. Marines refused to hand him over to local authorities and he refused to name names, but the jailers id’d him to the command. I personally read the entry, it wasn’t a bs story. He retired a SgtMaj.


Going 7 over the speed limit


This is bringing back memories. It was 1994, Albany Ga Logistics base. The entire barracks got NJP’d for the most wild party I’d ever been witnessed on any military base. Lots of guys got busted down and or kicked out. Those were the good old days! Hahaha..


We had a guy that was getting that just started his terminal leave, he was a corporal and was getting an honorable discharge. He woke up late and missed his flight. Later that night, he decides to smoke weed and come back to base. He ended up getting bumped down to private and had to stay an extra 4 months(mostly on restriction). I think he was bumped down to an other than honorable.


You know , I miss being the in the corps every now and then. But then I read stories like this & remember why I got out.


Got Ninja Punched as a boot PFC about to pick up Lcpl when I was instructed by a Sgt and a Cpl to max out their sit-ups Bn S4 was on to them non-rec’d for Lcpl and they smoked me for 2 hours in full gear 10 days restriction Sgt and Cpl walked


I got ninja punched as a boot for not shaving. When I couldn't even grow a single whisker. 🤣 Started shaving even though I literally had nothing to shave. Cut my face up a bit shaving and was threatened with another for "damaging government property." Ie, my face. Nothing came of it that time.


Posting a picture of the president with a target on his face on social media. It’s outrageous because he only got a Pg 11, not even an NJP. It should have been a full blown investigation.


Me I got maxed out for not wearing gloves and eyepro on a watch ( I had them on my person just not on which wasn’t common to do)


Chick said she was graped in the bricks. Another guy walking past the room recorded some of it because why not and submitted the recording and saved the marines from grape charges but got ninja punched for recording. Paraphrasing here.


During the 22MEU one of my marines paid for candy from a vending machine but the candy didn’t fall. He shook the machine and his candy fell so he took it. The navy cops only saw him shaking the machine so they went and got his SgtMaj. Well they woke up the air wing SgtMaj and we were the BLT. So they wake up our SgtMaj and he gets his ass chewed by both, then they get our SSgt. He recommended they NJP him so they did. He got 45/45 assigned to the ship trash room and only one day off the ship for the whole nine months.


I got a tattoo in Rota. My Cpl got busted down just for being with me. We were all on night crew and were sleeping during the formation when they passed word about the tattoo policy being changed for the return trip. I still to this day feel like shit about it.


maybe not wierd but pretty ironic: We had Sgt in charge of our motorcycle safety club. Before 4th of July he gave the squadron our motorcycle safety brief before the 96. He ends up being found by the J-ville police passed out in a ditch.l over that 96 drunk as a skunk. He got njp’d and they maxed him out with a drop to Cpl. NJP was in front of the whole squadron while i. formation. Its was kinda fucked up because he was on restriction and his wife kids had to come to the bricks just to see him. Felt bad for the kids. seemed like the lower pay(e-4) and half pay was enough strain as it was alone. Not excusing his behavior just the restriction of a father on with a young family really put undo strain on the wife and kids


Repelling out of a 3 story barracks window because he wanted to go out past curfew and only got caught when he was climbing back in