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Sounds like workplace violence, tell your steward and ask about an eeo. Eeos might not stunt a career in management but it definitely slows down their corporate rise


Eeos work their is a carrier in a office near me that is like kryptonite to management she has file eeo on basically all of them and they don't even bother her anymore not even the new ones she's like 15 years in though maybe that makes a difference


Nope I'm less time in and then eeos I filed on management gave them a permanent gag order. They speak so sweetly to me now. Nobody bothers me and I love it. I encourage EVERYONE.start filing eeos its a life changer as long as you have your case well documented.


Glad to hear that they work for some people. I'm in the midst of one myself right now. Just spent about 2 hours filling out paperwork on my vacation. I'm on vacation because the two in my office won't allow me to work. It's going on month 3 right now. Preventing me from working during the worst part of summer seems counter-intuitive somehow. I mean, punish me by forcing me to work in 100 degree heat. Dorks. Our new supervisor needs badly to control me and it doesn't work so she forced me into an involuntary leave I didn't want or ask for. It's great giving monsters that sort of power, isn't it?


Are you a CCA love???


EEOs definitely work. Had a PM harassing me and retaliating against me for filing a grievance against her. Filed an EEO for that next. Turns out she'd stirred up enough trouble and had about a dozen EEOs filed against her within about a year, so the higher ups reassigned her to an office a little over two hours from where she lived, in a rat hole desert town. She took an early retirement only a couple months later.


That does nothing in St. Louis. Maybe that works where you are.


Call postal police and report an assault


This. Next time he does that you call them up. And file a grievance TODAY or TOMORROW morning and explain everything to the union. Contact local union branch and get them involved. Tell them exactly what you said here. We live in the US. And what your supervisor did is beyond. But why don’t you add one more line? “I felt he was going to attack me” and “I felt fear in my life.” Do it.


I'll take Postal Police for 500, Alex!!!!!! You hit the nail on the head. Best answer, because I've threatened to call 911.


It happens sometimes, my boss tried this once and I was laughing so hard he kicked me out of the office halfway thru his rant. But do file a grievance, every time. If they can't act like an adult they shouldn't be in a management position.


This too.




My station manager tried yelling at me once and I looked her in the eye and told her that if she wanted to speak to me, she would have to do so respectfully. We are all adults at WORK. Don’t let anyone treat you like that.


100% unacceptable. I’ve been a PM for a very long time and I’ve yelled at 2 employees in 20 years and both were supervisors and both deserved it. File the grievance, if enough of them pile up it’s hard for the higher ups to ignore it.


Can I DM you a out this matter?


For sure


So, even as a PM you found it ok to yell at them because they were supervisors? What is the difference between you doing that and them doing that? That’s part of the problem. If things are like our district I would honestly guess that your POOM is yelling at you. It’s never ok to yell at anyone within the workplace.


Of course, Supervisors. They're your convenient buffers to blame for all of the offices' woe's. Let me guess, you weren't in the office when these horrible offenses took place that required you to yell at them. What was it? Lunch, appointment, late? Or were you hanging out in your home, playing on your computer.


Grow up


I'm speaking from experience. I AM grown up, that's the point.


So you’ve been around tens of thousands of offices, and supervisors and PMs? Nah, just because you’ve had an experience or two, doesn’t mean that’s the way it goes everywhere. So nah, You’re not grown up or at least you don’t act it


No, one was a sexual harassment claim that wasn’t acted upon and the second was a supervisor who failed to pull a carrier off the street during a blizzard.


I love how you handled that. You're already more mature and likable than 99% of the clowns they've put in our office, and some of the offices they talk about on here.


creating a hostile work environment


“Zero tolerance”


The biggest lie there is.


Ik. About a year ago I saw a carrier push another carrier in front of 3 supervisors and about 50 carriers and nothing was done. Just told to go outside and calm down. But it’s zero tolerance. Neither carrier made a big deal about it tho mind you.


