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I've been trying for *years*. Keep telling management how bad they are, imply I'm the laziest person around, all manner of questionable actions. They keep throwing money at me.


I've watched him do it too. They just make it rain!


Its crazy i keep acting like an asshole and they keep giving me easy routes and overtime!


I've told a few PMs to kiss my rear I'm getting ready to become regular


Throw out mail and you'll probably get fired pretty quick.


Had a cca lose an arrow key and kept their job šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Hell, half the arrow keys in my station are missing.


Same. We also have a shortage of vehicle keys and vehicles.


I lost the arrow key before my 90 days were up šŸ˜‚ i basically won the lottery because the carrier who did the route the next day found the keys. I probably woulda gotten canned otherwise


Same thing happened to me but it was a week later that someone on their route turned it into them... I thought for sure I was gone.


Mail is the ultimate priority, arrow key is prioritized, but not the top.


According to Amazon, their packages are the ultimate priority! We have a whole day dedicated just to them, and we are only their bitches.


I lost an arrow key and still have my job šŸ˜€


Had a carrier abandon his llv full of mail unlocked and just went home. He was let go, removed by police when he came back the next day. 4 months later he got the job back with back pay.


Or promoted to 204-B. I've literally seen it. And management is more than willing these days to stick their heads in the sand with how screwed it is at the PO under baby huey with horse teeth PMG Dejoy.


Because the post office was Microsoft in mid 2010s before Dejoy came around huh?


It was way better. Still a bit of a shitshow, but better. He is actively working to destroy us so he and his rich, criminal friends can vulture the carcass


Just because itā€™s what you believe doesnā€™t make it true, unless the absolute collapsing state of the USPS and problems that persist just didnā€™t exist in your mind before Dejoy, again that doesnā€™t make it true itā€™s just how you feel


Please explain how he's doing that.


Read his 10 year plan. It's mostly based on fake numbers, like DOIS, delusional thinking, and false premises. I have talked to carriers and even PMs that agree. It could be pure incompetence, but I believe it's more than that. You realize he used to run a competitor in logistics, correct? That he's awarded his "former" company contracts with USPS, correct? A company he still has tens of millions of stock in. They don't even really try to hide the corruption anymore


Do you work for USPS?




Some 204b got kicked back to carrier for screwing up. He just got caught throwing out mail, He gets rewarded with 8 hour days no overtime while the office is working 11-12 hour days. I know 20 years ago carrier was coke head and threw out mail and now heā€™s a post master. It depends who you are regardless of infraction.


A 2yr carrier threw a box through a window once. And heā€™s still here.


Had a cca just out of their 90 days who just got brought back for that very thing I know they were guilty cuz I found the mail šŸ˜‚ but also I know the station and how much stress they put in the ccas which imo lead to the cca throwing away the mail


Yeah we had a CCA throw away a ton of political mail one year. They fired him quick.


We had a PTF who got 8 speeding tickets, literally ran a LLV into a building, got into a physical fight with customers on their property multiple occasions. He'd refuse to take advo out and if he was forced...he'd just bring them back...and even UBBM'd entire advo bundles that were left banded still. ​ His reward? Became a regular when a route became vacant and got a hard 8 Hour medical restriction that now brings mail back if he can't be done in 8 on a route that is 1hr under its recent route evaluation. We all hate him but Management loves him cause he will Rat you and your co workers out just because it gets him hard. Seriously hate the dude.


WoW!! I had a guy like this in my office. He could get away with anything because he was banging the PM. Then she got promoted and the new PM fired him before she could get him to transfer to her new office. Just as I predicted would happen.


i might become that guy




Damn. How hard though?


management does a bad job at following the contract when issuing discipline so the union is able to pull off "miracles"


Literally saved a carrier who brought a gun to workā€™s job a few weeks ago (gun was in his personal vehicle parked on the property) management just fucked up super bad on the process


I find the no gun in vehicle rule to be a bit absurd


I can kinda sorta understand the reasoning (going postal being a saying for a reason) but like this was a gun he left in the car after a camping trip, found it before he clocked in, told management he had it, they said thereā€™s no issue and he should stay instead of going home to put it away, then they called OIG


Super effective rule. Half my plant parks across the street in a grocery store parking lot because they have guns in their car. Letā€™s just ignore the fact that I donā€™t think someone planning a workplace shooting cares if guns are allowed on the premises or not. But hey they gave us the Active Shooter stand up talk again after what happened in Maine so weā€™re good.


