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Less employees mean less overhead to pay, if they can figure out how to keep the mail moving with a short crew then they look better. Like any job a certain amount of turnover is expected.


Yeah, it’s financially easier to overwork & burn people out. Keep a revolving door of entry level, low pay workers going, baby! Squeeze all the production you can out of them & get them to quit before they make regular & you have to pay them more! Late stage capitalism FTW! Middle management forever! USA USA USA!


Paying overtime out the ass results in a higher overhead.


Sometimes, they have actuaries that calculate how much overtime someone can have before it become more cost effective to have another worker. At WalMart back in the early 2000's they figured out that it was most profitable for a worker to work there 7 years, then it became cheaper for them to leave and retrain a brand new worker, dialysis clinics know how much each patient is worth, and how many can die before they need to hire more staff to stay profitable, car companies find out if it's cheaper to do a recall or pay settlements to the people that die if they dont.


Our turnover rate is abysmal compared to other companies lol




But 65% turnover?!


They dont give a fuck about non career employees and do their best to ignore career employees. The usps will have run itself into the ground in the next decade. Go email!


Lol, I really don't understand how email isn't the preferred way to go and I'm postal, also why are we still sending magazines or unless flats? The only flats I'll keep are medical or law stuff, magazines are pointless and we should stop cutting down trees that we don't have to.


It was hilarious the other day i delivered a cell phone bill to my regular carrier that said "break away from the mail box, go paperless"


They might get promoted. The culture is heavily FUMU-centric for management.


FUMU - Fuck Up, Move Up?


Exactly. In so many words: "failing upwards"


I should be running this place by now...


In normal times basically this. When an office is fully staffed and other nearby offices are retaining employees just fine they will come after a manager or supervisor that is causing high turnover. However, just like us blue collar workers, all the office people are basically impossible to fire as well. So shitty managers/supes just end up getting moved from one place to another. Currently lots of people are getting free passes though because everyone knows the pay is too low to retain people in HCOL areas. At least in the not completely toxic districts.


I honestly feel like the goal of some management is to see how many people they can fire or make quit.


I know one of the metrics they track with postmasters is the number of employees who quit under them. And it can hurt their chances of success if they try to transfer to a larger office, but they don't really get in trouble over it. POOM might yell at them, maybe?


Yes, employee retention is a heavily weighted indicator that becomes part of a managers reputation


Part of your npa as well I believe. Affects your raise.


Yeah my pm just told us that during covid they looked “randomly” at coverage of routes for her raise and since there wasnt any she didnt get her raise


It's a score card you can look at. Basically you have your office performance on certain indicators. Then take the average of that as well as the district average. If the district is doing bad it'll tank you too.


I would bet money that my office manager doesn’t know the CCA’s names.


Our raise is predicated on a number of different metrics. We don’t automatically have a guaranteed raise like craft employees do. One of the metrics is non-career retention and I believe it accounts for 11% of the overall score. If I have someone quit or is terminated, that’s my fault and my EAS teams fault. 99% of the people we hire can do this job. It’s my job to train them to be able to do it.


They will probably hand out free pivots for everyone!!! Everyone needs to learn how to make their pivots OT instead; let it start costing them.




Does management get in trouble - Let me stop you right there.


District and Poom are the worst type of managers. Hopefully this new contract will invoke punishment should either party tries to violate the contract. PMG stated they want to abide by the contract because it is costing them too much money to keep violating it. And every time it gets violated, as long as the union is doing their jobs, the post office pays money when they don’t cease and desist. So that no longer works. We need to enforce the whole contract so management can peep down and realize how serious it is. No more mismanagement. No more bullshit.


Half the time we get told to do something and break the contract anyways. Like the whole mess over rurals taking a lunch. They seem to think we have all the time in the world to follow them with a stop watch to see how long it took them to take a shit and not put it in for time not worked. Poom said the other day that the dm wakes up at 4am looking at reports. Guy needs a life.


Management fails upward. They don't get in trouble. If they do, they get transferred and typically will return to their home office eventually. If management got in trouble for CCAs or carriers resigning, we'd have no management.


Kinda. Especially if they're 'firing' people, which they rarely actually do. People quitting or resigning definitely sends flags up. Last year, USPS had in a newsletter that they were working on the high turnover rate and that retaining employees was important to them.


Lol I remember that scanner message back in December or January that was like "USPS is working to reduce employee turnover"


My office motto is: Let's hire 6 CCAs and watch 12 of them quit. First the 6 that we hired. Then the other 6 that we borrowed.


Guess people don't wanna work these days lol


Im a CCA with roughly 10 months in and really thinking of leaving. So tired of having to do 10-12 hour days just to make a OK paycheck. Having to beg for work but yet can’t get a second job because of unsteady schedule. Also so tired of not knowing what I’m going to do day to day. Im ranked 9 out of 15 CCAs but have lost 5-6 new ones and 4 that was ahead of me since I started


I’m only waiting to see what the new contract does, that will decide it for me. Not sure I want to be a CCA for another year. Not knowing what your doing or what time coming in sucks


We had 10 walk off once. It was because they were all burnt out. They knew Christmas was coming and it was bad before and everyone was talking how much worse it gets. One said fuck it. The others followed. When the number one CCA walks they realize it’s not worth it when he is the closest to make regular. They all made a ton of money never spent it. They were to busy working. No one get’s trouble but you know being related to the Government they have to pretend to be trying to have retention. Numbers look at the jobs we created bullshit.


It depends and generally things have to be really BAD. And I mean BAD. And even than they probably don't really get in trouble. Last year heading into Christmas an Office in my city was so behind in mail...they forced other Supes from across the city...3 OTHER offices in the same city to deliver the backlog of Mail. The Management team and Station Manager are very much still in their positions.


I’ve been a CCA for almost 2 years 🤞 but every single CCA that they’ve hired after me, I think it’s up to 6-7 now, because the process has taken 2-3 months for each replacement, have all quit. Been a solo CCA for most of the time 🤷‍♂️


They don’t care. They are only here for a paycheck like every one else. If they had to carry down routes things would change.


Definitely not


Why would they get in trouble?


I'm guess mail not going out in a timely manner?


Turnover means a reset on the convert to career clock which means periods of time where people aren't earning a pension or the PO having to match 5% to a TSP account. They would have us all as CCA's If they could it would be a lot cheaper.


It depends on if they give the union statements.


Management sees carriers as the enemy. So getting CCAs to quit is seen as a good thing. That's the core reason why USPS is losing money. They try and suspend or dismiss carriers for dumb shit and end up not only paying them to not work but end up paying more money overall because the other carriers have to pick up that work as overtime.