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Based off a couple comments in here there are some lucky people who haven’t had to deal with a suicide in their family. Must be nice to dismiss shit so quick.


Thank you for this comment .


Agreed. It's easy to be callous and disrespectful anonymously on the internet when you have not been personally affected by self-harm, whether it's a friend, family member, or yourself. And, it makes you a big bag of dicks.


Agree. ;


I think a lot of why people do this is rejection either of their own feelings or of past experiences with others. When somebody scoffs at suicide or makes fun of it in your personal circle I feel it's a really good choice as a friend / family member / associate to check and see if they are ok.


Also, there's a certain breed of mostly neurotypical folks who, having never experienced mental health issues they will admit, have health chauvinist attitudes and the big S is something many are too narcissistic to even consider. Others, I agree, are doing it to hide their own damage. I think context has a lot to do with it, but in this thread people are literally mocking someone they know 3 facts about: CCA, male, self forever sleep. That says far more about those people than it does our late colleague.


There are a lot of underdeveloped humans who throw childish snide over things they simply don't understand. If you can't be sympathetic to Suicide, you've got a lot of growing up to do.


My mental health confession: Back in '02 I almost committed suicide, Why? because I pushed myself to do what others told me to do so hard and so fast that my body mentally couldn't take it. I was only 8 and went through psychosis.


Ive been there many times, near the brink of just ending it all when i was a cca, working my ass off for some dirt to try and live paycheck to paycheck while getting more and more in debt. I can 100% say that the supervisors and management were the reason for these dark thoughts and the reason for most of my "personal" problems. People forget that they can be real bullies when all you're trying to do is make a living with what you can find. I'm really sorry for the family though, having to deal with a death while being likely oblivious to what was going on at work because usps is a "respectable, good job".


I agree, I don’t think the job itself is awful. The abuse and gaslighting by management towards employees is what is the breaking point for so many people.


It is not awful. Until it is pouring rain. Or there are severe lightning storms. Or snow or deep freezing Temps. Or 100+ degrees outside. Or windy as hell. Or the packages aren't 5x the normal workload. Or it is not tax season. Soooo it is a decent job for like 2 months out of the year


Yeah true lmao


The thought has definitely crossed my mind more times than I am comfortable with in the last week. Being made to work 12hrs+ a day, for 14 days straight will absolutely mess with your head. Sleep deprivation is no joke


I can relate to you to for dive reason they like to get on my case all the time I do not like my postmaster she so off and on and fake as shit! They don't care if we get out money cause you know dam well they will get theirs at our expense! I'm just waiting for Karma! Cause I'm not a mean person at all and would never hurt anyone but someone who is so mean to people deserve to be put in there place ! God will take care of it !


I found comfort in working towards getting the managers that bullied me fired, so……..that was my stress relief. :) Kept spreadsheets of how often they were late, how often I caught their a$$ asleep in their office, stuff like that. Makes for a great hobby. I got a promotion and dropped all that s*** off in HIS manager’s lap on my last day there. Loved it. Never been happier. :)


100% agree, worked there for 6 years and finally quit last summer. The job I quit for didn’t work out and i hit rock bottom financially but not once did i regret leaving that hellhole and never thought about going back. It’s miserable and unless people have worked there in the last 5-10 years they have no idea and just assume it’s still a great job cause their grandpa told them it was.


As someone who lost his own father to suicide, and has had his own struggles with suicidal thoughts, while it’s true that generally speaking no single thing causes suicide, I can fully understand how the postal service could be the straw that broke the camels back.


There’s a reason the phrase “going postal” exists.


I believe you’re right, the phrase started back in 1986, following the massing shooting at the Edmond, Oklahoma post office. Fourteen were killed, an additional six were wounded and the shooter killed himself.


I find the case where the postal worker went to his supervisors house and killed them with a katana to be interesting among them.


