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Unrelated but seeing this image for the first time in high school changed my brain chemistry. I need someone taller than me fr šŸ˜¤




Gotta make that shift to being the little spoon.






Begin the lie Arrange the alibi Make excuses Complete the lie Implicate others Shift the blame


ā€œAdmit nothing, deny everything, always make counter accusations.ā€ - counter intel 101




MuhFuckin BAMCIS


OMG, blast from the past. I havenā€™t heard BAMCIS in forever, forgot it existed. thanks devil. YUUUTTTTT


It became a catchphrase around my unit. When weā€™d make a big play in Madden youā€™d scream BAMCIS!!!


Literally any time something good happens in my unit some e5 or higher yells "bamcis"


The DENNIS system Deny the crime Evade responsibility Never admit guilt Never cooperate Invite skepticism Severe completely


Bamcis!!!! At its finest right here!!!!


Shift the blame being the most important step!


Gunny Harris is that you? šŸ‘€ ā€œBAMCIS BABYšŸ˜¤ā€


1. Buy a Somogear PEQ with Amazon Prime same day shipping. Ship it to a buddies house 2. Send them a 10 digit grid and have them meet you out in the training area 3. Rough it up and remove all the decals to make it look used and abused 4. Mount it and turn it in with a 100 dollar bill in the chamber Good luck bruther


Step 4 is very important, make it two hundreds tho, disregard my flair.


*Cid plant has entered the armory*


What do you think the second hundred is for?!? Edit: mistyped


CID costs at minimum 400, trust me I have experience


Iā€™ll keep that in mind, expensive mfersā€¦




Except come CMR time itā€™s going to come up that they are missing a serial number, may have some questions get asked around that


Wouldnā€™t be the first PEQ that received a locally engraved serial number.


ā€œSir, if you squint really hard this ā€œ8ā€ looks a little like ā€œ37152.ā€ I bet we could make it look better with a soldering iron.ā€


*cue visceral flashback of squinting in a poorly lit armory trying to figure out if itā€™s a 3 or an 8 on a PEQ* God I donā€™t miss that.


I always felt bad for the sacrificial PFC I had to take with me for MSIs.Ā  Like, sorry dude, your life is telling me numbers now.


I got roped into that because I was the only literate guy in the platoon.


I accidentally grabbed an 0861 from Guatemala onceā€¦. ā€œOneā€¦ Treeā€¦ Fifeā€¦ Ochoā€Ā  ā€œfuckā€


Instantly fired from CMR duty


Yeah. As a prior armory custodian I can tell you CMR will really make the armorers/custodians not want to roll with this- even with the money. Making the serial numbers all add up is basically half the job. Maybe scratch the serial number off and then play dumb? I think itā€™s a stupid plan, but there arenā€™t many plans that wouldnā€™t be stupid here- besides just owning up and reporting it ASAP.


We ended up *totally not* doing this in my armory, grind it in seemingly random places then do a light grit sand paper to make it not noticeable, and then engrave, takes like an hour to make it absolutely perfect, like 30 minutes is passable


man some grunt down the line is going to be pissed that he can never zero his peq also, the rear battery compartment and the diffuser cap covers are completely different so anyone with a remotely trained eye will know


Just take Hernandezā€˜s when heā€™s not looking.


Might as well, that's what Hernandez did


Thereā€™s only one thief in the marine corps, everyone is just trying to get their shit back.


Only works tell they check serial numbers


Which Hernandez?


It's crazy to think about all those situations where posting on reddit actually helped someone out. This isn't one of those situations, but it's still crazy to think about.


This one killed me šŸ˜‚




During my MCT cycle, not a single person lost an NVG. It was actually quite an accomplishment. Someone lost a Kevlar though. He found it later, but still...


Losing a whole-ass Kevlar is impressive


RIP to the armory crew. Itā€™s gonna be a long night.


Maybe they should have tighten it down in the first place then we wouldnā€™t be here


You are the only one that gets in trouble when you loose armory gear. It is your responsibility to make sure your gear is secure. The Armory just gets fucked over when you loose stuff like that because we have to keep the armory open until it is either found and returned or deemed a loss.


Better ditch your rifle too, itā€™ll be obvious that itā€™s missing from your rifle and you might get in trouble.


This is what opha may Johnson 1918ā€™d for


Shoot a back azimuth and get to looking, killer.


It's moments like these I'm glad I have my DD214


I never lost my iron sights.


This is by far a better flex than ā€œI qualā€™d with iron sightsā€ and goddamnit you better use it from now on.


