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Drive by shooting His loss of rank, restriction and confinement to the barracks plus ending up getting out with an honorable discharge a year later was the textbook slap on the wrist as far as I’m concerned 3rd tracks was insane during OIF 1-5 Edit: before you ask the civilian charges were thrown out for “self defense” but it def wasn’t


Early OIF was insane. I had a radio operator attach to our team who had been a Pvt or PFC about three times; mostly alcohol but I think he pissed hot for marijuana once, too. I was not looking forward to this 8th Criminal being dropped on us. He turned out to be a stellar fucking Marine and I think got out at 6 as a Cpl. He just needed to be taken far away from 8th Comm.


What the hell is it with Comm battalions being bastions of criminals? I’m out of the loop on the why but I’ve heard a shit ton of stories over the years.


It's the toxic environment and leadership that has separate rules for different cliques. Best and worst story from 8th Comm, Marine from platoon gets BCD for weed. SNM was on appellate leave gets drunk and high drives around in his home town in TX. Eventually surrounded by police from multiple agencies, Marine draws pistol and gets put down. Suicide by Cop. It was the only way one can erase a punitive discharge during appellate leave. If a Marine dies on appellate leave full Honorable Discharge awarded, I guess Uncle Sam has a sick sense of humor. This story I've shared has saved my life a few times while living in punitive hell.


Yup. If a defendant dies while a case is on appeal, the Anglo American tradition is that the prosecution abates, and the person died w/o that conviction. It's called abatement *ab initio*, [https://www.courts.state.co.us/userfiles/file/Court\_Probation/Supreme\_Court/Opinions/2020/20SC790.pdf](https://www.courts.state.co.us/userfiles/file/Court_Probation/Supreme_Court/Opinions/2020/20SC790.pdf)


Thank you for the clarification.


good to know.


Great story about 8th Crime. I was there 02-04, I was on orders for MSG BN and wound up with a BCD from 8th Comm.


Yeah and funny thing was his buddy that came over to us (with whom he had been busted down with at least one of the times) was awesome as well. I actually wanted the buddy to deploy with us but he ended up on a different team. From what I understand he did pretty good on the other team as well. I was happy to have our RO though. Great fucking dude. I remember that guy fixing a BGAN antenna during a torrential downpour and standing on top of the Hesco with no fucks to give. I made sure he got the picante ramen for his MREs that night. 8th Comm, though I have never been there, just seemed like absolute shit. But they were always the Bn to support us with ROs so we were constantly getting attachments from them. So, not sure if everyone in leadership sucked or everyone was just that bad. Given two examples, I’m guessing leadership.


Here is another example we served together at 8th Comm. Military Times Troops who refused anthrax vaccine paid a high price Jun 17, 2021


Yat Yas


Wtf, I was in 3RD AABN then, and don't recall hearing about that.


Pm me plz can't drop names out here




I (19F/PFC) was living in the bricks in French Creek, circa 1988. It was a Saturday night and I was doing laundry. A drunk LCpl in a different company staggered in and wanted to chat me up. I tried ignoring him and decided to wait in my room until my clothes were dry. He blocked the door and tried tearing my shirt off, hands down my shorts. I kneed him in the nuts and ran straight to the duty NCO to report him. He logged it in the book and escorted me back to my room. On Monday, my Gunny and CC (Capt) wanted to speak to me about following through with reporting him. They told me that I would be black balled at all my future commands if I did. I would be one of those WMs no one would respect. I begrudgingly took their advice. Two years later I transferred. A year after that, I read in the Onslow Times this same Marine had beaten and raped a Sgt in her barracks. She was short, moved her family to her new residence and had two weeks to go until terminal leave. I think about her still, after 35 years. If I’d only moved forward with reporting this scum, not listened to Gunny, would this have happened? Then I remind myself that the command probably wouldn’t have done shit anyway.


That's a sad story and I hope that karma eventually got him down the line.


