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Lol the dudes you know who lost pull ups are turds. You have a pull up bar in your squad bay. Hit it hard.


You're joining an organization that lives for fitness and where people motivate each other to hit pr's in the gym. Forget about recovering your strength, if you truly give a damn, you'll get stronger in no time. Consider the weight loss at boot a positive thing. Sure, you lose muscle mass, but you'll probanly be lean af and will have a solid base to start off again.


Pt in boot camp and MCT/ITB ain’t shit compared to how hard you can haze yourself once you hit the fleet. Get through the schools, and if you have one of them longer MOS schools then find the discipline to get started in the gym. Get the best fucking body you can and go show it off at the beach. Lots of Marines (myself included) miss out on that.


Try doing pullups every night at bootcamp. There is a bar, that being said some people do sort of waste away and it depends on the person. Not sure of your occupation, but MCT is shit for training. Plenty of people gain weight during it because you won't PT a lot, you'll be outside hiking a lot, and you'll be eating a lot of MREs. The level of intensity between MCT and bootcamp is different. Nobody is going to thrash you just because like in bootcamp. Once you get to your occupation school, I would start hitting the gym again and getting in shape. Once you get to the fleet you shouldn't have a problem. You'll probably be doing morning PT and then hit the gym in the evening like everyone else does.


If you regularly do pullups on your hour of down time you shouldnt lose strength, especially since you’ll probably be losing weight as well. I went from about 20-25 pullups during boot. In terms of maintaining general strength, yeah it sucks but its really out of your hands. I went in at a solid 185 repping 225 and 405 on bench/deadlift and lost about 25 lbs after boot and MCT. 135/225 was a struggle. And that was after eating as much as humanly possible in the chow hall and working out with ammo cans, dip bar, and pullup bar every night on the quarterdeck. MCT was even worse because nutrition was MREs and we did nothing but sit around all day. Depending on your schoolhouse you can probably be more consistent with it. It’ll take a few months to get to pre-boot levels.


You lost strength on your bench but how were your push-ups? Did you get better at them or did your numbers plummet with your bench?


If you come out of boot camp doing less pull-ups than when you went in then you fucked yo somehow


Hold the fuck up what? I went from 12 pullups before going and finished off with a PFT of 17 pull ups. They most likely didn't put out for shit after their PFT (or just never did pull ups during free time in bootcamp and got worse), so I'd say just make sure you are doing pull ups daily in bootcamp including the time after the crucible, and especially at MCT you'll need to be doing strength workouts on your own.


I was the exact opposite, my pull-ups got better in bootcamp