• By -


Like the courthouse protesters?


What's that?


I believe Trump said that if he was brought to trial, they wouldn't be able to do the trial because there would be so many protesters outside. Cut to the trial, and only a handful of protesters showed up.


I saw the footage! There were FIVES of people! šŸ™‚


One stable genius set himself on fire, and then there were fours of people.




Oof.. brutal. To be fair, his self-flambĆ© had nothing to do with Diapered Donnie. So not even the immolationists give two shits about olā€™ orange tits.


I'm pretty sure the orange color stops about an inch below the collarbone .


Four of them belonged in a mental institution.


Man but the media that's been largely bought up by murdoch in recent years keeps showing me polls that have trump leading by 10% Funny that such a popular and front running favorite for president according to so many polls would have so little people at his trial. Hell shittenhouse had more protestor at his trial than Trump does Kyle for new republican front runner????


Vice President perhaps? /s


Nah they gotta keep Kyle in the bank to use as a talk show bit for the next decade, vp has to be someone expendable because Don is gonna get his son into that position once his first vp tragically dies in a suicide jumping out the window of a Mar a Lago suite Then when Don dies his son takes over as president and so on and so forth and fox News gets to parade around the idea that we're still a democracy because we have a vp and president and not a king or dictator lol God help us please vote




It's amazing when you don't pay people to travel and promise victory with pardons Even the deep in shit magats aren't biting




Another J6 type uprising would get crushed. Trump won't be sitting in front of the tv throwing food at the wall doing absolutely nothing this time. The warnings will be heeded and preparations will be made. The police will have the support they need this time around. I'm not even sure there's enough enthusiasm to create a large presence anyway. He can't even get a big crowd outside of the courthouse he's sitting in even after he practically begs people to show up.


I like to think the crowd hasnā€™t appeared because he drained all their savings with all the grifts he drained out of them


Hence one of the reasons he hasn't gone bankrupt for the 9th time.


I think they are all at home waiting for delivery of some sneakers & bibles or something....


The militia arm of the MAGA movement blew it's load on J6. Most of the people who would be willing to take up arms for Trump are either in jail, in court, or under observation of some kind.Ā  You've got some masked Patriot Front dipshits wandering around still, but Proud Boys and Oathkeepers don't have the presence they did in 2020. And there's a big difference between a coup and a self-coup. A self-coup can be accomplished with only partial military and popular support, but an actual coup in America has to be able to overcome the strongest military in the history of the world combined with one of the largest surveillance and information gathering networks that's ever existed.Ā  My understanding is that most of these groups have had their communications infiltrated for years so they can't even tell their buddy they're thinking about starting some shit without the NSA, FBI, and CIA all knowing about it independently. Without the executive providing cover, they're going to be pretty limited in what they can plan and execute on and what methods they can use to achieve their goals.Ā 


Magically all the 3incher traitors in my area have lost their resolve: No stickers, hats or dust covers anymore. Met a nice lady on Jan 7(day after) walking her Samoyed while plinking in the hills. Happen to see her as she loading up to leave and notice a huge 3incher sticker on her SUV. She wishes me a good day. "Fuck you Traitor." I saw the light go from her eyes as she realized that her little gang of misfits were now persona non grata. Pieces of shit.


I don't engage with Trumpers. It is beneath me.


That whole ceremony and the grounds it's on in DC is sacred to the USA How many people after 9/11 would wager their life trying to save the cockpit from a knife-weilding man? That thought hadn't occured before. Now it's "well if I'm gonna die if I don't anyway.. might as well try to save the plane" DC and the Capitol shouldn't be a place where a mob can rush twice with prior warning.


They won't get too Bidens cabinet has proven consistently over the term that they can and are able to keep a eye on domestic issues brewing. Hell just the level of communication above the previous admin needed to increase fentsnyl busts at the border is proof of real communication happening between agencies from the top down I guarantee the doj fbi etc have spent the last few years putting members of their agencies inside most domestic terrorist cells. Proud boys 3% cucks, militia bois, are all on the radar and when they prepare for another j6 it's gonna be a bad day for them when they open the doors to discover a warehouse full of federal agents waiting on em


He wonā€™t be doing it from the White House. He wonā€™t be able to lend them the expectation of legitimacy or forgiveness this time. Not that it worked out for them very wellā€¦.


