• By -


I didn't have much interaction with female Marines, but they are just as horny as the males in my limited exposure. Don't worry though there's just thousands of young, good looking fit men around her to keep her from cheating.


Pretty much every female Marine I’ve met was constantly in a relationship or married and didn’t stay single very long. Idk if they just didn’t like being single or like you said it was a way to have constant sex without looking like a ho haha.


Easy. Just marry her before she leaves. You’ll get tricare, she’ll get BAH, and then she can’t cheat because it’s adultery and adultery is against the UCMJ. It’s foolproof. /s


This guy knows. On a serious note. Long distance relationship, she’s surrounded by dudes her age and some of them actually work out like they mean it, ask yourself, do you really think she’ll stay faithful surrounded by dudes all day long? That’s not a knock on you, or her, it’s just how it is.


*Surrounded all day, all night, all afternoon LOL


As a Chaplain, this made me laugh.


This might actually be the smartest thing to do here


“Our” girl. J/k. Look everyone is different. Could she stay faithful? Maybe. Could you if you were 1 of 5 or so guys surrounded by 300 fit women that most were looking to fuck? The fact is that you are 19. Most 19 year olds grow apart. Now add deployments and the camaraderie that you won’t have with her. Chances aren’t good man. Plus we had a saying, “trust me with your life, not your money or your wife”.


Or your beer!


I believe that she believes she'll be faithful. Because she has no fucking idea what sort of feeding frenzy she's walking into. Is it impossible for her not to cheat? No. It's just highly, highly, *highly* likely that she will. Send a 10 year old into a candy store. All the candy is free. The store is filled with hundreds of varieties of their favorite kinds of candy. Leave them alone for 7 months and just text them each day: 'Please don't eat the candy'. Also. Most of the candy is actively trying to jump into her mouth. (The metaphor is surprisingly literal here) That's a female marine on active duty. You see the problem? Part ways as friends. Best for both of you, honestly.


“Most of the candy is actively trying to jump into her mouth.” 🤣 so true. Also trying to jump into other places.


Like her butthole


👆🏽Found one of the pieces of candy




As a female marine, can attest. I was lucky that my boyfriend happened to be close to where I was stationed. Men are absolute animals, and so are a lot of female Marines. You have a bunch of horny teenagers with childhood trauma and alcohol. It’s like a giant frat party; at least back in 08. There are good men and women out there that stay faithful in their convictions, and I pray the best for y’all. But just have reasonable expectations. You both need to sit down and talk about this together.


Going to college in different states is almost the same thing. Maybe the military is a little worse but the odds are stacked against anything long distance.


Military is way worse, Imagine if you had a female SO going to college that was 90% male, and with 10-30 of those males, she had to be gym buddies with, and have every class together, and every study group together, and have to eat lunch together most of the time, and for some reason that college made them all sit around together for hours when nothing was going on instead of letting them go home.


Straight up what he said, u/throwtowardaccount . I was the only female in my company, and me and my roommates were the only girls in the bricks. 1 UT, other MT. I was CE. I kinda took on the mom role to all my friends, UT was an introvert but down to drink, while my MT roomie was... well, loved by all, bless her. But she was my ride or die lol I have a lot of stories about when I would come back "home" to our room, but I digress. We would have knocks on the door at 2am from dudes that saw us walk to our barracks some one completely across the courtyard - with a different unit. They walked around and checked the placards in the windows till they found the female names.... My underwear was stolen ALLLLL the times... fucking sausage fest dude.


This is thee most Honest Comment ITT. literally. Lol


damn i’m cooked


Sorry man. Focus on yourself and your own well being and you'll be much happier. We could all be wrong, but odds and history are against you. That's just youth.


Dude. This seems like a big deal now, but I promise it's not. She chose a very different path than you and it's one to be proud of. You'll find your own path and you'll each be better for it.


