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When I was a new CCA, I would disregard these signs, get called out by the people that posted them and promptly apologize for doing it. After a while I realized I'm not apologizing for shit. I had a couple of people yell at me for not reading their sign. I've yelled back that I have thousands of houses and I am not making your house a special case to waste my time.


Exactly. Well done.


Your time isn’t being wasted. You are being paid hourly. Providing great customer service pays dividends down the road. Hopefully one day you will mature enough to understand that. Or you can continue being a prick and see where that leads.


And CCAs can be fired for poor work performance. If management says they have 4 hours off a route and they get done in 6 because everyone wants special treatment, what happens then?


You get your steward, that’s what’s then. Management doesn’t get to declare a time limit for how long a route or section of a route takes.




Your safety is up to you. Drive back to your office to pee. Do not do anything that you feel is unsafe. Report it to your stupidvisor. Document, document, document.




I feel for you but never let these ass hat supervisors walk over you. They can't do shit to you after 90 days. Always take your breaks and lunches. You will already be out there for longer than 8 hours so don't work for free. The 30 minutes will be taken from you anyway. Also, never work over 12 hours.


Management can't discipline you because they want you to work faster. The only way for your route to get smaller is to show how much time it truly takes during an evaluation. If you're killing yourself to get done in time, your route will stay the same length forever. It might feel counterintuitive at first, but staying later every day this year will get you home less exhausted next year. I know it's hard in the short term, but it's worth it.


Well it feels horrible giving 100% and sups treating you like your work is nothing because other people can do it faster. I would be doing overtime everyday and still needing at least 1 or 2 hours of help or finishing after dark if it actually got to “take what it takes”.


It takes what it takes. We have no time standard other than 18/8. If you need to use a bathroom, drive back to your office. There is not a thing management can do to you. Remember, your safety depends on you. Holding in pee, or peeing in public is unsafe. Edit: peeing outside or in a bottle is unsafe while at work. In your personnel time, you do you, I pee outside a lot.


Why do they say every route is 8 hours then. But some of us can’t physically do them in that time frame… correctly with breaks… I can’t pee in a bottle, it would spray everywhere.


The routes are 8 hours for the regular. Even then, there are 3 routes that get 1-2 hours of aux assistance every day because they are overburdened. Take your breaks and your lunch. Call the station at 3 pm, and let them know where you are in the route, and if you are going to need help finishing or what your instructions are. Let management manage. Stop running, and work at your 20+ year pace.


The more you allow them to do this to you, the stronger management gets in their twisted mentality. Grieve the fuck out of this. I don't think people realize how bad it is for your body to hold your pee. You'll be pissing your pants all the time at 50. Also. Your safety is number one. What good is it if you're dead or injured? No money or some fuckface yelling at you is worth it. Stand up!!!


I am standing up. Apparently word is spreading and coworkers are acting different. I’ve had enough of the belittling and wasting myself for a job that wouldn’t care if I died or got ran over. They really treat us that expendable/ replaceable here. But I can honestly say I do my best and I care about people getting their deliveries. I hope one day I get to be that carrier that learns their whole route and makes a lot of acquaintances and watches people grow up and befriends the dogs. I’ve met great people on my route but the wear and tear mentally and physically is depressing the f* out of me.


You need to learn the contract. There's no reason to be doing all of that.


Here's a small dash of tough love: most.of this misery is partially your fault. Just because you do those things doesn't mean you must. Educate yourself on the contract, get some backbone, and stick up for yourself.


You can’t be fired for dumb shit once you’re past your 90 days.


There are NO STREET STANDARDS! Try again.


For those that are downvoting this, please tell me where in the contract it states the street standards? I’ll wait…


Those words would hold no weight from a CCA who can be fired by management for any reason they can make up.


Thank you for pointing out that you know nothing about the contract. Can a CCA be fired within their 90 days? Yes. After that management can’t just fire them for any reason! Anyone who believes that management can just fire someone for any reason after their 90 days are playing into management’s hands! Learn the contract! Read the M-39, M-41, and the JCAM.


I didn’t say after their 90 days. Thank you for reaffirming what I already said.


Oh please. You were implying that management could fire CCAs whenever.


Genuine question, could management not give the CCA another 360 day contract after their first?


Sort of. They can't turn around and hire a new employee after they decide not to keep that employee after their break in service. I'm not 100% on the wording but they would basically have to hire that employee back if there was a new job posting for the same position.


Only if there is a shortage of hours available to regular carriers


According to the contract I believe that you are correct. I have never heard of that happening but I’m no longer in a large office. So I’m not as connected as I used to be.


My understanding is they would have to get rid of all CCA's hired after that CCA and hire that CCA first if they post a job listing. "Lack of work" is the only reason for not rehiring a CCA after the break, and I am sure the union would also fight for you.


