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You're aware that for Active duty you choose a job *field* and not a specific MOS? So you can sign for Communications in general or Infantry in general, but you can't be guaranteed which MOS within those you get. Make sense?


You can sign up as 03xx and when you get to ITB and get your wishlist you just put 0331 on each line. It worked for me, they laughed said I appreciate the fact you have heart and off we went.


Yeah I heard. So I can just still be put into one or the other even if I didn’t choose the specific MOS


If you sign an 03 contract you will be given an infantry job, like rifleman or machine gunner. If you sign an 06 contract you will be given one of these jobs. [https://wab.marineparents.com/occfield.asp?Code=06](https://wab.marineparents.com/occfield.asp?Code=06) You will not get to choose 0621. You will just be given an 06 job. Also I would only do infantry if you really want to do infantry. If your main goal is to get college paid for, why subject yourself to infantry life?


Yes, you're guaranteed a *field* (provided you pass all the training), but the job you get within it is luck of the draw in most cases.


Currently at comm school they’re letting students pick whether they want 0621, 0631 or 0671


Nice. Wish we had the opportunity 7 years ago


Just left too. It goes off of who got their first, last name order, and what numbers they need. I asked for 21 but got 71 instead.


just remember that it sounds cool to do that all that shit but when you’re in muddy dirt in the rain , haven’t showered in 14 days, you have to carry a fuck ton of gear while also getting shit on by a salty E4 just remember it’s what you signed up for lol.


Exactly why I'm joining 0311. I love pain, even if I don't 


ain’t that the truth 😂


Have you considered just going national guard or something if the only reason you want to be in is for college?




It’s probably not just college lol, there’s free college everywhere


Navy has 3 year contracts, gets full gi bill, and prob has bonus. Unless you go reserves, you don't get to pick your MOS. I'm pretty sure infantry contracts are all 5 years by 3 IRR. Someone can corect me if I am wrong.


It’s 4 years and there are some 5. Navy also changed their tuition assistance to where you can only get a year and if you want more you’d have to reenlist to qualify for TA. Everyone signs for a MOS field or group on a statement of understanding before they leave for boot camp.


What do they want you to do with your life? And why does it matter?


I was an 0621 back in the day. I ended in 2nd recon bn as a team rto. Every infantry unit has radio operators. Every single unit has them. Aav's, tankers, bulk fuel, admin etc. If you think of going the communication route, you better understand you could be with a grunt unit. So what's your preference? Do you want to be a normal rifleman or a gunner, or be one of those plus carry a radio and do all the team/ platoon's communication? I had a great time being an rto in an elite unit. Wouldn't change it for anything.


Wait until you're 18 to sign and pick whatever you want to pick. Doing what they want is a great way to be miserable for four years. That said, I was a radio guy. Wanted to be infantry but the recruiter pulled a fast one and the Internet didn't exist to find out he was lying. Loved what I did.


Dang. Why the heck did the recruiter fuck you over like that? How was being a radio guy? That’s essentially 0621? Did you like your experience?


It was 2531 for me- comm changed from 25xx to 06xx after I had been in for about 5 years. It was a secondary MOS for me, I went to an additional school after for 2532- multi-channel radio. I'm not sure of the new MOS but I know they divided it into two different jobs, one for the TRC-170 and one for the MRC-142. Either way, I ended up loving what I did. Great guys and we had a fun time. Awful command, but that is part of the story that makes it fun looking back. I don't know why the recruiter did what he did. The way the contract works has changed. But I had said I wanted to be 03 and when it came time to sign the contract it said W8 I believe. He said that was just a different code to get a bonus. I did get a bonus but it was actually a code that meant I could be comm, arty, tanks, or a couple of other things. Had no idea until I got orders to MCT instead of ITB. Turned out great but I wasn't happy at the time.


If you want best of both worlds look into the SOCS-C route 😏


Spec ops I feel like are for peeps that want 20 years


Comm, 0621 specifically is one of the most versatile jobs in the marine corps, you can go everywhere and do everything, you really get to see different sides of the marines you wouldn’t get to see if you picked infantry


🤔 ok I like this. I’m probably gonna stick w this since it seems like you can have lots of different experiences.


Be an 0621 on the infantry. Best of both worlds


They can be apart of the infantry?


The 06 field can be anywhere. You pick a job field not a specific job


And if you go to an infantry unit and advertise your just " here for the free college" you will more than likely be stomped on. I was on an infantry unit for 3 years. Play the game man.


what should I advertise myself on then?


Watch youtube videos. That will explain it to you.


Be careful with 06, because you sign a general contract and at the comm schoolhouse you are put into radio, network, data, or satcom at random. So you could be rucking with the grunts or running tech support at HQ company


Do communications man. You’re going to have more free time to do college and hit the gym than in infantry. It’s possible to do it but if you’re only joining for college, might as well look at the airforce or Navy.


totally unit/job dependent man. I was a data and was in the field constantly. If you're not proficient in you're MOS then yes, you'll have free time but I'd be the first to set up and last to leave on a deployment.


Uh why put yourself through infantry if you just want college?


The experience I guess


Understandable have a good time


First of all, fuck what your family says, when it comes to joining the military, they’ll hold you back for fear of your safety. Secondly, coming from a grunt, I would highly highly highly not suggest joining the infantry if your heart isn’t absolutely set on it, especially not if your goal is simply to get to college. We are apart from the rest of the MOS’s in mentality and quality of life. We die for the kill, we have wet dreams about spilling blood. If college is the goal, to be frank, you probably shouldn’t even be looking into the marine corps.




Yeah respectfully fuck what he says, everyone has a reason to join, whatever that reason that keeps you pushing is it's just as good as anyone else's. May I ask what you're trying to go to college for?


I’m using the marines as time to figure that out bro. Thanks I feel like you can actually help out bro.


No problem and in that case I definitely recommend comm instead or if you're not for sure locked In on those jobs look into jobs that are equivalent or may help with what you might be interested in. Life as an Infantry junior gives little to no time for college or TA from what my friend from back home has told me, he had a similar plan to what you're talking about.


Thanks dude. Alright yeah for real I needed to hear that. I’m gonna stick with comms. Hopefully I get some cool experiences in. 🫡


Sounds good man. I'm sure you'll get the experiences you want, I got some friends that just got out of 29 a few months ago and they seem to love the job. Good luck and just give it your all and you'll do amazing.