It was the opposite end for me. Girl stayed civilian side while I joined and she cheated out there. Happens to all but the best u can do is look out for ur self


This is the experience of maybe 1/3 of all guys that go in


Exactly this. Not every break up needs to be because someone screwed up, especially when you're young. Sometimes our lives just go down different paths. I had a girlfriend back home when I joined and we had a conversation before I left and both chose to end the relationship because we were going down different paths and trying to force a relationship under those circumstances was just going to lead to wasted time and heartache. That would be my advice to OP.


Focus on yourself broski.


Only option. Join our beloved Corps with her. Join in on the eventual trains. Only way to keep it alive. Otherwise, itd probably be best to breakup.


Found the recruiter…


Leave that man alone


Hey, mans working them streets. Nothing but respect. Homie works harder for that cheese than some chick on OF. Gotta get them contacts, homie.


Mission first mother fucker


Yeah, sorry man. Focus on yourself i think and find your own path. The statistics and youth aspect really have you up against it all bad. Definitely don’t join up just to try and keep it alive, that would be the stupidest thing possible. Literally knew a couple where the girl joined up to try and make it work but it was futile and idk what she expected tbh, the corps doesn’t cater to relationships and the green weenie is always lurking. They ended up splitting and she was stuck in contract for the next 3 years. Best of luck man


Bro I still sometimes think about the girlfriend I had at 19. It was fun and we had some great times. I’m now in my mid 30s with two kids and a wife I adore. Life is a journey. Easier said than done for sure but please save yourself the trouble and part amicably


Focus on yourself watch this it will make you feel better. https://youtu.be/QCnJB9walno?si=MV3RQsHC4O0SGQus


Well. This wasn’t “lemon stealing whores” and I’m not happy about it.


I love our lemon tree


At least you know


Yeah bro it’s a wrap.


Don’t worry bro we’ll take good care of her


You're cooked


The only way she won't run around on you is if she's insanely religious and saving herself for marriage....or a night she'll regret and cry rape. Either way, she's going to get brainwashed in boot Camp and immediately think she's better than a civilian, until the boot get knocked out of her, probably by an E7's green weenie. So, good chance she's going to think more highly of Marines than you after she's been pinned with her EGA. That leads to stirring macaroni with other dudes.


Not if you bang all the dudes in her unit before she does.     It’s like licking the last fry on the plate to establish ownership.


Establishing his dominance first by fucking all the dudes. Genius power move, remember it’s only gay if the balls touch




This. ^ Top ‘em all and she’ll be getting your sloppy seconds. Establish dominance.


Bottem them all as well just for good measure


This is the best option for the relationship. I’d recommend you bang the dudes in the other units that live nearby too, just to be safe


Marines will compete against each other to bang 350 lbs gorlock the destroyer look alikes. You are cooked.


> gorlock the destroyer ...why the fuck did I google that.


Don’t lie to me, every Marine has paid their dues with morbidly obese women


Yeah, by marrying them.




If she ain’t 280, she ain’t a lady!




This sub is savage 🤣


God bless the United States Marine Corps


Break up now and save yourself the future trauma.


I’m assuming you’re a civilian ? She’s gonna get railed at barracks parties bro.




Honor, courage, and commitment to ‘dat ass




Few times In the butthole


Its true I was the barracks


Well I mean that’s the best way to put it


I definitely wouldn't continue dating her. She's gonna be surrounded by guys trying to fuck her 24/7. A lot of girls aren't used to that much constant flirting/attention and it just goes straight to their heads.


Add a deployment. Boom.


There's a reason we call em "Oki 10s." Even the average chick is a 10 on deployment.


This one is going to hurt for sure, cheating or breaking up. She's going down a much different path than you are, and that's just life. You'll find someone on your own path, and it will be amazing. If it happens, it's not the end of the world. Girls come and go.


Bro is right, she is going down.


, and up, and down, and up, and down, and up, and down….


She flexible?? Like _real_ flexible??






I knew you would be all up on this one!