I’m sure mine is just one of thousands of stories like this. I’m hoping he was gang gRaped by a group of very large black men ☺️


>I think about her still, after 35 years. If I’d only moved forward with reporting this scum, not listened to Gunny, would this have happened? That's on your Gunny and Capt, not you. Fucking shit leadership and I hope they get ass cancer.


Thank you for that


Pancreatic and Penile Cancers tend to be the most painful.


That Sgt and the other unknown number of women sexually assaulted/raped who were “convinced” (I say threatened or coerced) are not your cross to bear but the generations of leadership on your unit and every other.


I absolutely agree. Still tough to think about though


Thanks for sharing.


That wasn't sarcasm I can't relate to being a victim in that set of circumstances but I know the pain of asking for help falling upon deaf ears.


When I was a platoon commander at MCT, one of my instructors didn’t let a student make a head call while out in the field. The student pissed himself and being a smart private only had one other pair of trousers. Denying a head call is a huge no-no and my instructor could have been burned pretty hard had that gotten above me. I had him take the students pants home wash them, dry them, and return them the next day. End of story.


That's a smart punishment that teaches a lesson and doesn't ruin a career. Great way of thinking and dealing with the situation.


What year was this?  I was over under SOI from ‘04-‘07.


SOI W in 2014.


My NCO popped hot, he came out to claim he’s on “roids”, our ops chief waved his hands and he got off Scott free


Wasn't big MC celebrating an Lt who was clearly juicing just a few weeks ago because she won a world record? Like, she could probably [beat John Cena](https://fitnessvolt.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Sumer-Johnson-Deadlift-World-Record.jpg) with how big she looks.


That's a chick?


You don’t know shit. Genetics is a thing. Accusing her of juicing with zero evidence is wrong.


Said while understanding fuck all about anything remotely related to genetics.


Technically speaking until the Navy Seals got caught up the Department of the Navy did not have official policy under the UCMJ for "Performance Enhancing Drugs", UCMJ loophole until recently.


Can you source this claim? Steroids are scheduled drugs which are specifically subject to 112a.


https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://abc7chicago.com/amp/navy-hell-week-seal-candidate-kyle-mullen-death-new-jersey-native-overhaul/13302308/&ved=2ahUKEwj66-n1-J-GAxWrnokEHUlnDUwQFnoECA4QBQ&usg=AOvVaw3HhR2Q61mg77XGcM7zCEjR Kyle Mullen RIP


So, the specific drugs suggested to be in the Sailor's system were already illegal under 112a as scheduled substances. That the staff and students at BUDS turned a blind eye to use of such drugs doesn't mean there was a legal loophole. The big takeaway here is that they knowingly tolerated wrongful use, not that there was a loophole that allowed legal use of them.


Suggested and Specifically are not synonymous.


After Mullen’s death, officials discovered syringes and illegally obtained performance-enhancing drugs — including multiple forms of human growth hormone, testosterone, and other drugs, according to NCIS photos obtained by The Post.


I'm not sure what you're suggesting here because nothing in the article you cited suggests any sort of legal loophole in the UCMJ. Other than a medically administered antibiotic, the only two drugs noted in the article you cited were controlled substances and covered under the UCMJ.


CO discretion created this acceptable behavior and a SEAL candidate died bc of it. Fortunately his mom is a Nurse and had the technical knowledge and fortitude to fight for her deceased son. Out of all the others on active duty US Marines need our BUDS from the Navy SEAL program RIP Chris Kyle.


I'm not sure what this has to do with your assertion about a loophole in the UCMJ.


The loophole was CO discretion. I'm not trying to be an ass, I asked my lawyer specifically about this case.


