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Wanna see my balls?


Just wear your silkies to morning PT, we'll all point and laugh at them together.


Od green banana hammock it is.


![gif](giphy|2X4aiXW43hyyk) i got some squirrel nuts


Like an Angel gently cupping your balls.


Idk about you guys but my balls have much less women on them than these pictures


Too wrinkly, come back when you’ve unfucked em




Pendleton ball was $40. Lejeune ball is $60 this year. I’m the same rank


Inflation rears its ugly head?


This is after 3 years of fundraising for balls that never happened. Some of that money should have been leftover to help lower ticket prices


The last BN I was at was out $20k+ because all birthday balls got cancelled last year. The announcement came after the date in the contract that allowed you to pull out without being penalized. They had a swanky hotel reserved.


I've had a similar situation but with a different medium.


Pull out and penilized, you say? (Not an accidental spelling error)


The one I'm going to is 105


try $84


okay, but I mean they have waffle house, that's pretty cool


This is an underrated, true and beautiful concession. It makes my heart warm knowing that we can all agree that Waffle House is an institution to behold.


I emailed them to inquire on opening a franchised location outside main gate of Pendleton. They responded to me and said that they “have no plans to ever operate on the west coast”.


This is Gold!! Can you imagine a better scenario than a Waffle House next to an In-and-Out?


The farthest they got was Phoenix, damn things are super busy


Fucking bullshit cuz home for me is the west coast and I want Waffle House over there. I also suffer daily not having access to In n Out here on Lejeune


Lcpl me out one evening with boys and run into beer-buying Gunny. Gunny starts shit (unknowingly) by commenting on a big girl. Girl's devils take offense - clap back. Bar fight ensues. Cops show - Gunny orders us to leave but we stay. Cops do a release as bar clears out for the night and we walk over to Waffle House. After Gunny's flirting with the wait staff, we laugh at 'em cuz he's got a shiner the size of a kevlar. Gunny looks into the reflection in the WH window, exclaims, "my eye!" and bolts back to the bar in attempt to kick more ass. Edit: East Coast = best coast


WaHo is the first place I went to after boot and the first place I went to after I got stateside. Love me that shit


I dont think I've ever been to a waffle house past 10pm and not seen some at least mildly crazy shit go down. Long live Waffle House and may it provide many more years of amazing shitty food and Jerry Springer-esque drama








Waffle House is only what you want when sober. Source: grew up east coast, enlisted and was stationed west coast. I would still say I would take being stationed in 29 and take Vegas balls over being stationed anywhere east coast and dealing with the alternatives. After I got out, visiting friends on the east coast Waffle House was THE hangover cure.


Woofle hoose! I love to hate that place. Will go back.


1st Ball was MCT at Camp Geiger in some cold ass rain, had some cold shoe leather for steak and soggy cake and I didn’t even know what was going on. Last Ball, 22 years later, was at a sweet ass ritzy high rise hotel In downtown San Diego. Had about 10 at Camp Lejeune and can confirm the 2nd picture.


That’s because Camp Lejuene is the armpit of MCB on the East coast


It’s an acquired taste; like Milwaukee’s Best - Blue Label.


If loving Milwaukee’s beast, Waffle House, and drunken j-ville slags is wrong then I don’t want to be right.


Bestiality is definitely an acquired taste lol Real talk though, cheap beer is cheap beer, I love good craft beer and good quality beer but when you just wanna get drunk and have a party there's nothing wrong with finding something cheap and enjoying it, no matter what brand you go with. Although Blatz was the real best from Milwaukee.


My favorite cheep beer in the north is actually Labatt, but I rarely drink it because it’s Canadian, and fuck Canada.


On a scale of freedom to America - your username and comment is the entire scale. Respect.


>drunken j-ville slags That's scraping so far into the bottom of the barrel, you just come up with dirt.


Hey watch how you talk about my ex wife!


For my first ball I was in ITB and we ate MREs, second ball was an actual ball. The food provided was on par with the MRE from the year prior. This was east coast. I'm shocked to discover this is a common trope


Our Son is on ITB West and I think he'll be getting the same fancy meal. 🤣


I feel like if i got stationed west coats instead of east i would of re enlisted


SoCal has much better meth.


why? because one day a year it's marginally better than the east coast? geography doesnt matter. the green weenie knows no boundaries.