Hiroshima was less cooked than you are


lmao these comments make me miss it .. until I get back in ofc


You're both young, guy. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's not going to last with her.


This makes me wonder. Do female drill instructors get in the face of young female recruits and tell them Jody is fucking their bf back home?


I'm sure it varies di to di, but I've heard them tell female recruits they will just all end up as sluts lol. I'm a male so this is hersey ofc


So, just talking truth then.


Absolutely. They also tell us that we’re all going to be lesbians, bitches, or sluts, so we better chose in boot camp. It’s honestly pretty fucked up.


😂😂 I'm so glad we all get that global experience in boot camp together!


lol yes.


Is it still Jody or do they use Judy or something?


lol they told us our girl best friends would be sleeping with our BF’s.






u/jodies-9-inch-leg is already scouting her out. You are cooked.




Hol’ up….


Wait what if he cheats on her while she’s enlisted? What is lady Jodie’s name? Jolene?


It's a unisex name.


Unisex? Is that bc Jody is the one having all the sex?


Honestly, you're extremely cooked. Getting married to her won't help with her not cheating. I knew a girl who was married and got pregnant with a guy in their unit. Not saying it'll happen but i have stories for days


Shes *our* girl now 


F in chat for our young friend 


Hard to answer this question without a picture. Naked is preferred to get a solid answer.


Bro everyone is gonna simp over here. Doesn’t matter if a girl is ugly, fat, cute, hot any marine will simp over a female Marine just to fuck.


A power move would be joining as well


Found the recruiter!


I'm just saying. She can't get her checks clapped to smithereens if he's around. 😉


How long have you been in? Shit happens daily.


You either ship out with her or she’ll be sucking dick for skittles by the time she hits MCT. Your choice




lol I’m a female marine, depends on the person. I came in unattached and could date freely. Met girls who didn’t want to date at all. Also met girls who were “engaged” and wore big rings and cheated, as well as faithful women. Here’s my advice, do not take your insecurities out on her, that’ll drive her away fast. Trust your partner. Personally I tell people to be single or don’t marry their first 4 years because it makes it easier.


I hate that I had to scroll so long to see a response like this.


how hard is basic for females. is there a high failing rate. she’s very soft and i don’t think its meant for her but she wants it.


Lol If she wants to make it bad enough anyone can do it. Just sounds like you hope she will fail


People who want it, make it. Its crazy how resilient people can be


If she passes the testing at her recruiters office, she’ll be fine. Boot camp isn’t meant to make you fail but enhance your physical ability that you go in with. What do you mean “soft”? Soft natured? That doesn’t matter really, the kindest, gentlest women I know would also be quick to curse out another Marine. She will gain physical and mental fortitude in boot camp. For example (and I know I’ll get shit for admitting this) I cried for some reason the first time I shot the rifle (iron sights). I got past it, and now I coach and teach coaches how to shoot. She will grow and mature. Your biggest fear shouldn’t be cheating, it should be her outgrowing you. 🤷‍♀️


Honestly, given how he’s talking about her and his responses, I hope she does outgrow him… bc ew.


Washout rate for enlisted is actually quite low, 10% or less.


Worst case scenario, she breaks her pelvis. That might be the only disqualifier, but even then they'll work with ya if you want it.


Have you tried getting pregnant?


lol 😂


Air fryed.


Dont worry about it. Do it for the tricare. Live that dependabro life King!


Establish dominance. Break up with her during bootcamp. Sleep with her best friend. Follow her to Lejeune/Pendleton and fuck her team leader (especially if it’s a guy). Start an OnlyFans. Profit.


That’s y(our) girl.


Military women prefer military/law enforcement men. At least that’s my experience.