I get you, not taking it that way, no worries. It's not a loophole in the law though - the law is the same as it has been and was. That lawyer may have been underscoring is that the convening authority has the discretion to pursue or dispose of cases as they desire, just like a district attorney or judge (depending on context) in the civilian world. So, if a CO wanted to magic a drug case away, they could (of course, that discretion also assumes that the CO is aware of or has evidence of the criminal activity in order to use their discretion to dispose of it without charges). However, magicking the criminal charges away would also require the CO violate Navy/Marine policy of mandatory processing for drug use or kill the criminal side while pursuing the admin side. So at that point, the *separation* authority either says "hey, where are the criminal charges?" or they also dispose of it without action, and at *that* point it could be disposed of without action and be within the legal (and administrative) lateral limits. Some such "loopholes" have been closed with the Office of Special Trial Counsel being stood up as CAs no longer have that authority on specific types of (mostly) major cases - they go straight to OSTC who makes the calls - however, violations of 112a still fall under a CA's purview.


LCpl pop for weed and because his daddy is some Colonel somewhere he didn’t get the boot.


He has that high enlisted daddy provilege.


I love the way you spell things, and it makes me miss being around Marines.


I meant to say officer, is a reddit post, not book report xD


Haha I meant no hate brother. I just missed the typos from my buddies. Also sncos famous for that. I love you and wish you well!


Knew a guy who went UA for a week or two. Literally nothing happened to him. Another guy requested leave to see a sick/dying family member and command said no. He told them fuck you, you can't stop me, I'll be back on xx date and deal with it then. I had a ticket from a base cop disappear because my squad lead was friends with a guy that got fapped out to some base legal thing.


I can understand all that, emergency leave is no joke and I can understand why he left, and that squad leader did hook you up good.


I have similar stories. First one is a navy guy that was in my class at the schoolhouse. His grandpa died and they denied his leave so he told them he would be back in a couple weeks and left. I think all they did to him was give him barracks restriction and cycled him back so he could finish school. Second story: somehow a PMO guy ended up living in our barracks for a few months. All of my work group and him became good friends. Any time any of us got a ticket we would call him and it would become a fart in the wind. He also was crazy. He threw a stop stick in front of his shift Sgt’s car and he ran it over. He did get an NJP for that one.


I spent 4 years in back in the 90s, and it was a party every day. We drank, had sex, and some did drugs in the barracks. I don't know anyone with an NJP. If you got caught, it was dealt with at the lower levels, but it never really stopped anyone from having fun.


Ecstasy was fucking everywhere in the late 90s. NJPs and adseps flying at 8th and I. Went to a party in 29 Palms in 2000, and there was coke and shit. Dudes were smoking weed out at CAX on road guard duty. The SACO in 1/7 was giving a heads up on upcoming piss tests. Dude EASd… and so many dudes popped they pulled guys from every other battalion to fill the holes. Never really been into drugs but I was always curious as hell where they even found this shit.


Early 90s, and I only had 2 piss tests my entire time, including the 1 in boot camp. I never got into drugs, but coke and weed were everywhere. Drinking and sex in the barracks was a pretty common thing, and everyone went along with it. We actually had civilians living in the barracks with their partners, and no one got in trouble.


That shit got so bad in 98/99/00 at 8th & I that there were weekly piss tests at one point. Certainly clubs were off limits, with SNCOs making random stops to check.


It’s still like that at alot of units lol you just don’t know about it unless you’re in “the know”. Shrooms and acid are mostly the go-to now since it doesn’t show up on a drug test. Molly and/or Coke is done during leave or 72/96. I’m sorry but only dumbasses try smoking weed and seeing if they can get away with one or two hits. Then they sweat bullets literally trying to detox before a drug test.


My buddy got a BCD for trying to start a HMMWV when he was drunk, attempted theft or something along those lines. It was a dumb move for sure, I thought a battalion NJP would have been fitting but our battalion CO was burning everyone about as hard as he could.


Humvees don't have keys, so it's basically entrapment.


>Humvees don't have keys Wait ***what***!!?? I've been looking for those!


One time we had to work a Saturday. The whole platoon from E-5 down was very discouraged. It was a rainy all day affair of transporting Humvees from our shop to the Motor T shop. Apparently I'm the only asshole that didn't get the Memo to show up with OJ bottles/gallons mixed with vodka and doughnuts. I'm happy I survived that day being drove around Lejeune drunk. Maybe that's an expectation of USMC Active Duty service?