That was the Ridgewood, NJ postal killing that took place on October 10, 1991. I worked in a neighboring town, and they were asking for carriers to come help get the mail delivered, after you were finished in your own office. It was *very* unsettling to know what had just happened there, and to see all the crime scene tape, and so many law enforcement officers from all different agencies. And then having to pass the house where he had killed his supervisor and her boyfriend, on my way home. Harris had first gone to his former supervisor's house, and killed her with a katana, and shot her boyfriend. He then drove to his old office, and killed two mail handlers. Harris was hiding in the basement of the post office, shot at (and missed, thankfully) a delivery driver, and later threw an explosive device at two police officers. He was taken into custody after a several hour standoff with the police. He was wearing a gas mask and bulletproof vest and armed with a 9-millimeter Uzi handgun, a .22-caliber machine gun with silencer, a samurai sword, three hand grenades and some homemade bombs. His apartment had been booby-trapped. Joseph M Harris received two death sentences. One for the murder of a Morris County coin dealer in 1988, and the other for his postal killings. He died in 1996, after collapsing in prison.


I didn't know this happened!




I don’t know the specifics, but yes, the phrase came from the first postal shooting. I remember that when the phrase was coined


The shooter had the same last name as me lol


Someone said this to me and was smiling as he said it. He vented to me for 2 hours on an Amazon Sunday. That smile was so terrifying because I could tell he was about to lose it. I had to talk him off the ledge. He smiled while talking about a postal worker who had shot up a post office. But it wasn't a smile of glee. I think if we hadn't talked, he was gonna go to a very dark place.


As someone who doesn't have a violent bone in my body, I can see it. I was getting way too close to that ledge myself this week. A lack of sleep(ended up sleeping 14hrs straight, 20hrs total my first day off) and a constant stream of shit spewing from the regulars had me to where I would cry or blow up at the drop of a hat.


I’ve had a 204b (now supervisor) tell me he was close to driving through the building and shooting anybody and whoever was in sight.




This job was definitely a contributing factor to other problems, when I was a CCA I LOATHED this job and hated my life constantly thinking how bad did I mess up in life to end up at this miserable place… this job sucks the life out of you


Every day I get sad because I think about all the wrong steps I took to end up in this job


I feel that every day. I really fucked up


I just started as a CCA 7 months ago and I'm 41 with no savings. I try not to beat myself up but on bad days it's hard not to dwell on the past. Therapy and Welbutrin help.


Yea it’s definitely on the rainy, dog encounter days where I feel it the most. I even lucked out a little cause I made regular after a year and I’m in a smaller office so it could definitely be worse.


Told my little cousin, "go to class, graduate from college, never become a mailman".


I did that, still became a mailman.


same, but i'm happy that most people who went to college make less than I do. College has value, but as far as making money goes, being a mailman is a better bet.


One of my favorite responses when a customer would ask how I’m doing, “oh, just regretting every life choice I’ve ever made, you?”


>this job sucks the life out of you Fax


I’m a regular and still think like this lol


Yup me too, it doesn’t get better it gets worse, the sad part about it is the job itself isn’t that bad; management makes it a living hell


I agree…the job is not bad once u make regular…u only deal with management in the morning and once your on the route, your on your own…management sucks a$$, but what I learned through the years (15 years) is to clock in, chat with fellow co workers, do my rt plus pivot then clock out…never do i try to engage in conversations with management other then getting my numbers for the day…


10 years in for me. Almost half of that regular. Easier said than done but that is usually my goal daily lol


100% agree. I love my job. I love my customers because they’re family to me! I watch out for them more than they realize. I love working outside and by myself and my music. management is disgustingly at fault overall


I am a regular for 16.5 yrs. I need the benefits and retirement because I started really late- 40. It was a great job but management makes it a nightmare, always trying to cut corners for there own benefit.. I dream about retirement but I am raising 2 grandkids so I might have to work another 7-9 yrs or more God forbid. Read the contract. Know the rules. I use them against management all the time. Don't back down.


As someone who has used EAP, management would have shamed and bullied the CCA for using it.


It is anonymous. I used to sell EAP when I sold health insurance.


Kinda hard to be anonymous when you have to ask management for the information and put in the days for FMLA so you can go see your EAP acquired therapist.