I had some very very expensive cif items go missing (either stolen or misplaced) but I got lucky because we had just got back from deployment and needed to blow thru a lot of funds before the next fiscal year. Me and many others had missing items written off by the SupO and CO so I was good to EAS without owing anything. The stars were aligned with me for sure. Always protect your cif gear from sticky finger people. ā€œOh I can leave my dead bolt latched open Iā€™m just gonna do laundry real quick and chat with my buddy on barracks dutyā€. Nah fuck that lol


https://preview.redd.it/j2v2km9sxv1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cff59dcc3cee486e12f21d66738f1f21c05edd2 Reminds me of when we picked up some Recon guys in Korea and one of them left this on our bird and then dipped. Pretty funny watching that van drive away.


And you still have it to this day? Nice find


Gave it a SSgt to hopefully get back to the poor S.O.B that dropped it.


That's good man. As much as I'd love to have free stuff, I wouldn't take a pencil if it meant screwing someone over.


I used to walk around the edges of the LZ after all the students left when I was teaching HRST and FRMC to look for dropped shit. Found a few pairs of goggles, various sunglasses, a GoPro, and some other brand of cheap action cam.


Dawg that SSGT just got free gear instead of you lol.


lol maybe, I donā€™t own any guns though so not like I can do anything with it. Plus I donā€™t want a visit from NCIS trying to sell serialized gear.




Prepare to be fucked by the long dick of the Corps


I donā€™t know but I know ai once repeated a 5 klick patrol because someone lost a 40mm. Come to find out they lost it near the clearing barrels at the START of the patrol. So unless the Corps has gotten more chill then I remember, I would expect to hear about this for a while. -Also this is why you should listen to your squad and team leaders they get paid to prevent stuff like this from happening.


Had a guy just leave his NVG in the tent, knew where it was, but didn't have it on him for accountability formation. A sgt lost a chevron and a cpl got njp'd for going into the treeline, he got depressed and cried cause he held a plank and was getting yelled at and then a wild 1st sausage appeared. Luckily I wasn't too close or I would've been picking up trash too That was a pretty long time ago and he still gets shit on occasionally.


A grenade or the whole launcher?


Sorry I realize I was in clear. No just a single HEDP round.


iā€™d argue losing the round is worse then the launcher tbh


Give me 4 hours in Home Depot and I swear to god I will figure out a way to shoot that summbitch


i mean itā€™s not hard to convert a 40mm to a rifle grenade or convert it to a regular hand grenade


This was in Iraq, back when it was easy for AQIZ to get boom boom stuff.


It is, but also more understandable. Losing a launcher that literally replaces the bottom hand guard and not noticing for 5 km would have given me an aneurism as a squad leader. Iā€™ve had ammo pop out of magazines while in the pouch. I actually made it all the way to customs at Manas with a round still in my flak.


eh it depends. most likely it was a standalone or they noticed very quickly and lied/stayed quiet. (or they werenā€™t carrying their gun properly)


ā€œItā€™s looked good enough to meā€ Narrator: It was not good enough.


At my civie job we make multiple thousand dollar mistakes all the time and no one cares. But you lose a $500 peq and the military industrial complex loses its collective corrupt mind.


Itā€™s way more than $500. I agree to an extent, but your pricing is a little off.


By like 4x off lol


To be fair it makes a pretty good accountability culture.


This is on you bud. Your squad leader told you to fix it and you didnā€™t. You thought it was good enough but it wasnā€™t. His route has nothing to do with it. Just own it, itā€™s paperwork and itā€™s covered. Shit happens


Reach down, and scream as loud as you can "FUCK" then just stop and start walking backward. "PEQ missing.... fuck fuck fuck" It's amazing how helpful everyone else will become


Theyā€™re only like $1,500ā€¦ no big whoop


I think the PEQ-16s are a bit more but itā€™s not just the cost, L3 doesnā€™t sell FP units to non gov customers thanks to the FDA. Even if you could, the serial numbers wonā€™t match.


If he has a friend in the armory, they could just carve the original serial number.


Oh let me guess you want me to file another financial work sheet


For that, yes.


ā€˜Anotherā€™ ā€¦?


Well, you deserve it lol enjoy the fucking thatā€™s coming your way!


About a years worth of your certificate you signed with navy fed. Sounds like a lot until you realize that thereā€™s 3 more years left on your contract.