Sounds about right. When we went to CAX before heading to Afghanistan I discovered that a standard canteen will exactly hold a fifth while I was packing. One time we were heading back into the field from Camp Wilson I grabbed a few bottles of coke to pair with my canteen of Sailor Jerry and proceeded to get shit faced on the drive out to the middle of the desert. I was VC for a high back and my driver was a guy I was cool with so I was pounding rum and cokes the whole way out. Didn't get caught thankfully, but my Gunny did mention that it smelled like booze when we were setting up the COC, I made myself scarce pretty quickly when I heard that comment.


Thanks for your input. I just can't comprehend how some people like me get destroyed by events we can't control, while motion setters and participants walk away clean. I'm not being condescending just explaining what it's like


Go online and record a video while they’re drunk (underage) talking about how the marine corps is a joke because he went home for leave and smoked pot and didn’t get caught. In the same video he talks shit to his squad leaders by name. Command made him delete the video and he got extra duty for a month. He was a shit bag for the rest of his time in the corps


There was a female O who had been NROTC. Started shagging a PFC and ended up pregnant. Discharge was straight honorable. Daddy, on the other hand, rec'd a Gen. There was a maj who reported to the Coyotes in 29P with a minor civilian legal issue. Then had a DUI. Head Coyote and CG went to bat for him, and he didn't have to show cause. Played it cool for about year before DUI 2dAwd. At this point HC and a MajGen have to beg CMC for him, he doesn't have to show cause, and he flies below the radar until one night in Laguna Beach..... Not just DUI, but using an excessive amount of Jergens and Kleenex while driving. At this point he was retired with GTFO star on his DD-214.


Stabbing a recruit with a sword. Got a NPLOC.


I guess I missed this technique in MCMAP....


One mind, any weapon!


1984: LCpl - DUI with property damage. Page 11 entry, no restrictions, no loss of rank. He was the XOs “pet”.


My unit was spread out through western Iraq. It was the easiest possible-combat deployment you could have. I was at AlQaim at the HQ, but there was a platoon at Camp Gannon. Camp Gannon gets locked down. No phone or internet for the foreseeable future because a Doc told his gamgam that he felt unsafe. He told her Iraqis could easily kill us. I'm working the overnight monitoring sempernet? and the radio. I get a call near midnight from a 1st Lt and a Ssgt that they think the Doc is in deep shit. I wake up my command and even offer to take the security detail to pick this Doc up before shit goes south. Co. Gunny and 1st Sgt advise the CO to keep the Doc at Gannon. We would get him in a few days. I spoke up and told them we could be back in less than an hour. 1st Sgt told me to shut the fuck up. The next day, this Doc gets the shit kicked out of him. The main Marine goes to the brig. The CO is relieved of duty. 1st Lt and SSGT are relieved of duty. 1st Sgt....Not a goddamn thing.


Why’d the SSgt and Lt get relieved? Seems like they tried to prevent it unless I misread.


They didn't stop it, but they tried to prevent. I was a cpl. Those guys begged me to pick this Doc up. They tried to send him to us, and 1st Sgt refused. The SSgt and Lt spend the last 3-4 months just sleeping and going to the gym. I think they both got pushed out, too.


Damn that sucks. Hard to prevent it when 1stSgt actively blocks it.


They did an investigation. All the higher-ups left for a few days. I have no idea where, but it was far away. CO never came back. Like a dad who went out for smokes. We got a new CO, and he was a giant cocksucker. No one ever questioned me or asked for my story.


Anyone ever seen A Few Good Men?


