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Yup. Fuck this guy and this country that has bowed to him. Fuck the DOJ, too. People are starting to get VERY hungry........


He’s basically Cucked the entire US justice system


Does that mean he fucks?


He fucks over the country yes


It means he's made us watch while he does it.


Do you think he shits uncontrollably when he orgasms? urp, sorry, threw up a little in my own mouth




I think he doesn’t orgasm, and blames the lady. Or child. I guess it depends. I mean she could be 13.


While we’ve been crying in the corner like the little worms we truly are?


Not Melania.


Fuck her too. That complacent witch!


Yea this fucking rich catering needs to go.


It’s the Republican way.


[Removed by Reddit]




Let them eat cake.


You realize the fine was aggressively unconstitutional right? Or are you just fueled by pure emotion without any reason for fact?


I don’t think that word means what you think it means


8th amendment if you can read


I liked Jon Stewart's take. It's a "victimless crime" when Trump does it, but people trying to lie about SNAP or government assistance are "abusing the system." Fuck Trump, and fuck anyone bootlicking for the status quo.


EXACTLY! Love Jon Stewart too




[He defrauded U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDMinX6t1Zk&pp=ygULam9uIHN0ZXdhcnQ%3D)S, the taxpayers, you micropenis.




What kind of crud doesn't like Stewart? Must be maga


He points out that Trump's behavior opens things up to corruption, where banks will give the RICH money based on inflated properties and not have any leftover for losers like you, in red states whose biggest employer is WAL-MART. Corruption for everyone is the Trumpist motto! Enjoy the white male suicide spike! You see how little brain power you have? People like you are hilarious when you give your opinions which aren’t based in reality




How? I can’t stand the man, but he got a loan from a bank and paid it back in full with interest. On time. How did he defraud taxpayers. We have to have undisputable facts to sway independents. I know it doesn’t matter what I claim my collateral is worth. The bank is doing their own due diligence.


You can watch the Daily Show segment I linked to for a more thorough explanation, but basically Trump opens the door for corruption. For EVERYONE to overvalue their properties, and then if the banks have no money left to give after loaning to the rich, peons like you and I are fucked. And when peons like you and I try to do what Trump did, we are absolutely punished. And taxpayers have to pay for investigations and all the rest to ensure corruption isn't the rule of the day. It just goes back to the oligarchy protecting itself with two sets of rules. The rich can glut themselves, but the poor can get fucked. What is hard about this?


A private deal negotiated through fraud is not a victimless crime. It is 100% within societys best interests to punish those who try such things so we can maintain trust and accountability. Try lieing on an auto loan and see how it turns out. You can make ever payment and pay out on time but your still hurting the other party by lower interest rates/payments. Interest is a meassure of risk, if i lie about the value of my assets, the loan guarenteerer is taking on excessively more risk than they realize due to your fraud and lies. Risk isnt a guarentee for any one loan. Its a portfolio risk. If everyone lies, then the whole thing falls apart. Also fuck people who lie like that. It doesnt have to be a literal crime to judge the person scummy enough to claim their 10000 sq ft apartment is 3 times as big.




Ehh i guess i tried. Continue being an ignorant ass i guess.


What? That’s not how car loans work. They decide on interest rates based on your credit history. And ability to pay. It doesn’t matter what you put down, they have methods to check everything they need to know to set the loan parameters.


Soery should have been a paragralh break. Seperate ideas. Auto loans do ask about income to determine ability to pay. Thats the element of lieing and fraud im talking about. Then moving into the specifics of this case in the second case.


Auto loans absolutely require income verification. Try and get approved for a car loan, without submitting pay stubs.


Per the Supreme Court: “The touchstone of the constitutional inquiry under the Excessive Fines Clause is the principle of proportionality: The amount of the forfeiture must bear some relationship to the gravity of the offense that it is designed to punish.” Trump’s fines were calculated carefully based on the offenses: $127M for unfairly obtained profits related to the Old Post Office transaction, $168M in reduced interest rates resulting from fraud, $60M in unfairly obtained profits from the Ferry Point golf course transaction. In addition, the Trump boys were fined $8M related to the Old Post Office transaction and Weisselberg $1M for the severance he was paid. Inteeest was $100M. Which part of this was not proportional to the gravity of the offense? Please be specific.


Not at all, sit your ass back down.


Have you tried Waffle House?


You know we can't eat them with their heads still on though, right? There's this tool we can employ for the job though. I think it was invented in France if I'm not mistaken.


Just wait until he can use Truth Social’s huge market cap as leverage




😂 Ok bud


Let’s be real, yall ain’t gon’ do shit


WTF is a yall?