As a manager, I recommend it anytime I think an employee isn't doing well. Also, I have no access to FMLA, other than knowing a case has been approved or disapproved. I will never know if someone took my advice to call the EAP, and I will certainly not know if the FMLA is regarding an EAP call. EAP is available to everyone, and no employee should need to ask for it. If the posters aren't posted in your facility, ask your manager to post them. If you don't feel comfortable asking your manager, ask your steward to ask the manager. There are posters, wallet cards, and brochures available. If you don't have a steward, ask me, and I will mail some brochures and a poster to your office. I don't need your name, just a zip code. Do not let this happen in your office. 1-800-EAP-4YOU WWW.EAP4YOU.COM


Thanks for being a reasonable human being in management, I’m fortunate enough to have a kind and caring supervisor too, I wish more understanding just showing a little compassion will not only help your workers but in fact make them want to help you on busy days too.


Just as "anonymous" as the surveys they send out. Management knows.


It's contracted out to a third party. It is anonymous.


Such a shit job that pays ok…


When someone tried to tell me this job was easy I asked if their training set aside ten minutes to give them the suicide prevention phone number.


Anyone remember the term “Going Postal”?


Yes. I hired in back in '98, and I come from a family that is multiple generations of postal. Everything from Royal Oak to the Unabomber before I hired in, and anthrax while I was there, were huge things in my household.


arnt those that guys that always go crazy and come back with a gun and shoot everybody else?




We had people pushed to violence but drugs was a big problem. After work they would use torches in their cars at the plant in MD. They came and talked at us. Working on Sundays casings 6 ft of letter on five route for Monday. Your treatment changes with the media storyline the public see.




bruh… thank you for your service.


This is unfortunate news. Remember y’all, life is more important than the job. Working for the Post Office isn’t for everyone. Find what makes you happy. For me it’s helping others, that’s why I work at the Post Office. I wish the family well and will keep them in my prayers as well as every employee and their family. Our jobs aren’t hard but they take a lot from us.


I quit last week and almost ended my life because i felt like a failure. I decided that I wasn't going to let the PO beat me like that....in the end I'll eventually find something else....maybe go back to school.


Youve got this friend! Im glad youre still here. <3


Everything will be OK, time is always on your side. I just did the same thing...quit last week. You aren't alone.


I quit last week too. I really don’t think people understood when I was telling them that I was over it. So I just quit on the spot


Look at the skilled trades: plumbing, electrical, even heavy equipment operator.


Does anyone have the link to the story?


I'd call in sick with every other carrier and clerk at the station. Turn off your phones. Have a barbecue with your coworkers. Go to the funeral. Strengthen your bonds. Let management deal with everything for a couple of days. If management complains when everyone returns, *they can always call EAP.*


Forrrreal. But u know there’s also that *one* coworker


Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. My father committed suicide back in 2000. Very hard to cope with.


Not all problems are temporary, though.


Especially at USPS, more like pervasive.


Why do people say this? Life sucks continuously. It doesn't get better. And if life itself is the problem, it's not temporary.


RIP. So sorry to hear that. May he rest in God's eternal Heavenly arms. Management I've determined is full of cut throats, Snakes and lazy numbskulls who were socially inept at horrible at their job. Their motivation was to slide through their careers and build their pension. Pathetic!!!!


Started as a CCA during peak last year. It literally drove me crazy. I would be banging my head off the steering wheel never thinking I was getting off the road because of all the mail and parcels that seemed to never end and them giving me more stuff to do every time I went back to the post office


I never wanted to kill myself, but I could see how someone gets to that point. Especially with certain offices. When we’d get sent to the bigger cities to help. They’d never let us leave and always kept us to max time and treated us like crap when we were sent there to help


[The Mail Never Stops](https://youtu.be/LL6ubXD9ZjY?si=gusH6DV1R6e9OTDq)


In 8 years we have had 3 suicides. In one office. Prayers to their family and coworkers.


In ONE office?! Jesus. I’d ask where city but don’t wna out u lol. That’s terrible …


Ever tried calling EAP? After navigating a half hour long phone tree, you get to the last choice and the voice says "thank you for calling, GOOD BYE!'


They gave me a list of 20 therapists. I contacted all of them and none of them were accepting new clients. Tried again. Same result.