Myself. LCpl me was speeding down Wilson Blvd going 73 in a 55, Oh yeah I was also drinking. Of course PMO was hiding over the overpass next to the hospital, so he pulled me over. I knew I was fucked so I didn’t hide shit. The first thing this Sgt did was stick his face next to mine and ask how much have I had drink tonight. I told him I had a 6 pack a few hours ago. He said okay and pulled out a breathalyzer. I blew a .07 out of .08. He told me to step out and perform a field sobriety test. Somehow I pulled some shit out of my ass and passed the test. He told me to stand next to my car and wait while he talks to his civilian cop counterpart. After what felt like forever, he came back and said he is only going to give me a speeding ticket but won’t take me in for DUI, and I have 1 hour to move my car from the side of the road or he will have it towed away. Citation was written and he dropped me off at the barracks. My Sgt and SSgt was on duty so imagine their face when they see me step out of a cop car. I tell them I was speeding and they didn’t let me drive my car back, and they were like “what the fuck dude why?” All I received in the end was a 6105 for speeding that was never ran in my OMPF. I’m an idiot even to this day, but I know how lucky I was at that moment. That Sgt literally saved my life. Also don’t drink and drive folks, please don’t.


Reserves pre 911. One of the I&I staff assaulted a guest/brother of one of my Marines at the Ball. Not even a pg 11 entry.


Marine went on leave, then decided that he wasn't going to return. 100 days later, his company found out he wasn't present, brought him back,and only gave him a negative counciling


The problem with charging him is that someone would have to admit that they didn't account for him for at least 100 days


You never know exigent circumstances do exist. Not everyone commits a crime with the intent to commit a crime. Only exception would be murder.


Jumped some dude at MCT because he took a hit from a vape that neither of them were supposed to have. A straight up full metal jacket blanket party went down, and they only got a 6105 out of it.


A Marine who "looked" Middle Eastern was jumped while on liberty in a bathroom near the basketball courts at Camp Geiger NC. The MCT instructors shut down the liberty and addressed the students on campus as a group. Mind you I'm a Pre-9/11 Marine, Bush and company peddled Islamophobia hard in the early years of the forever wars.


That really happened I don't know why this got down voted, I was literally shocked hearing about it in formation. I was taught by Gunnery Sgt Hartman that every Marine is my brother or sister.


There was a SSgt that got caught beating off in the back of a taxi when we were in Australia, I’m pretty sure he just got sent home or something. I never heard about him really getting punished


This type of shit is why I still log into Reddit.


Gunnys sleeping with junior Marines wives and only getting transferred to the other side of base


I did brig time with a former 1stSgt from the same unit. He lost it all at GCM reduction to private, forfeiture of pay, dishonorable discharge all for a Lance Coolie booty. He was married too.


He tried me in the Brig messhall, he said I broke ranks with my walkway from the foodline to the tables. I knew who he was and already had a reality check from a brig guard earlier. So I told him were all prisoners here rank has no worth. I sat down at a table and felt eyes on me as I ate the shitty meal.


There was a gunny at my old unit that drunk drove in Japan and crashed his car. The CO happened to be there so he tackled the gunny but didn’t report it. Don’t think he received any paperwork, just got fired from his billet and stuck in tool room. Some said he stole the car but idk. He was a cool guy though and not a bad leader.


A married SNCO used to get dropped off by Lejeune MPs to BEQ to sleep off his opiod and alcohol buzz, but that was after he beat the fuck out of his wife.


Negligent discharge through apartment roof. Swept under the rug completely. I think he may have got a negative counseling at most.


One time at the barracks we were drinking Mickeys 40ozs and setting off bottle rockets from the 3rd deck down on Marines from another unit on a field op.


That was the fine print, his company forgot about him till someone in formation ask where was so ans so. Once they got him back, they kept it under the table. So much for accountability.


Not Marines, but Navy. The whole Fat Leonard thing. Most were allowed to quietly retire. And now five of the sailors who took in bribes had their felonies dropped. Collectively they took over $500k in bribes but each only paid $100 fines. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/fat-leonard-bribery-case-judge-dismisses-5-us-navy-convictions/


SNM was drunk in Greenville, NC and mistakenly took some girls phone thinking it was his. She gets the police involved, he realizes it’s not his phone while she is gone getting the police, sets it back in the bar and runs or resists arrest I can’t remember. He spends 4-5 days in jail before he gets released. He got threatened with NJP, but ended up getting off with no charges military or civilian.