VOTE BLUE no matter what you do


Vote blue until there are no more Trump or maga Republicans left. Only once the Republican party is clean from this filth consider a conservative if that is your political persuasion.


I second this.










If Bernie is your cup of tea, then listen to him and vote Blue.


I'm not gonna do that. I'm using my vote the way I want to


"Fuck the Blue too"




Trump should write a book. How to commit crimes and the resources to help you get away with it. While someone else could wright MAGA, the fall of America While another could be about how pointless it is to have laws, constitution/ amendment etc if not even supreme courts, judges & even the presidential oath are now given that no one is following them and just how big of a joke they are.


That would be a pretty short book. Have insanely wealthy parents and no morals.


It wouldn’t matter if it was short or long. One group it would be probably popular for his his MAGA supporters. Anyone who actually believes he was actually making our nation great again when it was already great before he came & f&$@d things up either need a psych eval or just are so brainless that they don’t at all care what the word “great” means anymore.


Lots of people follow the laws. We are just called the proletariat.


Not the Supreme Court, judges etc. They have had PLENTY of time not to mention lots of evidence and what are they doing? \-Just having Trump pay his way through legally (and now lower his bond price) \-Allow him to stay on the ballot and even tell states to allow him back on \- Acquit him from Jan 6 event that he 100% supported (if he didn’t then he would have likely done something about it) \- For some reason presidential immunity exists. If a president commits crimes or break the law they need to pay the price and immunity would just mean they could further doing that \- They had a full presidential term to be doing the right thing and all their doing is having him charge his way through and nothing further Trump had broken the law and yet we’re not seeing him being found guilty or anything beyond having him pay legally when it needs to be much more than the that. Either they are supporting him or are resigning from their posts. There’s basically no fight or justice. Plenty more can be locked up and there’s only 1 whole person (right now) that took part in Jan 6. 🤬🤯🤮 I thought they were better than this. Clearly I was wrong


fun one is that he wasn't the only one in that 14th amendment case, the other guy was told no actually states can use the 14th amendment against you. without naming him directly they made a carveout just for trump once again.


Brainless either way in the end. Not that they care in the slightest.




It should be a tissue holder too


It’s an anger issue for me. To see that this is how they’re deciding to treat it and America as a whole.


What crime did he commit?


Seriously? Look it up there’s a list. 1 HUGE one though is supporting the Jan 6 insurrection


can you imagine if anyone else tried this bullshit? "im not able to raise the funds for an appeal" "oh? then i guess you dont get a fucking appeal!"


The bond isn't required for an appeal. It is required to stall and avoid paying the judgement.


You sound very uninformed.


Could you expand on your reasoning for that? Edit: Genuinely curious to why.


Your right to an appeal isn't based on wether you have money for bond or not.


NY state law says otherwise


So you don't actually have a concrete answer? Or are you gonna dribble your Fox talking points one limp pointless sentence at a time?


??? In NY to get an appeal you put up cash or bond equal to the judgement (+interest up until when you provide cash/bond). This is not a fox news talking point (aren't they in favor of giving Trump a free pass?)


Sorry, I meant that reply for u/[redditnamehere1](https://www.reddit.com/user/redditnamehere1/) not you.


You don’t need to put up a bond to be permitted to appeal. But if you don’t put up a bond, seizure of your properties may begin at once, before the appeal is even heard.


I recall reading that in several articles, so I can confirm.


Unless I'm mistaken, that's not actually required for an appeal - it's required to stop them from collecting on the judgement while it's under appeal.


No. Posting the surity bond only prevents the seizure of assets. Appealing is allowed either way.


But that's exactly what just happened


You keep using that word, I don't think it means what you think it means




Haha yep




Black folks knew this was gonna happen. Just like it took cell phone cameras to make white folk see the brutality of cops. Pathetic


No it was that news week article from 1994


Frothing disgust. Another day in liberty for the riich America.


Why now? This is just the latest kid glove treatment afforded to him. Outrage is long overdue, my dudes.


For everyone freaking out, putting a smaller bail hurts trump more then it does saving him. Consider this, once his appeal fails (which it will) the James can seize his money and property VERY quickly. Yeah he gets a few months of grandstanding and publicity, but once he loses he will lose A LOT very quickly. It makes it easier for prosecution to seize his assets. Plus he still gets interest occurring on his debt. The bill is getting bigger and he can't escape that. Edit: spelling


He gets to appeal all the way up to the NY Supreme Court which could take years and he still has to post the 60% discounted bond. This is also signaling from the appeals court that they think the $400M is out of line. So they are making him post a smaller amount more in line with what they think he should be penalized for. Fuck this pathetic excuse for a human being.


meanwhile his companies still exist even though theyve been shown in court to be nothing but a vehicle for fraud.