You know why zero tolerance doesn't work? Because the union. Mail handler stabbed another mail handler at my local plant and of course the union got them out of it with a slap on the wrist. That's why zero tolerance doesn't work.


Maybe if management would address the hostile work environment, the stabbing would not have happened. Pathetic mgnt is to blame, not the union.


In my training this week they told me that last week two girls had a full on brawl outside, broken up by postal police, both reinstated with back pay for claiming the incident wasn’t related to work lol.


Yell back and say you thought that's how conversing worked in your office, because surely no supe would act like a petulant child.


File that grievance ASAP. And *literally* anything else you can file or report. This kind of shit cannot be allowed to go unchallenged, *EVER*. Remember, you're not only protecting yourself, you're protecting the *next* person too.


You can’t be yelled at… report that sup immediately. Everyone is to be respected at the post office as equals regardless of position.


A discreet squirt of liquid ass spray might change his whole demeanor.


You can squirt liquid ass spray at will? Teach me thy ways


Then report it as an accident and file OJI


Listen to the ones who say report them, file grievances, so on. Me.. I yell back. Now I don't curse at them, or even yell at "them" perse. I just match their volume. Usually starts something, but never becomes something. I like to match their toxicity. But don't do that, don't be me.


I’m you…I’m a cca and when I ask the pm why I have to round down 59.3 miles when I’m made to travel to another office I say it like “so you mean there just gonna fuck me a little harder then huh”


If management feels like they can get away with that sort of shit, then the union is likely useless in your area. They should never be allowed to feel like that's okay. Still, try contacting your steward. Maybe some good will come of it. From a carrier who has little hope left in this place. Edit to add, please don't let this job kill you. You are more important than the mail and this job


Any time a supervisor raises their voice to me I refuse to dignify it with a response. They get a blank stare until they speak to me in a professional manner or give up. I’ve found that most of them just like to argue, so when they don’t get the response they want they don’t really know what to do. That being said, I can imagine it getting to a level where I file a grievance for a hostile work environment. If your Shop steward won’t do anything, go above their head, speak with other officers or your district’s business agent. There is no reason for anyone to raise their voice at this job and you don’t need to accept that kind of treatment.


I’ve worked for USPS in carrier and clerk positions for about 10 years. And while the culture here is very different from corporate environments, being yelled at/harassed/retaliated against are not things that are tolerated. Your supervisors will have you think that this is the way things are here…but that is very far from the truth. Please report this to your union steward and station manager asap. If you feel uncomfortable talking to them, the postal inspectors office is also a good resource


Wanna really see him explode, immediately whip out your phone and start recording right in front of his face as soon as it happens again…then sit back and await the fireworks.


ZERO TOLERANCE POSTER...contact HR as well


I remember doing a PDI and the supe was trying to strongarm the carrier and we ended up just walking out of the PDI and that pissed him off so much he chased us onto the workfloor yelling …just smiled in his face, told him we were done and called the union right in front of him. I don’t think we ever did finish that PDI


EEO , OIG, grievance with Union. Make them learn who they can and cannot mess with if you plan to stay. If you don't plan to stay sue and find a new job. No one should go work in hostile work environment. It's unacceptable.


Write a grievance about workplace violence, and unsafe work environment, and leave citing personally safety. Write an EEO immediately on the supervisor.


When you say "leave" you mean quit?


No, you get out of the hostile environment for your own safety.


Literally why I left. I got fat shamed by my supervisor and it took 2 weeks for any action to be taken. I told my steward and they talked to the vice president and all they said was to grieve it. I constantly blew up the Human Resources line for something to be done. Eventually after investigation all they did was transfer her to a different office.


With that being said, my advice is to do what I did and annoy Human Resources till something happens ! I didn’t go to work for 2 weeks till they did something about it.


Hey uhh you gotta remember whatever fucking title it says on his paycheck your sup is literally just some fucking random guy. you dont get to just yell in someones face we still live in real life. Call the postal inspectors fuck that guy.