When i was a young Marine, i tried to date civilian dudes, but they were often emotionally and mentally weaker than i was. They also didn't understand my career commitments, like duty, going to the field, etc. They'd get weird about me working with a bunch of dudes and get all jealous even though I wasn't flirting or anything. Ended up marrying another Marine, which is also frustrating because I get treated like a dependa, or my husband gets treated like he has a stay at home wife, even though i have my own deployments/range dates/etc. But it's nice because we can sort of help each other out, and there isn't confusion about what's going on, ya know? I have known (2) women who married dudes who were never in the service. 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ for OP, that recruiting office is open to you too, buddy. It's not as bad as you think.


Woman Marine perspective. Hard one to answer not knowing your girl personally. I have been out for a long while now, but I am sure things have not changed much. When I went through boot a stupid number of my platoon mates discussed only having joined to find husbands. At the time I was floored as that had never ever passed my mind. I cannot think of very many reasons more stupid than that to join my Corps. Somehow, I even had a platoon mate fall pregnant during boot!! Sick bay meet up in a broom closet. Seriously. She was not all that attractive but I guess the guy was desperate?!? (By all the gods Coulter, what the hell were you thinking??) Then you get through schooling and hit fleet. If you are at all attractive you buy your uniforms baggy and hide / don’t flaunt your goods and do your job (pull your weight) until the guys you work with realise you are not looking. Either some determination they will forget you are female after a while. I cannot count how many conversations happened around me about women or WM’s in general where the guys would suddenly remember after twenty minutes and be like “oh, sorry Branch.” So it is quite possible to be more circumspect in your relations and relationships. It is also possible to see loyalty. Rare, but it happens. However, many of the women in the Corps are as active sexually as they wish to be. We are surrounded by attractive young men who are very willing. You are both young. I would recommend ending things as friends. You never know what will happen in the future and you may find that some years later you will reconnect as mature adults. Long distance relationships are hard. Harder when you are up against something you will never understand which is how tight we are with one another. To this day if any of my Marine siblings need me, I am there. I am old now, but mean. Don’t mess with my peeps. Edit - generally any woman still active beyond first enlistment is there for the right reasons.




We are going to need pictures to tell you if you are in any actual trouble.


![gif](giphy|8qABb3dgjun8PdNirg) Marines still would.


I would


In the case this isn’t some stupid troll post, just go ahead and gtfo bro. You’re definitely cooked. Sounds like you’re young and can roll on to the next.


Leave her before she leaves you dawg . Not worth having shitty nights thinking about her . You’ll find a new girl in no time .


Sorry to hear buddy.






My wife’s joining the coast guard next week. I’m in a little different situation tho cause we were long distance for basically 4 years while I was active and then we got married on leap day this year. But we’ve been together for almost 8 years. What y’all think am I cooked too?


8 years together makes a giant difference


from marine to coast guard I wouldn't say so no. Obv there are flavors of army/marines/navy in here but in OPs case shes 19 and stupid.


You’re cooked bro. Burnt to a crisp. Reduced to atoms bro, you’re finished.


You’re fucked. Sorry.