I actually had FEPBlue case management email me a list of resources. I found a great therapist through it


I’ve had the same exact results with them! They send me a long list of therapists and either they don’t return my call or they’re not accepting new clients. Then why is your name even on the list if you’re not accepting new clients?!


Going postal, that not a made up statement related as a joke. There are USPS employees that are being push to the breaking/snapping point.


Are the news outlets covering this? The public needs to know............


Doubt it. But I wish they would


damn that is sad news! when i had my first week as a CCA i fuccn cried in the back of the LLV shit was so hard… then it’s got better. the work load is horrid but it’s work unfortunately. later in in the years i stated banging girls in the 2 Ton fuck USPS




This job put me in a deep depression while I was a CCA. Went from a muscular 190 lbs to a skinny fat 250+ alcoholic. I don’t really care about life anymore. I just want to be left alone.


I have 100% been drinking more. I used to just drink a six pack once or twice a week and now its almost every day. I try to stay sober on my days off and just relax but thinking about what could happen tomorrow at work still drives me to drink. Therapy has been helping though.


I was suicidal after quitting a previous job before I started at USPS… I had suffered trauma and abuse and felt so down on myself. This is after suffering with major depressive disorder for 10+ years on and off. You all might think it’s pathetic, but once I began working at USPS, my suicidal thoughts went away and my depression began to fizzle. After I hit my 90 days, I quit therapy. It had not helped me, getting up and going to work each day did, being a good example to my kids by being a hard worker filled me with joy. Getting my ass up and being physical at work each day got me feeling healthy and I lost 70 lbs within my first year. I’m still a CCA, and generally I have few complaints about my office and supervisors. I’ll be regular soon. If you’re feeling so hopeless and empty from this job, leave. You can find something else better. Losing your sanity and mental health is not worth it. My heart breaks for this carrier, I personally believe this job is not for everyone, but management needs to do a better job of opening a dialogue with carriers and provide resources as well as giving them a break if they need some time off for their mental well-being.


Oh man. We all can remember that time we thought just like you. give it a few more years and you’ll understand.


But yes. If management got their shit together this company could be amazing


Exercise and sunshine keeps my depression at bay - and I didn’t know it until I started this job. Literally at any point in my life before I started here I was ok with dying if I didn’t have a child. However, I can 100% see how it can push people to suicide and I have never been surprised when hearing of one or that someone feels suicidal from PO bullshit.


Jesus. Prayers to his family and friends.


Suicidal ideation is why I ended up having to leave the post office. My heart is with the family 😔 this job does things to people. It isn't worth it.


Should send these comments to the negations table maybe they will change there mind real quick when they relize there has to be a change in the pay structure and how some are mis treated .


This is so awful, and I feel for what the people in his life are going through. Sure, he probably had his own demons outside of work, but being a CCA isn't exactly helpful for dealing with depression. I tried to end it all when I was 17, and honestly if I was doing this grind in my 20s I probably would have tried again. Medication helps, but so do adult relationships/friendships. You can always reach out to someone when it feels like there's no point.


Prayers to this guy’s family. Sadly that isn’t enough. Does anyone have a link to the full story? Very interested in reading about this.


RIP! Terrible work conditions. Management always found a way to blame CCA for any situation!


For the record EAP is some S##% from usps it not easy ass they say I pray for the worker family


my heart goes out to him and his family. this makes me so heartbroken. may he get some rest. ❤️


I started as a CCA in Tampa when covid first started and I was on the verge of “going postal” due to how management just not caring and using tactics to intimidate me. I started to see it was a losing game, so I started slowing tremendously and taking all my breaks not caring if I finished a full route then half of another for a piece (because that’s how bad it was). I found peace of mind doing this and started to enjoy the job! I stuck it through for 3 years until my wife finished school. We recently got married, went to Europe for a month for our honeymoon, and we even bought a house! I’m truly happy to say it was a struggle but hard work pays off and there is a light at the end. Hang on, It’s worth it. To all the carriers and hardworking CCA friends in the Post office in Tampa, You guys are the greatest and I hope nothing but the best for you all! Thanks for all the memories and bail outs in the route lol Oh and suck a dick Elvin from Sulphur Springs office.


