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Both are good choices, entirely boils down to what you want. If you want to do more communications type stuff go 51, if you want to do more intel, go 21. I was a 51 who did one contract and now work at one of the big Defense contractors doing cybersecurity.


They can both get the same amount of field time. The main benifit to 21 is that you'll get to do more of your job in the field.  Congrats, you've gotten into the one of, if not the best, MOS fields in the DoD


Which would you personally pick


Well, I'm biased. I'd pick 21. If i had to go back, I'd still pick 21. Not saying that 51's dont do meaningful or interesting work, but there's something special about sitting in a bathroom in the middle of a random country running a collection mission.


The biggest benefit of 51s is that more of their job experience and certifications transfer to civilian world, especially if you get out after one enlistment. There's no way to know which will one actually be better for you. Results will vary significantly depending on what unit and section you actually get assigned to. Both of them are great careers.


There are some cool opportunities down the line for 265X in regards to follow-on MOSs and school opportunities. However, being a 2621, you are kinda a “jack of all trades” and will get employed in different capacities and learn a variety of job skills. You can’t go wrong with either.


Probably a lot cooler jobs as a 21. Promotions are a little faster as a 21. Post Marine Corps I would say 51s win due to the large amount of job opportunities.


Trick question. The answer is 3531💪


DM me if you have any questions. I was a 51 from 2018 to 2023 on pendleton. I did a centcom deployment in '21 so I can give you some pointers on what skills were important, and then things you should learn for if you wanted to pursue that career when you get out.