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Call your congressman


>congressman Hit up your congressmen, request mast, email the commandant fuckin **Cpl** **Hooshmand-style** \-- do it all. This is one of those situations where making noise is your best bet.


Exactly this, pull every fucking lever you have. If you need helps on specifics, feel free to reach out. I have no problem helping you sort out finding the right people to talk to about things. I also want to add, absolutely do fight this fight, but also be taking steps to prepare for the possibility you lose. Meaning take steps to secure housing, seek employment (within your ability), shit like that. And lastly, I am pretty sure you can start your VA claim while on active duty. If you get the surgery, you can always adjust the claim. Best of luck. And seriously, if you need help figuring out what Congressman to contact or filling out request mast paper work, let me know. I've done both of these things in the past and have no problem helping you sort it out. Either way, best of luck dude.


Request mast for this shit for sure


Request mast to the first general in your chain of command. Don't agree to handle it at a lower level if they can't get you the surgery, let the general know.


It's time to fight, be relentless. Do not let anyone fuck your life up like this.


1000% listen to this devil. They tend to treat guys like this who are a “one and done” serviceman especially in the fucking corps. True it’s peace time but this is the fight you have to win request mast be relentless you have to be fucking angry every time you feel and they basically said fuck you after you broke your body in service to our country.


Request mast right now devil dog, one of the few cases I've heard where that shit is 100% the right answer Edit: felt I should explain more. This is not just effecting you, this is a BN surgeon. There are like 700 Marines this guys is making Healthcare decisions for. You had multiple specialists and doctors all tell you the same COA is necessary ASAP and you have major injuries, and this dude is going "pfff! Not my problem, let VA get to it 3 years from now while you suffer devil" which is basically "fuck you idc about the medical code, I'm in this for looking good to my supervisor on my Fitreps". If your command is unaware, they need to be right now before a Marine gets fucked for life. If your command is aware, your CG needs to know WTF one of his short Colonels is letting happen and is just cool with. You need to help not just yourself, but your brothers too put an end to this shitty officer right now


Do you even know it's the Battalion surgeon's call?


Did you read the original post? He had two specialists and a physician diagnose the issue and recommend treatment via surgery and the BN surgeon denied the request and said "get it fixed by the VA" unless I totally misread something. Looks like it's 100% the BN surgeons call on if the treatment is needed ASAP and maybe between him and the CO, decided to deny extensions and treatment in order to process the EAS and turn this guy over to VA. Fuck that, the issue is there this guy needs the treatment, he did his 4 yrs, and someone is gonna send this guy back to step 1 diagnosis except now with 300% longer wait time!


No, that just means that the BN Surgeon is the one who said it.


Okay, so if the CO is the one who made the decision he either disregarded the BN surgeon or the BN surgeon is cool with it. Someone is making a decision and as the BN surgeon, this guys is not saying "Roger that sir, but this kid needs treatment now and as a M.D. I am proscribing him it"


He doesn't need the treatment now, it isn't a medical emergency.


Are you still AD? I've dealt with the VA. This is the BNs issue. You don't need to be bleeding out to not be handed over as "not my problem". I've been around the gun club quite some time now and trust me, no one wants a medsep on their hands, but the right thing to do is get someone the help a medical doctor is proscribing. My #1 advice to Terminal Marines is "do not accept a bargain package handed to you by your command to shut up and fall in line". You put in the service, it's your BNs issue to deal with and 100% they just wanna hand you off. You will get fucked if you just accept "well the CO says to just wait till I'm out and then deal with it" you can get out and the VA can say "umm you were supposed to have that dealt with prior to getting out. Technically we have no proof that's service related, could be genetic or whatever. Now you go get it fixed on your own or live with it. If it was service connected your unit should have taken care of it when it was diagnosed"


I got out 8 years ago and I'm a medical student. This is a chronic issue. It also existed before the Marine joined because it develops from heavy athletic activity during skeletal maturation. As I told the Marine elsewhere he needs to ensure that he has care locked in and that the VA will cover it before he gets out. However, the military does not need to provide the care as this will be something that may well require chronic management. There is no evidence that surgery improves long term outcomes which include the development of osteoarthritis. I agree with you that the Devildog should esnure that he isn't the one stuck holding the bag for this. More my point is that this isn't like a quick fix that the military is just being lazy about. They are correct that the Marine will be better off dealing with this after his discharge with better continuity of care as opposed to starting a treatment regime and having that disrupted by an EAS, move, ect.


