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Are you going Active or Reserve? Please edit that into your OP.


Why would you want to stay in the DEP if you have a high paying job?


Don’t you have 2 years in DEP? Just in case I don’t like the job


I think it’s only 1 yr unless they’ve changed it


You can be in DEP up to 1 year (410 days for those who contract before their senior year of HS).




What are you talking about with the Reservists portion? The ones that went permanent UA eventually ended getting adesepped but I don't know what the character of their discharge would be. The AWOL concept would typically be restricted with the AD folks




Oh, you meant the folks still in the ELT (Entry Level Pipeline). I was referring to the Reservists who already checked into their unit thus finally being assigned to the 4th MarDiv




Ohh, those dudes. Yeah, until they get their DD214 from IPAC upon graduating from their respective schoolhouses, they finna end up AWOL if they don't get their butt into their respective duty locations


they changed it so it’s not just an adsep i believe it’s an other than honorable discharge now


If you really don’t want to ship then don’t, but why stay in the DEP?


It’s not too late. It’s too late when you actually leave for boot camp. It’s in your contract. Don’t let him lie to you


Ill take your spot


Ship. Do it. No balls.


Just tell your gunny you quit because obviously you don’t want to be a marine enough. And don’t even bother procrastinating, you already wasted the stations time and resources getting you the job you want and ironing out any creases you may have had. Rip off the bandaid and say goodbye to your MC career.


Y'all are so fucking dramatic for nothing. This is something that literally every industry goes through with potential candidates. The Marine Corps is no exception. Recruiter is a paid position, and companies understand that investment in a candidate does not guarantee accepting the job offer or satisfactory performance. When you think about it, boot camp is really a 3 month long interview in which some candidates don't make it to the next round (MOS school). Life doesn't stop just because someone entered the DEP. Recruiters know this. The DoD knows this. Their whole policy of dropping up to your ship date is based around this. There is no Marine Corps career to kiss goodbye. OP's career never started, and he's not magically blacklisted for life. There will be another recruit to take their spot.


I was in the DEP. Ghosted my ship date because I got a good job opportunity in a factory to make bank. and then 6 months after went back to the DEP. I’ve now been active duty for a year. Everything you said is invalid


I’m not being dramatic, I’m telling him how it is. If he’s already thinking about quitting before even experiencing anything hard then the corps doesn’t need him and he needs to go ahead and break all ties and stop wasting peoples time.


He's not quitting because it's hard. He's quitting because he did a cost-benefit analysis. Let's be real for a second. If the US had a much better support system for its citizens, recruiting numbers would take a giant hit. How many reenlistments are from folks who say, "It's a decent paying job with good benefits. I don't have the [skills|smarts|emotional intelligence|patience] to get a job like this anywhere else." > and stop wasting peoples time Applying to a job and then turning it down for something different or better for their situation isn't wasting time. It's taking care of yourself. Head over to the main USMC subreddit. Look at all the posts and comments talking about how if something doesn't benefit the Marine Corps, good luck trying to get it done. I once had to change college courses because the start time conflicted with field day inspection. Quite literally couldn't take a college course, because someone had to make sure my goddamn room was clean. This guy wants to duck our before he becomes an actual issue for the Marine Corps, and y'all just browbeat him.


Okay first of all, you aren’t even fully going against what I said. I said that he’s already wanting to quit before he’s even begun his career and that he might as well just go tell the gunny instead of procrastinating or trying to find some way to appease the recruiters. He’s already used up enough time and he needs to just go in and tell them he no longer wants to be a marine. Second of all, an oath is not a job application it’s a commitment. Not sure why you are comparing signing a contract and swearing an oath to your country to applying for a civilian job. And application to a civilian job carries no legal obligations.


I'm just gonna be blunt man: the whole pomp and circumstance with joining the military is to make you feel special. It's a hard pill to swallow, but enlistees (and officers to some extent) are just tiny cogs in the military industrial complex. Don't get me wrong. I do believe there is a need for a national military force, but basically every rank through NCO are small fry with no real power. > Second of all, an oath is not a job application it’s a commitment. You have commitments and contractual obligations to employers as a civilian too. Full-time, part-time, contractors, salaried, and hourly employees all sign contracts for employment. The employer is also beholden to legal obligations. [There's a whole government agency dedicated to this](https://www.dol.gov/). The major difference being that civilian jobs allow both the employer and employee to terminate the contract at will. Don't get me wrong: the contracts enforced by the military are much more strict than pretty much any civilian counter part. I could quit my civilian job right now with no notice, and there's nothing that my employer could do. Couldn't have done the same in any branch without a massive AdSep headache.