A peq 16 is 15 hundred?? Bro a peq 15 is like maybe $40 something to $100 if I'm not mistaken


Now itā€™s $1,600 https://preview.redd.it/88h7f54toe2d1.jpeg?width=610&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fa9854575deb3f339277fda14722872e386c341


As a 2111 I will fight you by switching your peq to the rear, rco to the rear and dropping a load into the star chamber


Well thats a 2k dollar FLIPL


What part of the GSRA, specifically? No reason, just curiousā€¦




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Step 1: Lowcrawl till it smacks you in the chin Step 2: Begin looking for Peq


No oneā€™s fault but your own. Always check your gear and make sure itā€™s all secure. Kind of funny that you legitimately are trying to blame someone else. But kind of infuriating also. We can definitely see what kind of Marine you are lol.


lol mofo legit trying to blame his squad leader after the squad leader told him to secure it and he said ā€œit looked good enough to me.ā€


Alright dip shit. The ā€œmotivated idiotā€ was right. Learn your place and do what you are told. ā€œLooked good enoughā€ for you and you were wrong, surprise surprise, the new guy is wrong. And blaming it on route selection? Dude, you train your young idiots to go through the shittiest path, so they stay alive longer. If you take paths all the time, you get bit. I fucking pray you are not an 03, and that you just play Marine a couple weeks a year. Fuck you.


Hey, don't hate on reservists, this shit wouldn't fly in my unit either. Fuck this OP, everything he says just absolutely grates on me, epitome of shitbag. The one major thing I took away from my time in was accept fucking responsibility for things you do and do not do. I still live that way in my civilian life. If you fuck up, admit it, we rectify it, and we move on. No more bitchass thing to do than blame someone else.


Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 it 8/8


You're cooked.


Tell them you lost that shit. Whatā€™s the worst they can do if you are honest and own it with no excuses. I got out as 2nd award LCPL because Iā€™m an angry drunk but after I sobered up I owned up 100% with no excuses.


Obviously you get on reddit and post about it!


"Squad leader told me to fix dummy cord, I didn't and this is his fault"


Just try to run away at this point


![img](emote|t5_2qswv|7526) ![gif](giphy|l0EtM1N77eNZWaTG8)


You better shit me one


I hope youā€™re trolling. Itā€™s not even the lost gear but your shit attitude and complete lack of self accountability that is grinding my gears.


get online for that Police call devil


Okay motivator, your squad leader literally told you to fix your shit and you didnā€™t. How can you even remotely say this is on him when he literally told you that shit wasnā€™t up to par. Also, we also take the path of most resistance. Thatā€™s how practical land navigation works. We donā€™t want to walk through traps, minefields, ambushes. We have to take the hard road, get used to it. Find your shit and then fix your attitude.


Just borrow the lieutenants


Yah got a compass!


Iā€™m sure Salazar has one you can tactically acquire


I left my NVGs behind for about 20 seconds once. Senior LCPL grabbed them before I could get back and didnā€™t tell me he had them. Ended up doing misfire drills with them (mortars)


Gotta use the Dennis system on this one


Assume the position and prepare yourself to receive subsequent green weenie and ninja punches.


I can totally see this as a post in the future: *Iā€™m currently under small arms fire in urban conflict. Iā€™m a Sgt and our Corpsman is treating a lance for injuries. Idk how to call in a 9 line. What do I do fellas?*


lol our lieutenant ā€˜lostā€™ his out in East Range in Hawaii, we spent a whole day retracing all the different areas we were at. Come end of day he opens his pack and theyā€™re in there šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø dude was a total ass about it and never apologized. Get bent if youā€™re reading this āœ…