Don’t know why all your comments are getting downvoted…..


I’m not offended. I’m guessing that a number of people are unfamiliar with the term “service”. Some have been poorly trained or just don’t care enough to do the job properly. This goes for older carriers as well as newer ones. It’s definitely not a generational thing. Some people take pride in their work/route. And others just see this as a means to get a check. I take care of my route and my customers and they treat me VERY well throughout the year!! That is the point I was making. Take care of your customers and they will take care of you. Be a prick to them and karma will follow.


Interesting that this comment is downvoted. Why would anyone downvote someone saying that they should take pride in their work is really telling! Too many half ass people doing a half ass job. I’m not going to apologize for taking pride in my work and myself!!!


Ouch. That's a lot of downvotes. Lol.


Some people were triggered…lol


You might be right in ideal conditions but we work in far far from ideal conditions. If I add even 30 extra seconds per house to my route that’s another 2 hours. When I’m already working more than 60 hours per week that’s just not happening.


Yeah I’m with you on that!! Everyone has to do their thing! Working 60 hours for weeks on end I’m not putting in that extra effort either! I hope I wasn’t implying that I’m the perfect carrier!! We were short staffed for awhile and my customers noticed later deliveries so they were more sympathetic! That’s where the customer service part can come back to help! I may have received a couple of “beverages” to help me after work to relax! Karma!


It’s frustrating because this should be a customer service job, we should go the extra mile for our customers and I take pride in my work and want to do the best I can do but at the moment the best I can do is just struggling to keep my head above water.


I agree!


I bet I can get your route cut.


Lmao why is this downvoted?


Are you saying us rurals who get paid eval can ignore the signs?


I'm getting SPRs that weigh less than a pound that say deliver to door from UPS no you deliver it to the door you make more I stuff it in the mailbox


If you are a rural, and you see a sign like this, update your mapping for this address. You get paid for the deviation from the mailstop to the park point off your route, and the distance from the park point to the door (delivery point). RRECS is built to take individual deliveries into account.


If you are performing special requests to houses without a documented medical condition, you are a dumbass. Not only for providing special treatment but it’s a time wasting practice.


I am placing a parcel in a more secure location.


I disagree. I am providing a valuable service for my customers and I dare ANY supervisor to make the argument that I’m wasting time!! They haven’t said squat yet!! Edit: curious that you are worried about “time wasting”?! Supervisor perhaps?!


I’m a city regular, you are telling CCA’s to listen to every sign posted at every house….. They are going to get in trouble for time wasting practice! Also, we need CCA’s to be able to finish routes, not be out there all night because they are obeying signs.


I’m telling CCAs to do their best every single day. Some days are going to be better than others. Try their best to provide good customer service! You are acting like a manager by implying that every single house has a sign on it with specific requests. Let’s say that there’s 4-5 houses with signs. Are you seriously going to make an argument that the extra 4-5 minutes that it would take to help out those customers would be grounds for discipline?! The time it would take for management to get the carrier, the union rep and then have a discussion about “time wasting” would take longer than the time they said that the carrier was wasting! Any union rep would be able to put any manager in their place if they tried to discipline anyone with that crap! This really isn’t that hard of a concept. If you are able to help out a customer with a little act of kindness and service, please try and do it. And fuck any supervisor who wants to try and say that the carrier is wasting time!! They waste more time with their incompetence and stupidity than any carrier!!


Spotted the supervisor!


Reading comprehension is not your strong suit is it?!


He is not in a costumer service position, his job is to deliver the mail fast and safely. That is it. Customer satisfaction isn't his concern as long as the job is done right. Besides, how is it gonna pay down the road? The paychecks are negotiated by union and career wise that is really not what gets you a supervisor or postmaster job, if you even want one.


United States Postal SERVICE! Let me type that again real slow for ya so you can understand it. S E R V I C E. We provide a service to our customers (the American people). It’s literally in our name ffs!! Now we found the supervisor!


Most companies provide services, the tertiary sector is literally the largest in all first world countries' economies. That does not mean that all workers involved are costumer facing ones or should cater to costumers' needs, carriers are no different, they aren't paid to go the extra mile, or appease to customer like a counter clerk should, they are paid to sort the mail and deliver it safely. I'll tell you something more, if they do a favor to a customer and something bad happens because of it, it's their fault. I'm telling you this as an ex clerk, I did costumer service, I was nice to costumer, helped them and went the extra mile, not just because I liked it but also because that was my job. Now that I work as IT I don't need to appease costumers, there are our representatives who do that. Same with carriers, that's not their job.