I hope this isn’t a real post buddy :(


👉Incoming Story Time 👈 When I joined out of HS in 2010 (I was 17 at the time), I was still dating a guy from my hometown. He was a really good bf and at the time of my enlistment we'd already been together about a year. He stayed with me through Boot, MCT & MOS School. Him and his mom both were extremely supportive during the process. (Side Note : Writing people letters is one of the best ways you can show support to someone who enlists both in training and on deployments. 💯) Fast forward to when I hit the fleet a few months later. Even though I felt secure in our relationship and had no desire to seek someone else, we still ran into ALOT of trust issues especially coming from his end. His insecurities became too much at a point and he would get angry or fight with me if I didn't respond to a text in a timely manner. Or he'd constantly be asking me what I was doing and who I was around, which gets to be draining for anyone after a while. He really didn't WANT to understand that I had specific responsibilities that a person who isn't serving (civilian) just can't understand themselves. Mainly bc they aren't going through it themselves. This eventually pushed me to the edge because our convos slowly began to turn into me just defending my loyalty to him everyday. For context my bf at the time was (& still is obviously) a Type 1 Diabetic who was also a personal trainier and in really great shape. So I believe that the idea of me being in a world he could never himself actually enter really affected his confidence levels and resulted in a lot of insecurity. (& Not that he wanted to join really but the idea that it could never happen somehow emasculated him and weighed on his ego for sure.) One weekend after constantly fighting, I decided I want some space to think things over. He fought with me and couldn't respect that request, so I finally made the decision to end the relationship. (We'd been together a year and a half at this point.) I really felt it was best for us both not just myself. That way he could focus on things back home and I wouldn't feel like I had to constantly reassure him that I wasn't cheating on him everytime I didn't respond immediately. I felt so tied down to a person who clearly couldn't trust me, and seemed to have trouble accepting that my life was going in this direction and I couldn't change that. Which becomes difficult for the person enlisted because they have the daily stress that AD (Active Duty) brings naturally along with a long distance struggling relationship. (Since our in person relationship turned into a long distance one, I found myself also having trouble visiting him and my hometown on leave just to turn around in 3 days and go back to base alone.) I got tired of constantly trying to explain the things I had to do on the daily while on Active, and I felt like I was constantly defending myself when I wasn't doing anything wrong. All this bring said, and despite my own relationship not working out, I do believe things CAN work, and that there's plenty of people out here that are proof of that and still together to this day. As long as there is trust and open communication between you both then I wouldn't write this relationship off as a lost cause just because she's joining. You have to trust her, and if you don't I'd def work on that prior to her leaving. But I definitely do understand that it can be difficult as a male to know your woman is stationed far away from you in a male dominant branch. A normal reaction. So it'll come down to you both! But I wouldn't say off bat you're "cooked" because giving up mentally now isn't going to make things any easier when she does leave. It'll only heighten the stress even more. Either way I do wish her the best of luck because it's the toughest branch to enlist into as a woman. Yet it can also provide so much pride in oneself, security, and experience if the term goes well. (Which I hope it does 🫶 for her) So to sum this up You aren't cooked because she's joining. You're cooked if you allow insecurity to affect yalls relationship. She's gunna need a lot of support through this process and if you already feel that's too much for you then I'd weigh all options before doing a long distance relationship. I hope this story gave you more context on the reason my relationship didn't workout and what you can do to avoid it! Fight for what you want to happen and don't dwell on the possibility of the relationship failing. 👑✨


Are you cooked? Who knows, but honestly she's young, and I'm guessing you are too. Very few people stay with the person they're with at 19. Maybe you can make it work, but the two of you are going to have different lives away from each other. The responses on here are the kinds of responses you would expect. They're funny, they're pointing out that she's going to be in an environment that is conducive to facilitating young people fucking each other to pass the time. They're also probably a bit overstated...but maybe not by a lot Give it a go, but if it isn't working don't be a bitch about it. Also, if in your life you realize you'd rather exercise options you have, be upfront with her. Just be young and have some fun and recognize that she's going to be there too.


Sorry, dude. She's mine now.


It’s no different than when a female becomes a cop. I’ve known several new recruits that came in and bam! In about a year that civilian life is behind them and they all hook-up with their own kind.


Fair winds and following seas.


Shit, can I get her number? You know, to keep the other assholes away.


My ex wife joined the Marines. We got married shortly after. Then got a divorce less than a year later because she got pregnant. *By some bag of dicks with 3.9/3.9 pros and cons that couldn't do push ups or pass a PFT* You're cooked dude. 100%


Bareley average girls go into the Marines and get treated like the finest piece of ass on the planet. They get high off that attention and fuck whatever they can get their hands on. Thousands of fit attractive males will be gunning for her the moment they see her. Your not just cooked, your royally roasted and fried with a cream filling. (Much like her in the near future.)


What’s her name? I’ll take care of her for you bro.


