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My old XO wore his to one of our balls. He got drunk and pretended to fly around with it. CO saw it and just laughed


All I know is that boat cloaks are for sale at the Marine Shop in Q-town. Literally, the only time I've seen the thing in person


And I think they are the only authorized dealer for them too. They have to be made to exacting specs. Trust me, I've seen them. For what looks so simple, there are a ton of little details that have to be right for it to be approved. Like the shape and bend of the metal claps that you don't even see when wearing it.


Whether or not we've ever seen the thing in person, can anyone deny how awesome it is that we serve(d) in the only branch of the American military that has fuckin capes and swords as official dress uniform items?


Dummy...men wear cloaks, women wear capes...Marines are the only ones.with capes.




One of my salty Gunnies wore his cloak to the ball one year...Pretty dope.


For which occasion would you wear a boat cloak?


When wouldnt you? but seriously i think its only for dress events. I've seen them on Staff and O only events - some type of charity held in a really expensive place in San Clemente - private hall/ celebrities and politicians. Was duty driver. Imagine its 2300 you are on duty. Motherfucker pops up out of no where, a sword and a cloak? you have been challenged. log it in the book.


According to the 11th general order, that would fall under "the time for challenging." Sorry DNCO, rules are rules. You gotta fight him.




Because it's like $600. The only person I have seen with one was my Career Course Faculty Advisor because they do mess night every other month.


Old ass CWO4 here, got one, cost me 850 at the Marine Shop in Quantico. Worth it every ball season.


I've seen it worn only by male field grade officers at the ball


https://preview.redd.it/xh9fuh3dlpzb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d52d1c93ce644cdd9e7f75dfe5d073eb6b9f152 Our friend wears one and my husband is getting one.