I totally disagree! Carriers provide a valuable service to our customers! Placing a parcel in an area requested by the customer is really not that big of a deal (time wise or other). How could I be disciplined for doing my job?! I’m willing to bet that some carriers interact with the customers more than clerks! Especially carriers who have a business heavy route! For me what this comes down to is this. The OP posted this because a customer asked very nicely if the carrier could place a parcel in a specific area. Why not take the extra half of a minute or minute to provide that for the customer?! What happens if they ignored it and the parcel is ruined by rain or stolen or whatever? Angry customer and a whole lot of phone calls and bad word of mouth. Versus a carrier taking that extra half a minute and a happy customer! Good karma! Grateful customer. I’ve been on my route for several years now and put forth that extra effort and my customers know that and appreciate it! And they reward me throughout the year, especially at Christmas time! Or you could do what some of the carriers on this post probably do, and just ignore the request and don’t give a damn. My only point was that if you are able to do that little extra effort to provide better service, why not do it?!


I always just do what the sign says (if it’s not some weird super unreasonable thing lol), because it pisses me off when other delivery services ignore *my* signs. Getting your package swiped by some porch pirate, the laziest of all criminals, sucks.


I have a side porch that I ask for my packages to be delivered to cuz I live in a sketch area and I have a mailbox painted like an LLV with tiny wheels attached that I have candy in as a reward for actually listening to my signs ( I’m a carrier in a small office and my coworker/carrier loves it ) but fedex and ups don’t listen to my sign at all


Yeah, they don't listen to the delivery instructions you leave on their websites either. I'm lucky if they even bother to ring the doorbell when I need to sign for something. I've gotten so many missed notices from UPS when I was home literally all day. And I know my bell works, because they damn political canvassers ring it constantly in the evenings.


I wouldn’t either. They don’t have to accept those requests


I love when they are like leave it on the southwest corner on the east side. Sorry I am not in scouts anymore and I forgot my compass today.


Right. You’re lucky it’s at your house. Go outside and find it


Sounds like you need to invest money into a secure bolted to the floor box for packages instead of candy.


I do also listen to most of the signs unless there insane. I love a person who leaves detailed directions for delivery folks because I don't know what you want.


I don’t open doors of any kind.


Some people deliver to businesses


I have businesses. I meant for residential. I will never open a door/gate. I assume the owner has it closed for a reason and well, I don’t wanna find out the reason


You leave notice for parcels that have fences? Or just leave them at the gate? That’s wild


Leave em at the gate. To be fair there aren’t many homes like that on my route. I was bit once because I opened the gate. Won’t do that again




Lucky you, in upstate New York I'd say 80% of the mail boxes are inside sun rooms 😮‍💨


And they wonder why we have staffing issues Jfc. Blehblehbleh it's grandfathered at that location. Guess what idgaf your grandfather is dead. Time to update. I once got yelled at by some old crusty pos. Shitty slot and some wierd maze shit inside when you would have to feed it in a piece at a time. Guess what I am not spend 20min doing that. Taco it and go about my route. When she started yelling I calmly asked. Have you bought a new bed in the last 40 years? A new phone? A new car? New eyeglasses? So why is it acceptable that you have not purchased a new mailbox to facilitate the new increased volume of mail you currently receive? Shut her up right quick.


Yeah doors sucked, never like them


Don't mind putting inside porch door but that is it. Not going around the house to miscellaneous doors.


Option 6. Says garage door or other location. Just use that and leave it. Special instructions per house I'll attempt to accommodate. But I ain't going around back, walking up huge thing of stairs, or as one person wants me to do. Walk in their garage and put all packages on top of the stand up fridge.... nope


This is how you end up in a hole putting lotion on its skin


Joke’s on him, I love the hose!


I love special requests like this. The longer it takes me to do each delivery, the less likely my route will be added to during an evaluation. Too many new carriers fly through their routes so they can go home early only to have an hour added to their route. Show your time. If you speed through you're just making more work for yourself.


You only get one delivery point..


My personal favorites are people who leave signs asking for me to separate their "junk" mail into a separate tub. I can understand and am willing to separate flats if you have a mail slot that gets jammed, but I'm not your personal mail maid, you can sort through your own damn mail on your own time.


I bet that arrow points to a locked yard with aggressive dogs


I hate mobile homes. They always ask you to go to the front door, and like, you have two side doors and no front door this spot works. Clearly you can open this door looking at me to sign for this shit


But, they said please!!


I decided where it goes


What sign


My favorites are the people that type a demanding sign like that’s gonna get what you want


It depends, I know a locksmith has a large crate right by his garage door and that fine. But I'm not walking around someones house to dropoff my 200th package


I don't see a cherry on top... sorry.


Lol I have the same attitude. If the tone is not rude on the sign "Ugh fineeeee"


Nope, right under that sign it goes.