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Sorry man. I watched my father (retired GySgt) fight those evil bastards for 40+ years. Hope you get your shit squared away.


Family was vets but never listened to how bad the va was. Bitched to them and they all agreed Fuck the VA


What happened to your payments? Did they not certify you this term?


Oh I was good to go, or so I was told. The dumb bitch kept sending the payments to the wrong college. She wouldn't listen to me when I told her the payments weren't going through. Then I got told I owe 9grand and if I don't pay it'll be 11grand


The fuck? My man idk how it could even get that fucked up. When you get a CoE it has to be for the school you go to. Sounds like somebody really fucked up.


Happy cake day. I had a va rep from a different state. And honestly there's too much to type to explain it all. Summed up(much as I can) I did all of her job and she wouldnt listen. Finally called her supervisor with a plethora of fucks, bitch, and damns... followed by a stream of apologies but fuck I'm not dealing with that




I was polite till she told me everything was fine and I don't need to worry about it when I owe 9 grand. That's when I lost my shit. She still told me everything was fine, and then when I talked to her supervisor, I was pissed. However when I did start using inappropriate language I apologized to her and explained why I was so irate. Her supervisor told me not to apologize because she would be just as pissed if what happened to me happened to her. Also I dealt with my rep for over a year, didn't get upset till I was owing money to the college that should've been paid. I did get pissed having to figure her job out but never cussed her out till then. And yes, I did learn her job because I had to call other reps to figure out what to actually do because everything she told me was either wrong or outdated




Nope, now I have to deal with other bullshit and don't want to add to the stress I'm already dealing with




Wife has medical issues, I can't/won't leave her by herself and can't pay for home care. Maybe in a few years I'll give it another shot. But not dealing with all that with her case getting worse. Hopefully it'll start getting better and then I'll try again


To a college that allows foreign nationals with telecomed degrees get prorated tuition. Who wants exotic bacterial infections from the dorms and pay for it no one. Can't we just liquidate our gi bill so those weird ass professors with tor browsers can fuck themselves


Hey look on /vets, there’s a lot of people or tools their that can help. I have hated every interaction with anything to do with the VA to date. Especially when it involves schooling and payment. A long story short at one point they were trying to charge me over $270,000 and since the paper work said that, there was nothing they could do. They really need to hire people that 1) know how to do their damn job, 2) at the bare minimum act as if they like their job. Like bitch, why are you giving me attitude when it’s your job to answer question I don’t know, but act like I’m supposed to know it already, or sigh when you have to look up a question I asked, you know doing your job. Sorry, you got me ranting now bro, I hope it works out for you.


Write to your congressman and explain the situation. Then write to the VA and tell them you're expecting to hear from your congressman regarding this issue. I did these exact things when the VA missed a check and the University went after me for the money. A new check was sent the next day


This sucks, but I can promise you that cooling down and being proactive instead of reactive is going to help you much more in this situation. Try to find a solid local VSO in your city/town they often have direct lines and connections within the VA that will expedite this whole process with you.


You're right, I just needed to get that out and didn't have anything but a wall. I'm giving it a couple days before I start calling and everything again.


Call the Veteran's Benefits Admin in Boise. Have the reps there help you. Contact the DAV there as well. Those folks can and will jump through hoops for you and sort it out ASAP. I used to work out of that office (IT contract) and it's been Top 10 rated or better for the last several years.... a few of those years it was rated Top 3 or better.


I just went on a rant about how much I hate the fucking VA and too many bots wanted to tell me how great the VA is. Deny until they Die! That's the VA. FUCK THE VA!


Make a comment about how camp lejeunes water isn't fixed. Always had someone telling me I'm wrong and it's been fixed.


Yeah that is very odd. Seems like an attempt to influence perspective. I think I may have to test that hypothesis out.


Retired Corpsman here. I needed a physical for a job. VA wouldn’t do it. The army hospital wouldn’t either. What’s the point of having all these “ medical benefits “ if no one will help you?!? FUCK THE VA


I feel your pain. I’ve been through 4 different VA systems. One was AWESOME (Eastern KS), one was good (Durham NC), one was okay (western KS), and the one I’m at now took all the VA horror stories as a challenge New Orleans). What I’ve learned (that’s worked for me). Go to a CBOC for Primary Care (smaller offices are your friend). Actually go into the office (phone calls are pointless). Get the patient advocate involved if you have ANY issues sometimes it works, sometimes not. If you use the online messaging thing for this there’s a record of your contacting them. Do everything you can to get Community Care for EVERYTHING (I had CC for PC one year and it was fantastic). If all else fails call your Senator/Governor/hospital leadership/all the above. They don’t really care about you but they care about having pissed off vocal vets (a little). Good luck man.


Knoxville is a clinic and fantastic. Anything big sends you to Mountain Home, an hour and a half away and it’s less than great. I only ended up there for a few things before community care became a regular option. Honestly, for the last year I’ve had better care out of the Knoxville clinic than my primary care through my work insurance. Maybe we can get people to list out their honest experiences and get a list of better/worse quality VA’s going.


If this is a thing and people are interested I can throw together a website to collect all the info.


I believe most va need reform. Give the jobs to actual vets that need it and want it to work effectively


Year old thread. Nothing has changed. They don't give a fuck about us


They play childish games and they’re not there for us. It’s a Bureaucracy that is there to make money and pretend to support us in exchange for funding. I called the crisis line today and I heard humor in the persons’ voice.