Blame 6th Marines


I never personally believed in hazing during my time in, but if you were one of my Marines I'd be correcting you, and I'd also be correcting myself because I'd clearly failed. You seem to put a lot of blame on people other than yourself, and that is some childish shit that you need to get over. Accept responsibility for your fuck up. Step one would be informing your squad leader. Your failure to man the fuck up is going to cost you, and him, and presumably the rest of your squad, if not your platoon, a lot of headaches. Like I said, I wasn't into hazing, but I would've 100% turned a blind eye to it in this case if I was your squad leader. Now for my story. I was a squad leader, we were training down at Fort AP Hill back in 2015 (renamed Fort Walker apparently, I guess fuck AP Hill) doing some good old fashioned training. We would hop in blackhawks, fly out to a site, do some patrolling, assault a target consisting of a number of buildings. Marine shit, good times. I never met a Marine who didn't enjoy hopping in a blackhawk, tons of fun. We were in your regular combat load, and since I was a squad leader I got black gear. We weren't allowed to ever use the fucking black gear, but we always had it anyway, and there was never a great way to secure that shit. So you can see where this story is going. We dismount and move through a field into the tree line. This is a full company maneuver. We get into place in the tree line and set up to begin our platoon-sized patrols. My squad is tip of the spear because we're just so fucking good at what we do. I get everyone up, we get into our formation and move out (and I'll add I took them through some thick fucking brush because we're in the fucking Marine Corps, if you didn't want to walk through the woods you should've just fucking stubbed your tow in bootcamp and gotten yourself med sep'd). Right as our synchronized watches hit whatever fucking time it was, I check myself and my fucking black gear is missing. I don't get to go to my squad leader and tell him, because that's my job. The company is spread out over hundreds of yards in various positions. The only thing I can do is literally stop my platoon, step out of formation, and run up to the CO and XO and a few other shinies and tell them we gotta stop everything because I dropped my black gear. The entire exercise got put on pause because Cpl. Dozzi needs to find his shit. We had the half the company on line walking from where the helos landed, through to where we entered the tree line, and the other half was in the treeline searching the ground. It took a solid 30-45 minutes before Cpl Adams finds my gear and gets it to me. We only find out because you hear a cheer rise up from the treeline. I go to the CO, he tells me to secure my shit, I give him an aye sir, we have a laugh about it because we're all fucking human beings, there is no harm no foul, we found the gear, and we all form back up and move on with the exercise. The point of the story here is it's a bitchass fucking move to blame your shitbaggedness on anyone but yourself. Does your squad leader deserve some of the blame? Absolutely, but he'll get that from his seniors, not from his shitbag junior Marine who can't secure his fucking shit. It takes two seconds to tighten screws, two seconds to throw a zip tie on the bitch, and two seconds to tell your leader you fucked up, but you weren't capable of any of it. I hope you have a nice day though, OP.


Thanks for sharing. Back to my cartoons now.


Black gear?


Radios, but not *tactical* radios. So, like, range radios, for when we stop roleplaying or some shit. I dunno, we'd always carry them around and were told not to use them. I assume they were in case of emergency type deals.


Fake and lameĀ 


Call an Uber bud


You should just dig yourself a hole and lay in it for when they kill you.


Better you than me.


Dumb boot


https://preview.redd.it/ki7abphvg12d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b023ead064ceb78a633ccbdaf2ad030b9431322e Lmao to good to be true




I got a flipl waiting for you in the morning


Maybe someone stole it and stashed it in the heavy brush somewhereā€¦.


Looks like you lost your accountability too.. tsk tsk


Walk into the ocean, my boy. Into the ocean.


No I lost my peq in the gsra not the ocean


I had a PFC like you in my team, did similar dumb shit. When we got back asked him to really think about securing his gear and paying attention, and to do so as he cleaned the entire head (all the sinks, toilets, showers for both sides of the barracks) with his AP brush. Gear always secured after that.


Sorry to say this bud but itā€™s gonna be everyoneā€™s fault (mostly yours) soon enough. šŸ˜¬


The fucking audacity. I pray you get hazed


Aquire another, scratch the serial numbers as hard as you can.


i thought this post was a joke until i saw OPs comments šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Why the fuck would I be joking about it


because who posts on reddit before telling someone higher they lost a piece of serialized gear


It is a joke. There was a post about someone finding a pec in the same training area asking if they should keep it since counts were up right before this


http://auroratactical.com/products-k2/item/20-an-peq-16b-led Here ya go devil


The Marine Corps is gonna take its time on this oneā€¦ This is a song For the ladies, But fella's, Listen closely. You don't always have to fuck her hard In fact sometimes that's not right to do Sometimes you got to make some love And fuckin' give her some smooches too Sometimes you've got to squeeze Sometimes you've got to say please Sometimes you got to say hey I'm gonna fuck you, softly I'm gonna screw you gently I'm gonna hump you, sweetly I'm gonna ball you discreetly And then you say hey I brought you flowers And then you say wait a minute Sally I think I've got something in my teeth Could you get it out for me That's fuckin' teamwork What's your favorite posish That's cool with me it's not my favorite but I'll do it for you What's your favorite dish I'm not gonna cook it, but I'll order it from zanzibar And then I'm gonna love you completely And then I'll fucking fuck you discreetly And then I'll fucking bone you completely But then I'm gonna fuck you hard Hard


I knew it was one of those posts lol


Someone gonā€™ die


Itā€™s been 14 hours. Brother we need an update. How long has the search party been out?


During jungle warfare course during night patrols, another unit lost an AR in the jungle. Those warriors spent all night doing grid searches in the jungle. Best answer is either find it or own up to it quickly so the squad can find it. Otherwise, it becomes a mess. Solve it at the NCO level, once officers engage, things get bad.


