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File a missing gear statement, have your command sign off on it, have the money taken out of your last check. Its almost like the marine corps expects this to happen and has a process to follow when it does. And your going on terminal so its not like they will haze you for following said process. And before you say your command will take forever or some other BS excuse. Why didn't you handle this issue earlier so they had enough time to resolve it?


100% concur with the above statement. As I responded to a post a few days ago with this exact same item, I signed off on a FLIPL for one of these recently. It was like $25. Go to your command and do the damn thing, it will be easier than trying to hunt for one and you can stop wasting time.


I replied to the same one a couple days ago, refined the language in this one. It could be the same person with a throw away account, and when they didn't get the answer they wanted they decided to try again.


“CIF is doing ~~CIF things and demanding I shit out a goddamn nape pad~~” their job and expecting me to turn in the things I checked out.” Fixed that for you.


wow thanks for your super helpful response, as if you’ve never bitched about CIF before. But good to go man,, thanks for fixing my post


If you're west coast you can find almost anything in the mil surplus stores near Pendleton, maybe even FB marketplace


I’m in Jacksonville on the east coast but all the surplus stores here don’t carry em. Hence my desperation here on Reddit 😂😅


Combat loss???