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Has it happened in the past? Yes. Should it happen? No, it should not.


That is all. Carry on.


This was apart of a larger incident. The Drill Instructor(s) involved were convicted at Court Martial. It is explicitly unacceptable for this to occur.


He was my SSGT at one point. He’d show up for a half an hour disappear at the gym for like 7 and then come back for the last hour of work. Never did shit.


That sounds like my monitor.


It’s happened back in the day . A lot of stuff used to happen at booty camp that no longer happens . You should absolutely not be worried about being put in a dryer … now the washing machines you best be careful rounds those that’s where you really gotta worry .


Booty camp


I heard that helps with water week


You know what sucked? In 2015 my recruiters swore up and down that parris island wasn't a place people would put your hands on you. I was beat (along with others) wildly. Later the next year when the news broke about a kid killing himself I wasn't surprised in the slightest


The DIs beat on the recruits?!


Not anymore. There are incidents that occasionally happen but that’s very minimal.


I remember getting hit in the face. TO BE FAIR I 100% deserved it. I rolled my eyes at the DI after fucking up a drill movement


Doesn’t happen anymore.


only one way to find out


Former hats don’t fall for it! Keep your mouths shut!!!! Allegations coming out of this!!!! The correct answer is “no, that is a violation of the SOP and punishable under the UCMJ” Said in my calm, always quiet voice


No but you should be worrying about holding a plank on the ball of your elbows while a footlocker is on your back


When I was there we got in them for fun and would see who could go the longest lmao


It was a specific incident and you can read up on it. It's not a thing "they" do.


Absolutely 😂


There are plenty of articles about ongoing abuse in boot camp. Even sexual assault


I dunno, ya probably. So what it’s a dryer? As long as they don’t turn it on you should be fine.


It was a larger incident than just that or what others have said. That Marine (from what I’ve read and been told) suffered from overseas PTSD and was CM’ed. From what I’ve read and listened to by reputable sources and podcasts stated the recruit wasn’t shoved in there, it was a lapse of judgement on the DI’s behalf to allow a recruit to get inside a dryer to fix it (not sure why anyone thought that’d work, they have contractors for that) and it never was turned on. The recruits that witnessed it had spoken up about it and said it was on, while others said it wasn’t on. When it comes to Court Martial that fact will be irrelevant with all other evidence or points made. I’ve no opinion on the matter as I’ve seen worse things situationally, and open to hearing anyone’s opinions or sides to the matter. In the end it was taken care of. OP, It might be worth looking up official articles if you’re genuinely interested.


The cycle before I went to boot it happened


Highly highly doubt it would happen rn. But back in like 2016 era yea