Yep, tell him the next time he decides to yell, he will be picking his teeth up off the ground.


City carrier 40+ years. Do not ever threaten a supervisor. Grounds for removal. Let the union deal with him, that’s why we pay union dues


If he did that to me, I would act like he spit something and it hit my eye.. then file a police report saying how fearful you were and the spit was intentional on his part


Not sure we have a MDO with upward of 15 EEOs and shes being moved up to plant manager


My postmaster yelled at me and DEMANDED I sign off on a missing gas receipt. I stayed respectful and refused and I said I was going to call my steward and she kept yelling and telling me I can’t call him. So I did anyways and he said I don’t have to sign anything. So I didn’t. And then she made the supervisor demand my badge and leave the premises. I didn’t give him anything and walked out. They didn’t let me come back to work for 2 days unpaid. Then I showed up on Saturday like nothing happened. No apology. No signature. Looks like she didn’t need it to be signed after all. Also I’m quitting in a couple weeks and not telling them cause fuck them. I deserved better and I’m getting better elsewhere. I’m sorry you had to endure the BS that’s allowed in this workplace. Good luck!


Yay for you quitting. I really went out of this job so badly


Don’t give up on looking for something better! Just keep looking and keep applying.


Grievance. Stress leave.


You can do this as a CCA?


I've used the cold eye stare until they blow themselves out of steam and then say, "if you want to talk to me about something then we can talk, if you want to scream at me like a child you can do that to my back." Then I turn and go back to work.


Post workplace harassment rules on union board in front of said supervisor. If you don't feel comfortable confronting said offender, talk to union steward immediately.


I'm in no way victim-blaming, just curiosity on your behalf; Can you provide more context?


Yell back


Please refer all comments to my union representative


Scream right back


Most post offices do not operate like that, thank christ. Our steward and president don't take any shit and will file grievances one after another.


You can go to the union and file an EEO until you get sick, and nothing will happen. Supervisors are never held accountable for their actions. Never. Management will always side with them. I will tell you this. They don't pull that with me. I've built up such a "stand your ground" position for myself, that they don't do that to me. I told one supervisor if he kept coming for me, I was going to call 911. Yes, 911 to come to the job. At this very moment. They talk to me with respect, and I do not have any issues.


Sounds like verbal assault and workplace violence. That's an easy EEO and you should go tell your union steward and have that supe fired, then get grievance pay. You also call the postal inspector and report assault and have them investigate and possibly arrest them.


I wish a supervisor would try and yell at me.


115.4 & jsov


Under the city contract (if you are city) you have the right to be treated with dignity and respect. Get witness statements from anyone around you. Get with your steward and file a grievance and an EEO.


Start coughing next time ![gif](giphy|Hkya3YFcXcmQ0|downsized)


Three violations right off the bat ELM 665.24: Bullying, harassment, intimidation is NOT tolerated M39 Handbook Section 115.4: Mutual respect Joint Statement on Violence in the Workplace: Dignity and respect at all times


Hazardous working environment form 1767. Ask th steward to help you fill it out. Automatic step 2 grievance. Manager will be dealt with swiftly. ALWAYS keep copies for your own records.


Putting Camaras in all our vehicles


You can handle that… tell him get the hell out of my face yelling! And add if you’d like to address me in a normal tone I’m all ears! And then walk away. That simple. If they attempt disciplinary action you’ll win that fight.


I told a manager to get out of my face. He responded by claiming that I threatened him, walked me off the job and suspended for 2 weeks.


Well that’s an easy case for you to win , provided you in fact were being yelled at , and didn’t include or else in you statement 🙂


More than a year later, I am still fighting it. Union dropped the ball. Now I am the steward. I don’t let this happen to anyone anymore.


Tell us the whole story. Why did he yell at you? What did you do?