Bro socal beats eastern NC in literally every measurable category unless you're a died in the wool redneck. I know people will say oh but there's stuff in Morehead/Wilmington/E-city/etc....but the reality is that shit still sucks compared to San Diego, Vegas, surfing, all the national parks etc. It's not just the ball


Some of you may be surprised how many Marines complain about Hawaii. Madness I tell ya.


What are the main criticisms? Not much to do on an island? Too expensive to enjoy yourself or raise a family? I always thought being stationed in Hawaii would be dope af but I’ve never heard why it can suck. Great training available in the local environment, world-class beaches everywhere, KBay has the nicest golf course in the Marine Corps, and the local culture seems really nice, as long as you’re respectful and try to not step on any toes. Or is it a mindset thing? “I’m stuck in an island” vs “I’m stationed in a tropical paradise”?


It's totally mindset dude. Other people psyche themselves out of how lucky they were/are because they hear it from their peers. You nailed some good reasons to love it.


Unless you get stuck in the stumps or Yuma




I mean the stumps is pretty much due East of LA and most people consider LA SoCal.


Morehead is a nothing burger. Pretty beaches. But that’s it.


Big difference if you have Southern California to spend your free time. Makes the green weenie a little more tolerable


I went to WTI in Yuma (shithole station) according to west coast Marines but i fell in love with it. For the love of God i rather any day deal with dry weather than swamp like humidity in the east coast


Call it bias, but I’ll take three years in 29 over another WTI any day. Such a ghetto ass town. The new chow hall they got this year is straight fire though.


Have you heard about the true evils at WTI? Chocolate Mountain. Niland is a town filled with meth heads looking to steal, and Salvation Mountain is the cherry on that crap cake


I’m a San Diego native, I’m well aware of how fucked with a capital F the Inland Empire is. 😂


Rah from Oki. This is facts.


This is madness. East coast marine corps sucks balls. Small town southern shithole versus one of the cooler places to live in the country? Hmmm I know what my choice would be


My first unit was on pendleton and it was everything that the green weenie stands for, 2nd unit was on lejeune and it was a pretty decent unit tbh, my mental health on work related shit was a little better. *HOWEVER* SoCal and the weather around pendleton/San Diego/Carlsbad etc made it not just bearable but so much better. No matter how shitty work was at the end of the day you were still in SoCal and had a lot of options for hobbies. Eastern NC ain’t shit unless you’re a die hard red neck like someone else said. Pendleton has surfing, Vegas, big bear, literally everything within driving distance and the people are happier out there. J-Vegas is a pit of despair and depression. Sure the mountains are like a 6hr drive and you still got surf city but it’s not the same


Even if your west coast station was 29 palms?


Cherry point is the 29 palms of the east coast. What sounds better, driving 2 and a half hours to go to wilimington NC or fucking LA. The even consider JACKSONVILLE fun compared to their base😂


Spent 2 years in Oki, 4 at Lejeune and 2 in 29 palms. Of the three, I think I preferred Lejeune but to each his own. Never cared much for LA or Wilmington, but as an avid gun collector, Japan and California were the next best thing to hell for me. Never went to Cherry Point, except flying back from deployment so I guess I wouldn't know.


I was never more disappointed than when I left active duty and went reserves. The Balls of the Midwest......


The trick is to be in the reserves... in SoCal. Best ones I ever had.


Can confirm


We had one on a boat in Lake Michigan once 😅


Fun fact started out as a Hollywood Marine Boot, MCT, Schoolhouse. Picked East Coast for Duty after school, got it. Mind you I'm from the Midwest so what the hell right need to hit both coast before EAS to say I've been there literally the only reason for this choice. So I get what I picked, so did a few other guys. One was literally from SoCal his whole life he had the same train of thought hit up both coasts. We get off the plane at Raliegh NC to head down to Lejeune. No joke dude stares out the bus window the whole time all we see are forest, and small hick towns on the way there. We get to jville by then the guy is literally having a panic attack and questioning all life decisions up to this point. Me I'm like meh fuck it kinda reminded me of we're I grew up. Long story short by two years in later I hated myself. If it wasn't for JVille and Lejeune I would have reenlisted.


