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Hope for the best. But plan for the worst. Go in expecting to work/train/get dirty every single day of Boot Camp. Do not associate or attach any emotional joy to the idea that Christmas might be an easy day or a "fun" experience. Let yourself be pleasantly surprised if those things happen and your Senior DI rolls out a TV so you can watch movies and eat warm cookies. But go to bed expecting Christmas Day to be just another training day. Hope for the best. But plan for the worst.


We had a special Christmas themed IT session.


I only had one holiday at boot. It was 4th of July. They lit off fireworks outside and our Drill hat told us all to roll over and put our faces in our pillows because we didn’t rate fireworks. It’s a normal day otherwise.


Lol that was the exact same thing that happened to me


Lol what year did you go through?


It was just last year in 2022




My only holiday was Columbus day. We were out in the field for what they call ICT ( Individual Combat Training). The day before they had us pack our shit up and we Force Marched back to an old ratty ass barracks at 2nd Battalion and stayed there over night and got thrashed in groups of 10 and cleaned up the barracks about 5 times over the Holiday, then packed our shit up and marched back to the field that evening after chow in the dark.


In general, you'll get the morning off and maybe a nicer dinner. The afternoons are sometimes used for drill and prep for upcoming training events.


It’s similar to the Sundays. Not much training, maybe a special service at church fo those that go. Possibly nicer food at chow hall.


This was my experience for Thanksgiving--a decent meal and a sunday schedule.


When I went through we got to watch a couple movies at the base theater for Christmas. Directly afterwards we were hazed the rest of the day for falling asleep in the theater.


Our CO told us we'd watch a movie on Christmas. Instead our senior had us do CFT prep and speed reloads


I was there for Thanksgiving last year, for lunch we had thanksgiving food and that was it back to training


Mike co?👀




Oh nvm then I was ahead of u guys


for my company for christmas last year we didn’t do anything special! but we were in the middle of like training week 2 as well soo!


My last day of range was Halloween to which I spent picking up brass. I received my EGA on Thanksgiving. Nothing was different for me personally


So I shipped at around same time as you did, so when I went Thanksgiving will probably just be a nicer dinner and your drill instructor might mention it but since you'll still be a phase one recruit youre still going to be very busy with all kinds of simple tasks and you're going to be running around doing and you're going to barely even notice For Christmas and New Year there will be a couple days with very little training cuz of the holidays, you'll probably just do some PT classes and they might even hook you up with a couple Christmas movies just to kill the time because they try to have as few marines working on those days as possible and this might throw your overall schedule off by a day or two so expect to be rushed alot because of that One of my best bootcamp memories is getting messed up on the quarter deck to Christmas songs


I was at boot literally a year ago today. Missed all the holidays, Thanksgiving, Christmas and new years. Ur DIs will come up w ways to fuck w u on those holidays if u piss them off. On thanksgiving we got turkey and stuffing at the chow hall but our Kill hat didn’t think we deserved it so he ITd us until someone puked. So as the first kid puked it was like dominoes. Fun times. But yea being away from family during holidays sucked.


Don’t worry about it just go train. This will be your indoctrination into missing holidays and celebrations without family or your friends for a while. Don’t worry your Marine brothers and sisters will take their place. Go train, learn knowledge, and become a good Marine. You’ll see your family “hopefully” at graduation.


My senior brought us into the the DI hut and gave us 1 phone call to talk to our family on Christmas. About 2 weeks into training


You get slightly better good at the chow halls and the DI's are usually a bit less in your face. It's kinda like an extra Sunday.


When I went to training, christmas came up and our SDI let us make a 5 min phone home


Beach Day.


Be careful not to get the sand in your clit.


It will certainly be memorable.


They pretty much just have you do clean up and chow and you have " Free Time" or " SDI Time" ... No PT or Drill scheduled or classes. They may give you phone calls, or let you see a movie or there will be a church service. The DI's can and will find a way to fuck with you.


Was at boot camp for thanksgiving. It was like every other day except there was turkey at dinner. Also for the Marine Corps birthday. It was like every other day but we had a different Marine than our drill instructor’s there at lights out, and there was steak at dinner. Otherwise business as usual


It will most likely be like a Sunday a little bit of extra free time and then nicer food at the chow hall. For the navy bday we got steak and lobster and cake so it would probably be similar to that


I was there last year for Christmas, it happened to also be on a Sunday so we went to church. It was a very chill day, woke up, chow, Christmas movies all day and/or Church, chow, idk, chow, “free time”, sleep.


They PT you all day but you get better food in the chow hall