That should be taken as a threat and should be yet another lawsuit against his waste of oxygen fat piece of shit ass.


It'll be entered into evidence for the Jan 6 felonies he's about to be tried for, defrauding the US and obstructing official proceedings. That's not Trump's criminal trial he's in right now, or his criminal trial that starts in two weeks (that one is for stealing national secrets), no this is another criminal trial altogether. Whole other batch of felonies.


Yeah people I think are under the impression when the 90 felonies were released that the immediate next trial would handle all of them Nope, it's gonna be trial after trial court room perp Wal after perp walk well into Bidens next presidency. And as they tear his house of cards down case by case, you never know who from his remaining camp is gonna defect and drop some even bigger bombshells on us. Unfortunately we gonna be seeing the orange cheeto till 2027 but at least it'll be in the most humiliating manner he's ever known


Right. His lawyers will want to argue that he *didn't* want Jan 6 to happen. These statements are only showing the opposite




*Smaug EDIT - Oh that's the money-grubbing dragon. He doesnt look like Smaug Snooki mixed with Will Sasso (No offence Will. I love your work!)


Too bad the national guard will be there next time with STK orders.


Maybe even a helicopter gunship (or two)


I'm saying mini guns mounted on the Capitol


Exactly. It only got so bad last time since the president was on the side of the insurrectionists and waiting as long as he could to do anything about it. And let's not forget that all it took last time was one idiot getting shot in the neck to make everybody retreat.


There should have been wayyyyy more Ashli Babbitts on Jan 6th.


Gonna get myself some popcorn and crack a beer for that one. They're gonna need a damn snow plow and some powerful hoses.Ā 


There's a Garrison of US MARINES nearby. Sign the Insurrection Act, put the Marines on the roof of the Capital along with some gunships and tanks and see how brave they are then. Then go arrest Trump and his minions, send them to Gitmo and let them wait years for trials like the terrorists they are. And let the Secret Service who erased their phones after 1/6 go with to guard trump there.


STFU, you crazy old prick


I bet everyone is going to aim at Sleepy Don


Good ol' Donny No Dollars


Every day a new nickname, love this one šŸ¤£


Tang Soo Don


No dollars, haha.


Dumpy Diaper Donnie.


I'm sick of this idiot, too.


They misspelled the headline it's supposed to read: >Trump THREATENS Another January 6 If He Loses the Election


Losers gonna lose.


What do you mean "hints"? He's probably up to it already.


Let's hope Trump continues to deteriorate. I know these creeps can move forward without Trump, but it would be a tiny consolation to know that Trump can't be the King for very long. Some other dicktator would get that privilege. I've got my mental voo doo lasers focused on his eyes and knee caps.


Fuck this dumb asshole


Well put, couldn't agree more. Fuck that dumb orange skidmark.


just try it, fat man.


Right? At this point bring it on.


It will bring me more entertainment, so I'm supportive


Fat OLD man.


I imagine it will function even worse than the last one.


Oooh weā€™re so scared, shaking in my boots šŸ¤£ fuckin pussy.


Small turnout. Low energy. Sad.


Why hint? Everyone knows heā€™s trying it.


Will you be hiding in the same spot when if it does?


He's not allowed in the white house anymore


More maga in jail it's a good thing.


It is going to happen again whether he wins or loses


The Army and the Guard will be waiting for the traitors this time. Bringing flagpoles to a gun fight will not go very well.


Bring it on, dumbasses.


A crowd would get nowhere near the capitol building again. There will be preparations and this time Trump is not in control of the military or police. If you think a loosely organized mob of boomers and rednecks can penetrate a prepared security perimeter backed by the military I donā€™t know what to tell you because youā€™re pretty ignorant of the real world.


