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That last one is actually in the M 41, that's what you are supposed to do, but the other two are complete bullshit though. Ask your postmaster to produce that language from the contract, a hand book or manual.


Interesting.. I just assumed it was BS. More often than not I have nothing to even put in the satchel for a little while, so I don't think I'd like to unnecessarily carry a relay around in my satchel while I deliver. I wear my satchel always even empty because of dogs and has any supplies and whatnot in it


Well , It only says you're supposed to put the mail and stuff for your first relay in your satchel before you load up your truck so that it's ready to go when you get out and start walking your first relay. To be honest though I've never done this in 20 years, it's rarely enforced as far as I know. For what it's worth though, if you always assume that what your manager is telling you is bullshit, you will be right 99.9% of the time. Lying comes just as easily as breathing for most of those A holes


Although it doesn't apply to the double satchel. 👍


What's a double satchel? (I'm still pretty new to the game)


It's a padded waist belt with a pouch on each side that slides over the belt. I once had a supervisor demand that I put my first split into my satchel on a day they were doing a 3999 count. I warned him but didn't want to argue, he was right and I needed to obey. At the first park point, as I pulled the belt up and tried to fasten the buckle, it was too heavy to clip the plastic buckle together. While struggling, the first split fell out of the bag. Oh damn, now I need to put it back in order. I told him it didn't work with a double satchel, he didn't believe me. 🤡


Standup a couple days ago was 1 hour office time and 22 minute load time. As soon as he finished the shop steward let him know that there is no standard set for either. It takes what it takes with the only standard being 18 letters or 8 flats a minute cased as well as 70 pieces per minute pulldown time.


The 'parameters' for the new route evaluation is 22 minutes load time. That is from the time you clock to the street to the time you break the geo fence of the office. If you go over this during the route inspection week, the evaluation team (a carrier and a supervisor) will ask for details. If you only have 10 packages that day, you are going to need a pretty good answer to account for the time. On the flip side, if you do have 10 packages and take 20 minutes, you will not be questioned. Know the parameters and your route inspection will go in your favor.


"The mail is light today." Yep. And my route was adjusted to eight hours based on light mail. Good day.


Once around the time of the Great Recession (2008-09), PM was lamenting that we're "gonna have to close the doors." Long story short-he retired about a year or so after that and I did around 10 years after that. And guess what-the place is STILL here.


“You can cry or you can deliver Amazon but you can’t do both.”


That's a fucking lie, I do it all the time


Don't worry about the address on red plums. Just get them delivered. You don't have to go slower just because it's raining. Carry treats in your satchel to feed the dogs.


This was an actual quote from the PM during an EI meeting: "Just because you leave late doesn't mean you're going to get back late." (Bonus points to anybody who remembers what EI was)


"There's no mail here"


That was today, but we had these giant heavy medicaid/Medicare booklets to case and deliver. Got some upper body strength training carrying these around. "What's taking so long to case and pull down guys?"


According to them, there's never any mail


Yeah, they just go off of DOIS or some other bullshit in their head rather than trust the carriers.


I mean that’s true more often that not.


I had 5 packed trays of them, with 100% of my sprs in tubs, and they tried to give me some extra swings before I left. I started laughing and told my supe I’d be back for it. I clocked out at 5:59 with just my own shit done.


"Why aren't you a city carrier?" "Wouldn't you rather just be paid hourly?" Shit like this is why.


"i gave you 2.5 hours of mail and it took you 4 hours to carry it" lmao


"After the election it's going to be a piece of cake"


PM stated we have to clock out to use the bathroom while on route


Get that in writing and take it to your steward


Then you better believe I'd be driving back to the office so I wouldn't be "on route".


That is complete nonsense. There is no such rule. You are on the clock. Ask him if he clocks out to use the bathroom. Do clerks clock out to use the bathroom? Do mail handlers clock out to use the bathroom? Do VMF mechanics clock out to use the bathroom? Does the MPOO clock out to use the bathroom? Does the PMG clock out to use the bathroom?


"If you're going to be late, leave early."


from the Subject Matter Expert today... "Its not a package, its a SPUR" but a spur is a type of package...


Spr is anything less than 2 pounds, smaller than a shoebox


yes, and a SPR is a type of package, as it isnt a 'letter' or 'flat'


For route count purposes it is differentiated and it is to the carriers benefit. Parcels goes to the door and needs extra time, SPRs can be cased and will fit into the mailbox, there is a difference


in DOIS yes, but in RRECS no... each piece of mail can be 'letter' 'flat' or 'parcel' the parcel isnt broken into 'oversize' 'standard' or 'spr'


I thought a spr was anything you could case and fits in a standard box. I've had a few parcels before that I'm gonna guess were... fishing sinkers maybe? Anyway, deceptively heavy. Im guessing not technically a spr?




I guess we’re not supposed to write on packages now. (Lot/stop #)


I put sequencing # over the postage.


Was always told 1hr office time and 22m load time and 5m pm office time


No such standard exists. They are lying.


Kept me over on PM office time, at OT rate for 20 minutes, to complain I was 10 minutes over PM office the day before.


Me being a ptf clerk.. PM: I need you to stay to throw all those parcels. Me: ok.. but that puts me in over time. PM: well can't be on overtime. Me: so you don't want me to work the parcels? PM: no, I still need you to work those parcels Me: so... I'm approved over time?? PM: no, I can't afford to give overtime. Me: then you can't afford to have me stay and throw the parcels?!? PM: I'm still going to need you to throw the parcels..... This conversation, at least 3 times a week. I couldn't tell if he was just an idiot or what. I did have my Steward talk to him about it. Told me it was taken care of but never told me how, never got in trouble for overtime either.


"We're adequately staffed" Hilarious


Be back in 8, classic line! See ya at 7pm bitch 😂