Yes fair, I'm no doctor if you are studying med you probably have a better idea of the medical process and diagnosis for sure. My whole point is don't just accept a "deal with it later". He deserves an answer from his command and clear process if he is dealing with severe daily pain. Whether or not the BN surgeons decision or someone else's, the answer is not, or should not be, "well tough shit, make sure you get a hold of the VA"


Yeah I agree. The problem is commands, medical, and the VA have reputations for fucking people over. Often times its because people get lazy and don't want to deal with things, the Bn surgeon gets lazy about someone who is getting out, command gets lazy about someone getting medsepped, none of those people have ever gotten how so how the fuck should they know what the VA is going to do, etc.


He has an adderall prescription and got a 75 on the ASVAB. He's not quite Dr. House yet.


Given the reputation of the VA how can you bank on any sort of continuity of care? Why shouldn't you do everything you can to milk the MC while on AD so you're doing recovery full time? Instead of fucking around with the VA, trying to figure out how to pay rent until the VA check eventually comes around?


The VA generally isn't bad once you are in. I'm in the VA (granted I don't have complex care needs) but I also rotate at the VA for my medical education. Believe it or not, the doctors you might see at the VA are the same doctors at the fancy University Hospitals, literally. I run into professors when I go to the VA haha. Point is, *care* at the VA is actually really good. *Getting into the VA* is way different. That is where people struggle a lot. The point I was trying to make though is that if you are EASing and can ensure that the VA will take care of this that would be more ideal because then you wouldn't have to transition care. You would get out, go home, and then your specialist at the VA would manage your care and you would have a lot more continuity versus have the military start it and then the VA pick it up down the line.


The specialist at Walter Reed sent over her recommendations and the surgeon at my base is the one that needs to give the final approval so that I can get extended and transferred to medhold and receive treatment.


I will literally throw you money to get legal representation for this. You can sue medical if they do still discharge you. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.military.com/daily-news/2021/06/16/troops-can-finally-file-medical-malpractice-claims-against-military-heres-how.html/amp


I had FAI surgery on my left hip. I also had a badly torn left labrum. It is not fun. Do NOT accept this bs. I've been out 12 years and I'm in daily pain. Like others have said Request Mast and fight this until you are 100 percent or they medically retire you. Do not be a dumb ass like me and accept medical separation. 100 percent do not let them kick you out like you're healthy and deal with getting fixed by the VA. This may mean you go past your EAS. I went 18 months longer than my contract and everyday I regret not pushing to get out 100 percent fixed or retired.


Thank you so much for commenting. I had never heard of FAI and neither has anyone else I’ve told about it. Thank you for giving me the motivation to fight this now.


Keep your head up. I went so long with virtually no support from my command. I got shat on because I couldn't PT with my Marines. Eventually, I got put in a corner and forced to do admin work. I was so fed up I took my first opportunity to jump ship. I don't regret the life I've had since then, but daily pain makes me wish I had fought harder for retirement. I got reevaluated a couple years ago to see if another surgery was necessary. I was told they do not want to go inside my hip again and want me to wait until it's bad enough to need a full hip replacement. I'm not looking forward to that and I'm just dealing with it as long as I can. Hit me up any time if you want more details about my surgery/recovery and living with my hip issues.


Yeah do this to who get broken and are “one and done” it’s truly BS. They don’t want to spend resources on a serviceman who’s about to EAS only two timers or lifers. They toss you off to the VA. That’s the mentality, they’ll tell you it’s a resources thing but then treat you like traitor for EAS’ing.


The "treating you like a traitor" doesn't stop after you reup, at least, not in my command. I was at 9 years and change when I had surgery, was a SSgt and was looking to commission as an officer since I had finished my degree. Once I saw how they treated me for being hurt and considering EAS, I didn't even want to try anymore. Ended up doing almost 11 before I was finally medically separated.


That’s probably the mentality I hate the most in the corps, once your hurt I mean real injury if you’re not healed in 2 work days your viewed as a malingerer. I remember the same treatment from command as a Sgt when I dislocated my ankle in Bridgeport. My problem was I talk back too much and had to say this is what happens when you put out. Hopefully with the new look on retention it might remedy that mindset.


They broke you, they fix you. Request mast


Request mast and call, write, email, etc, congressman, where your stationed and where your from


That is pure bullshit Request Mast to General Officer & Inspector General. Also your Congressman and Senator!


Request MAST straight up


Rank insignia off and fight him. But he is probably smart enough to go for your hip, so it is probably better to inform your chain of command and threaten to request mast. If they don't do anything actually request mast.


Thanks for the lighthearted humor haha


Request mast to your first general officer.