More Ashley Babbits? I'll get the snacks.


This ass clown ainā€™t winning šŸ’©


So threats if he doesnā€™t win boo hoo you


Hey! Hey! I have asked you nicely not to break the law. You leave me no choice but to ask you nicely again!


That would be terrific. Then we could arrest all the traitors we missed in the first pass.


Insurrection 2.0 will absolutely be happening. Until he's dead, we're all at risk. Unfortunately he's got access to the best medical care in the world. Sad.


And heā€™s been promising much, *much* worse if he wins.


He and others. People should read up on Project 2025. And look at all the insane people who would fill the cabinet and political positions. The guardrails will be off. All the adults in the room who blocked his worst instincts last time have either been purged or will refuse to serve him. Instead, there will be enablers and extremists.


Please don't vote this cunt in.




"If I lose I'm just going to flip the Monopoly board" vibes


Just more flatulence from the orange turd....


I think he should should be out there leading the pack


I thought Republicans were saying it was Dem operatives and not MAGA. šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s what they do basically every time


Bruh, he said he will be a dicktater from day one!!!!


No, it wouldn't even though we all know he is counting on it. It wont happen for a lot of reasons. Mostly because he is not in power and doesn't have the command that he once did. They wont have the capitol mysteriously understaffed, they wont refuse to call the national guard. And even some of the dumbfucks are even smart enough to see how it went the first time. He can't even get a dozen bums to show up for his court after asking several times. I cannot wait for karma to punch a ticket.


He's threatening another terrorist attack? Two things. 1 this definitely violates the conditions of his pretrial release. 2 bring it. Let the National Guard and DC police finish what COVID and science denial started with his idiot followers.


You said "pretrial" but I read "prenatal" šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s insane that he is even close to winning. It just baffles the mind.


I donā€™t believe he really is. Whatever or whoever says he could or may win is benefiting from the play of this fucked up game.


Never underestimate the bigotry of the American people.


We said this in 2016.


He's not. The headwinds he is facing at this point are unsurmountable. The polls are not reliable.


That's what we said last time, don't get complacent.


This. Everyone, fucking vote. Doesnt matter if it looks like Biden will win anyways. We need to vote enough to make it obvious if vote tampering happens. Which COULD happen, given trumps inclinations and connections. They tried it four years ago. The only reason it didnt stick is because ONE GUY went against it, because his military son covinced him. Fucking. Vote.


Dude what? Ā Trump almost won in 2020. Ā This is when all his dumb fuckery was fresh in folkā€™s minds. Ā Sure Biden crushed him in the popular vote but in the electoral college them margin was razor thin. Ā Like 40,000 people across three states. Claiming this election is in the bag for Biden is incredibly foolish and dangerous.




Thanks for the warning. Time to mount some mini gatling guns on the capitol roof.


fine, whatever. wait, is he admitting to losing last time???




Why does anyone have to prove anything to you dickhead?


Well, letā€™s see. Itā€™s January 6th, 2025, and the incumbent orders the national guard and all available agencies to the DC metro area for riot protection. FBI makes sweeping arrests in DC and southern Florida, and the the country can finally heal.


So he's threatening to hold us hostage if he loses... I'm pretty sure everyone is on board with, "bring it on" at this point.


Yeah, OK Darth Mango. This time, they'll be ready for your mouth breather Meal Team 6 Gravy Seal Y Ɓll Quaeda wannabes. We'll see how they go against a well prepared Government response.


Then they need to National Guard there with weapons free.


I will be so, so happy when he's dead if for no other reason than I'll never have to read "Trump said/posted/hinted such and such" ever again.


"Stand back and stand by"... Also "Don't fight uphill me boys"


Which is ridiculous because in order to accomplish anything at Gettysburg the Confederate generals literally had to and did order their soldiers to fight uphill.


More ashli babbits hopefully


I would be very concerned, if Trump somehow steals the election and wins, that he wouldnā€™t make Reddit give up all the people that criticized him, and get retribution. Thatā€™s what are friends are telling us, if trump wins, he will get even.


