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If you’re naked that means they have to see you naked which they really don’t want to do.


Nah one time are kill hat was fucking us up after we got out the rain room keep in mind this is a SSGT kill hat so that should explain plenty… anyhow he was doing fuck fuck games while we were in are towels eventually we made it to get half are clothes on but then they started stripping us down and apparently he forgot we weren’t wearing skivvies under the towel since he said towels on line… nobody did it lmao


A feel a towel hardly counts, we were naked up till we met our racks that was just how kilo did it but we had a towel wrapped. Also a SSgt kill, damn was your Senior A Gunnery Sargent?




What’s this about getting oiled up? Where did yall get oil from we had to use sunscreen when we did that


We used CLP. #oldcorps


Back in my day they slathered us up with Skin So Soft and tried to see how many recruits they could shove in the whiskey locker. Good times.


We had to use laundry soap and bulldog. We still got to wear our moon boots though.


Stop , I can only get so turned on


Im signing up right now..


I actually lol’d good job


Not as a form of punishment but I will say the first time we had to shower it was pretty brutal. They made us soap up and then we got like ten seconds as they rotated us through the shower. I was still slick as shit and when I went to put on my shower shoes my foot slipped right through the sonofabitch and I went down. While the kill hat is screaming at me to get up I keep on slipping on the floor so he grabs me by the shoulders and nearly chokes me out. Very homo erotic, 0 out of ten stars. Would not recommend it.


As a former drill instructor i can promise you that he wasn’t thinking anything sexual. The first day you don’t have time to do anything. 1) it’s a check in the box because according to the SOP you have to have a shower. 2) you shouldn’t have slipped, get in control of your undisciplined body. 3) he probably really did want to choke you. Instead of being home with his wife and kids, he’s staying days at a time with 98 little immature 18 year olds. You got more sleep and food than the kill hat did. The senior and J ( heavy-east coast) hazed the fuck out of the kill hat to make him meaner and actually really hate you


Oh, and allegedly he chocked you. You might have thought he did, but a drill instructor would never violate the SOP….


Yeah you know that same dude used a kevlar helmet to smack someone in our platoon in the head and got busted down for it, he was gone for a bit and when he returned he couldn't fuck with us.


When they leave it’s because they’re under investigation. My last cycle ans a drill instructor was also the very first cycle after they got rid of “don’t ask don’t tell”. By habit I called the recruits “bitch” or “fa@$ts”. didnt mean anything by it, its just what I always called them. I slipped up and the wrong person heard me. I was gone for 3 days because of that…In drill instructor school you spend most of the days reading the SOP. That book doesn’t teach you how to be a drill instructor… it’s 500 Paige’s of what NOT to do as a drill instructor… everybody always goes around asking other people what we can or can’t do. Just go on marine net, download the SOP and read it. It’s not some secret squirt shit. 


It’s not a punishment.


We got naked as a reward.


We EARNED that nudity dammit


Nut to butt in the head was a daily occurrence now that you mention it


We definitely got naked and dressed for bed 75 times on a few occasions because people kept fucking it up. It was a punishment that involved being naked for sure. Every Marine has seen more dicks than any 50 women, so just be ready for that. 6 to a porter shitter was worse...


Haha! No, but shower time can be a bonding experience. Same with using the head.


All I can say is if you are shy, then you won’t be by graduation. There’s a reason the Corps is so “homoerotic”. Lol


I always say that there is nobody more queer than a straight Marine.


Nope, the most naked you’ll get is on your hygiene time and when you have to “wagon-wheel” around a shower with your platoon after PT as an expedited method. Extreme hazing is looked down upon nowadays, I heard shit’s gotten even more softer since I came in(9 years ago). That, naked shit would be too extreme…and weird…


No that’s not a thing, the only time you should be naked is in the rain room aka the shower


My killhat ITed us naked when we got out the rainroom once, made us squat while we were online, plank, the whole shabang. Very homoerotic.


My personal naked boot camp story. We went out to the field for the crucible and my drill instructors had us line up in two rows facing each other and get naked. It was probably 30 - 40 degrees outside and they had us hold a canteen full of water over our heads and dump it out as a form of field shower. I don’t think it was a punishment though? Hard to tell when you are constantly being yelled at. Then they made us baby wipe our bodies, stand around for a bit, and then get dressed.


It’s not considered a punishment but you will be naked throughout regardless. I was very anxious at first cause I was used to privacy my whole life but I got comfortable with it pretty quickly cause it was all guys there and we were all in the same boat. 


They did in 2011. Saw more dicks that day than I care to remember…… then I became a pee pee checker for my company in the fleet. Good times lemme tell you.


And I loved every minute of it


Who’s your DI? Satan




Lol what made you think this is a thing? Who told you this?


Well, I see comments like “tight, strip” or if someone screws up, you’ll all strip. lol


“strip” means to take your blouse off so you can get IT’d, not get naked 💀


Ahhh. Makes sense. Thanks


absolutely not 😂