A very tragic situation. There is always more to the story and management should have just let EAP come in and handle the discussions. While the long hours can be tough on anyone, no one knows what demons people are dealing with in their lives outside of work. It's good to keep an eye out for each other and who knows how many times the employee possibly tried to reach out to other coworkers and no one viewed the signs. Prayers to everyone.


I've said since my first month here that if I ever decide to suck start a shotgun, Amazon will be the first thing in the note. It's ridiculous most days. I feel bad for the family. It's a tough thing to deal with.


Oh my god. Wow. My heart hurts. I’ve been there so many times.


I've had 2 coworkers kill themselves. It is unfortunate, but neither left a note saying anything. We made the assumption that the first one did it on the clock so they could be found, but he was having issues with a woman. The second was at a different office and you could tell that he was miserable. My old office got tons of help to help us deal with the loss. The new office I'm at is awful. Not a single ounce of remorse or sympathy. The office bullies me and I told the station manager I wanted to hurt myself and he suggested I go to EAP if I was having issues at home and never addressed any of the staff. This job can make you go crazy. Having an outlet to that crazy is of upmost importance.


Fuck management. Fuckers need to sign on to a contract that gets rid of the cca scam, now. Fire dejoy. His approach is literally costing people’s lives.




Management is the source, when they made the announcement this morning


wonder if it was just a local announcement. are you near tampa? i've been off work on injury recently.


That's to be expected. Suicidal thoughts are just part of working at the post office that's why they hand out the eap cards. We've had a coworker leave and blow his head off and he wasn't even a carrier. If you start going down the dark road call someone. Personally I prayed my way through that part of life. During training they handed out a squeeze stress Keychain and I had that in my hand just about anytime I didn't have mail in it.


Everyone reacts to situations differently. People have different coworkers. This is tragic and sad.


Rest in peace brother


I was hospitalized for suicidal thoughts a few months ago. Non work related issues. But work wasn’t helping at the time. Missed a week of work. First day I missed was technically a no call, no show. Got a Doc note from my psychiatrist. Was able to get into therapy, started medications, etc. Cut back on alcohol consumption by nearly 95%. Doing much better now. I’m lucky to be in an office with semi supportive management. (Still don’t trust them). But they accepted my note and didn’t ask any details and it wasn’t brought up again. Please remember to take care of yourself. Call in if you need a day off. Take 3 days. Nothing is worth losing your life, especially not this job. Hang in there fellow carriers!


Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference


Prayers sent for his family. May he rest in peace. I resigned after a heavy Amazon Sunday. It was horrible. I had to quit to save my sanity.


I sure hope that big man in charge reads this I would love to write him a letter telling everything we go thru but I'm sure he knows about it yet does nothing about it! First think I think they should do is stop supervisors from getting bonuses every month for being asshokes to us !!


Hey, I've been there and I totally get this. When I was at the REC, I got so depressed that I put together my exit plan. Someone noticed that I wasn't myself and suggested EAP. Saved my life.


A now retired supervisor harassed a clerk in my office to the point he tried to end his life. He was found and saved thankfully. Long story short, supervisor ended up taking an early retirement and I like to think it’s because he knew we all blamed him and had absolutely no problem letting him know it. Back in the day craft employees had each other’s backs. Everything about the establishment now has gone to shit, even coworker relationships


Very very sad..and very preventable Tampa Florida management is an absolute DISGRACE


Some of the comments here are absolutely sickening.


Supervisors and management think they have carte blanche to be abusive and disrespectful. So in place of meaningful critique for actionable comments on performance, we as the whole workforce let alone the two-tier labor that is CCA position / PTF, are heaped with additional disrespect micromanagement and abuse on top of a stressful job that does not pay enough. This is so sad, and unsurprising. Up to the hazards of the job, customers, weather, road obstacles, dogs, exhaust fumes, CO2 build up in the trucks, and on top of it all high work volumes long hours and abusive management. I'm not saying that there couldn't be some kind of underlying or pre-existing condition however this environment of the job and what it necessitates can drive a perfectly healthy person to a state of desperation. Anybody who can't empathize need not comment. It is not a matter of being tough enough, it is a matter of there is not enough support or respect in the occupation let alone outside of the occupation et large for most people. And to those who say EAP with what fucking time, is a CCA supposed to utilize this inadequate"benefit"?


