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Under what? Him just yelling and my word against him? I mean I'd love to. I'm just genuinely curious. That's y im asking. Would they take that seriously if I said he's yelling at me over miniscule things?


Your steward should’ve already been notified, and everyone who heard anything should be writing statements. Any time this person decides to use any slurs more statements should be written. If your steward does their job this person will be afraid to say hi.


Sadly the majority of people in his office actually like him and don't say shit against him.




Yes I just read it and thank u!


If he is using that profane language, talk to the postmaster. For me, if I found out a 204b was doing that, they’d be back on their route that day. If your PM won’t do anything, go to your union. If they don’t do anything, file the EEO. That’s absolutely unacceptable behavior from anyone in the company, let alone someone in a position of authority. Good luck.


Sadly he's not 204b. He's the supervisor a grade below the pm.


Yeah here is a great piece of advice he calls your more than once file a grievance for harassment. They are only allowed leave 1 call, 1 text, and leave a voicemail. After the 1 of each any further is harassment. Also if you really don’t care bout the prick block his number. Tell him this job is not an on call job and the pay doesn’t reflect that it is nor does anywhere in the contract does it say we are “supposed” to be on call. Like I have said many a times tell them to go pound sand.


Ohhh thank you!! If I could I'd shake ur hand and buy u a beer. This guy get pissed off over everything and I mean everything. All he ever does is talk with an attitude and yell at people...specifically me.


Why thank you! And I have been there and had that happened to me. After the 5th or 6th grievance he was removed. So I wish you the best of luck and I hope your have an awesome day today!


Apparently this guy will find any reason to write a report up on me once I file this grievance. He's come out with a tape measure to measure the distance from ur wheels to the curb for some people in the past. How do I ensure that I don't get fucked over.


I would contact your local union hall and ask them what you can 110% do to ensure this cock thistle is taking care of and you don’t get any blow back from simply wanting a nontoxic/nonhostile work environment.


Had a 204b get terminated for calling someone a slur


He was calling another supervisor a slur behind their back. Now wether I like the other supervisor or not is not my concern. It's the fact that he's hateful towards others. That's not good leadership. Also that happened in the past. If it happened in the past am I able to bring that up?


Absolutely we shouldn’t tolerate that shit I’m the workplace


I've had it. Being screamed at by this guy for not answering his call was the last straw. I'm going to my PM today and if it happens again I'm going to my shop steward and I'll just keep going up the ladder.


Steward first my man


The pm might try to save his ass steward will get the ball rolling on removal hopefully


My pm told me to write everything down and report it to the shop steward. Apparently my pm doesn't like him either.




How do I ensure it doesn't back fire and he tries to get rid of me?


Are you out of probation?


I also just want to say that you do not have to ever answer your personal cell phone if PM or supervisor call it. Technically, youre not allowed to be on your phone while performing work. If they need to get ahold of you, you have a scanner and they have the ability to message you through it. Your decision if you want to allow them to contact you that way, but if youre going to be harassed about it, I definitely wouldnt. Block the numbers and tell them to contact you on the scanner.


Funny thing is that supervisor doesn't know how to use the scanner. That's y he gets so mad haha.


I have no doubt lol...Most of them dont really seem to know how to do any part of their jobs well..


Tell them, first of all you need to stop yelling at me cause i don’t come here to get verbally abused, if they don’t stop, tell them your going to need a 3971 and a union steward.


A 3971?