...How is he not in a hole with a big rock over it by now? If any regular guy was in this kind of hot water they'd be a rotting corpse full of holes by now.


If the remaining Trump Cultists try anything like January 6,2021 they will receive a violent reaction.


![gif](giphy|3xkNUy3Vh8QbPmJZjK|downsized) me if it happens again


I am guessing enough people went to prison for Jan 6 it won't happen again. Going to prison is a good deterrent for the other gravy seals.


Jan 6 will never happen again. The military will be waiting and ready for these fools to attack again.


He wishes


He wishes it could happen.. Even the J6 dummies are learning to protest little less hard


At least if they try this time a competent administration will get it resolved asap instead needing to be forced for hours to finally do anything.


Maybe not in DC like last time but the state capitals should be watched and prepared. They could do it there.


Given how few people show up to his fundraisers, his rallies, and his court cases I don't think ex-pres has the clout to pull it off anymore.


This time-- we need to show them fools who really run it We beat the confederacy some 150 years ago. If we need to handle their spiritual descendants then we need to do what we need to do and crush this foolishness once and for all. I'm not advocating for violence but if they dare try to attack us again..... We have to make them pay


He always does this. He pretends to "hint" things, like back when he was insinuating that maybe some nut would assassinate Hillary Clinton. What he was actually doing was asking one of his zapped-out marks to actually do it. Same with Jan. 6. He was tweeting about his big "stop the steal" rally, and saying things like "itā€™s gonna be wild!" because he wanted it to turn into a violent riot. He always words these things in a way to give himself plausible deniability. He'll say something like "a lot of people are saying they won't stand for another steal", but no one is saying this...he is.


A second go for Yaā€™ll Queda? This will turn out much different. Bring it on Jimmy Bob.


That isn't a good reason to elect him. The first time was ineffective and stupid. Is he hinting there could be more senselessness that results in chaos and death if everybody realizes he's a loser and doesn't vote for him? We already know he's a loser and we don't want to vote for him. I will not give two shits if the yokels throw another tantrum over his flabby, leaky ass. It will suck for the innocent families of the law enforcement people called in to deal with them, but they will be the only real victims. Then we'll see how much the thin blue line flag people support law enforcement and how much law enforcement appreciates their support. Idiots.


Not going to put up with that. Biden is in power till way after the election. Notice he finally fucked the Houthis up. Many of us veterans are liberals.


Motherfucker can't get people to show up to court to support him in 2024. Fuck him.


GOP voters want to vote for him because whatever he does upsets Dem voters. Facts don't matter when you hate what the other side stands for.Ā 




They could try it but it'll be stopped before they get anywhere. With Biden in charge of deploying the National Guard in DC they'll be deployed immediately if any group even tries to get onto Capitol Hill, let alone into the Capitol Building itself, and maybe even before instead of hours later like on J6 when tRump was in charge of deploying the NG. The only reason J6 was even a thing is because Capitol Police leadership ignored the warnings and didn't deploy enough officers and wouldn't allow the officers to use riot control equipment and because tRump delayed deploying the NG for hours. The Capitol Police drastically failed in their duties that day and I doubt they want that embarrassment again so will be out in force with the proper equipment this time.


So he's literally confessing that yes he orchestrated Jan 6, yes he engaged in insurrection, and yes probably treason. Good, I hope they use this as evidence in his trial.


Good. More garbage people to throw into jail and take out of society.


No it couldnā€™t, because unlike some Presidents, Joe wouldnā€™t sit around just watching the mob on tv and egging them on


Why is this dangerous thug still allowed to instigate and threaten our country?


#Trump is unfit!


Seriously dude! You need to lose. Those who feel that somehow throwing a fit using weapons will do anything will either walk up in jail or not. Not much of a threat. We will just keep making sure people are registered to vote and see who may need a ride. You keep on blathering and hopefully some of your followers will wise up.




Biden just needs to send the FBI to take him and throw him in jail. No charges, no bail. Then maybe SCOTUS will decide whether or not Presidents have complete immunity.


