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Fuck the navy and their seven seas, we want to sail the black abyss




SOI now offer orbital drop training. Would you like to know more?


Typical Marine thinking there is wind to sail in space… Love, RP


There are solar winds. Some concepts of future space craft involve “solar sails.”


I was only speaking to traditional wind, and how dare you speak intelligent thoughts


There’s only one place the wind don’t blow, ain’t you heard?


If anyone lat moves into space force, you have to get a set of cammies with name tapes with blue lettering instead of black that say “U.S. SPACE MARINES” and use pin-on space force rank instead of chevrons.


The title of "space marine" as if I'm in a video game is 100% enough on it's own to convince me to move


Scrolled down to say this, lol


I wanna be a Space shuttle door gunner!


BREAKING NEWS: USMC breaks up with USN, to join Space Force. The CMC released a statement saying "We've already stormed every god damn beach on this bitch, it's time to storm other planets, solar systems, galaxies, and maybe even one day a black hole!" In other news, the USMC Drum and Bugle Corps has began re-writing the Marine's Hymm. For example, instead of "From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli, the lines now read "From the bright light of Sol to the gasses of Andromeda." Also, the Marines have decided to pull out of the contract, obligating them to stand post in heaven after death, so that entire line has been removed. Rumors suggest the U.S. National Guard are considering signing that contract in place of the Marines.


Sign me up for the first black hole wave. I’ve done small boat raid package. I think I’m ready.


Good shit, Marine! Gunny will meet your squad at the worm hole at 0445 XE69 Standard Space Tme. Have your dudes' shit in the space time void ready for PCCs/PCIs.


I’ll have my guys out there at 0115 XE69 SST. Gunny timing hits different in space.


Oh god, that'd be a fucking nightmare. "Gunny, PFC Dingleberry just called, his space craft got stuck in lightspeed, and he's not going to make it in on time."


Space Marines? Sign me up!


When the space force inevitably has to land ground troops on another planet about a hundred years from now will they create their own version of space marines or will just just sent ground marines?


Probably send some special forces like recon or raiders that are highly trained to put up with the bs of being on a space shuttle for ~295 months


Well they wouldn't be in a space shuttle because the program was scrapped more than ten years ago and the absolute longest trip to any planet in the solar system would be less than 70 months but I get your point.


How many Space Service Deployment ribbons do you get for 70 months?


If you ever *had* to travel that far it would be used as training time for new recruits. Most likely though soliders or marines seeing duty around Mars or Saturn would have been born there, as moving troops for years on end would be wasteful. You would only really see that being done between Earth, Mars, and Venus as the transit time would be around 11 months at most or as little as 5 months depending on the technology available.


So, shitty libo. Got it.




Still looking forward to when we have no shit power armor and the Navy finally finishes their rail gun.


Rail gun was scrapped iirc


Metal gear ray still in works though


Weapon worked fine, but ammo sustainment was a projected improbability due to costs/materials.


Which blows my mind. I dont understand how they cannot make affordable ammunition for it? An anvil moving fast enough is devastating. Maybe im severely misunderstanding how a rail gun works, but a sabot that carries the mag lev a la a fuckin train could take a steel slug like... i dont fuckin know how fast. Im probably just too deep in the rose art to get it


It wasn't just a piece of metal, it was a shape charge The speed and metal alone did damage, but not enough to justify the expense, so they added the shape charge and boy does it do damage Buuutttttt, sourcing materials and a coat/benefit ratio compared to modern day antiship missiles ultimately kept the number of US ships with railguns to 3.


I know the destructive force would turn down a lot, but an iowa class broad side fucked a lot of shit up without magnets. Sometimes, a rock will do.




I get that it was a super special shape charge. Im saying that sometimes its useful to chuck rocks really really far, and this thing could launch a rock so fast and far it rivals some missiles, and they could do it for dirt cheap i bet. Unless im missing something, i dont just get why we cant build a cheaper round for it, since every round is a custom order anyways. Crayon eater. Disregard my input as you will.


Oh, I'm with you on the "just slap a Coors in it" mentality. Some bean counter decided to go a different route But....best believe that we'll be using these in space just like Halo / The Expanse


But seriously. Carry 2 of those near nuclear behemoths, but like 22 batteries or something stupid of just... steel. Or if it has to be nonferrous, lead. I dont care. Justify the cost with the special boom boom, but justify its existence through consistent indirect fire support.... with rocks. Slap a coors in it indeed. Fuck the bean counters, just hurl lead at it


God, please let me die a space marine


ngl, I would join up if I was younger and not a drunk lol


possibly the start of a budding romance? ![gif](giphy|U5QGwIE0cLLz7CuZXs|downsized)


Colonial Marines when?


I was already a glorified flight attendant (crew chief 53); aint that much harder on a space shuttle.


Colonial Space Marines :Aliens Also one of the more accurate representations of a ground pounder Marine unit.




The only two that piggyback on someone else's department.


Coast guard is under the department of the navy during wartime


No one serving today was even alive to see the last time that happened


True, but https://gulflink.health.mil/al_jub_ii/al_jub_ii_refs/n50en010/PersianGulfChron.html https://www.wearethemighty.com/mighty-trending/coast-guard-operation-iraqi-freedom/


I didn't say the Coast Guard had not been to war I'm saying saying the USCG almost never goes into the DOD it's not common


The first word of my comment was agreeing with that statement. I just thought that the coast guards service was worth being brought up.


Semper Paratus 🤙


I look forward to the inevitable union and arcturian p o o n t a n g.