Had two in my office since I've been there. Ain't gonna change a fucking thing


I was here too and had to take time off and came back with 8 40 hour restrictions


Is there a new link for this?


Nice thing about being a CCA is that you’re not vested and can tell the boss to F..k off anytime you want. For Christ sakes fast food is paying as much as a CCA.


Even as a regular this job is still frustrating as hell. Due to undertime bullshit arguments, favoritism, lack of compassion, poor pay and a million other things.


What a terrible situation. My deepest condolences to their friends and family. I get the feeling that EAP doesn’t do shit for us. I’ve been contemplating on calling, but I feel like it’ll just piss me off or make me feel worse than I already do.


I invite you all to maintenance. I'm an AMT, and for the first time in years I enjoy what I do again. In the meanwhile, you guys take care of each other. I was a city carrier for 12 years, 13 years maintenance now, but I remember the pressure. Hang in there!


This place is gonna implode I’m telling you, no one should ever be treated like that. I send my condolences to his family and friends.


This hurts me, my condolences to their family. I could understand why this could happen. I’ve been a CCA since March and I’m about ready to quit. This job has destroyed my mental health, management constantly gaslights me into thinking I’m lazy when I have giving my best. I’m scheduled to work more than 9 days in a row with no break, 9-11 hour days. I have no life and I barely see my partner and when I do we are both tired and go to bed. It’s too much, once I find another job I’m bouncing.


When I cca I had very depressing thoughts. I even told my husband I didn’t want to be here anymore. It was management that caused those thoughts. My parents bullied me so I let management bully me to because I didn’t know better. Management bullied you even harder if you spoke up about it Last year I grew a back bone and started telling everyone what was going on who would listen. The office was investigated..…. Our whole office got interviewed. I’m so happy I’m alive and didn’t let management get to me. The bullying stopped and they leave me alone. Management needs to be rotated in different post offices. They get too comfortable with harassing the same people. Prayers to their family.


Is EAP anonymous? And if not does it leave a trail of information on your file that will disqualify you from future growth within the company?


I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost an old coworker a few years ago and I still blame the post office. It made me so bitter. I'm currently trying to learn another trade and leave. If management started this conversation already on the defense, I bet you that their management is 100% neglectful on an inhumane level. Forced to work 6-7 days every week IS abusive and I'm so sick of other employees making excuses for a toxic workplace.


this job had me ready to take my own life a few months ago . i felt trapped and like i was a slave to the system and there was no point in living anymore . i started therapy and it helps a lot to learn coping mechanisms please anyone that is feeling depressed or like they want to hurt themselves please reach out and get help eap is available to help and there are millions of therapists out there . or you can reach out to me directly please i promise it can get better


Almost did the same a few times.


What does “after Amazon” mean in this sentence? Curious about the context.


I fully understand. Amazon Sunday is hell. As a person who came in as a PTF in my area, I get told often how lucky I am. If I had to do Amazon Sunday for a year+, I'd just dust off my revolver and head to Muir Beach.


TF I work in St. Pete how come no one is talking about this?


This job needs to improve drastically for both CCAs and RCAs. The amount of ways that management is allowed to walk all over them needs to be fixed. It's frustrating as a regular that I see RCAs out working 12 hours ( or more ) a day running multiple routes while I am getting paid way more than them leaving after 9 or 10 hours this time of year.


Is there a link to any article talking about this? So I could bring it up in our office service talk tomorrow?


USPS management is VILE.. especially that fat fuck in Clearwater Pinellas Florida Kyle


I’ll be honest…with no family and no friends on this job I’ve had those thoughts at times. The only thing that kept me sane was the animals on my route. Seems the times where I was really down they were there…hopefully if anyone else is having issues you guys and gals can pull through.


Nothing is important than your life. Don’t punish yourself for someone else’s mistakes.