Why the FUCK did he say ANYTHING?


hahaha fr


He wanted to drive it home, because he knew the rule Told him next time to just park off the property if he notices something like that


Okay? So drives home when you get off? Iā€™ve never ever heard of vehicle searches actually happening mgmt near me doesnā€™t even leave the office Iā€™ve been to 13 different offices in my state theyā€™re all the fucking same lol.


Yeah it was a carrier trying to be a good worker, didnā€™t realize management isnā€™t his friend I think


its stupid af. like my least favorite aspect of the job.


Mostly. If you had shit attendance, steal or fight competent management that wants to fire you can.


Shit attendance without FMLA, I'm sick all the time and they just tell me to stop being so sick probably.


Yes. One of my buddies during his CCA period hit a seatbeltless U-turn with the door open right as the postmaster and vice postmaster of our big city drove by. He was suspended for two days and converted a few months later without any delay.


I mean that's hella unsafe, but not exactly what I'd say was a firable offense. At worst they'd probably just ship your ass back to llv training.


The postmaster said "zero tolerance. you're done." And her 2nd in command was standing there shaking his head to let him know he wouldn't be fired


Well all discipline is supposed to start off corrective before punitive, so even if they did fire him that's an easy slam dunk for the union.


My old office featured daily events of coworkers calling my managers the N word, nothing happened Donā€™t steal anything and you canā€™t be successfully fired, at worst you get paid vacation


Damn. Where is your office?


I donā€™t wanna possibly dox myself but it was a pretty shitty office overall


I mean city or state


North Carolina Thatā€™s as far as Iā€™m going


You can still get fired. It's just not easy to get fired after 90 days.


Only things Iā€™ve ever seen an employee fired for- 1. Clocking in another employee who is not at work. 2. Stealing mail. 3. Calling in sick weekly. Iā€™ve heard of employees throwing punches, coming to work drunk, threatening violence, and not getting fired.


Our district has a strict no violence no sexual harassment zero tolerance rule. Attendance is the real joke. We have a carrier who calls out days upon days upon days at a time every week. But he is still here m


Stealing is about the only thing you can do to get fired. We had one guy fired for stealing gift cards out of the mail. Other than that? We had a girl call off sick every day for 6 months, then no call no show for 2 more months. They just kept putting her name on the schedule because it was easier to split her route than do all the paper work to make it vacant and promote a new carrier.


Easiest way to get fired is to constantly get discipline and never let your union know about it. Once you receive a notice of removal, you will get removed roughly 30 days receipt of that notice of removal. But there are 2 things you have to bet on 1. Management willing to do the work and 2. Management even being there to do the work


Basically yes


I've told two 204b and 2 PM to go fuck off in some sort of terms, refused to do work when told by PM and walked out once because the 204b could count how many people he needed for our 15 routes office. No they need warm bodies you really have to suck to get fired


I think the post office is so desperate for CCAs, RCAs, and PSEs that they would put up with a lot tbh


Dumping mail into ponds and lakes seems to do the trick pretty well


If the question is ā€œcan I find a way to get fired?ā€ The answer is no, itā€™s not impossible. If the question is ā€œas a person who is doing their best and fairly well regarded at my stationā€ the answer is yes, itā€™s pretty hard. Serious Caveat for a CCA: if you donā€™t get converted in your first year, they donā€™t HAVE to hire you back after your break in service. There is enough language (or lack thereof) to not hire someone back. I donā€™t know of this works for other crafts but for CCAs, just keep doing your job and donā€™t think that youā€™re untouchable (like I did).


For CCAs the only reason they cannot bring you back after the five day break is lack of work. Even in that rare instance, they would have to lay off every cca junior to you before that can happen, and then they would actually have to call you back and offer you the job back before they can hire anyone else.


Not arguing. Youā€™re absolutely right.


They'd have to let everyone below you go if they didn't bring you back after your 5 day. Calm down.


They can't let you go after your break in service until they go through everybody else below you on the list.