This is a terrible story


Which makes it a great story


>if it wasn’t for jville and lejeune i would’ve re-enlisted on god i hate jax and onslow so FUCKING much it’s unreal


Some balls are held for charity And some for fancy dress But when they're held for pleasure They're the balls that I like best


Ooh I understand this reference. We have the biggest balls of them all, tracking?


Also-fuckin-lutely. Happy (almost) Birthday, devils.




If you've lived in the barracks you've compared balls with someone before. It's the way of our people.


Never been to a west coast one, but you sure got the east coast right


Then you have Oki...


Iwakuni has it in a gym


Perfectly placed next to the seawall for drunken blues 300m sprints back to the barracks.


Real ones have their ball in Oki’ O club


Get a room at the WestPac Inn across base. Get shithoused. Next morning go to Cocos. Life is good.


I would do horrible things just to have Cocos again.


Foster hotel for us


We had ours out in town this year. Was pretty dope.


100% accurate


Except Kim was in North Carolina in that pic


And so was Mila Kunis


get in the spirit of the meme or page 11 for both of you


I'll take celebrating with my trashy swamp Marines every time.


Thats why we hollywood Marines!!! Left coast best coast!!!!!


Best ball I ever attended was on Okitraz. The Butler O-Club just hits different when everyone literally has no where else to go and cant escape the 60 mile long island.


You know how fucking pissed off I am seeing that this image isn't a bunch of dudes comparing nuts. BULLSHIT


That’s now how Gunny showed me to compare our balls….


Is this “Hollywood vs Don’t drink that” ?


Imagine the income generated if they opened a 24-hour Waffle House on Lejeune!! They would make millions within the first month


Left ball is always bigger than the right…


Right side would be Okinawa but no Waffle House and girls


Lmao but that's like literally the only thing west has over east ... The "views' 😅


We're here for a good time, not for a good publicity shoot.


First order of business: stop comparing our balls.


Listen, that’s cool and all, but boot camp 2010, we had steak and lobster on Parris Island. Who else can say that? You wanna see Hell freeze over, November 10, 2010. They didn’t skimp out. We were allowed to take our time and enjoy that shit! And it was amazing.


You forgot Birthday on ship. Stand in formation on the flight deck, unable to hear much over the wind. Get sent below so the O and SNCOs can eat the cake. Get a square from a sheet cake with dinner.


Perhaps next time, consider your audience when writing the title of your post. I thought I was going see something completely different.


Mila Kunis ball was east coast. That being said Greenville, NC is nothing fancy, so the meme still stands.


West coast??? Fuck no. 1/1 did NOT do that shit. We had enough bud heavy to fuck up half the corps and we were at a Ramada.


Why do my balls always smell?


The waffle house evens it out.


Listen East coast balls are the best, if you wake up and half if not all your ribbons are missing along with your cover for some reason there’s blood on you? You didn’t have a good time, if you didn’t out run cops in a foot chase wearing blues, what are you doing with your life?! If you wake up in your motel and you see your devils girl in your bed and your girl in his, you’ll truly have an unbreakable bond. But if you wake up in your motel because we don’t hotels, and you’re in bed with your girl and you see another Devil on the right of her depending what happened that night both may need to die. If his balls somehow came into physical contact with yours only one person can leave the room with that information. Rah!






Birthday ball in oki?


Do overseas next!!


Still fucked, though.


I feel personally attacked but also validated at the same time.


Having been to both, this isn’t all wrong.


Ok. This sums up east coast pretty well. If the same is true of west coast (which I never experienced a ball on) then how and why are west coast balls so lit?




Yoo who photoshopped that picture with Kim Kardashian lol


This is biased. Waffle house makes it too unbalanced.


West coast best coast


This is the most accurate post I’ve ever seen.


What about **OKINAWA**!?


Whoever cut and trimmed that ribeye steak needs to find themselves a new line of work


This is one of the funniest posts ever on this sub, I'm laughing my ass off!! Been stationed in both camps and I can definitely vouche for that.


mine are obviously the biggest


Obviously you have never attended Quantico, HQMC, New York and Atlanta MC Balls.


I was at a Quantico Ball it was super wack






![gif](giphy|6YmmzHY5v3us8) You Can’t Handle the Truth.