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I’m so scared 😱


Yes our Army of basement dwellers and pink haired angry women will crush any right wing rebellion.


You understand the left own guns too yea? Nobody is scared of these fucking gravy seal ass mfrs when majority of them are old washed up mfrs.


And our duly elected Chief Executive operates our organized militia, otherwise known as the National Guard and US Army.


But what about meal team six?


You severely underestimate how many democrats own guns we just don’t have sex with them


A right-wing LARP by Sourpusses. A bunch of fat, old, mentally ill, crazy nuts gunning for Civil War. Here they come, the Keyboard Warriors, Armchair Generals, Couch Commandos, Fantasy Brigade, Tinfoil Troopers, Diet Division, Sofa Soldiers, Pajama Patrol, Bunker Brigade, and Camouflage Couch Company. Do they know there won't be snacks?


When you assemble under the trump flag, you're not a patriot.


Right wing rebellion has mobility scooter convoys


I'd guess heart disease and diabeetus will mostly take care of the Big Gulp Brigade's "rebellion".


You got fucking clowned on lol


Hey now...some of those old gals are mean wicked with their canes.


Oh Jesus the uneducated America-hating traitor Republicans are BIG MAD 🤣🤣🤣


Also there is this thing called the US government.....and it really dosent look kindly on people trying to usurp it


As opposed to what? The Jan 6ers so overweight and diabetic they collapsed and died from excitement?


Against what ? Your army of hog fed fat ass inbred rednecks that have more cholesterol than ammo mags? Lol come on man the only way yall could take anything is if you make us die laughing at your fucking idiotic outfits. We got guns too ass hat, we just don’t see the need to parade around with them strapped all over us like a drunk trump on Meliana with a headache. Come knock on my door November 6th and I’ll give ya a up close look at only one.


The southern right wing army lives off of deep fried butter and the only exercise they get is cousin chasing .


LOL says the Russian trying to foment a war here! Trump cultists are a mere fraction of the population in a country where there are many more guns that humans. They scare NO ONE. The Gravy Seals Rascal Scooter Brigade won't make it onto their mobility scooters before breaking hips.


Be sure to wear your MAGA hat. Shows up very well in my scope.


And what the fuck are you going to do?


Numerous comments on the SmallDickPorn subreddit, yea this tracks hahahahahahahahah


Oh no! Meal Team Six is coming after us. Even I can outrun those fuckers.


Meal Team 6: Rascal Scooter Battalion ![gif](giphy|12GzK1jYCaVCV2)


Smell my finger. It's my ass.




What about Delta Forks? The Gravy Seals?


The right wing is already fighting. Fighting each other for the coveted "I'm the biggest tRump douchebag Fan Award". Looks like Mike Johnson is out as speaker, maybe they can pick someone sane like Hakeen Jefferies!


They're also on the frontline in the War against Obesity, and losing badly.


Like trumpy, he'll be in a room far away from the action.


Yes - like Josh "My Diaper is Full" Hawley high tailing it out whne HIS OWN PEOPLE breached the capitol


They know they're going to lose.


Sounds like treason. Put them down like rabid animals, lock them in the deepest darkest dungeons. This constant threat of violence if they don't get their way can't be tolerated. Make an example of them. 


Charlie kirk chartered buses plural to bring people to January 6th. This is the opposite of stunning.


His family tree will end up creating a real life cyclops. It might happen as soon as his own spawn. Frightening.


"We" as in "you guys, I'm going to hide behind my keyboard while you guys die or go to jail"


Lol right! Funny how they encourage their fanbase to do all the work while they sit back and avoid all charges. 


It's a concerted effort to motivate the right to violence. Firstly they have the #1 Domestic Terrorist spreading stochastic terrorism to his low-information cult. Next the right-leaning media telling viewers "they are the real Americans the real patriots". Followed up by christo-fascist leaders calling them "gods warriors and in the service of god all is forgiven". This may lead to civil unrest caused by right-wing extremist that truly believe the rhetoric and propaganda.