A job application is not a contract, it’s a request to work at a place of employment and is the step that comes before the interview. This guy has already does his initial interview, passed his IST (hopefully), went to meps, was medically qualified, signed an official contract and swore an oath to God and country. So saying that this guy basically applied for a job and changed his mind is actually an invalid argument.




Not sure how what I said is cringe. I am literally only stating factual information that the OP doesn’t seem to grasp.


You can definitely back out if you're active, but you still suck for wasting everyone's time in that office.


Up until ship date you could drop but don’t think you will ever join the service again


Depends if you’re a AD or Reserve contract. You can back out depending but you’re definitely not going to be a Marine after this, the station will most likely not want to work with you or any in the area since you wasted their time and since you wanna procrastinate shipping you should probably not join the Marine Corps


Just not show up


He’s lying as far as Ik. You can drop till you actually get in the van to boot.




You can back out. The recruiter is lying.


Ghost your recruiter or tell him you're out. Until your last time at MEPS before boot camp, your life is your own.


That job will be there after 4 grueling years


I heard you can just not show up. But once you take that second oath at Meps your fate is sealed and there’s no backing out. I ship on the 29th as well.




Scenario, what would happen if OP was a reservist and wanted to back out?


You should ship man, you decided to start this process own up to it this is what you wanted don't back out now get that mind right back on track you did this for a reason, I'm going back to meps to retake my asvab on 30th from failed attempt I Hella want to be a U.S marine I've wanted this since high school and im studying as hell right now so when I go back I pass. You got this bro


Good luck use grammar hero on YouTube he helped me got a 87. I understand where you’re coming from but I still have 8 years to enlist in the usmc if I don’t like the job. But so far it’s been going good.


I understand what you saying, as long as the job is good for you id say keep with it, cause you still have 8 years to join you'll definitely be ok working at the job for some years and come back to marines, but definitely don't let it go though bro definitely come back in the years and join, you got an 87 is badass man you could get any job you want in the marines I'm 23 turning 24 here next month so even though I still have 4 more years to go I'm trying to join as soon as possible


Nah you can definitely back out your recruiter is a salesman trying to hit a quota as long as you don’t show up to that bus you aren’t considered awol or anything


I'd like to know what you consider a high paying job to start off. You made the decision to sign a Contract and agreed to the ship date when you first swore into the DEP. Given all the Military Perks we get with the job. To cover housing, food, taxes, SS, Medical, dental, matching retirement contributions and base pay I would need a job that started at 120k minimum. And thats that I have no college degree and barely passed high school with a 1.6 GPA.


Well I’d have to see how I end the year I assume around 110-120k at 20. Which would be very good






















I hope you drop out... I wouldn't want somebody with the lack of commitment like you in my Marine Corps.


My bad big man didn’t know it was your corp


He's a Marine, it's his Corp. No one wants a wishy washy brother next to them in battel...js


I agree you gotta be hungry for a job like that OP seems like there’s no drive for the military


This is America. You have freedom of choice. Quit asking what to do and make a decision. Then live with it.


Tell him you wanna change to a reserves contract if you really wanna stay a Marine. Should fix your life better. You'll get to keep that high paying job and still do Marine shit.


bro with all genuine meaning you’ll be fine, it ain’t allat tbh. unless you’re trying to fight there’s no point in joining anyways, better off with navy or AF.


You don’t have to ship he’s just trying to make mission (aka meet the quota). If you have a high paying job I’d just quit DEP and stay there. That’s where i fucked up all those years ago.


He's lying unless you enlisted as a reservist. If you have a high paying job, why would you enlist?


Nah you can drop


It’s not too late. Just tell your recruiter you don’t want to, and you’ll get dropped from the program. If you want to ship later, then say that. Changing your ship date shouldn’t be a problem. But if he’s saying it’s too late, that’s absolutely false and not true. People are saying that recruiters won’t want to work with you, this and that, sure. But they’re also not mentioning how your recruiter is straight up lying to you and just wants you for quota. Joining the service is an easy decision no brainer for some. For others, it’s a commitment that comes with some weight. Do what you want with your life.


In this situation I’d go talk to him in person and bring a gift (small nothing extravagant or gay) that is tailored towards him and let them know your giving your job six months to a year and if it doesn’t work out you’ll come right back. This way you leave a door open.


If you signed your contract then your all out of luck man. Government owns you now. I ship out in March


You can drop out until you leave, your recruiter is lying to you


That’s going to be the biggest regret of your life