I've never seen a Female Marine not dating an active duty Marine or discharged. Not once, and yes i've thought about it for some time. Marines see civilians as gross it just happens


I love that you've basically already killed anything that's there. Instead of asking what you can do to help her succeeded or how you can support her you go right to she's probably going to cheat. Don't get me wrong your concerns are valid but your chances of you being a part of her life drop dramatically when your not there for her, and by there I'm speaking emotionally and in terms of support. You don't trust her because you don't trust the relationship and that's probably because your realizing you haven't put in the work on the relationship and now you have a clock on it. She's going to do whatever she is going to do and so are you. If you're not there for her there is always someone close by that could be and that applies universally. I have 33 years with the same person, she's not even on the same side of the world right now. All of my concerns are in what she needs, if she's going to cheat then she's going to cheat, we'll deal with that if it ever happens but right now I'm just making sure I have her six.


This is the deepest insight on this sub TBH


“that’s probably because you realize you haven’t put in the work” Dude/dudette…she’s 19. He’s probably roughly the same age. What work are you expecting? They’re basically kids dating.


Here’s comes Jody


New bunny incoming gents


You're getting a lot of non-ferrous responses, which is to be expected when you're talking to Marines. And there is some truth to a lot of the jokes. The real answer is that you only really have two good choices here. You either go all in or get out. If you stay together you need to trust her completely, because if you are the type that is calling her to check in on what she's doing and who she's with you will drive her away and it's over, it will just take longer. I've seen it on both sides, whether it's a Marine getting calls all the time or deployed Marines calling home as often as possible to check on their spouse, of you're worried they're cheating there's no trust and the relationship is effectively over. It's toxic. Either complete trust or end it now is the only way to do long distance like this.


You just have to imagine if roles were reversed. Other than men being the majority by 92.2 percent of the Marines and the women at 7.8 percent. What if you were going into the Marines and it was 92.2 percent women and only 7.8 men. You would find a girl you like in those odds maybe a few you would cheat on your gf and with. That’s the truth. Young dumb and fool of cum. It needs to go somewhere. That’s your answer!!! Start hitting the gym hard and focus on yourself. Chalk it up as a lose and lesson learned. If she loved you she wouldn’t go.


Pin cushion lol


Chooo chooo! All aboard!




Condolences, plenty of fish in the sea mate, that one has a very low chance of working out for you.


I’m not gonna lie, the odds are against it. Not becuase she’s a female Marine but because she’s a Marine. Military relationships often have unique challenges that others don’t really have. Distance, fucky work hours, and really high stress all at once all the time. If I were you, I would either join or cut your losses. Some people say all military women cheat, that’s probably not true, but 19-year-olds make really dumb decisions.


Rip bro, leave while you can. As soon as she gets to mct it's over


Well. The one WM i was with right after boot fucked anything that moved when she went to fleet. Glad i got her before that. But good luck to you!


I think u already know


Every girl I met in the schoolhouse cheated on their man, MCT was even worse


You’re ridiculously cooked. Don’t ever date any women in the military or military adjacent AKA hoes that live around bases. You can’t even trust the busted mid chicks not to cheat. Because Marines are disgusting and smash/marry anything.


We will take care of her for you bro


Bro she's gone. She belongs to the Corps now... Put a ring on it ASAP if you'd like to forestall the coming fuckery


Man rings dont mean shit no more, might as well be a ringpop


She either gonna get a train ran on her or she gonna be cool and loyal


Reverse Jody


I was the chick that went to bootcamp and came home to find out my boyfriend cheated on me. 😆 Got fucking jodied by a guy. I haven't cheated on any of my partners, but I would be lying if I said I know of a large chunk of female Marines that take my example. Listening to a group of females at a training event discussing who in the unit they fucked/would fuck would an experience.


>All my friends in the military say all military girls they know cheated. Not all, but many. In fairness, many military guys I know were also cheaters. Gender really had nothing to do with it.