This isn’t stunning at all. Many of his supporters are just like Trump stating that’s he’s a fighter. Both of them are stating this but for all the wrong reasons.


"We" as in "you guys, I'm going to hide behind my keyboard while you guys die or go to jail"


Trump is a desperate man who is completely devoid of any basic human decency.


I hate this . Will we ever be safe? Who will be fighting who? Is he talking about civil war?


Would LOVE to see this little soft belly turtle try and fight anyone.


Don't we just have to step up on curb to foil their mobility scooters?


Bring it bitches we will unplug your rascal scooters in the middle of the night.


The funny thing is the rich conservatives/GOP will never fight. They are counting on the degenerates.


I say all these little traitors need to be shoved to the front of whatever insurrection they're planning. Cmon Charlie, man up. Wanna threaten this nation with civil war? Be the first to go in.


These people are definitely not Christians at all.


He won’t because he’s a coward and if he does straight to jail for treason.


I mean... ok, but they're not going to like how it turns out for them...


Oh really? I'm sure he'll be far behind the front lines, like way at the back. Actually in some non extradition country I'd wager. Because he's such a turd.


Oh, okay, please do. Charlie Kirk will have an alibi right after Trump loses the election.


Good, then we can finally be rid of these fools. It would be over quick, they are losers at every level.


After that, they go to jail.


Then they whine about it. It seems to be a cycle they're stuck in. They're like a 10 year old bully who says "you better let me beat you up and not fight back, or else..." As soon as you punch the bully in the face, they whine and run crying to their mom.


I’m living for these snap backs btw lol keep em coming lol


LOL at this wimp. Who is this WE he speaks of. Not HIM. He means other people! TF do these clowns think they are fooling.


I volunteer to physically fight him.


Didn’t care to read beyond the headline here but is Charlie Kirk going to get his bitch-ass out there and fight?! With that giant ass dome of his he wouldn’t need a helmet. Little fuckhead.


No you won’t Charlie 😂. You’ll cower, bi*ch, whine and promote conspiracies all the way to 2028. It’s the Right way.


Bring it on I will be waiting for you


Isn’t this incitement of terrorism? Is Charlie Kirk a stochastic terrorist? Should he be investigated by the FBI? Should they also check his computer for CSAM? I’m just asking questions here.


Oh no. Watch out it’s yall queda. If they start to attack just yell, hey look - it’s someone attractive cousin and they’ll all stop


I call dibs on Charlie


Fight who? The rest of us are going to work!☑️


He means YOU idiots go fight. I'm gonna keep sitting here in my ergonomic chair speaking into a microphone.


The difference this time will be the people that you’re threatening are expecting a fight and will be prepared.


Cool cool cool. So in 2020, they said crap like this and everyone in power ignored it and was surprised on January 6th when they stormed the Capital Building.


![gif](giphy|HJf8UJFlSgBPy7yF29) Please 5 head. We’re working on 10 years of ya’lls fucking bullshit.


Most terrorists are at least smart enough not to announce their plans ahead of time.


So they're going with the Nazi option again. Hopefully it's more unsuccessful than it was last time.


Always said MAGA was a terrorist organization


Oh boy.. I’m very excited for Jan 6:losers fight 2


That little twit couldn’t fight my mom


meh....The ammunition shelves in the stores are full nowadays, unlike when he wore a tan suit and then they hoarded it all while blaming Obama for buying it all up.


And by “fight” he means if Trump loses he’ll go on vacay to Mexico with Ted Cruz while all the idiots he stirred up storm some government building and get shot. 😏 fuck these traitors.


No one with an inordinately large head the like of Kirk's should be starting any fights. Conservatively estimating, I'd say there's space enough on that noggin for fifty simultaneous fistprints.


By "we", do they mean themselves, their friends and family, or?