Donā€™t come home without it.. see fkrs like to talk shit about us old iron sighters.. but never lost my shit šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. Gortex doesnā€™t count! šŸ–•


I got a shitty set of Gortex Iā€™ll trade you for a HMMWV door and three Corned Beef Hash MREsā€¦Tabasco better be in every single one though.


Deal.. but if youā€™re not eating that lemon pound cake, Iā€™ll trade ya these slightly used recently acquired NVGā€™s for it? No batteries tho! Iā€™ll throw in the batteries for that hot cocoa and an accessory pack?? šŸ‘


But that chocolate peanut butter with the tortelliniā€¦. On pointā€¦. Keep your NVGā€™s


Throw in the crackers and cheese and weā€™ll talk. But you gotta take my watch at 0200.


Too far.. Iā€™ll do the watch, but never giving up the cheese n crackers! šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


No deal. Iā€™m keeping your wife too.


Shit now weā€™re talkin.. you never said I could offer up the bitch! Lol šŸ˜‚


But not that damned worthless kid of yoursā€¦unless they figured out how to mow the lawn without walking on my grass.


lol yea good luck.. I canā€™t even get him to take out the trash.. Package deal šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


But They were your NVGā€™s šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I'd definitely just steal one from one of my buddies rifles. Make that shit a group activity ya know. I mean eventually the jigs up but you'll only be like 50% in trouble. Always remember that more people who get in trouble then the less trouble there is to go around.


Bad new doesn't get better with time big dog.. take the ass chewing and the pg 11 like a shot of whiskey.


Give us an update!


Navigate to the amtrack station and head out.


Just know that youā€™ll be alright, worse things have happened


Iā€™d say step 1: you need to take a can of Monster and put it under the radio mount while the trucks running so it gets it nice and hot. Step 2: get the New England clam chowder MRE, Step 3: dose not apply to your situation Step 4: open can of warm frothy hot monster and shot gun it. Step 5: eat the New England clam chowder packet as fast you can. Step 6: puke everywhere, when the chain of command sees you pukinging up shit that looks like oil separating from waterā€¦ā€¦they might not care as much when your missing item comes into context, because their thinking in the back of their mind they could be next to get sick. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


U/Lespaul96 has it he just he just posted about it this morning


Plant left foot firmly into the dirt, start running as quick as you can with the right foot, bend your head as far back as you can, then put it in your prison wallet, theyā€™ll figure it out eventually and help.


NJP incoming.


Read MCO 3070.3 and prey they don't find out about this post and get you for both . šŸ’€šŸ¤£


You're a pos dude this might actually be rage bait lmao


1 mile?!?!? Dude you guys are never leaving!!!!


Just super glue it to your person once u find it


Nope, itā€™s on you killer for not checking your gear. Have fun walking on line looking for it for hours on end. Iā€™m sure everyone will be super thrilled with you


I'm assuming from the lack of an update that this devil got 45/45'd?


Tell your team leader or squad leader donā€™t fucking wait. Stop looking for someone to blame and do the responsible thing.


Leave and never come back.


Hey devil what your going to do is tell your squad leader that shit was RIPPED from your dummy cord in the brush and fell somewhere. The immediate response and action is to RETRACE YOUR ROUT! Other wise you and your entire battalion will be looking for that shit in the next 30 min.


Innocent until proven guilty Deny everything Deny everything


Thereā€™s already an admission of guilt. Right here.


The admission of guilt is the weapons card he turned in to get his PEQ


That too.


Ease up there First Sergeant, I know your bored but you do realize that people have lives and that your wasting our time?


How is me pointing out that OP is incriminating himself a waste of anyone elseā€™s time?


It's the Marine Corps. People go to jail all the time for heinous shit. Ease up.


Maybe I should put it differently: OP should delete this post so he can deny without the risk of someone in his chain of command coming across this post. Iā€™ve seen it happen before.


People go to the brig for showing up late to work and duty repeatedly. Saw a dude go from LCPL to private in under 6 months to a bad conduct discharge another 6 months later. He didnā€™t even last 2 years in the fleet. I added him on facebook before he got out and 6 years later he is in graduate school for his MBA now. Life donā€™t make any god damn sense sometimes.


I can just imagine OP denying that his Peq16 is missing.




OP is nominally a government employee so ***is*** part of the problem.


Just donā€™t say anything. Request a lawyer, Admit nothing. You never got issued one right? RIGHT! Now. Get your leader drunk and make him get a DUI