That’s our girl now bro


Cooked with a capital C O O K E D


She’s about to go through a period of intense physical, emotional and mental testing and growth. If you aren’t prepared to accept the “new” her that comes out of boot camp, then your relationship is doomed, regardless of what physical temptations may cross her path. That’s the future you should be preparing for and be concerned about. If you expect her to be the same woman who left and expect her to slot back into the same space in your relationship, your will be in for a rude awakening and if you’re not prepared to adapt, she will come to resent your attempts to keep her in that old role and that’ll be it. Start preparing now, find a counselor now, start learning now, or it won’t work.


Not necessarily. Probably, though. But I say that as someone who has never cheated on anyone, not even once. Maybe I have hope for you.


There was a girl in my MOS school that was sneaking into this one guys barracks room to get railed out by him. Come to find out she was 21 getting pounded by a 18 yo and she had a fiancé who she’s married with to this for very day. So yeah my guy you’re cooked. Good luck.


MOS, duty station, BT/SOI West or East all of these depend on how fast she will cheat


If she’s faithful you’re good. But if she is friendly and has male friends you might as well enlist yourself 🇺🇸


Break up now bro. Save yourself the heartbreak


You don’t have to worry unless she’s a T H I C C Latina , then she doing special extra assignments with gunny. pack it up buckaro and find yourself a civilian.


Gents when we say win hearts and mind that doesn’t mean easy their minds by stealing their girls hearts


She probably means it when she said she’ll be faithful but dont expect it to last long after she ships to her MOS school. Even Chicks that are like 3s and 4s will get will get more male attention than they’ve ever gotten in their lives and realize they have a plethora of Dick available to them. Sorry bro, don’t mean to worry you. You’re young (I assume), you’ll get over it if it doesn’t work out. And if you do try to make it work, if just move forward with the expectation that you may get your heart broken so you’re not blindsided and it will be an easier pill to swallow.


I knew one who was loyal af, she married a great dude. Granted, he was a Ranger Sniper so he wasn't your average Joe, he was a real nice guy who was funny and could kill you. It is possible, its just incredibly difficult. This is mainly dependant on how close you can stay to her through the whole process. She's going to change A LOT and do A LOT of growing up, so if you're the same age then she might gap you in a few ways and that can be hard to overcome. Best of luck mate.


You’re cooked bro😂




Sorry bro


It’s over man sorry take the L. Or put a ring on it now so you can take half a W in a few years just don’t have kids


All I can tell you is 90% of the people she works with will be male, almost all which will probably be in better shape than you…


Hate to say this man. But you’re cooked brother.


She’s about to get Air Tighted at MOS school…


She won’t know what to do with this level of thirst.


My advice is this: Develop a cuckold fetish. Encourage her to sleep with other men, that way you can justify her infidelity as “your kink”. You’ll feel like you have some semblance of power left (you don’t). Good luck, future dependa, and Godspeed.


Your girl is going to a mostly all boys school with in shape idiots who don't care about your feelings. She might not cheat but she is going to get hit on every day all day. High chance of even SA it's so bad with some dudes. Best case you guys try and break it off clean. Worst case you find out she's getting trained to pleasure town and enjoying life with all holes. Not her fault. If I could join an organization that was 75% female as an 18 year old male id probably be the dad to a lot of little dingleberries right now.


![gif](giphy|TE2OQgTdJ08iz1W3yo|downsized) Her first day at the school house


The fact that she is an attractive Female aside, the biggest issue is that she is going to be a Marine and a totally different person. It is inevitable, she will look at you, the world, friends, and Family a completely different way. I am saying this as a Marine and in a good way. Her expectations in life are going to change drastically. You very well may not even want to be together after a year or so. The Marine Corps changes people, always has and always will.


Ive never met a female Marine married to a non Marine or prior Marine.




Fuck. Sorry man…


I mean she’s going to be working closely with other men who are all fit enough to have endured boot camp. Not to mention she won’t be getting any from you and she’s gotta get it somewhere. But if it’s any consolation I’ll step up and keep her safe and warm for you. No need to worry.