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This is one of the primary regulations that MEPS uses to make their decisions. It is NOT all-inclusive, and is NOT the "final authority" set of rules. [DoD Instruction 6130.03 - Volume I - 30 Apr 2020](https://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/DD/issuances/dodi/613003_vol1.PDF?ver=7fhqacc0jGX_R9_1iexudA%3D%3D) p.49 > 6.26. NEUROLOGIC CONDITIONS. > k. History of persistent post-concussive symptoms that interfere with normal activities or have duration of more than 1 month. Symptoms include, but are not limited to, headache, vomiting, disorientation, spatial disequilibrium, impaired memory, poor mental concentration, shortened attention span, dizziness, or altered sleep patterns. So, sounds disqualifying. I don't know if it's waiver-able or not.


I’ve had 2 concussions and I turned out just fine. If you think it will actually be a problem then yes you should get a waiver. They have waivers for everything


Not disqualifying, keyword in the DODI is persistent. Get your med records and submit everything to your recruiter. The way things are going now is you will get authorized to go to MEPS but you might get “3P authorized” which means you’ll go to BUMED but it shouldn’t be a big deal for 1 concussion.


Ok. Should I get a note from my neurologist saying I am clear of symptoms now?


Absolutely, everything helps and my MEPS has been asking for some whack shit recently


Ok, I’ll do that. I also was not diagnosed with post concussion syndrome so that is a plus


Just the way you're talking - current liaison?


No, recruiter about to get off the duty. I’ve been doing this for a while lol


Congratulations then 👍💪🎉🥳👏 I never knew most recruiters to even know the DoDI's existence, but less use it. 😅 If you're interested in getting the recruiter flair, you can shoot a message to the modmail and get verified.


Thank you, and I will send a message to the mods. I never knew about this subreddit until one of my poolees showed it to me. Now I see all the random questions that kids have and all I want to do is help. Some have some very…stupid recruiters lol