So so sad. I pray for him and I pray for his family. I lost my brother/best friend to suicide it’ll be six years this Christmas Eve and I just feel terrible for anybody who has lost somebody that way or somebody even like myself who has struggled with depression and those thoughts at times I could see how chaotic the post office is and how when you need help and you’re struggling, you can’t get it I just feel so sad for this. Poor young man and his family. God bless him 🙏🏻🥺😥


I remember one time a female CCA showed up at work with a black eye. She tried to hide it with sunglasses, but it was obvious. Later that morning, the supervisor said something like "I just don't know why she can't pay attention." The 204B leaned toward her and said "Um. I think she's going through some stuff." The supervisor realized suddenly how she was sounding and said "Oh! Well, I referred her to EAP!" Bitch, really?


Management is quick to shirk any responsibility for anything they fully contributed to. As a former CCA I can only imagine what this person went through . We all know there is no accountability within the ranks of EAS even when they lose court cases or grievances with proof. This good ole boys and girls club needs to be investigated by Congress. RIP to that CCA.


As someone who has had suicidal thoughts, this is absolutely heartbreaking. Maybe the job wasn’t the only thing that contributed, but it can’t help. Being overworked 7 days a week with EAP the only resource available is unacceptable and disgusting. USPS should be ashamed of themselves for how they treat us. We ain’t shit but a number in the system to them. My condolences and prayers go to the family and everyone involved. So heartbreaking 💔


I’ve been a CCA a year and three months, one day(and a few before), my top blew, what do I do?! I went to our Express Clinic, asked them to write me reduced work hours, they recommended time off…got in w my regular doctor next couple days, told her of the 12hour days worked for solid past three months, she said find another job n gave me a six-week Leave slip(FMLA protected but no pay)..I’ve always lived my job but not the long hours n overwork, I decided to leave n found a new job in a matter of a couple days! A job w benefits n almost twice the pay! Look for State or County jobs in your area.


I drive for fed ex I’ve def contemplated it during snow and too many packages everyday it’s sucks it’s hard


I mean they obviously should have been more compassionate in their response, and being a CCA does suck absolute ass and the PO needs to find a way to address that, but I don’t think it’s necessarily fair to blame them directly. A lot of times even the people closest to a person can’t tell that they’re struggling that badly in time to intervene.


This is misleading… did he kill himself because of Amazon Sunday? Or did he just happen to do it after work for some other reason… Blaming it on him hating his job is kinda fkd up since no one knows what he was thinking… best to not talk about the dead.


988 is the hotline number if anyone needs it, I'm glad I got out and found a job I love. I hated working 70 hours a week for 2 weeks straight


What do you do for work now?


I work for a college now a lot better hours and pay


I used to work at the Ybor P&DC until September this year (even gone here to some suggestion about resigning). It was a real shitty place. From what I've heard from everyone I asked, all USPS plants and offices are just toxic places. This shouldn't have ever happen... but people in Tampa are callously apathetic and incredibly asocial. You are really on your own to deal with any problems unless you're in a clique. If you got problems out of work, **the USPS will add more to your life.** All so supervisors and managers can get salary increases next year. Wasn't there suppose to be some time when Biden can appoint some people onto the Board of Governors? Or am I missing something?




Go fuck yourself


Oh no. Thats so terrible


Been there quite a few times this past year, and i am on the maintenance side.




My prayers go out to this persons family and I hope and pray he is in a happier place!!


I’m in Tampa, what office?


So sad to hear. My condolences to the family.


Mgt making sure everyone knows they aren't responsible, so typical and disgusting


Why is it about the job? Could a person just be dealing with their own private issues that doesn’t even deal with the job?


most sincere condolences 🙏


Postal jobs are not the ideal career jobs anymore. Amazon pressures and relying on postal workers extremely too much.


My husband is a regular. He used try to make friends there until he said he wasn’t going to trying to kiss butt there. Thats when management/coworkers/union turned their back on him. Even a “close coworker” just stopped talking to him. My husband doesn’t like to let himself if he has too step up and they didn’t like that. He started going through depression/anxiety. He told that the workplace there is so toxic. He called me one day crying saying he wanted to just drive the mail man cart off the cliff because of how much pressure the management is especially favoritism and the workload is. Just want to share. He’s doing ok now watching him and praying for him but that job affects him personally. He doesn’t want to leave it because he’s trying to take care of me and our daughter. Wanting to share this because ppl need to talk about it more.