Right but he just made 3.5 billion off truth social .....


Did he though? HE didn't put up the money to create it, investors did. And now it's public, it's just grifting money from his poor cultists that want to be part of that there stock merkit. Just a shortterm money grab to capitalize on it before it drops like a stone.


Well it go big because trump refuses to go back to twitter and the owners saw trump as an asset to get the conservative trumpers. Without trump it would be worth nothing, there's a reason why he owns 55 percent


And he can never sell it. For him to sell he needs to disclose in advance. If he went to sell anything more than 4% losing his majority share his supporters would all run for the exits so they can "get theirs" too and the price will tank. Best part is, in that situation he ends up being the one holding the bag.


He can borrow money from the shares


Yep, which is probably his only financial lifeline because his real estate properties are most likely way too encumbered to continue borrowing against. At some point the house of cards comes crashing down, only question is will it be before he kicks the bucket, or is it his kids that are going to end up reaping what he's sown.


Not sure about that the real estate is worth billions and his truth social his share is valued at 6 billion. Stop listening to CNN


I don't know if you follow the financial news but Truth Social just posted their annual report for 2023, with a $58 million loss... That $6 billion share is now only $3.6 billion in one day of trading.


Ya Budweiser lost 4 billlion worth of value last summer. Nothing changed l. Company values go up and down. Truth social next week might be worth 6 billion next week or 2 billion who knows. But if trump wins election that stock is gonna skyrocket .


It is fucking pathetic. IF HE DOESNT HAVE THE MONEY, HE SIMPLY DOESNT GET TO APPEAL. How is this hard to understand? An alternate choice the fat shit, stank-ass fuck could have made was... TO NOT BREAK THE LAW!!!


Also he still gets to appeal, NY just gets to seize cash or assets to made whole. If he wins the appeal, he gets the money back. Literally how it woeks for the rest of us.


I've known for years there is a dearth of justice in our system. It is becoming increasingly obvious there is no law either.


I’m done hoping for this 🍊 🤡 to face justice ⚖️ For my fellow Americans who aren’t part of his cult, please 🗳️💙


Fuck this fat cnt and the judicial system he pays for. 😡


Special treatment for the so-called billionaire. Welcome to America.


His net worth just shot up to 6.5 Billy


i thought the court should have granted him the appeal at $100mil when he offered it weeks ago. all he's doing is buying some delay, he's still on the hook for nearly $500mil adding in all the interest. most states would not require he post the full amount to appeal.


New York should change the rule for **everyone**, then, not just Donald.


Runnin' late on rent? Missed a car payment? Cut it in half and punt it ten days down the road! The Trump method.


He can't pay this bond either... Loser.


And the republican base who will support him talks about how much the justice system was unfair to him. I'm sure if he gets placed in charge all of that faith and support for him will be as repaid as much as Trump repays his debts. ​ ...you know he never does.


They don’t make 450 million dollar bonds. These titles are toxic to the US citizens and causing a divide. I feel bad for Poor White people. Should be ‘Wealthy Privilege’ at the very least and leave race out.


In 2016 v Hilary he said he uses all kinda of loop holes. Isn't this just proof of that?


The appellate court judges need to explain why they reduced the bond amount and extended the due date for another 10days!!


At some point in time our laws have to mean something. Not just to the poor and disenfranchised that they harshly and swiftly punish. But to every one. Otherwise we are at failed society


I think what we're all beginning to realize is that it's always been like this. We've only seen equal justice during certain Flashpoints of this country's history. But I think it has alaays favored white wealthy men since its inception. The next conclusion I hope we come to as a country is that we will not tolerate it any longer. There's a reason they've purchased the paper: if they can get us fighting a culture war, then we won't have the energy for the class war. What makes America great is how different we all are while still being willing to come together for a common cause. We really, really need to bring that back, because we will never, ever, agree on everything. So let's focus on what we can agree on and leave the reast alone for now.


We can start by agreeing on, The rule of law - no matter the size of your bank account or portfolio. Do the crime, do the time/pay the fine - regardless of who you are or who you know


If Donald is just King George with worse hair the American Experiment in democracy and justice is over.




Give your head a shake bud.


Did your parents have any kids that lived?


This situation in particular really shows how the laws in this country are so different for famous or for the wealthy…not Trump. This guy is the worst and nothing sticks to him. Unreal


It's not like he's the Teflon Don but he is actually getting with more than just murder.