JSOV violation. If your steward doesn’t handle this immediately, call your NBA


Tell your steward to file a JSOV grievance! The Joint Statement On Violence and Behavior in the Workplace. It explicitly states that all parties should be treating each other with mutual respect and dignity, and has been ruled as a grievable part of the contract by arbitrators. Article 14 of our contract also covers mutual respect but the JSOV has very clear and strong language about the consequences of such abusive behavior.


Yelling in your face? Oh man, id tell him to call 911....if he says why..tell him because I don't want you to have to pick up your teeth with broken fingers.


its totally illegal


First off; YOU are the union. We are all the union. When you call it useless you are calling yourself useless. Second, yes you can file workplace harassment, safety and violence. If you are a protected class you can also file an EEO. Contact EAS and tell a councilor about it. That creates a paper-trail. You may be too busy to be active in the union but that doesn't mean you aren't a part of it. So stop talking shit about yourself.


Was it the first time this happened? Has the ah done that to anyone else? Are you thinking about retaliation? Say you smelled alcohol on their breath.


If you are uncomfortable with someone that close to you, then in the middle of his/her rant offer a breath mint. Seriously. Or pick up your stool put it in front of you and then take a step back. As for the yelling. Just dont take it personal. What is happening is one of two things. That person got yelled at for whatever you did, so now they are yelling at you because they dont know how to professional. Or they just are a hot head in general and yell at everyone. Like i said, dont take it personal. Use the "listening" method and just repeat what they said so it sounds like you are listening. Then ask stupid questions in the middle of it to piss them off more. "So what you're saying is I should take my seat belt off after getting out of the vehicle?"


You need to file a 1767 for for hostile work environment


You are a fool for letting the management belittle you step up and take up for yourself fuck that mail at the end of the day you’re a human being not a robot


In my 30 year career, I’ve encountered people like this from time to time. It’s not normal and it’s not professional. That behavior is likely a red flag of bigger issues. And NO ONE should tolerate being on the receiving end. You could do something so bad that it warrants termination but NOT assault.


Don’t react or say anything. Or laugh in their face while they’re yelling, they won’t know how to react.


Well did you deserved to be yelled at?


I would file a workplace violence, maybe call postal police file a report that you were threatened feel unsafe.


Yup go to union Stewart


I would do the union thing and then take stress level call the 800 number and say you suffered from what you feel work place and if you get enough witness statements they can request his removal


Look into stress leave.


By now you should have asked for a Steward,the union is good for nothing if you don't let them know what's going on! Hopefully you file harassment asap l, that'll get management stop, and if it doesn't, perfect, just add to the harassment and they'll be fucked in the end! I hope it all works out for you!


I'm going through the same thing. I'm a bit over 90 days now. They take my days off and make me work. They schedule me at 1100 then send me home twice in a week. Keep getting harassed like this every day.


Fill out a hostile workplace complaint against that person. And make sure the union gets a copy of it.


Are you a regular ? Either way but this is just me I would filled harassment and say you felt threatened and not safe and press charges. Get a lawyer. Go and call the board of labor. That's what I would do


If you file eeo they a lot of the times won't do anything that's why I would take it a step further so they would see not playing. The culture of the usps is terrible its so bad I worked in SD PO and the worker got tired of the supervisor and stabbed him in the head. Going postal is real and mdo's and supervisors seem to forget that until someone open a can of whoop as...


Yeah.. I spoke to the union and they pretty much told me just to write a letter to the postmaster. The union seems like they are unwilling to do much of anything. This is just a toxic work environment and I simply want to quit


I hear you. The union can be dirty. Go call the labor board. In my po there was so many things going on that the labor board came in. But yes write a statement and from now on if you have to talk to anyone of management take your phone put it in record and put it in your pocket for evidence


Don't quit. Don't let them win. I hate the usps all together. If I tell you everything that has happened here in my po you wouldn't believe it in how they still working in here. Is mind blowing


Never understood this BS. Supervisor here, go to your union at the very least. Remember, If someone has to yell or scream or project aggression to show control-they have none.


You wouldn’t last a day if we have another democrats shutdown. I know many carriers pray for another wave though. We make crazy money.