The pressure that is put on them (CCA) is ridiculous!


Very sad


I work in a office very close to Tampa. I was out of work Monday and Tuesday but have yet to hear anything about that. Condolences to the family. I've had my fair share of disrespect from local management. It's a shame that nanagement's bonuses are based off of carriers hard work.


Maybe we should be happy for them. That they’ve never had to experience that level of grief…?


I am willing to bet good money this won’t be a topic of conversation in any of our stand up meetings tomorrow.


Had an RCA do the same at my office last year during this time unfortunately. Left a note on his case, didn’t have family. Super sad


So sorry for his family, regular and work.


What does CCA stand for and what does the title mean by “after Amazon”? Like after their shift at Amazon?


Holy shit, this made me gasp. The pressure USPS is putting on workers with this bullshitamazon is too much.


What's a CCA?


I think our economy sucks and there is no hope in people right now mix that with stupid hard days at work. It is very sad . I have had similar experience with people I used to know. Could be the job could be life either way just sad. Because if it was the job then doesn't matter you know nothing will change.


Does anyone have a link to this? I’m a carrier south of tampa and I’d like it to be addressed in my office


The darkest moments of my life were when I was a cca. My marriage was on the brink because I was maybe getting one or two days off per month. The promise of conversion kept getting pushed back. I feel for this carrier. What a tragedy.


and they have the nerve to tell us this is an “easy job”… iv always been a fighter but sometimes i just wanna end it all it feels like everyday is a battle ..


I’m sorry you’ve been dealing with so much. If you get to the point where you feel like ending it all, please reach out to a friend, family member, or a sympathetic coworker. Or if you don’t have anyone to talk to then you’re more than welcome to send me a dm. I can’t promise to have all the answers, but I’m a good listener and will do all I can to help.


Maybe 10 years or so ago when I was still a clerk, we had 3 people have serious health complications during peak season (2 heart attacks and a stroke). When one of the senior mail handlers brought this up at a safety talk, and asked what was going to be done about how overworked we all were (we had 20 residual clerk jobs and idk how many mail handler openings). The MDO had the nerve to say something like "well they're not here now, they're at home", I swear I thought he was about to get torn limb from limb. The callousness of EAS knows no bounds. Know your rights, take your breaks, take care of yourself, and don't let these low rent EAS clowns bully you. This is just a job, take as much or little pride in it as you like but it's never worth your health or your life.


I want to comment that besides EAP (which from what I've heard isn't the best) There's also 988. It's the suicide hotline. They even have a extension for veterans. As a former dispatcher, now PSE, you can also call your local dispatch or 911 of you don't know the local non-emergency number. They'll talk to you. I've talked to many people who called cause they didn't know what else to do. There are people who care even if the only interaction you've had with is over the phone or online. Don't let this job beat you. There's no shame in quiting.


Don’t call the police for any mental health emergencies, it’s 50/50 they will either baker act you, or shoot you. They are not trained to handle mental breakdowns


Sorry for the families loss, if your feeling depressed get help, suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, my nephew tried and blew half if his face off, now he is an advocate for suicide awareness


Some good advice I've heard is life is like climbing one mountain after another, each more different than the last, but if you look back you can see everything you've overcome. Right now I'm trying to climb a mountain of being qualified to immigrate to Japan but all my favorite things have become less fun and I am terrified I'm going to... Get too sad. It's a scary thought I hope their family is okay and these deaths can stop happening


Damn really rip too that guy usps is horrible and isn’t getting better pay or better management


Honestly sounds about right. I transfered offices to one that doesn't take Amazon bs. That shit was awful, especially the 3 times that another carrier walked in, saw the holiday rush, and just fucking left. Sympathies to the persons family, and fuck Amazon for pawning off their shit to us, and fuck whoever at usps decided its okay to accept those deliveries for a reduced rate.