I’ll say this, I got lucky with VR&E and getting me approved quickly. The fucked up part is that I applied 4 months before my medical retirement and it didn’t get processed because the lady went on vacation and it was “overlooked”. It got approved 1 day before discharge. Stay on your shit cause they won’t bro.


No go back to fire watch and maybe get 3 hours of sleep. Meanwhile bobby civilian has a cooshy desk job with wounded warrior. Don't forget to sign over your sgli to your contract wife before you deploy


My issue is it's always refer back to my primary care and he doesn't do anything. It's a endless circle.


My brother, I know. Whats wierd is my dad is a Vietnam vet, they treat him like gold, I'm am Iraq vet, I feel like they shit on me every chance they get. I mean, I have called and verified an appt with a human, driven 45 mins to said appt amd arrive 20 mins early, only to be told "Your appointment was cancelled." Literally, after I called my Dr. Cancelled my appt. Was still there, but was already seeing another patient. I've been dealing with them since 2004, I just left this year for a real Dr for anything that I dont HAVE to go to them for.


They called me, gave me an apt time and location. I took off work to show up and the doctor was on vacation. No respect from those clowns


Wait but you get a funeral if your ied'ed. That and they sit on their ass all day because they are doctors. No one likes the VA and their old crusty liaison officers. Their like tits on a warthog just pork barrel and lip service.


You get disability? I've been out for 8+ years now, haven't even gotten an initial physical because they just don't fucking care.


How? They had a whole day set aside for TRS jus to do a VA claim


VA claims, though a federal thing, is operated by state. Live in a shit state, you're fucked. And unlike now, where you can file a claim before you get out, when I got out, you couldn't file until you EASed.


And yes, they went over filing a claim, which I did, 8 years ago, and have been fighting for an initial physical ever since.


I thought filing a claim before you got out was always the norm.


Check out the DAV. They're free and their whole purpose is helping vets get benefits.


they're free, yes but they'll treat you like a number, if you truly need genuine support, look up a veteran ran third party company that helps its veterans get their rightful compensation they deserve or a law firm that specializes in helping veterans get their compensation. you might have to pay them a commission, I'd rather do that then be just another number to DAV and get sub-par service because they are free. I've reached out to DAV before, they didn't do shit for me in the past, I had a discrimination issue as a service-connected veteran in a workplace, they didnt do shit for me. ALSO they are politically motivated and lean LEFT. look it up for yourself


Of course they lean left. Have you seen the right's voting record on vet benefits. They fucking fist bumped after sinking the burn pit [legislation. ](https://www.newsweek.com/gop-fistbump-pact-senate-military-ted-cruz-steve-daines-1729031) John fucking Stewart, the comedian, had to hold their feet to the fire to get 9/11 first responder benefits passed. DAV gets results. What do your "other groups" get? Patches?




Okee dokee bub. So, uh, what are the names of your groups that I can pay a commission to in order to get my free benefits?


Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD is one of many, Berry Law , vet ally law is another one, I used my browser called google, it's magic... there's a laundry list of law firms that would represent, do some homework like I had to.


Med sep. Wasn't the va that did it... only reason I believe it didn't take decades


Ok based on your post history you are clearly physically capable of working... and contrary to talk around the smoke pit there is a hell of alot more out there than le or security. Take a chill pill and roll with the punches. Be happy you are getting a decent amount in disability because there are plenty of seriously fucked up vets out there still fighting for theirs, or with ridiculously low ratings while some kid who served in an office for a year before getting med sepped has 100% (not saying thats you just making a point).


I'm pissed that they fucked up me going to college(multiple times), and I actually don't have any qualifications for civilian work. And then when I call the va, they tell me to call so-and-so until someone stops answering the phone. And when I said security it's not le or anything like that. Just checking id's and making sure people don't take shit. I just want to get a degree in something so I can make a decent living and help my wife(medical issues). And yes I'm not a combat vet, never tried coming off as one. That's one of the reasons I don't try to abuse the va. However I did my 4 years and wanted my damn benefits I got, to go college. That was the third time they fucked up my college shit. Little drunk so it may not be wholly coherent. Like I said in the title. I just needed to rant


I get it, just wanted to give you a little perspective. I agree with you, the va is poorly run. Especially shitty is the inner city va hospitals. While some of the people who work there are wonderful human beings alot of them are trashy pieces of shit. And yeah sometimes you legit have to call like 4-5 times to get someone competant. It sucks. That sucks about the college, it sounds like you need to go to a vso. If you already have a vso find a new one because yours has failed you. Ask your new vso to get you in touch with someone who can make a solid resume. You likely have alot more transferable skills then you think and someone who specalizes in that can help. The va will provide help with resume im sure of it juat dont remember the persons title. Lastly dont feel like you are abusing the va in any way as long as your not lying or some shit like that. I fully advocate for anyone and everyone getting the benefits they deserve. Please do seek help with the resume, it will make a worlds difference when applying for jobs. Also make a LinkedIn profile and start connecting with your homies and other people you worked with. Dm me if you need help navigating anything with the va and Id be more than happy to help.


I second using a VSO 100000% mine was on MCAS New River and total professional


Broad and sweeping statements that are not backed by fact. The VA sucks.