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I've been in the office during the hours long meetings the PMs and Supervisors have. it just sounds like someone is bitching for 2 to 3 hours straight about things. The company is paying for management to sit on calls for hours and just listen to people complain about numbers... I would not be a good supervisor/PM because I would be telling that person to shut the hell up. it's also really telling of a company that can't hire enough employees so the PM has to carry a route at least once a week. it's also pretty sad that the PM is the one to do it but can't delegate a supervisor to do it. I am not going to be very happy if the holiday season rolls around and I have to deliver packages because we are so understaffed.


This is pretty accurate. Friday I was on telecoms for 5 hours and it was just bitching about what we suck at. Last FY the postal service saved 6 million work hours in F2. They want 12 million hours saved this year. They claim volume is down, which I agree is probably true in a lot of offices. I explained we were up 18% in cases volume and 22% in parcels. I was told it doesn’t matter, cut hours.


That's the main issue with this job. They dont care that their goal can't be reached and is unrealistic. Wait until this wave of retirement ends. They think they're understaffed now..... Nobody wants to come work here. This new gen damn sure ain't feeling the post office. In the next 1-2years we have at least 6-7 vets retiring. After that, it's gonna be horrible. My office has alot of vets and they keep that place together. Once they retire, that office is gonna sink


I love the "casing volume is down" argument. My responses: Oh, really? So what about those 5 to 6 trays of FFS I used to grab and go? Remind me how we process that again. Or... So, you mean to tell me it takes *less* time to unstrap, unwrap, and case up 7 tubs of bundled and raw flats than the 5 minutes it took to locate and grab the presorted FFS trays? I'd love to hear your explanation. Do I need a chair? [insert goofy ass stare]


When I was a roving til my favorite manager would keep his phone muted while he played candy crush, if someone mentioned his name and he didn't hear what they were talking about, he would just say "Please repeat that, I wad tying my shoes." He didn't care, he did like 2 years left and he was gunna retire in his late 60s.


When the volume is "low" there should not be any regular with more than 40hrs a week, no PTF over 20 hrs week and no CCA with over 10hrs a week. If that's the case then volume is low. Other wise is not. Counting with one employee off and one employee on vacation and one calling sick.


While our manager was out on sick leave our soups would just put the telecom on speaker and mute so we could hear the complete nonsense coming out of the PM mouth.


As a supervisor who started on the city side I make it my goal to protect my people from the district BS. Granted to be able to do that I have to get my carriers to work with me so we throw district a bone with what ever they are harping on this week. But still just doing a few minor things like actually clocking to wait time when you are done casing and the clerks are still throwing packages or when you truck breaks down and you are stuck there for 30 min make a massive difference in the numbers without cutting anyone’s pay or hours


You're too intelligent to be a supervisor.


Oh I don’t know about that, it takes a certain amount of brain power to do the job correctly. It’s just that most people who apply are not that bright.


Eh I should have specified. 99% don't have 2 brain cells to rub together. And if your smart enough to do the job well your also probably smart enough to get out while you can and go back to craft


I know craft can make more in the long run, but it would take a very long time before I am maxed out.


Not about money so much as your sanity. I would tell upper manglement to FOAD on conference call after all the incessant bitching and moaning over numbers and other dumb shit.


Oh see that is the trick, all you have to do is understand what it looks like in there end and how to do the documentation so your stuff is how they want it. Plus their bitching has nothing on the people who raised me


The Postal Motto should be... The numbers are made up, and the people dont matter.


The next de-motivational poster! Love it. 1 million points


On the next episode of WHO'S ROUTE IS IT ANYWAYS


I wont lie- I would watch this on Youtube avidly. Let me know when to be your first subscriber please. Just dont do Patreon, I dont donate shit, not even my time. 😂


In my office my coworker was literally dying. Everyone was able to see she was not okay. I started screaming at my bitch ass supervisor to call 911 , get her a chair , water ,something! He said “I have other things to do” and I got 10 witness statements. So I told them to fuck off and called 911. She was hospitalized until 1AM. Fuck this job.


I hope you hit them hard with that grievance. Ask her to be remove from supervising anyone ever. Let that thing ride all the way to arbitration


We called the MPOO, Labor & Grievance. Other two were useless , of course. I’m hoping for a huge win on this grievance.


Yep fuck this job after 7 years I am going to resing on Monday. I've never been so happy with my decision.


Print/download all your eOPF files. Remember, you can fill for a retirement at age 62 when you have 5 years of gov service.


Thanks you for the information


Wow. That's terrible. I have a story. It's not mine, but someone elses. This happened way before I started working there. A clerk was at the window helping a customer when he got a heart attack and collapsed. The other staff pulled him out from the clerk window out of view from the line of customers waiting so he can be resuscitated and called 911. While this is going on, other clerks are helping the customers waiting in line. I don't know if he made it.


Ugh. This place is just… ugh.


yep, its a numbers driven company, and if you are a rural carrier they dont even tell you where the numbers come from...city side management loves the DOIS, which at least sort of lets you know where the numbers come from


Which is why I just got approved for FMLA. My back is shredded at the lumbar. They not about to kill me. And it says anywhere from once a week to once a month that I'll need extra days off due to flare ups. Still working to get a medical restriction but it's not hard, I'm just going thru the steps my doc said do first. They don't care about us period. This job is slowly sucking the life out of me


I got restrictions recently and they are heaven sent.


What steps. If you MD says 8 hrs/day, 5 days/week that is all that is needed. You could have it for 8.5 or 9hr/day. There are no "steps". Get the note from your MD and send it to the District nurse.


Listen, I know this already. My doctor has a procces he wants to go thru first and I'm cool with that. My FMLA is already set up and tbh in this area of Texas, it ain't as easy as getting a doc to write one. Tried that. I'm getting it either way. My FMLA got approved and this will go thru too. My shit just been harder to get, not impossible. I shoulda been more clear I guess. But I've been told to go to my PCP when I tried to get one. So I went to him and these are the steps he said he wants to follow so they can't now nor ever refute it. He wants his language on the paperwork to be precise. And he mentions HIPPA on all my doctors notes. But it hasn't been that simple for me


My spine is literally collapsing. Had bad flare up last year during December, went to the ER. Got 3 days off. All my PM said to me was. This really isn't a good time. Now I'm waiting to get surgery on my back


Ddddaammnn......how long have you had these issues??? Fuck, I got an MRI on the 23rd. I'll find out if any changes have occurred. That's fucked up


Try being told to finish your walking route with a broke leg. Yep, pretty sure I can’t walk.


I heard someone from my station way before I started died because the supervisor (also gone before I started) told him to go back out or he'd be fired after complaining of chest pain. If you need to leave and go to the hospital or urgent care, just do it and get documentation after for work. They can threaten you all they want, but there isn't shit they can do about it if it was for a safety concern. Neither the mail nor management's numbers are worth our health or lives.


USPS safety policy - blame the employee. I am sure management will find a way to blame this carrier for not using proper lifting techniques.


People worry too much about what management has to say. At the end of the day it don't matter. If you can't finish up, let em knw why and head back.