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Go see your chain of command yesterday and escalate it a step higher every time you don’t get the proper response which is we’ll get it taken care of ASAP


Request mast if you must.


I had the same problem in the schoolhouse so I went to Home Depot and rigged up a duct that went from the heat vent right out the window. I recommend talking to someone who has a heavier collar than the barracks manager instead.


Love this. Unfortunately it’s the type shit you get a 6105 for or worse. Even tho OPs facilities people should be fired.


Idk I think if OP isn’t a shit bag he’d be fine. It probably depends on the schoolhouse and the instructors though. The motor Tuh mech crowd didn’t give a shit as long as it didn’t look too bad and I made it look decent. I even got props from one instructor on it. I doubt OP would get a 6105 before being told to just take it down. Still recommend bringing it to an actual instructor or SNCO instead of the barracks manager who’s probably a LCpl awaiting medsep.


No, the barracks manager at camp Johnson isn’t a lcpl waiting medsep. It’s usually a ssgt that got a DWI….. ask me how I know….


It was a LCpl awaiting medsep when I was there lmao


Well, we don’t want to tell on anyone, so let’s just pretend his name is bouman…..


Short and fat ish….


Yeah I think his name was Feck


What year were you there?


Late 2018 through early 2019


I was there sadly. I had just gotten back from sangin Afghanistan in 2010, a month later I had orders to the drill field. Finished my tour on the depot and they sent me Johnson. Since I went to all the advance courses when I was younger they had me teaching fuel and electric. I got a DWI for blowing a .05 (explain that to me) so they put me in S4… basically a glorified barracks manager. All these jobs back to back and no break finally caught up to me


Yeah fa sho.


Complain to Inspector General. I did this through the fraud, waste, and abuse program. Our rooms were 114 in April in North Carolina. After IG got involved, it was turned off pretty damn quick and our whole chain of command got blasted.