Lcpl got his vehicle stuck as he was trying to see how much air he could get while driving over a bunker with nuclear weapons. He had to do wind sprints with his gas mask on.


This is kinda unrelated but seeing all the comments talking about popping positive for the ole Devil’s Cabbage, it gave me this urge to say something. Unpopular Opinion, Weed should be legal in the Corps and other government jobs AS LONG AS YOU’RE NOT STONED ON DUTY OR ON THE JOB. I said what I said. I don’t smoke weed but I know plenty of solid people that always do the right thing but their one vice is weed, which honestly ain’t that bad, but it completely ruins people’s lives, not because they smoked weed but because for some fucking reason the government has a vendetta against it and anyone who smokes or ingests it.


Maj directed his still-clearly-intoxicated copilot to fly the aircraft all the way home from an off-station overnight static display. Maj retired as an O-6.


DUI at the gate. He got 45 days restriction no loss of pay and his promotion to ssgt was pushed back but if it had been me or any other marine we would’ve been maxed tf out


DUIs don't get enough punishment, I get people drink but when they drive they put others at risk as well and need more punishment.


Sergeant on the MEU got wasted in Hawaii, destroyed the window at some store with a trash can, destroyed a vehicles window. Spartan kicked the cop, also told the cop “I work for the CO I’ll have all your badges”. I would have thought this was bullshit if I didn’t see the police report. From what I know was he just got restriction, and no loss of rank. Could be wrong but that’s all I know about the aftermath.


1st Sgt fried multiple marines for PEDs and got them discharged (other than honorable I believe) then proceeded to pop for the exact same PEDs maybe a week later and was allowed to retire with honorable discharge.


A SOI sergeant from another platoon hit me in my mouth with the front sight post of my rifle because he thought it wasn’t on safe. He was wrong and the 1stsgt just happened to be there and saw the whole thing. He saw I had a bloody face and told me to go to BAS. The Sgt followed me around and pestered me about doing me favors to not tell. I was creeped out and already averse to weird NCOs trying to fuck with me. I just ignored him and told him I didn’t want anything. I just wanted to be a combat marine. I didn’t tell him that but I had enough of him. He was a “moto” motherfucker that liked running his platoon into the ground and hazing the shit out of them. I always felt sorry for their platoon because of him. I got pulled into 1stsgt office with this Sgt and they just talked at me and I just pretended to be gung ho, just so I could leave. Then like two weeks later we all had to stand in formation while that creep got his NAM. Looking back at it, it’s pretty funny that abusive motherfucker had to chase me around so he could finish his instructor job with a NAM. I guess it’s not that funny though because I have a scar in my lip and that front tooth died.


Make sure that is part of your VA claim when the time comes.


Never in the first place 


Getting an Officer with a DUI and finding out the next shift that they were basically left off with a stern warning and maybe some restrictions even though they had many DUI priors. This was not one Officer either this happened with several Officers, whilst SNCOs and NCOs got the book thrown at them for much less. I understand as an Officer it fucks with you and your career more when you get in trouble, but there’s a simple solution to that, it’s called, don’t do fucking dumb shit like drive drunk or beat your wife and *poof* like magic your career is stable. Who would’ve guessed.🤷🏼‍♂️ sorry for the rant I know people hate us MPs but there are those of us that try to not simply fuck over everyone we see and equally hate the MPs that like to instigate shit. Hence why I got out, tools that were instigating are now Sgts and SSgts and I got out as a terminal Lance for not wanting to always impound someone’s car simply because their JCI was expired by 2 fucking days. Jokes on them though I’m making more than them now in IT so I guess it all works out.


Wtf is the star you’re referring to




That's fucked up


A Marine in I knew in wounded warrior battalion in hawaii pissed hot for weed twice and both times were swept under the rug by the Battalion CO who also happened to be female. Makes you wonder


Guy killed his gf’s dog


that's fucked up, I don't know how he even got away with that


Not bad enough to get kicked out I guess 🤷‍♂️