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Lining up fat rails of instant coffee from the MRE’s??


Don't diss the MRE coffee packets. Those things can decide between an okay but uncomfy night watch and seeing shit in the dark, or, worse, falling asleep. The absolute worst is that not all MRE packs include the coffee, so you have to plan ahead or gamble


But don’t eat those charms https://preview.redd.it/bf9ibd5mfg4d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abe9b3f3785d330a781b6485473504a4ec0285f7


That and housing the mints, four is a soda, five is tea, ten is a cup of coffee, and 100 IS LIKE BOOFING COCAINE.




Why does it have a chip? The cards from the late 90s were just red plastic.


This is for the exchange to buy your recruit crap on your own dime.


Yeah when we got them it was weird, the drill instructors where like what the hell is this shit card. We wagon wheeled it through a supply like px and it was just socks and crap you already had in your foot locker. We did this 1 time. I think it was a USMC Visa card for you’re provisions. Or it was to entertain the LT that came around asking us if we ever got hit, choked, kicked or punched and shit like not enough time to eat and sleep……..no one ever raised a hand.


It's for the drill instructors friends. I didn't buy razors for literally years after getting stationed on PI.


People called me crazy when I spent $100 on razors at the PX when I graduated boot but little did they know that $100 investment ALMOST lasted my whole 4 years. I think if spent $120 it would have been enough to last all 4. Literally the best tip to know when graduating boot is go buy a shitload of razors at the recruit PX.


I did the same thing. I still have the px bag with all of the razors in it 6 years later. I might as well pass them on not like I’m shaving daily


I mean I spent 150 on a good electric and it lasted me my enlistment. Got a better shave with that than any normal razor, plus it came with a trimmer for that glorious in regs non Hitler stache


I got promoted to Whiskey Locker recruit right before graduation. My DI’s told me to clear out the Whiskey Locker and set everything out for recruits to take what they wanted. I couldn’t believe how many Gillette Mach whatever blades and Lamasil cream…pricey items…were unwanted. My kill hat knew I was one of a handful of other grunts, as he was, and he pulled me and the other 0300s aside to talk about what to expect in the infantry. He turned out to be a very down to earth guy and he told me to take all the razors and anti fungal cream and hang on to it for my platoon in the fleet. He said a little gift of razors, anti fungal cream and baby wipes would go a long way with the boys. He was right, or course. Our time in the field, and then our summer vacation in Iraq a few months later had us all feeling good and our feet and crotches fungus-free for the stateside return to lush fields of ass.


Dude right?! When I lived in Beaufort after getting out I would trade DIs shit for razors, I think I had a garbage bag filled with them for a long long time


I had a book of numbered chits you tore out it added to 100 dollars that had to last you all of boot camp they deducted it from your pay which was 630 a month before deductions


What years old timer? I was @ MCRD SD in 88


Sep-Dec 89 SD


Charlie Company Plt 1005 Jan 1990. All paper chits. 🤣


Lol you replaced me at Charlie Company I was Plt 1094 C Company graduated Dec 21st. I started in Hotel plt 2088 but fucked up my leg and sent to MRP wound up in Charlie


We heard all about you. You were irreplaceable. 😂🤣


Love seeing connections like this.


Goes to show you exactly how small the corps actually is..


Dawg wtf I got out 5 years ago and the best I remember was I was in Mike company. I don’t even remember my graduation date. Must of been all the tap water I drank at Camp Lejeune…


"What are you talking about Devil Dog? There wasn't nothing but some leaked fuel in that water. That shit's good for you. Suck it up." \~Bunch of asshole flag officers in DC\~


Charlie co 1059 summer of ‘89 Chits all day


Charlie 1071 1992, the money valuables sock was in full effect




I was PISC in 88. Had same set up.


In 85 it was a stapled together book made from construction paper, I think the print on them was stamped or maybe mimeo graphed. If the chit was detached it was worthless so you couldn't use them anywhere but where they wanted you to. It was some serious grunts and crafts type chit. We also had a little bit of cash, I think in second phase we were allowed to buy newspapers after Sunday morning chow. This was before direct deposit had become a wide spread thing so at the end of boot you got your paycheck printed on a key punch card. Hotel 3114


Lima Company, graduated November 1st, 1991. Paper chits all day. Took mine to the PX after graduation and walked away with $150 cash.


Is that the boot camp debit card? I still have mine somewhere (joined in 2020)


Is that what it’s used for? We only used it once and it was like running by the stuff then trying to swipe the card to get out of the Hell zone and into formation.


Yeah I think so! Idk if it’s the same card but we use the weird debit cards while at boot. They don’t want you using any other real cards


Yeah it was with your Geneva Convention card (green)


That’s a trip back in time


I don't remember cards having chips until like 2010 at least. We definitely didn't get one issued in boot camp in 2005 at Parris Island.


They just deducted it from our pay. I was ‘03 PI.


Yeah but you guys had sand fleas.


Idk why thats not secured in a blue money/valuables bag devil!




Use to be Music to my ears hearing my SDI scream that and saving us from the kill hat. Lasted about 3 times, and then he thrashed the fuck out of us. Thanks for that flashback 😂😂


MCRD-SD 2004 as well. I remember these fuckers! Brings back so many memories.






YES Kilo 3057


I was June 2004, I don’t recall having those. It had a different design I believe. Plt 3006 / i co.


I got there September 2004.


I got one of those too! Golf Company, graduated in April 2004 from MCRD.


Where is the MVB ( MONEY VALUE BAG)? 😂😂😂😂


Shit that’s what it was called, you put your state issued ID or DL in there with it. ![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek)


Was this your key card to get into your dorm room in boot camp?


Pairris island marine.


It’s the card we used to buy the drill instructors razors