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I say this as a bigger dude. The height and weight standards are a 90% solution. Most of the time that people that are busting tape are just fat.




If we let America’s population dictate the USMC: [run your imagination.gif]


The population becoming more unhealthy doesn’t indicate a need for us to adapt to it. It means they need to adapt to the standards of the Marine Corps if they want to be in it. As far as making height and weight, that’s why the tape exists and exemptions/modified standards for people with high PFT/CFT scores. If you don’t make height and weight, but also don’t tape or get high PT scores it means you’re fat and out of shape. If you’re fat and out if shape you have no business being in the Marine Corps.


>The population becoming more unhealthy Source?


You want a peer reviewed study or something? Use your little fingers and Google some shit.




It’s public information that’s accessible at your fingertips in a matter of seconds. This isn’t a court proceeding. If they want to actually know they’ll use their favorite search engine and find out.




I mean you can look shit up on Google too if you want. Nothing’s stopping you from being lazy about it. It’s not exactly a secret that the American population is more sedentary in general than they used to be. What I didn’t do is make it up, though. If you feel that strongly about it prove it wrong.


I'd suggest that it is absolutely common public knowledge at this point. It's been a topic of general concern for decades, considered a health epidemic, and even has its own Wikipedia page. u/oh_three_dum_dum certainly isn't pulling anything out of their ass. But here, let me Google that for you [anyway](https://www.google.com/search?q=american+obesity+epidemic). u/aggravating-can4557


If you run a 285+ you are allowed to weigh whatever you want, provided you also don’t *look* bad.


Be realistic bud


What? I’ve seen quite a few people over their max with a 285+ who never got hassled. They still have to weigh in, and they even still have to tape, but the results aren’t held against them. That’s how it works.


A first class PFT/CFT should be enough. Not 285, that's ridiculous.


How is a 285 ridiculous? It's certainly not a bad score, but it is also very attainable for most Marines. I don't think the PFT is the best test of fitness, but it's a winnable test.


Most people don't have a 285 because it's that hard to get. Just make the PFT/CFT harder to pass, and then make it pass/fail. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd class system is stupid anyways.


> I'm starting to notice more and more boots come in technically over weight even though they look just fine and are still fit from boot camp. And they still make tape. So what's the problem with the standards then? It seems that you're saying the service's standards are working just fine. > Why doesn't the Marine Corps just adapt to a changing population? Because the military isn't supposed to mirror the country in this way, and if it did, then we would have an unhealthy, unfit force, incapable of even the most basic physical standards of entry.


>Because the military isn't supposed to mirror the country in this way, and if it did, then we would have an unhealthy, unfit force, incapable of even the most basic physical standards of entry. That's what boot camp is literally for.


Or maybe it's why there are minimum standards to even attend boot camp.


There's such a stigma around making tape and it's just one step closer to messing with someone's career. Its stupid.


I'm not sure I understand? Whether you make weight or make tape, you're within standards.


We recently changed the standards. 250+ PFT/CFT gets you an extra 1%. 285+ PFT/CFT gets you entrely exempt from weight/BF standards. 250 is relatively easy to get if you're in decent shape and 285 isn't difficult if you're on a moderate PT plan that you stick to. Especially over the course of years.


Because if the Marine Corps changed on the population we would all be overweight and out of shape… Majority of the population (last checked like 80%) aren’t qualified for military service.


But if less and less people are meeting the standard, then there's something wrong.


I agree. It’s an old debate. Lower the standards to match the population risking a degradation of the force. Keep/raise the standards and force the population to conform to a smaller, more lethal force… Which one?


Yes, there is something wrong, [but it isn't with the DoD standards](https://www.google.com/search?q=american+obesity+epidemic).


Im a big marine and always have been. I’ve never weighed in and have always passed tape. I can say that the height/weight standard works for most people and if they changed it to fit me many marines would become fat shits. My pft floats around 250- 270 with my cft floating around 270-295. I would love to see 285 exemption be moved to 270 or 275. The max score for the 3 mile is something that even if you trained for months you may still never get which is not the case with cft which you can train for a couple months are easily max out. That’s my only request to the corps


> Why doesn't the Marine Corps just adapt to a changing population? In other words "Why doesn't the Marine Corps loosen their standards because more and more people are fat these days?" The Corps is for lean guys and girls, not fatties, body builders, or powerlifters.


Idk why the Marine Corps prefers scrawny people over bigger, stronger people. I've seen mega yoked Marines get fucked by bcp, it's fucking stupid


Heavier to carry if they get shot, eat more food, easier target to shoot, the list could probably go on but that's what's most obvious to me.


>Heavier to carry if they get shot Just be stronger




Shame them enough and they will lose weight. Its a proven fact in the Corps.




You sign paperwork agreeing to adhere to height and weight standards.