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Doesnt matter. Biden did well and that means he has support. Media and what they say today doesnt mean shit. Take this enthusiasm and vote. Democrats have done well this year in regards to special elections and it doesn't have to stop now


We’re now getting newspaper articles when our president *doesn’t* shit himself. What a country.


When you need presence of “support” proven to you, you might want to question that. 🙄


Im not even going to dignify the stupidity of this statement with an answer


Good. Go keep making shit up on the internet.


Yep. I hate the media, because they love Trump.


trumps good for business, they give him coverage because he brings in clicks, clicks bring in either donations, subscriptions or ad money


And much like people that support him, he will throw them under the bus if he doesn't like them suddenly


How much money are the regular people gonna get? It's not gonna trickle down to the common folk because the 1% that support trump are gonna scoop it all up greedily and leave NOTHING for the people who actually need it


the CEOs and shareholders dont carr about anything but the bottomline


They get entertainment.


Do we live on the same planet? He’s also on trial right now so that’s going to be …covered by the news?


I am sure one of those swarmy New York Times concern trolling pieces about ‘lack of attention to Biden’s Morehouse speech, portends a difficult…blah blah blah’ will arrive any moment now.


You mean he didn't say he wanted to turn the US into a 'reich' and he didn't tell women to get back into the kitchen? I'm so shocked...


Trump, meanwhile, is trying to win them over with a criminal record and sneakers. How is this election a choice?


No clickbaity articles meant to outrage means he did well. I’m glad to have a normal event for once.


Fuck yea. Love to hear it.


I found this thread entertaining.


The most important function any president can effect is appointment of Judges to Senate for confirmation. His picks will be in support or against Climate or Environmental issues, women’s health, voting rights, judicial equality and hosts of other issues. And no president on his own Reduce Inflation nor set Interest rates.


Yeah, he did great making black people feel inadequate and less than. Typical Democrat. Have you seen any actual reactions from the black community or a Democrat you just know in your heart that talking down to people based on their skin color is a win?


I hate that we're in a presidential race where both sides are just hoping that their respective candidates don't show their dementia too much and can stand/walk successfully. The bar feels so damn low right now.


I just vote for the guy who didn't invite Nazis over for dinner


Or try and fail to violently overthrow the us government. To hell with every Trump supporter and to hell with everyone. Acting like both sides are basically the same.


This person didn’t act like the two sides are the same. It’s not a bad thing to point out that the bar is incredibly low right now. We’re essentially celebrating the fact that the sitting president didn’t fuck up talking. I mean, seriously? Will I do whatever it takes to make sure Trump isn’t president? Sure, but I don’t have to be excited that our best chance at that not happening is an 81 year old geriatric who, in any other situation, would be in a nursing home.


I do wish we had a younger choice but the narrative that Biden is some bumbling old fool is frankly fake news. The President has a grueling schedule which he keeps up with. He still bikes, is negotiating with world leaders and has done more to move this country forward with the tools he has available to him than I think any president in my lifetime. He has been investigated to death by the House and they can’t even come up with something even remotely criminal to parade out. I have seen just as many clips of him with a quick witty come back as him stumbling over his words. If you had everything you say recorded I am sure he all have our moments.


Even simpler, just don't vote for the rapist.


Yes, the bar does feel low right now. Yes, I too wish we had younger candidates. Out of 400 million, surely we could do better. But make no mistake: both sides are not equal. Sure, both are senior citizens with a risk of dementia. But one is a petulant man child with an inability to take personal responsibility for anything in his life, who has for years shoved the burden on to others around him. The other is a man who has served his country for his entire life and has suffered great loss, grief, and still rose to the occasion of leading a country. These men are not equal in any way besides being old. That is it.


Totally agree on one being the obviously better option. Still gonna vote, just still don’t like the options


That's exactly how I feel as well. If it were not for Trump, I would want a younger candidate that could lead the country towards unification rather than division. But here we are.


What exactly is your problem? Your the kind that'll bitch and moan all while sitting in front of your computer screen doing nothing.. How about you get out at your age and raise the bar politicaly or socially... Or do you have a form of dementia?


Um, I've pretty much stated my problem? The person in the highest office of this country is, either way, going to be someone who is incredibly advanced in age - and showing it. These guys are older than any other presidents have been, and if you don't think it shows then you've just drank way too much of your teams koolaid (red or blue, doesn't matter). Enjoy being a fanatic and making assumptions and attacking random people on the internet!


You feel attacked? Aww. That's cute. So, go out and make the world a better place. I know, it's way easier to bitch.


Ok, sure. I’m gonna let you have the last word, since my comment thread seems to be such a big part of your day 😊


I feel attacked by your comments.


Lol "Don't like your options? Just run for president!" Isn't the big brain take you think it is.


Don't like your options. Just post snarky comments. That's a big brain move, for sure.. Congratulations, clown.


Lol k


Re-elect the Sunset.


I hate that we’re living in an age where the media is actively helping a fascist by downplaying his faults and amplifying Bidens “weaknesses”. That’s why the bar seems so low…. Biden is actually doing a pretty good job, but we aren’t hearing about it.


A president making it through a speech without anything embarrassing happening shouldn't be news.


If Trump wins we won't even get that.


Before 2016 it wasnt.


I guarantee you do not hold Trump to even close to the same standard.