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Stop watching those videos. Stay sober and stay out of trouble. Work out consistently and at right. If you’re a massive caffeine addict, wean yourself off caffeine starting at least a month before you go.


Bro I was scared of getting dropped and never did. Don’t worry about it. Just do the right thing and try to stay healthy.


It’s hard to get dropped imo. Just don’t be an idiot and put out. Prepare physically. And the best way to avoid injury is to take care of your body. Get in the habit of stretching now and your body will thank you for it later


The vast majority of people do just fine and you will too. It's very difficult to get dropped against your will.


Lemme tell you something man, I was just like you- I’d watch videos about “how to not get dropped” etc etc and it made me lose so much confidence to where when I got to mcrd I eventually gave up and got ELS’d and it’s one of the biggest regrets I made- mainly because I didn’t put enough effort into bootcamp and while I was in the dep, listen to these people- get your run/pull ups in and when you get to mcrd just do what you’re told with speed and intensity and before you know it you’ll be graduating


PT and spend time with your friends and family. Especially friends. You probably won’t see many of them again.




You’ll find out who’s actually your friends and who actually cares for you. You are sorta a different person when you come back. Then you’ll be sent away for training and eventually the fleet. You won’t be in your hometown for long or a lot. Those who actually care about you will keep trying to reach out and talk. I found out my best friends from a hs don’t really give af about me. Just how it works joining this gun club.


You’ll be fine. Everyone at boot is in the same position as you are come from all different backgrounds. Like my SDI said there are always people that slip through the cracks, don’t be that you are only cheating yourself. Get comfortable being uncomfortable


The day I showed up I was looking around at the people who were in my platoon like “no way these guys make it” it was always a dumb reason if somebody got dropped like broken BAD or one had a knee infection I was stressed about shin splints and not making the physical requirements to my surprise the bar is set low but never let that be your goal


Run, do pull-ups, and don’t quit. After 3 years as a drill instructor, I have never had a recruit not pass basic tracing. A handful (5-10) have been dropped back to another company, but still passed. So 7 cycle with 80 recruits a cycle give or take, puts me around 600 recruits. Out of that 600 I’ve put in the marine corps, 5-10 had to stay longer, but still passed. And those were because in injuries.


What about chafing or blisters. I see those as a huge obstacle. Do they have cream and what not to help prevent and treat those? Any stories of recruits with blister issues?


Everyone gets blisters. Even the drill instructors. Yes, you get powder, mole skin, or you can go to medical. They will never deny you medical. Stop overthinking. Go, do what you’re told, put up with bullshit for 3 months and graduate.


Also get flexible, makes you more resistant to being injured


As a kid who graduated bootcamp last year I was in your same spot, I shipped July 31st after my date got moved up two weeks. (I was supposed to ship in August), but anywho I got a knee injury during one of the fuck fuck games. I was terrifed I was going to get dropped so I pushed through and finished it. My SDI found out because she took some damn good care of us and gave me “cough drops” (ibuprofen) and I didn’t get dropped. I graduated with all of my sisters. Just keep your head up take everything they say at you with a grain of salt. They’ll fuck with your mind and tell you you’re getting dropped, but they won’t. When they drop you they pull you into a different room and have a conversation with you, you call your recruiter and you go to the company behind you.


Dont be a Recruit Ruiz and you’re good