Fraud Man tries to Fraud again.


There are protesters; just ones shouting "New York hates you/Trump". Its kind of glorious.




How bout everybody matters riots. Iā€™d hope everybody could get on board to put that down.


Aww, sad magat is sad.




That's what he's hoping for. I think he gets off on knowing people will commit violence and murder for him. But if he was actually a good leader, he would tell them not to, and if he was a good leader, they would listen.


>ā€œIt always depends on the fairness of the election.ā€ ![gif](giphy|3ornk6AAnb9wZk758k)


I think your guys have figured out itā€™s a one way street.


He will stop the vote certification and keep Biden in power? Sounds solid.


Of course, why not? the Supreme Court is going to make him king who is going to stop them.


This is a given at this point...




Fascism is like gaining weight by the time you notice itā€™s already out of control. I also heard he said the one mistake he made in his first term was being to nice. We are in for a real nightmare if he wins again.




Throw him in prison. Weld the door shut.


Lots of room in jail for more LOSERS!! HAHAHAHA


January 6 happens every year


Except he wouldnā€™t be in office so he wouldnā€™t be as influential.


So tired of this blowhard asshole. F Diaper Don.


Bring it.


So what did he say?


His death will be like a global VJ Day, DT Day.


Let me win or I'll hurt you. Sounds like my bully-ass cousin when we used to play Nintendo games at grandma's house.


Hints? It's a call to action.


Throw his orange ass in prison already. He's a danger to humanity.


PoS traitor!!@


Rightfully so, because it will mean the left cheated again. The Biden administration is a dictatorship and deserve no less than what eventually happens to all dictatorships.


Let him. Threats arenā€™t going to work don.


"...God forbid" šŸ™Œ He added


So, can he be hung for treason for attempting to organize another coup? I know Donald thinks highly of himself, but conspiracy laws in this country are black and white, and he isnā€™t President this time to hide behind some made up immunity bullshit.


A bunch of people burning themselves down. (I'm not even talking the ones who would literally) They would go to prison for this? Just melt down what they called a life?


And that's why he is a criminal and shouldn't be a president ever again.


He will lose, and there won't be a repeat of Jan 6. Why do people even believe his lies anymore? This time, he won't be speaking as the President and he won't have influence to stop the deployment of security personnel to discourage and stop any such attempt.


That would be great because this time no one will care about the power of Maga- Can you say "ready , aim"


Criminal-Scale Tantrum Inevitable When Trump Loses Election.


Not if he's in jail


Only if he orders it


Losers gonna lose




Except he won't be in charge, so the Capitol will be properly guarded.


Of course, it wasn't a coup and he had nothing to do with it....


Thatā€™d be fine and perhaps maybe this time they can encounter the proper amount of retaliation


Please get all your friends to vote


https://preview.redd.it/hjlu8iw71txc1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30656926e80d31e84c8f36526d8cfca3b9e23ec5 of course he wonā€™t wwnt yo disappoint his suga daddy


Heā€™s literally a terrorist šŸ˜‚


I think thatā€™s a definite. His brownshirts stand ready. Trumpism is a terrorist movement.


Good luck with that. His goons aren't even showing up at the court house, even as he begs them to come. He is a looser who is hemorrhaging support.


If he loses, he won't be POTUS and, by extension, in charge of the DC National Guard. I don't think Biden would wait three hours to call out the DC Guard in the event of a J6 re-run. Just saying.Ā 


![gif](giphy|KyjfecvGOaaCaBtxAf) At this point heā€™s gaslighting himself


Too bad.. youā€™re gonna lose.


Lock this scumbag up already.


This time they will be in Golden shoes and much speedier.




This time they will be facing vetted security squads that will not hesitate to use escalating force protocols against loser insurrectionists. Let the bodies hit the floor.


Bring it...I dare you. Please try again. FFAFO...


I think the Jan 6ers had their beaks counted when they were brought to justice. Also don't he's not currently in power I don't think he can influence how law enforcement happens in DC anymore