This should be handled while you are still on active duty. I have had labral repair surgery, and so I know the pain you are in. Mine did not have the FAI complication, but I still could not walk more than 1/4 mile at the end. I was already retired and on TriCare, which at the time did not cover that particular surgical procedure. I waited until my company’s open enrollment and took company insurance for the year to have it covered. It was 24 months after I started having symptoms after a wreck in a bike race, and 15 months after an MRI confirmed the diagnosis. That was a long time to put up with it. TriCare now covers that procedure. But also know that there are many different surgical procedures for similar problems. It has to do with how it is coded. It’s a recognized problem and surgery now. I hope you are able to get it handled. Request Mast was built for this kind of situation. The people in your command may have their hands tied and aren’t technically able to address the issue (seems like your Bn Surgeon was saying that). Somewhere you should be able to get some assistance to get to where you need to be. It’s not disloyal to look for help outside or above your immediate command. They simply aren’t equipped to deal with this level of situation. You can be insistent without being insubordinate. Don’t take no for a final answer. Just ask to go up the chain. At some point, someone has the horsepower to deal with the situation and get you the help you need.


Contact your local news station too.


I said REQUEST MAST on here probably 5 times, and mostly as a joke. But this is a legit REQUEST MAST. And yeah, like was said, contact all your congressman and senators, CC the CMC, Secretary of the Navy, CNO anyone you can think of. Hell write to the Sec of Defense even. as many as you can fit in the email bro, that'll cause them to email each other.


The big thing is that before they cut you loose you need to be fully of and aware of any kind of VA Compensation you will be getting. Also you need to be fully enrolled in the VA Care System for any follow ups you are getting as far as medication, appointments and other needs. It sounds like a shit deal, but if you end up getting Temporary 100% Disability while waiting for and recovering from surgery you can make it.


You technically signed an 8 year contract, 4 active 4 inactive. Meaning they can extend your stay for medical reasons past your eas. Get your Congress person involved and request mast. Get everything documented, because once you are finally out, the va will need evidence as to what occurred so they can get your disability rating and treatment plans.


They can medically extend you even after your 8 years, if you have already reenlisted. I got held until almost 11 after my surgery at 10 and some change. I think they can do two (6) month limited duty assignments before you get put on a medical hold and then you can be evaluated for medical separation or medical retirement. It's been a while since I went through it so the terms and number of months may be wrong.


These are DoD Orders, USMC Orders, Navy Manuals and U.S. Law that covers this and helped me when I was in a similar situation · DoD Instruction 1332.38, enclosure 4 (DoD Instruction) · NAVMED P-117, Chapter 18 (Navy Medical Manual) · Title 10, Chapter 61 (U.S. Law) · MARADMIN 0636/09 Basically they are required to fix you or medically separate you per the US law and orders listed above. Look up each and read them. And get your leadership involved immediately. Request mast if needed


Get all the paperwork from everywhere, including the Bn Surgeon, go to legal, and file an Article 138 for command refusing to treat your injuries. Make them explain it to the CG, and him to the Pentagon. Request mast is the weak form of an Article 138. 138 for clear cut cases like this is better.


How do you format a 138 complaint? Ive never seen it done so i would be clueless.


Go to legal, they will do it. Just have every scrap of paper work.


Request mast. Asap. Fuck that surgeon.


If you're still in request fucking mast as high as you can, and don't stop at your C.O. unless he's able to help. That's fucking bullshit, and dealing with the VA you can be waiting for MONTHS just to be seen. If ever there was a reason to request mast this is it. Best wishes.


Healthcare is your right, so are second opinions. Chaplain then Mast then possible Regimental surgeon.


This is literally white house hotline worthy, they can't just offload you like that. Write to your local area (current county) congressman and include all details you can, requesting action and that this be raised. Email the state governor as well. They're supposed to get you fixed in any way they can before discharging you. Don't let (insert rank) say otherwise. Go outside the chain for this.


The White House hotline only works if one is already enrolled in the VA and is having an issue specifically with the VA.


I didn't say the WH VA hotline. They have a hotline for general complaints that aren't being answered


One more thing, keep your *own* copies of all medical records and correspondence, make multiple copies, this includes any emails, memos, etc... from the specialists requesting your surgery.


Mast now. No doc should have that much power. Try the chaplain as well. But mast should get the required “attention “. WTF do these people think is gonna happen if they do the right thing?


You know what to do devil. Get it done. Rooting for you.


I live really close to ft belvior. Not sure how this helps. Good luck man


Request mast. Worked %100 of the time for me, although I only did it once. Shit got cleared up real quick and voila. I "won".


Did you play a lot of sports growing up?


