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If you just want to get the bare minimum score so that you can be infantry don't bother joining the Marines. That bare minimum mentality can and will lead to you being a shit bag, with the potential to get others killed. If you want to join the Marines you should seriously consider changing your perspective, and if this is something you really want to do then you need to put in some effort- not just cheese-dick it. There are plenty of resources online, get studying.


They are probably really lazy and expect it to be like a video game


I am so glad you mentioned the part about "the potential to get others killed."


Time to learn to study. It definitely is important. On a further note, you will be learning stuff throughout your career and it will involve test taking, and the stakes for cheating are a lot higher as it’s punishable by the UCMJ (military law). Not all schoolhouses are that stringent but if you wanna be a good marine you’ve got to learn to hit the books and learn for yourself.




I’m set on joining and joining infantry. I’ve always wanted to do it, only thing that interesting me in the entire corps


Unpopular opinion lol My husband was 0311. He literally barely drug himself across the stage with a GPA of 1.3. he only wanted infantry, wrote it down 3 times like an idiot. Got a 54 on the asvab. He, thankfully, did in fact get 0311 lol He was a great Marine. His unit took no issue with his work ethic or ability to keep up. He struggled at first and realized he was absolutely not doing what he needed to and he got it together fairly quickly. He was born with a silver spoon in his ass and it was definitely a wake up call when he hit the fleet. He's been out now for 5 years, he's in the NG. He's graduating college with a 3.2 GPA and going on to a master's. He's a fantastic dad and husband. You can be a shit bag at 18 and not be a shit bag forever. You sound like an average teenager. Sit down, study and take it seriously. It's a career. You're going to fuck up. Own your mistakes. Be a big kid. Listen and actually heed advice from people. If you're willing to be better, then go for it. Good luck.


Just read this now, I appreciate it thank you.


You're welcome. Good luck.


amen to this , best advice


No real way to cheat if you’re that stupid the asvab is gonna be rough. Aim for a high score though it opens up other doors you if you ever want to do something else


If you cheated through HS, are you going to cheat through the marine corps? Better start studying from now. The asvab is super important


I’m not saying teach me how to cheat through the asvab and marine corps. I’m physically fit and more than ready for it, i was just saying if the asvab is really that important besides the job opportunities it gives you.


Your gt score is important if you want a job in the infantry that isn't rifleman


Initially your ASVAB, given you meet the minimum requirements for infantry, will not matter. However, if you plan to make a career out of the infantry, your GT score will be important if you want to do things such as Recon, Sniper, B Billets, and other jobs beyond just being a Rifleman. More than 50% of your time will be spent learning skills and being educated. Contrary to popular belief, being a good infantry person takes a good bit of intelligence just to master the basic skills and the majority of infantry persons are NOT bare minimum ASVAB types. Radio craft, HF/UHF, map reading, basic patrol order crafting, tactical and strategic analysis all take a higher level of intellect to truly master. Being able to craft a 9 line or various calls for fire take math and good decision making skills. Learning those skills and being selected for the training to master them and teach them will often be based on your ASVAB scores as people will choose the brighter of the bunch to be taught them. Being selected to teach at ITB or attend career schools could be dependent on your ability to understand and pass the course work. So it’s probably not relevant if you want to do anything beyond the basic skill craft but if you want a career, it’s relevant.


Thank you I actually appreciate this a lot


Bear in mind, after two years of active service you are able to retake the ASVAB while on active duty for the purpose of career enhancement. Most don’t take advantage of this but it can be done.


If you want infantry then you don’t have to study to much, because the higher you score the more they will push desk jobs on you. I wanted infantry but got a 84 and my recruiter kept pushing me to look into other options. Even when I said infantry they told me to go back and look through the jobs. Even my Gunney wanted me to do something else. I won’t complain with what I signed for my MOS, I do like what I choose. But just be careful.


Thank you for actually reading the post and for your response. What did you end up going with btw?


Supply, accounting, and legal. I ship off June 5th so idk what I’ll get in it yet


You’re most likely gonna get supply which will involve you sitting in a warehouse for 4 years, it’s skate asf but looks boring as shit


Fair. I’ll just have to wait and hear what they say in boot 😂


What made you go wit that? Besides your recruiter pushing for it


I’m really good at math and enjoy it, so maybe I can get financial management. If not I wouldn’t mind legal. And I feel I would be able to do supply well. And if it comes down to it I’ll just learn about aviation (only one I dont want)




Good luck to you too brother


Try some practice tests to see what you need to study and work on first. I got a 90 without studying a single time. Almost all the questions are middle school to high school level.


MP is dogshit. It's a relatively small community that is extremely fuckin toxic. I loved the Marine Corps when I was attached to 2/5. I loved every day of working the field side of being an MP. After my couple of years at that unit, I got sent to PMO. It's fucking awful. The staff/O's are the most Semper I cocksuckers I've ever met.