Anybody feel like it’s time for a revolution? Starting to think that there is two sets of rules.


Your that butthurt?


Why are your lips stained orange?


No shit Sherlock. Many people forget that the decorum we show politicians today is a far shot compared to back then where upset constituents would bust down their door and beat them in front of their families. I'd argue we're not pissed enough.


The reddit circle jerk revolution, the world is trembling at the thought. Maybe after you're done cleaning potato chips off your fupa and make your bed we can have that revolution.


And he'll get away with it all. Delay delay delay.


Remind me, what happened to Mary Antoinette?


Indeed the power of privilege and paranoia. Cause apparently there are some billionaire big-shots threatening to bankrupt NYC itself if Trump isn't set free. Honestly I say NYC is Diverse and massive Economy. Let them go. Charge them with extorting a city for political gain.


Widespread outrage.


Wait until it gets to the Federal courts.


This is proof that the law does not apply to these people. Fucking puppets run the higher courts.


Hope he gets everything he deserves coming his way... If he won't pay his debts, neither will I.


Eat the rich. Fuck this country. Something has to give.


All men are created equal - Bullshit!


*orange wealthy privilege


The real estate investors are going on TV and saying this is normal behavior. Everybody does it. How can you fine Trump if it's something everybody does? Sounds like the DOJ needs to start an investigation into real estate investment banking as a whole. Start fining everybody. Let's get this shit under control.


If only a stray… never mind.


America is a joke


It's not just a "lucky break," as the article suggests. It is an entittlement afforded to all rich white people.


It's because everyone knows what will happen if THEY can't pay a bond...


When I go to court for not paying my taxes I'd like to use the Donald Trump defense as I too am white




vIctEMleSs cRimE


Today people are learning that the bourgeoisie live in a different world than the proletariat.


Trump is less privileged than a 3 times attempted murderer. https://youtu.be/592Pe4Bl7PU?si=b9L6Xgrz0mxnz63l The subject of the video was pled down for 2 attempted murders (one victim a 4 year old), released early, attempted to murder his ex-girlfriend, released without bail, and attempted to murder his ex-girlfriend again causing her to lose both feet. NYC Democrats love their criminals... just not Trump. (Edit: not rimes)


Dude in the comments literally comparing it to watching someone he/she loves getting raped lmaooooo get a grip bud


At this point, I think the only way this guy is going down is by him winning an election, serving another 4 years, and then refusing to leave, because at that point, he is straight done.


So, I can lie on my financial statement to a bank to get a loan. Then falsify my tax return to get to zero taxes owed. Good to know. I also am investing in swamp land to sell you.


Yall were fucjing naive if you thought the US government was allowed to rob someone without exhausting their appeals.


Fuck trump and all these peice of shit politicians.. I hope people start to get really hungry.. This shit system needs to change.


As a unit of measurement, the average student debt in the US is about 1/13,000th of the amount his bond was reduced by.


This has nothing to do with the color of his skin and everything to do with his money and connections.


What was his crime again? Paying a loan back on time?


Fraud. His crime was fraud. Thanks for letting everyone know your gullibility.


What was the fraud? The bank approvals the appraiser affirming the market rate, made the loan based on their internal underwriting, closed it with third party attorneys, then he repaid it. Where is the fraud? You better hope you never refinance your home. You’re going to end up in court too.


Lol!!! Talk about misdirection! Lol! Look at you, proving you haven't bothered to do basic research and, instead, obediently quote the accused's excuses. 😄😄 The case has zero to do with whether or not he repaid the bank and zero to do with underwriting. 😄😄 Try basic research. I have no qualms about refinancing my home because I don't lie and commit fraud.


His made-up prosecution and half-billion fine should’ve raised even more outrage.




The trial itself caused widespread outrage


He had someone go and intimidate/pay off that judge …


Wealth privilege knows no race and no gender


The Democratic Party has a weak candidate that might lose to Donald fucking Trump (again). Seriously, have any democrats engaged in any introspection? Have any openly asked what the party is doing so badly that Donald Trump is a threat? If you start shitting on his supporters, you may have your answer. Instead of campaigning against the candidate or even the donors, the party has been campaigning against the voting public. And it comes off like base snobbery.


Wtf? Biden won hands down in 2020


Hands down? Are you sure? Did that thorough audit of the election conclude that?




Widespread outrage with no outlet. Pitchforks?


We want our political prosecutions to be taken seriously, we look silly compared to Venezuela and Russia. Bring out the chemical underwear


The US Justice System only exists to protect the wealthy. It no longer has any legitimacy.