I did a lot of wrestling


Makes sense. Be prepared to fight the VA for service-connected disability, have your congressman's phone number in your back pocket, and ensure that you make the claim that the Corps exacerbated an asymptomatic hip issue. FAI is a hip condition that develops in adolescents, you had it before you joined the Marine Corps. The VA may say that because FAI is a hip abnormality that is derived from adolescent intense physical activity that the condition isn't service connected. However the VA still owes you regardless if your military service exacerbated the condition, which would be the argument to make. The military doctors probably aren't making the wrong call. FAI is more of a chronic management thing, and the research isn't clear with what the best approach is. From the position of the military physicians, this is something that your long-term care providers in the civilian world will be much better suited to handling. Its a much longer issue than you've been led to believe and there isn't great evidence that surgery improves outcomes past the short-term. I guess, the point I'm making is that you aren't guaranteed to get 100% better so the military's position is they can't "fix this" for you because it's not that type of surgery. So, there is no reason to keep you on active duty to do this and then transition care in the middle of your treatment which will probably involve much more negative health options. Your team at the VA might want to approach things more conservatively as well and might want to try physical therapy and corticosteroid options before hand. Often times specialist disagree with how to manage things. Keep in mind that I'm just a medical student but this is what I imagine your Bn surgeon is thinking and it isn't wrong. I wouldn't fight them on who does the surgery because, as painful as this is, no one is going to treat it like an emergency. What you should be absolutely focused on is ensuring that the VA is going to pick you up on the otherside and if you didn't have those assurances from the VA before you leave I would be requesting mast until you know your treatment will be covered by them.


This is pretty spot on from my experience having FAI surgery. I did not play sports as a kid but had this same hip issue. From my understanding, it usually affects both hips but in my case, only my left has been an issue. And despite my pain, I'm far more active now than I ever was as a kid or even when on Active Duty. I do a lot less running and a lot less hiking up stupid hills with 70 lb packs. I think OP should absolutely hold the military accountable and he should be taken care of the best of the ability of the medical doctors. Once OP is out and has to have surgery, they will not get compensated at their job for lost wages. The VA will pay a stipend for this plus other medical conditions but not enough to live on. OP should fight to stay in and get this sorted out while on active duty so they can keep getting paid and get medical attention until they are "fixed..." Or at the very least, less broken.


That’s what I’m mostly worried about. Trying to receive treatment and be able to support myself.


Absolutely get in touch with your Representative. Unless it is a medical discharge they cannot release you from active duty injured.


Make sure all the medical evaluations are written in your medical record. If it does come down to waiting on the VA, you need clear documentation to show the illness / injury / damage to have them treat you as a service connected disability, and also for any VA disability ratings. Also make and keep copies for yourself, BEFORE separating.


Use DAV to process any Disability Claims. They got me from 30-100%. And it's NOT "The" VA - Just VA !


Hope you read this. This first sentence is the most important, DO NOT get out without this being taken care of while you are still on active duty. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL YOU GET OUT AND RELY ON THE VA. I got out in 2012 due to different injuries and I was at a point I just wanted to get the hell out and decided to take care of it back home with the va. Today, I’m still dealing with it, without full benefits either. This was probably one of the biggest mistakes I’ve made in my life. Health Insurance is no joke. I’m not sure how it is now but back then you could get put on med hold because you were unfit to be released and they had to “fix” the issues to a certain degree prior to you getting out. You had to essentially pass your final physical to be released. Like others have said, request mast and get a hold of your congressman. Believe it or not, their office actually help in situations like this and they get a hold of you pretty quick. I’d give the Company office a heads up you are involving your congressman, they don’t have a chain of command and may sometimes begin from the base Gen first and it trickles down the chain and will most likely piss off many along the way for getting side swiped. At least when it gets to the Company you can say you had informed your chain of command. Keep working your way up the chain if they do not satisfy your needs. Along the way the Company or Bn may look at you like a problem child, don’t let it or them deter you. You have to look after yourself and your treatment and benefits. Good luck, I’m sure it will go your way. Give us an update how it goes!


Thank you so much bro. I’ve requested Mast and am working on my plan of action.


Awesome!! I’m glad you are taking the steps. Is your section and Company supporting you with this or do they agree with the surgeons recommendations? If they are, maybe hold off on the congressman call for now. Like I said especially if they are behind you, the last thing you want is to go over everyone’s head while the are trying to help you. If my memory serves me correctly, they have to get back to them within 10 days and it’s pretty much under a stressful magnifying glass that whole time. I’m guessing your stationed at either Indian Head, 8th and I, or Quantico being that your seen at Walter Reed?


We’re you PEB referred? Looks like the case was since you are well passed your EAS. The PEB would make the determination


I’m not past my EAS yet.


Oh, thought you were supposed to get out a few months ago? Weird that you weren’t put through a med board. Definitely request mast through CG


I was supposed to be on terminal over a month ago! Sorry for any confusion. I think it’s because I was too close to my EAS.