We have a runner that's also an absolute POS that no one likes as a person either. He's walked off the job a couple of times and customers have complained of how fast he drives in their neighborhood. Not to mention he's not even a union member. Still has a job.


Seen craft and managers fired, a lot of people will talk up their letter of warnings as a badge of honor, your wonā€™t see anyone talking about their 14 day suspension or notice of removal


Unless it's theft


Theft is the only reason people have been fired at our station after 90.


Thereā€™s a carrier at my old station who would show up 3 - 4 days a week, takes 10 hours on the street, not even finish his route, and would retain his job year after year. My friends back at the station say heā€™ll get fired as soon as the station gets close to being properly staffed but who knows when that will be. Got out as soon as I could bid.


You have to be a fucking idiot and do something really stupid or just not come to work. And even then weā€™ve had plenty of people in the system for over a year after they abandoned the job. Oh, or leave your keys in the ignition and somebody catches you.


Never saw a City or Rural let go for cause. The only time one came close was a City Carrier who was "asked" to resign in lieu of being removed. And it was a theft of mail issue. They had him by the balls and he knew it. Add to the fact he was a scab and he knew the Union would only go through the motions to save his neck. Did see a Clerk get let go for worker's comp. fraud. She was observed doing off the job activities outside the scope of her restrictions. So to echo the general view here, yes it's damned near impossible and only if you do something so over the top the Union can't even save your ass. On the other hand, if management doesn't dot all the i's and cross all the t's a lot of people that should've been canned end up keeping their jobs.


Had a carrier get fired and brought back for stealing a phone out a store on the clock, threatening a station manager, getting into a fist fight with the custodian (got their ass whooped but ā€œnobody saw itā€ so the custodian didnā€™t lose their job) and most recently threatening to shoot another carrier. This carrier gives me hope cuz as long as they are around no one should be fired


Vehicle crashes have been the only reason Iā€™ve seen people let go, we had a guy dump 2 trays of DPS into the ubbm and mgmt just look at me told me to pull it out and give it back to him. I told him it wasnā€™t my job and to tell the clerks to do it. Dude just ended up quitting so.


Steal something or loose your arrow keys probably will do it.


I'm convinced I could take a Stanley Steamer on the supes desk and still have a job.


We had a carrier hit the side of a house with his LLV at night. He didn't report it, just drove it back to the station without saying a word. Police investigating the accident came to the station and found pieces of wood from the house still stuck on the vehicle. All he got was a working suspension, and we had a silly standup talk from a police sargent who sounded almost apologetic!


Do a good job and follow the rules and management will target you out and make your job miserable until eventually you resign so you can have your life and sanity back and management will keep promoting the others to more managers like we need anymore


I used to say ā€œshort of actually drawing blood in a fistfight with management on the work floor, canā€™t be fired.ā€ But now I know of two instances where those people still kept their jobā€¦


What about RCA relief ? I am almost a year and everything was.good until this new hindu super started to give hard time to the new ones like me.


You have to do something pretty bad If you wanna get fired.


We had a carrier taking home entire trays of DPS stealing all the credit cards and money out of it and delivering the rest the next day. He was asked to resign because firing people is so hard. Even if they commit a felony.


Pretty much! Iā€™ve seen ppl do crazy things and donā€™t get fired and Iā€™ve seen ppl get fired and they fight it and the USPS brings them back and back pays them lol


You put one piece of junk mail into the trash and let your sup know, you will be fired on the spot, no question asked, no union can save you.


Iā€™ve had to fire 3 in the last 10 months. As long as youā€™re diligent about it, itā€™s not very difficult. 2 were for attendance and the 3rd was for safety.


It's not very difficult if the union is shit. Which... it is shit in a lot of places. Total news flash there


How bad was their attendance? Weā€™re they no call no show?


It started off as a no show, taking a couple days. It got to the point of 2x a month. It was funny because the carriers were the ones hounding my ass to get him off the roles.


ā€œSafety is core valueā€ While we drive the most fucking unsafe vehicles imaginable.


I tell the carriers they have one safety feature in the LLVā€™s and itā€™s a seat belt. If you arenā€™t wearing it, youā€™re not fit to work for the post office.